Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 389 Blake: Only Children Make Choices, I Want Them All!

"I was careless...I didn't flash...but...it didn't feel right..."

Blake wiped his mouth.

"Ahem...Don't be fooled by sugar-coated bullets!"

"There's something wrong with Cassandra today! Something very wrong!"

Cassandra's abnormality today finally made Blake wary.

You know, at the beginning, Blake kissed her cheek and asked her if she liked him.

She kept denying it, so why did she suddenly figure it out today?

And the offensive was so fierce that even Blake felt a little overwhelmed!

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if she suddenly had an epiphany and suddenly figured it out.

Then if she finds some time in private and avoids everyone, wouldn’t it be better for me?

Blake imagined that if he were Cassandra, he would definitely drag the person he wanted to express his love to to a remote place where no one was around.

Cassandra, who has mastered the Dimension Gate, can easily do this.

But Kassandra chose to do it openly, and even set herself up in front of Mr. Weasley.

The most important thing is, why did she drag Hermione along before she confessed her love to him?

Is it just to stimulate the opponent?

Blake thought about it and realized that he didn't take the initiative just now, and even took the initiative to pull it.

If you just wanted to stimulate Hermione specifically, then the effect would only last a few days at most.

She put in so much effort and got such little reward...

He didn't even agree to her confession.

But she still looked indifferent...

The contribution does not match the income, but still calm.

That proves that this income is only superficial!

In other words, after "sneak attack" on herself, she already got what she wanted!

Blake rubbed his chin and thought.

"So, what exactly is it that she's got?"

He raised his head and scanned the surroundings with his eyes of truth.

Found Cassandra gone.

Moreover, Hermione and her family disappeared into the zoo.

Apparently, they all used the dimensional door to leave.

In a vast sea of ​​white clouds.

A small section of the mountain peak popped up, like a small island.

But on the seemingly desolate mountain peak, there are two exquisite stone chairs.

Hermione sat silently on the chair on the right, quietly looking at the magnificent sea of ​​clouds in front of her.

This place was where Blake brought her last time.

At that time, Blake sat next to him and looked at the sea of ​​clouds together.

But now...she is the only one.

In front of her, the stone coffee table that Blake made last time was still there.

That time, he got a pot of hot tea from somewhere...

At this time, there was no hot tea on the stone.

There is only one quaint book.

The pages of the book were turning gently in the breeze.

Revealing the prominent bold text on one of the pages.

"The Unbreakable Vow Spell......"

Hermione continued to look at the sea of ​​clouds.

But her eyes are slowly turning red...

There is no other way…………

After using the dimensional door to go to the restricted book area of ​​Hogwarts to find this book and browse it, she became desperate.

Cassandra and her Unbreakable Vow spell.

Although it has not yet been upgraded to a "blood alliance".

However, it is not something she can solve...

In other words...she is really out...

Hermione's heart ached and regretted.

Now, she no longer has the strength to resent anyone, as if all her strength has been taken away.

She didn't regret her bet with Cassandra.

She only regrets now that she didn't have the courage like Cassandra when she made the bet...

If you were the one who went to Blake. Then he rejected himself harshly.

So, will you feel better now?

"Although it's summer now, it's still cold on the top of the mountain. You should wear more clothes.

A familiar voice sounded from the side.

Pulling Hermione out of her thoughts.

Blake also appeared on the hilltop.

He knew she was here.

Hermione's eyes were red, and when she saw Blake, she felt an impulse in her heart.

She wanted to run into Blake's arms!

Even if you are pushed right away...


As soon as this thought came up in Hermione's mind, she felt something suddenly tighten in her left hand!

She turned to look at her left hand in shock.

I saw several bloody chains appearing on my left hand!

The chain is still shrinking.

And just as they shrink.

Hermione felt like the energy in her body was being sucked away continuously!

She had a terrifying premonition.

If she continues like this, she will die in a short time!

Hermione covered her left hand, took a deep look at Blake, and instantly opened the latitude door and left the top of the mountain...

When Blake saw the chain on Hermione's hand, he understood what was going on.

"The Unbreakable Vow Spell..."

He finally understood what Cassandra had gained.

Cassandra and Hermione make an Unbreakable Vow!

Then banish Hermione from his side!

Blake didn't catch up to Hermione.

Because he knew that the Unbreakable Vow Spell was still there.

Then his approach will only hurt Hermione!

Blake picked up the forbidden book on the stone table.

The pads of his fingers rubbed the yellowed paper.

"...What a naughty girl..."

Cassandra wasn't worried at all about Blake discovering the Unbreakable Vow spell.

Because she knows Blake!

She understands that this is a troublesome guy!

Precisely because she knew Blake, she believed that Blake was reluctant to leave her.

If it was because of Hermione, Blake stayed away from him.

Then Blake will get neither of them!

Now, at least...he can still have himself...

Therefore, she was sure that Blake could only hold his nose and accept the result!

"If you don't want to make a choice, if you want it all... then I have to make the choice for you.

"So, who should you choose as your next target?"

Cassandra had a smile on her face.

Half of her face was hidden in the shadows of the room, making her smile look a little weird...


The curtains of confinement were suddenly pulled open!

The bright sunshine instantly shone on Cassandra's somewhat surprised face!

The strange darkness in the room was instantly dispersed at this moment.

at the window.

There is one more familiar figure.

The sun shone on his calm face and body.

Make him look like he is glowing.

"You...you know?" Cassandra said with a guilty conscience.

It's one thing to imagine, but it's another thing to face it face to face...

