Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 184 Year-End Banquet! Special Contribution Award!

Year-end banquet.

It can be said to be the happiest time in the whole Hogwarts.

And not just because of the sumptuous dinner at the dinner party.

The key is..…………

After this supper.

Even if it's officially a holiday!

Obsession with holidays.

Whether it's the Muggle world or the wizarding world.

That's all consistent!

At least from tonight onwards.

There is no need to immerse yourself in heavy studies for a long time!

Moreover, because the final grades have not yet been announced.

Therefore, the test results will not affect everyone tonight.

When Blake came to the auditorium.

It was found that the entire auditorium had turned yellow.

Badger-shaped flags were hung on the surrounding walls.

no doubt.

This year's Academy Cup champion is Hufflepuff with the most points.

And Slytherin's six consecutive championships came to an end...  

So, face the smiling Professor Sprout.

Snape could only force an ugly smile on his face...

By the time Blake sat down.

Marcus suddenly ran over and squeezed Cedric away.

A strong boy is now crying "pear blossoms bring rain".

"Thank you... Blake... because of you, we finally won a house Quidditchlin championship!"

"And, there is also a Academy Cup champion!"

"Thank you...... Blake, you let me have no regrets."

Blake felt a little sad too.

This school year is Marcus' last year at Hogwarts.

Tonight is the year-end banquet.

It was also the graduation dinner for Marcus's class of seventh graders.

In other words, we won't be able to see him next year.

"Marcus, don't be like this, you should be happy tonight.

Blake patted Marcus on the shoulder.

"You're right, Blake, I should be having fun tonight."

Marcus grinned, showing an ugly grin.

However, for Hogwarts

He has left his entire youth here.

How could there be no regrets?

"Hey..... I really don't want to part with it. Besides, after I graduate, I won't be able to see you guys anymore."

"Blake, you're going to be the captain of the Hufflepuff team! 17

Blake pointed to his nose and said in surprise:

"Me? I'll be the captain? But I'm only in the second grade next year!"

"When did you ever see a captain with a second grade?"

The captains of the academy team are generally old players.

There was never a second-year captain.

After all, most people don't join the Quidditch team until their second year.

Sophomore player.

100% are newcomers.

Even if someone forcibly appoints the captain.

Not convincing enough either.

"Others may not be able to convince the crowd."

"But you can. Blake..."

"Well, I would have made Cedric captain without you, but..."

"Since you're here, there's nothing wrong with him!"

Blake gave Cedric a puzzled look.

"It's not good..."

"What's wrong? Cedric! Do you have a problem?"

Seeing Marcus stare, Cedric couldn't help shaking.

Marcus can't beat Blake though.

But pressing him is still simple.


He is really convinced that Blake will be the captain.

"I don't know tactics..." Blake said.

Then I saw Marcus's half-smile expression.

"Aren't the tactics simple?"

The corners of Blake's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

Of course he knew Marcus' tactics.

Blake scores and everyone else plays.

Then Cedric catches the golden snitch

After a few people chatted for a while.

Blake asked suddenly.

"Marcus, what do you plan to do after graduation?"

Marcus's mood immediately became depressed.

"I would have liked to go to Puuldmere United for a goalkeeping trial, but...

"I didn't even get a tryout."

As a Quidditch (bdch) player.

Marcus' strength is still very good.

But his talents are indeed limited.

The strength is also far from that of a real professional player.

So, brutal as it is.

But Marcus had to say goodbye to his favorite Quidditch sport with regret.

Blake stroked his clean chin and looked at Marcus.

Marcus was uncomfortable with his stare.

She couldn't help covering her neckline with her hands.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Blake froze slightly.

Then he said angrily, "What are you thinking!"

"I just thought, maybe there's another job that's right for you..."

Marcus was silent for a while.

"I know you're doing it for my own good, but...

Blake knew what he meant.

This is unwillingness to be eliminated.

However, this is also normal.

"All right……………"

"If you still can't realize your dream."

"You can come to me."

Dumbledore was in the Great Hall in no time.

Blake noticed.

Dumbledore seated Nagini in the staff chair as well.

It's at the edge of the long table.

Just right next to Hagrid.

As the newly appointed store manager of the school canteen.

It is also a member of the school staff.

There is no objection to this arrangement.

She caught Blake's gaze quickly.

Then returned a sweet smile.

Dumbledore stood up and began his annual speech.

"Another year has passed! Before I indulge in these delicacies, I must trouble everyone to listen to the platitudes of a bad old man..."

...Now, we will first conduct the awarding ceremony of the Academy Cup...."

"But before again, I need to hand out a special award."

Dumbledore paused.

Then he went on to say: "I believe everyone has heard of an incident that happened not long ago."

