Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 440 Speech? It's Over, I Feel Like Something Is Wrong With Me!

nine in the morning.

Blake and Dumbledore arrived at the Ministry of Magic on time.

And at the reception desk at the entrance to the Ministry of Magic.

Blake met Sirius.

Today, Sirius also wore a set of exquisite clothes.

It's just that this outfit seems a little inappropriate.

"Did you notice that too?"

Sirius patted his clothes.

"I can't help it. I just went back home recently. Since I haven't been home for a long time, this is the only set of clothes I can see that is still in good condition.

"This dress fit me very well..."

The current Sirius has been imprisoned in Azkaban for so many years.

After escaping, there were only a few days before I could have enough to eat.

I have long since become thin and out of shape.

Clothes that used to fit me well are now a lot looser.

"It's not a big problem, Sirius."

Blake pointed her wand at his clothes.


The clothes that seemed a little loose immediately tightened up.

Sirius moved his arms and legs in surprise.

Then I discovered that the clothes that were still very loose before had become as fit as the tailor-made ones.

"Oh...what kind of curse is this?"

"Can you teach me this spell?"

Blake put away his wand and said: "Magic is originally the power of idealism, how can there be any magic spell?"

As long as he thinks like this in his heart, the wishful wand will help him complete the magic.

In fact, magic is really idealistic, a bit similar to "the power of my thoughts"

Charms are just a means to enhance this power.

The wish-fulfilling wand is equivalent to helping Blake directly omit the step of casting spells.

Turned all of Blake's magic into silent spells.

"Magic is the power of idealism... Well, this statement seems to be correct..."

Dumbledore couldn't help but stroke his beard.

In the next second, his days that were originally counting suddenly became as smooth as Guan Gong's beard.

"Aha! I think I have mastered your magic."

Dumbledore happily stroked his silky white beard.

"As long as the will is strong enough, magic can appear... Oops... Blake, you have come into contact with the essence of magic."

Blake looked at Dumbledore's white beard that suddenly became softer, and couldn't help but make a tactical retreat.

"You've learned it now?"

Dumbledore stroked his beard and said with a smile: "After all, you are so powerful, I can't be too weak, right?

Sirius looked at the two guys in front of him, an old man and a young man, who were mastering magic.

I couldn't help but touch my clothes too.

But... nothing happened...

Gee, these guys are really...

"Albus...you are here, come in quickly!" Dean Bohan walked out of the Ministry of Magic.

He is Blake's nominee, and of course he will come to today's ceremony.

Just when several people were about to follow Dean Bohan in.

A Ministry of Magic employee at the reception said: "Please wait a moment, visitors coming through the visitor's entrance need to register their wands.

Dean Bohan pointed at Dumbledore, "You should know him...

"Uh, sorry, of course I know Professor Dumbledore, but these two..."

The clerk said a little embarrassed.

requirements for this employee.

Blake didn't say much.

Even if they are here to receive honors, they are still visitors.

Anyway, just register the wand and there is no need to have any conflicts with the magic staff.

After all, people are in trouble too.

To be honest, if Blake really wants to do something, it's hard to say whether he needs a wand or not.

Moreover, just his magic wand...

You can change your appearance at any time, so your registration is in vain.

Blake handed over his wand.

After the clerk took it, he looked at Sirius again.

Sirius waved his hands and said:

"Don't look at me...I don't have a wand right now..."

"Unless the Ministry of Magic originally agreed that the prisoners of Azkaban should bring their own wands to the prison.

Sirius had lost his wand while in prison.

However, even if it is not lost, under the circumstances at that time, it can only be the fate of being cut off.

Of course the clerk knew who Sirius was.

So, I didn’t care about his weird words.

To be reasonable, he has been wronged for more than ten years, and he is full of resentment.

The clerk took Blake's wand and looked at it carefully.

But the quill held in his right hand never landed on the paper.

Because he found that he couldn't recognize the material of this wand!

He was placed in this position because of his research on wandology.

No matter what kind of wand it is, he can tell at a glance what the wand is made of and what its core is...

In fact, if he hadn't gotten this good job with a staff at the Ministry of Magic.

He could become a wandmaker.

But now...he can't see the material of this wand at all!

Not to mention the hidden core of the stick, he couldn't even tell what material the stick body was made of!

It doesn't even have any magic power like a wand.

To be honest, if he hadn't just seen Blake using it to cast a spell.

He thought Blake had taken a small stick to tease him.

"Uh... Excuse me, what is this wand of yours made of?"

The clerk was sweating profusely and didn't realize what kind of wand it was.

I had no choice but to ask awkwardly.

"Oh...it's ebony, Du Xin is like a phoenix feather." Blake opened his mouth.

"Hiss...it's impossible..." the clerk frowned and said: "If it's really ebony...wait...

The Ministry of Magic employee had an extremely confused expression on his face.

Because he just discovered it when he checked again.

Just now he couldn't see the material of the wand at all.

Now I can see it clearly!

He turned it over and looked at it several times before finally confirming it.

Just after Blake said those words, the wand really turned into an ebony body and a phoenix tail feather core.

He has worked in the Ministry of Magic for so many years and has never seen anything like this before.

However, when I saw Sirius's impatient expression.

He swallowed the question and immediately wrote it down with the quill in his right hand.

"Ebony... Phoenix tail feather core... Fifteen inches, very long, very elastic..."

After registration, the Ministry of Magic employee handed the wand back to Blake's subordinate.

After Blake entered, he was still looking at the direction where Blake disappeared in a daze.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

An ordinary-looking wizard with a dull expression appeared behind him.

"Did you get the data on his wand?"

"What... Oh, I got it." The clerk pointed out Blake's wand data.