Kassandra's heart was full of uneasiness, and her previous confidence was melting away like snow hitting the sun...

What if he really doesn’t want me?

What I did was actually... very excessive...

Blake turned around and slowly walked towards Cassandra.

He pointed gently at the door.


The room door was locked instantly.

Cassandra's heart tightened.

But he still stood up calmly and faced Blake head-on.

Next time she comes to this level, she will definitely pass it...

This had already occurred to her when she thought of making an unbreakable vow to Hermione!

Strictly speaking, she is also gambling...

Bet Blake won't let her go...

In this case, Hermione, the most threatening opponent, is gone.

In Hogwarts, no girl can be my rival.

Finally, Blake walked half a meter in front of her.

"Yeah, I understand." Blake calmly responded to Cassandra's question just now.

Blake took another step forward.

At this time, he was very close to Cassandra...

Cassandra's heart raced.

She doesn't know what's going on, but she feels that Blake is very different today than before!

If we say (bia) in the past, Blake was sunny and easy-going.

So now Blake is very oppressive!

Make Cassandra fearful!

However, she still stood there firmly, refusing to take a step back.

Blake suddenly raised his right hand.

The tense Cassandra shrank her head involuntarily.

However, Blake didn't slap her or anything.

He just stretched out his hand and stroked her silky golden hair.

"I'm honored and happy that you like me... but I don't like your approach..."

"Hermione is my friend...you shouldn't hurt her."

"I...I didn't hurt her...I just...just didn't want her to get too close to you...As long as she doesn't get close to you, she won't be hurt!"

Cassandra suddenly took a bold step forward.

She slowly leaned her face against Blake's chest.

To her delight, Blake did not avoid herself!

Blake lowered his right hand from her hair and took her left hand.

"Sometimes people get hurt in their hearts, Cassandra..."

"There won't be another time. Please remember that the people around me are the bottom line...including you.

Cassandra was ecstatic when she heard this, thinking that Hermione's affair with Blake had been revealed!

As long as he is willing to expose it, then Hermione, who has an unbreakable vow, will really be out of the game!

However, before Cassandra's happy expression disappeared, it was frozen on her face.

Because she clearly felt that her left hand was getting cold!

Cassandra suddenly raised her left hand.

I discovered that the bloody chains formed by the Unbreakable Oath Spell were gradually dissipating!

"You...you...how is it possible..."

The Unbreakable Vow Spell was broken by Blake just like that?

Blake tucked the wishful wand back into his sleeve.

It’s just me, have you ever seen anything difficult for me?”

Cassandra looked at her smooth left hand in frustration.

All her plans were like jokes in front of Blake.

"I failed..." Kassandra said dejectedly.

"No...you actually succeeded. At least...part of it."


Blake leaned right in!

Feeling the moist heat on her lips, Cassandra felt as if her head was exploding.

It's one thing to take the initiative yourself, but it's another thing to be taken by others...

However, Cassandra didn't last long.

The hands gradually changed from pressing against Blake's chest to hugging his waist...


Hermione, who was hiding in her room and crying silently, felt a sharp pain in her left hand.

Immediately afterwards, the Unbreakable Vow Spell that had made her extremely sad just now disappeared!

"How...how is it possible..."

After Hermione was shocked, there was a catastrophe

Joy for the rest of my life!

As for how to undo this seemingly unbreakable spell.

She also had the answer in her heart at this time.

Yes, what else is difficult to keep him in?

He is so excellent, so outstanding that he is too dazzling...

"Hermione, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, Mom, I just bumped my foot accidentally...

Cassandra leaned into Blake's arms, breathing heavily.

Blake's kiss just now was so long that she almost fainted.

Blake held the limp Cassandra in his arms.

Suddenly he said: "I actually have two masks.

Cassandra raised her head and looked into Blake's face.

Half of his face was illuminated by the sun, while the other half was in shadow.

"I have a lot of friends... they are black and white."

"Therefore, my masks are also black and white. N

Cassandra listened quietly without interrupting Blake.

"I have two fathers. One of them is black and the other is white."

Cassandra suddenly said: "So, are you planning to show me your black mask now?"

"Do you want to see it?"

"Even if once you see it, it will never become white again?"

Kassandra suddenly smiled: "If you want me to be white, I will be white; if you want me to be black, I will be black..."

"You don't have to be like this..."

"I just want to know your true face..."

Blake thought for a while, "Okay...my real face should be gray.

"Okay, then I will also be gray from now on!"

"You want to say, you can do whatever I do?"

"Yes! Even if you are a bad guy! I will stick to you!"

"You agree to whatever I want?!"

"That's right!" Cassandra, who had lost her shyness and arrogance emotionally, was as enthusiastic as the sunshine of the real sun.

Blake smiled evilly and said, "Then I want a lot of girls."

Cassandra's smile froze: "You...you bad guy! How can you be so carefree!"

"You said I'm a bad guy. If I'm not bad, can I be called an egg?"

Cassandra gritted her teeth and wanted to kick this carefree bastard away.

But she now knows very well that she can no longer live without this bastard...

"Then...I have to be the one you love the most..."

"I'm sorry, I can't guarantee... I said, only children make choices, I want them all!"

"You! Bastard! You know how to bully me! Are you even reluctant to say a coaxing word?!"

"Who told you to be so naughty?"

"Then...then can you promise me that my position in your heart...at least...is higher than Granger's!"

Blake took another step closer, close enough to feel Cassandra's hot breath.

"Then...it depends on your performance..."

"You...what do you want..."

ps: My father will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and I can finally touch my keyboard again!

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