Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 88 Lockhart is in bad luck

Two vampires, Dracula and Tesla, emerged from the dark moon and appeared together in front of a wooden house that looked very simple, but was also exquisitely repaired.

There is a green lettuce field not far from the wooden house. Almost half of the lettuce seedlings have been harvested, and the remaining lettuce is still green and growing happily under the moonlight.

Seeing this familiar piece of lettuce, Tesla's eyes were deeply touched.

It was these lettuces that made him eat them for a whole week when he was extremely hungry! It was also because these lettuces gave him a little energy supply that he dragged his weak body all the way from Serbia to Romania, and finally sent the valuable information back to Dracula's Castle.


Tesla couldn't control his inner emotion of seeing things and missing people. He stumbled towards the simple wooden house and shouted loudly.

"Robert, are you there? I'm here to visit you!"

Call after call came from his mouth, but no one answered. Tesla's expression was a little confused at first, and then became more and more sentimental and desperate.

Just when he was about to break open the door and enter the wooden house to see what happened to his old friend, the window of the wooden house suddenly opened.

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"Who are you, lying here without sleeping at night?" Robert's old face poked out from the window, looking out the window with an unhappy look on his face, "It's really strange, I have lived in seclusion in such a remote place, why? There are still people doing these bad things that disturb the people in this forest!"

Tesla's sentimental expression froze on his face.

As a vampire, it was extremely normal for him to be active at night, so he subconsciously regarded Robert's sleeping time as daytime, thinking that he should not be resting at this time...

Robert didn't have as good night vision as a vampire. He stuck his head out and looked for a long time, but he didn't see Dracula and Tesla, the two vampires wearing dark clothes.

Seeing no one responded, he cursed and said "bad luck" and then slammed the wooden window in the room shut.

"How should I put it...Although Robert doesn't remember you, we can at least see that he is very confident." Dracula patted Tesla on the shoulder and comforted, "Obviously, the sequelae of the Forgetting Curse do not exist. It didn’t show up on him, so you don’t have to worry about your friend’s safety.”

Tesla listened to Dracula's consolation and nodded somewhat dumbfounded.

But he still didn't want to believe that his old friend who had shared the difficulties together could forget him so hastily.

So Tesla walked to the wooden window outside Robert's room without belief and lightly knocked on the window frame.

"Robert, it's me, Tesla." Tesla said softly, "I'm here to visit you. Can you come out and chat with me for a while?"

After a while, the wooden window was pushed open with a swish.

"Are you the one yelling outside just now?" Robert was shirtless and looked at Tesla in front of the window with a displeased face, "Why don't I go to bed at night and instead come out to chat with you? ? Who do you think you are!"

"Don't you recognize me? I am your friend traveling on the same ship, Tesla!" Tesla said eagerly.

Robert stared at him silently, his eyes moving as if he was thinking and recalling something.

Tesla's eyes flashed with joy, thinking that Robert had recalled the existence of his vampire friend.

However, the next moment, Robert spoke without mercy:

"I don't know where you got my name and my secluded location. But I have to tell you one thing - young people, don't just think about taking shortcuts if you are unwilling to work hard all day long. I stopped being the Auror Captain of the Serbian Ministry of Magic a long time ago, so it’s almost useless for you to try to trick me!”

"Listen to my old man's advice, work hard, and work at the grassroots level for a few more years. When it's your turn, it will naturally be your turn! Think about the time when I started as an ordinary trainee member of the Auror team and have been doing it all the time. It took more than thirty years to become the captain of an Auror team. Did I have any complaints? No!"

"You must have a hard-working spirit like mine, and then the director of the Auror Office will spot you from the crowd! Then you will have the opportunity to stand out, coupled with your long-term training at the grassroots level, you will become like me. The same Auror Captain is definitely not a dream!"

Tesla couldn't help but his eyes twitching as he listened to Robert's tireless and instructive teachings.

In the distance, Dracula was leaning happily against a tree on the hillside in the distance, assuming his classic theater-watching posture - he never expected that he would help his subordinates visit the barren mountains and old forests in the middle of the night. A friend can actually find such great fun!

This is definitely an unexpected surprise!

Robert in the wooden house was still giving a speech. He regarded the young-looking Tesla as a trainee Auror who was eager for success. He thought that he came to such a remote place specially to build a relationship with the former Auror captain, and imagined that he could rise to the top through the relationship with the old captain.

"Young man, I won't care about you interrupting my rest this time. But you must remember what I said to you today! Only by enduring hardship can you become a master!"