"Yes, I have to commend a few additional students first."

"Let me see... the first one, Mr. Ronald Weasley...  

Same as the original plot.

Dumbledore started his extra points.

Blake wasn't panicking at all.

Because no matter how much Dumbledore gets points.

Gryffindor's score is also unlikely to surpass Hufflepuff.

What's more, the biggest hero in this matter is him.

Since Harry and the others have added points, will he not add points?

At this time, Ronald who was mentioned by name.

All of a sudden, his face flushed with excitement.

Like a sun-dried carrot.

I have to say, for him who has always been ordinary.

Tonight can be said to be his rare highlight moment.

"...he won the best game of chess at Hogwarts in years.

"For this, I award Gryffindor House fifty points."

The young wizards of Gryffindor immediately cheered.

Even Patsy, who was always serious, couldn't hold back.

He was telling the other prefects loudly: "This is my brother!"

"You know it! My youngest brother!"

"He successfully passed Professor McGonagall's giant chessboard array!"

When people fall into great joy.

Some things that are not usually exposed will be exposed involuntarily.

For example, Patsy...

So, while the Gryffindors rejoice.

Blake watched the men silently.

And silently wrote down some of their things...

Grindelwald had told him.

To control people's hearts, you have to know what they desire....

Although Blake didn't want to be a Dark Lord.

But remembering these things will always be useful in the future.

Anyway, his memory is amazing.

Because of Blake.

Hermione wasn't involved in the incident.

So, it was Harry's turn next.

"Second place...Harry Potter!"

"He has shown nothing but daring courage and extraordinary courage in this matter!"

"But there are not many people who can keep their hearts in front of the things they encounter.

"So, I'm awarding Gryffindor House sixty points!"

I don't know how many people succumbed to Voldemort back then.

But Harry was able to keep his heart under Voldemort's coercion.

This did make Dumbledore very happy.

Although his plan ultimately failed.

But the reason for the plan's failure was his own, not Harry's.

Therefore, it should be given.

The noise was deafening.

The reason is actually very simple.

Because it is calculated according to the original score.

Gryffindor, as always, is in last place!

Don't ask why Gryffindor always comes last.

I understand everything...

The third place is Ravenclaw, and the second place is Slytherin.

But now...after a wave of bonus points.

Gryffindor's score has directly surpassed the second place Slytherin.

It doesn't matter if you don't get the first place, if you can get rid of the world enemy Slytherin, it's a victory!


Dumbledore had to wait an extra minute.

Only then did the auditorium become quiet again.

In the sad eyes of Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Dumbledore spoke again.

"There are many types of courage. Against the enemy we need superhuman courage."

"It also takes a lot of courage to stand your ground in front of your friends!

"Therefore, I would like to award Mr. Neville Longbottom ten points at the end!"

The cheers sounded again.

Blake looked at the flushed Neville with some surprise.

Didn't expect Hermione not to participate.

Neville still stood up and prevented Harry and Ronald from going out late at night.

However, Neville still had a piece of gauze wrapped around his forehead at this time...

Well, no comfort charms for Hermione.

Come to think of it, Harry and the others might be using a physical version of the swooning place?

Well, Madam Pomfrey can't be cured right away if the ladle is opened, right?

Neville's face was pale now, full of disbelief.

He never won a single point for Gryffindor...

Even Hufflepuff's little wizard was applauding for Neville after thinking about it.

Neville got extra points!

This is literally making history...

Wait until everyone has been making noise for a while.

Dumbledore raised his hand again, beckoning everyone to be quiet, and bringing peace back to the hall.

"Then...the last person...I think everyone knows who it is."

"Blake Green!"

"Loyal, brave, smart....."


Quirrell, who showed his true colors and tried to seduce him with great interest, was not lost!"

"Instead of cleverly finding a way to stall Quirrell and find a way to deliver the letter to me.

"Finally, a valiant duel with Quirrell!"

"And successfully defeated Quirrell! Successfully saved Harry's life, and also saved the Philosopher's Stone! 11

"Therefore, I announce that Blake Green will receive the Special Contribution Award from the school!"

"And, Blake will also be Hogwarts since its founding."

"The youngest recipient of the Special Contribution Award! 11

"Boom!" Cheers resounded throughout the auditorium.

Although in these days, everyone has heard about it.

But the rumors that echoed others' opinions lost a bit of truth after all.

But today, everyone was confirmed by Dumbledore!

A first-year little wizard!

Won a one-on-one duel with the Dark Wizard!

Protected the lives of classmates and the property of the school!

This kind of experience is for the little wizards to listen to.

It's almost like listening to a story!

And it's a legendary story!

For a while, Blake could only hear the system notification beeping continuously!

Blake had to lower his head and show Newt's shy smile...

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