The ordinary-looking wizard took one look and was about to leave.


"Is there anything else?" the wizard asked impatiently.

"I also want to say... His wand is very weird... This is definitely not an ordinary wand!"

Blake looked at the beautiful small garden in front of him with some surprise on his face.

Unexpectedly, the Ministry of Magic is hidden underground in London, but it has built such a small open-air garden.

Of course, Blake could see that the somewhat gloomy sky was actually a projection of the sky outside.

This is not actually outdoors.

Just like the starry sky ceiling in Hogwarts Great Hall at night.

At this time, many people have gathered here.

According to Dumbledore's introduction, most of the people here are members of the Wizengamot.

Blake noticed that most of these people were old men and women.

But there are also some young faces.

Suddenly, Blake felt a malicious gaze.

He turned around and met the man's eyes.

He was a thin, middle-aged wizard with a very abstract appearance.

It's just a face with bumps and bumps, and it also has a flat nose.

The two eyes are also one big and the other small...

If those big ears were a little bigger, Blake would suspect that this guy is a house elf plus version...

To be fair, in front of this man, even Mr. Filch could be called handsome.

Moreover, his clothes did not fit him well, and he also wore several large gold rings on his hands.

Like a nouveau riche who suddenly became rich.

The middle-aged man looked at Blake for a moment, then sneered and turned his sinister gaze away.

Blake pulled the sleeve of a kind old man next to him.

"Hello sir, may I ask, is that Mr. Shafiq over there?"

The old man turned around and saw Blake, and immediately recognized him as one of the protagonists of today's medal ceremony.

After all, on this occasion, there is no one else but him at such a young age.

But why does this kid look familiar?

Maybe it's because of the resemblance to young Dumbledore?

"Yes, boy, it is indeed Clarence Shafiq."

"Thank you, old gentleman, you are so kind." Blake's mouth felt like it was smeared with honey.

"Haha..." The old man seemed very happy to be praised by Blake.

"My name is Effias Dorje, an old school friend of Professor Dumbledore's. I'm also a special advisor to the Wizengamot.

...Please give me flowers...

...Blake, can I just call you that?"

Blake nodded and felt so close!"

An old classmate of Dumbledore's at Hogwarts?

Speaking of which, at that time, those who could become friends with Dumbledore were certainly outstanding people among the younger generation at that time.

For example... Grindelwald at that time...

What's more.........this is Dumbledore's peer!

None of the old wizards who can live to such a long age are weak!

"Blake, don't worry about that guy Shafiq."

Dorje said kindly.

"Those pure-blood families have some problems with their brains.

"Just ignore them."

"Today is your good day, don't let these people affect your good mood."

Blake understood that Duoji was completely comforting him from the perspective of an elder.

Worried about being influenced by those guys.

For this, he was still very grateful.

"Don't worry, I'm not easily influenced by others.

Blake could guess that the guy was Shafiq entirely because of his appearance...

The Shafiq family was almost completely lost in history.

It's because of their die-hard loyalty to the pure-blood theory.

to the end

The population is thin and oddly shaped.

In fact, they are all the consequences of incest marriage.

Blake thinks these guys are just too honest.

They really believe in the pure blood theory.

Not like the Malfoys.

On the surface, pure blood is supreme, but in fact, their ancestors have a close relationship with Muggles.


He even married a Muggle.

Therefore, they will not be as declining as the Shafiq family now.

Now, Shafiq is so hostile to Blake, and Blake actually expected it.

After all, Dumbledore took Sirius and the others directly into the Ministry of Magic with the "teleportation point" he invented.

As a result, Shafiq's plan failed, and the goblin behind him became very dissatisfied with him.

So, after Dumbledore said that the teleportation point was Blake's invention, of course Shafik hated Blake.

It was not his invention. It would not be easy for Sirius to enter the Ministry of Magic.

Dorje took Blake and talked for a while with several Wizengamot members who were close to Dumbledore.

Then Dumbledore, wearing his fairy-like white beard, walked onto the stage and began to speak.

Dumbledore is the chief wizard of the Wizengamot.

Today's occasion should indeed be hosted by him.

After Dumbledore said a few words briefly.

The awarding ceremony officially began.

It is worth mentioning that the person who awarded the medal was none other than the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Gospel

Blake thought that when he gritted his teeth and helped Sirius put the medal on his face, his expression was really interesting.

After receiving the medal, I gave a speech...

Sirius was the first to stand in front of the stage.

"In fact, I have nothing to say about this medal..."

"Everyone knows why I got this medal..."

"Overall, I'm very happy to be able to regain my reputation."

"However, at least I am still alive now, compared to those who once fought side by side with me but fell before dawn..."

Sirius paused, and then continued: "...Many of the people who fought with us in the past did not survive.

"If possible, I would use my freedom of the past ten years and this medal to exchange the lives of those people...

When Sirius went down, everyone applauded to appease him.

Then, it was Blake's turn.

When he stood on the stage and looked at the people in the audience.

Blake suddenly felt a strange sense of excitement again

It was the same feeling of excitement that I had when I gave a speech in the auditorium.

He felt like every cell in his body was singing with joy.

Want to give a speech?

It's over, I seem to be getting weird...


However, if it is nothing more than an acceptance speech, what can I say?

Blake barely suppressed the raging passion in his heart.

Not to the point of... Not to the point of...

It was just an acceptance speech, not a speech that would start a revolution in the wizarding world.

No need to be so passionate....

Therefore, Blake decided to just say a few words and forget it.

"Ahem...Hello everyone, maybe you may feel strange to me."

"Or maybe people will think that I am too young to deserve such a medal..."

"Haha, you really don't deserve it."

A hoarse voice interrupted Blake's words. .

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