After saying that, the shirtless Robert patted Tesla's shoulder solemnly, and then closed the window of the room heavily.

The air became extremely quiet for a moment.

Tesla looked at the closed wooden window in front of him and felt a little want to laugh when he thought of Robert's heartfelt words just now.

But the mood in his heart was very low. He knew that this good friend who had saved his life and rafted on the Danube together had really forgotten him.

Dracula walked slowly from a distance, looked at Tesla's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and looking like crying but not crying, and sighed softly.

"Tesla, what are your plans now?" he asked.

When Tesla saw Dracula's arrival, he silently turned his head and wiped the tiny tears from the corners of his eyes to calm down his complicated emotions.

"I made you laugh, Lord Dracula." He said softly, "I wonder if in your hands... there are any clues about the villain who erased Robert's memory. I will definitely take blood for blood and avenge him!"

"Well... I don't just have clues here." Dracula said with a chuckle, "In fact, I have found the wizard who erased Robert's memory. It was from him that I learned that there was such a person as Robert. How dare you make friends with a vampire.”

"Besides, you don't have to worry too much about finding someone. I've already arrested the wizard..."

Speaking of the word "catch", the words in Dracula's mouth suddenly stopped. He remembered a very crucial question——

In the evening, he received an emergency signal from Serena and became very anxious. So he completely ignored Lockhart who was still following him at the time, left the Danube River in an instant, and went to Brown Castle in Romania...

In other words, Lockhart, who had lost his memory, seemed to have been thrown on the bank of the Danube River by him!

The Danube River at night looks thin and fragmented under the starry sky.

Countless starlights were crushed into the ripples of the river. The gentle breeze blew by, causing ripples layer by layer. A few leaves floated up and down on the lake, adding some trivial flaws to the bright star points.

Just beside such a beautiful river, there lay a dirty man wearing only a pair of shorts.

This man's face and hair were covered with dried, hard khaki soil, and his whole body was covered in a dusty color, as if he had been rolled countless times on the dirty ground. .

Nonetheless, if you look carefully, you may be able to vaguely make out his beautiful face and facial features, as well as his golden hair covered with hair wax.

When Dracula and Tesla came to the bank of the Danube River, what they saw was this scene——

Lockhart fell to the ground, covered in dirt, grunting in pain from time to time. But because Dracula forgot to break the spell that silenced him, his lips were still stuck together and he couldn't shout out happily, which added to the desolation.

"Lord Dracula, this subordinate is too stupid and I don't understand why you brought me here to find such a down-and-out homeless man." Tesla looked at Lockhart lying on the ground, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't bear it. asked Dracula.

Even with the look in Dracula's eyes, he hesitated for a long time before he could barely recognize that this was Lockhart. At this time, he had no idea where to start.

"Well..." he said depressingly, "I don't know how to explain it to you, but the homeless man you talk about is actually the wizard who erased Robert's memory..."

Looking at Lockhart's current situation, not to mention Tesla, Dracula is also in a state of confusion.

He didn't understand how Lockhart managed to get himself into this state in just a few hours...

"Ah?" After listening to Dracula's explanation, Tesla couldn't help but screamed in shock, "Is Robert having his memory wiped out by such a guy?"

Tesla felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that Robert would be tricked by such a miserable homeless man.

At this time, Lockhart also raised his head because of Tesla's scream and saw Dracula approaching.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh! Uh-huh--"

His lips were stuck together and he could only shout with his mouth closed. He stood up crying and rushed towards Dracula with tears in his eyes.

Dracula stretched out his hand in disgust, fixed Lockhart one foot in front of him, and at the same time released the silencing spell on his mouth.


His cries can be considered heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and painful to the bone. It makes anyone who sees it sad and those who hear it cry...

"Okay, okay, tell me what happened tonight. How did you get yourself into this?" Seeing him crying so sadly, Dracula was too embarrassed to speak harshly anymore, so he could only He asked in a child-friendly tone.

After crying for a while, Lockhart sobbed and trembled and told Dracula what happened before.

"Where did you go before? Why did you leave me alone?!" He let the tears and snot flow into his mouth and cried loudly, "Not long after you left, I felt very hungry. But I I don’t dare to go far, for fear that I won’t find anyone when I come back. So I just dare to look for something nearby to fill my stomach..."

Lockhart is indeed a well-known writer in the wizarding world. Even if he has lost his memory, his storytelling ability is still quite outstanding——

It turned out that in order to maintain his best image, Lockhart didn't even eat anything during the tea party held at Mrs. Puddy's Tea House. He stayed on an empty stomach from morning to afternoon, put on a tight robe with a good figure, and showed up. In front of his fans.

At night, Lockhart, who had not eaten all day, instinctively felt hungry even though he had lost his memory. But now he doesn't know anyone, he doesn't have any opinions, and he doesn't dare to leave Dracula, his only backbone.

When Dracula received the urgent message and left the Danube River, Lockhart felt unprecedentedly panicked and did not dare to go far at all. He only dared to look for food nearby to fill his stomach.

His luck was pretty good, there happened to be a few young guys having a picnic on the river bank. So Lockhart looked shy and gestured with his hands, trying to beg for some food from their hands.

However, these young men are not good at all. Most of them are little gangsters on the street who bully others and hate others.

The gangsters asked Lockhart for money on the spot.

But where could Lockhart have Muggle coins? He rummaged around and found a few gold galleons in his pocket, thinking that these gold coins could be exchanged for enough food.

However, it was these pure gold currencies that made the gangsters have evil intentions.

They surrounded Lockhart, beat him viciously, and then searched him all over. These gangsters found a total of more than a dozen gold coins and several silver coins from Lockhart, which made them very excited.

Moreover, during the search, the gangsters also discovered that the material of Lockhart's robes was not of the highest quality. So they were cruel and took off all Lockhart's clothes. Finally, they kindly gave him a pair of shorts, and then walked away.

After hearing Lockhart's story, Dracula was deeply moved.

Who would have thought that a well-known writer in the magical world who was so proud in the morning and the dream lover of many witches would suddenly turn into a pitiful creature bullied by gangsters at night?

He turned to look at Tesla beside him.

"You see, this wizard has lost his past memory, and his brain is probably completely damaged." Dracula said, "Now I leave him to you, you can take revenge as you want, I won't interfere."

Tesla looked at the embarrassed Lockhart who was frozen next to him and was silent for a long time.

"Forget it." He sighed and said softly, "He has learned enough lessons. To take revenge on him under such circumstances would make me lose my noble dignity as a vampire."

"Are you sure?" Dracula asked with a chuckle.

"Well, I'm sure." Tesla nodded, "I have other things to do, so there's no need to waste my time on a fool."

He turned around and walked in the direction of Robert's cabin.

"Master Dracula, thank you very much for telling me this. Otherwise, I might not know until Robert passes away. He has lost all his memories of me." Tesla took two steps and suddenly stopped. He turned around and bowed solemnly to Dracula.

"Also, can I ask you and Master Alcatel for a period of leave? I want to attend to some personal matters."

Dracula looked at Tesla's persistent expression with interest, chuckled, and nodded to him.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Dracula!" Tesla bowed deeply again.

Then, he walked towards Robert's cabin with firm eyes.

Tesla stayed under the eaves of Robert's cabin until dawn.

The sun slowly rose from the hills to the east, bringing a glow, and the layers of clouds in the distance reflected a strange light, shining into Robert's wooden window.

As an old man living alone in seclusion, Robert had a very accurate biological clock. He got up on time, opened the wooden door, and walked out carrying a sickle.

Looking at the bright sunshine, he yawned sleepily.

I had a good sleep last night, but I was woken up by a young man who came from nowhere.

Robert was a little depressed.

Really, how can you get close to someone at night when others are resting? Such a young man with no vision will definitely not be able to please his boss, so he should rely on his unremitting efforts to make progress!

Robert was very satisfied with his teaching last night. He couldn't help but smile happily, humming an old song, and walked towards the other half of the lettuce field that had not been harvested yesterday.

Looking at the green lettuce seedlings, he felt even more comfortable. These simple crops could bring him spiritual comfort.

"Robert." At this moment, a voice called to him.

Robert turned around in confusion and looked under the eaves - there was a figure wearing formal clothes, with three-quarter hair and a goatee, standing in the shadow of the eaves without sunlight.

"Young man, didn't I say that? I am no longer the Auror Captain!" Seeing the young man he met last night, Robert said helplessly, "And how can anyone be so close to you? No matter how bad it is, you should have a couple. Three days, come back when the leader has almost forgotten you!"

"I'm telling you, young people like you should work hard at the grassroots level and hone your skills..."

"Actually... I'm not here to get close to you." Tesla interrupted Robert's tirade and said with a smile.

"Oh?" Robert was stunned for a moment.

"I'm a little hungry and haven't found anything to eat." Tesla looked at Robert deeply and said softly,

"Robert, can I have two lettuces?"

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