Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 465 Dumbledore: There Are Not Enough Rooms... Is It Too Late To Expand Now?

Grindelwald moved quickly.

in the next few days.

The Daily Prophet is reporting on one thing.

That is Gellert Grind, the principal of Nurmengard and currently the Honorary Advisor to the British Ministry of Magic.

Decided to provide funds to help the Ministry of Magic prepare social welfare institutions.

This organization is to help groups living in poverty in the wizarding world today.

This group includes both down-and-out wizards and other despised groups, such as werewolves...

This organization will help those in poverty find suitable jobs.

And within a certain range, we will provide these groups with some help in life.

Help will also be provided to those lonely elderly people who have lost the ability to work.

Bursaries will even be provided to poor students at Hogwarts and Nurmengard...

The service scope of this organization is very large, covering all aspects of the wizarding world.

It can be said that as soon as this report came out, the entire wizarding world was boiling.

Especially those wizards who are struggling to survive.

Almost overnight, Grindelwald's reputation began to reverse...

Regardless of how many bad things he has done in the past, whether he is the Dark Lord or not.

If he really fulfills his promise.

So, he is a good man now! Those who were helped would not care whether he was the Dark Lord in the past.

At the same time, Fudge's reputation was rising.

Because the preparation of the welfare institution requires his signature!

He agreed and this was done!

So, by the way, he also became a young man and was suppressed!

This is a great thing that only requires you to sign your name and then wait to receive a good reputation.

It's like pie in the sky.

Fudge was going crazy with joy.

Now, he was extremely glad that he decisively abandoned Dumbledore and chose Grindelwald.

He had been hanging out with Dumbledore for several years, and the reputation he had gained was not as much as what he had earned by hanging out with Grindelwald for a few months!

Minister's Office.

Fudge happily put down the "Daily Prophet" and raised the corners of his mouth, which was harder to suppress than AK.

Kingsley saw Fudge so happy, although he knew now was not the time to spoil the fun.

But he still couldn't help but remind him: "Mr. Minister, what if... what if... if Grindelwald only borrows your name temporarily, and then...... forgets it after finishing the work?"

Fudge shook his head, "No, he is cleaning himself up now and will not do such a thing that is completely harmful to him."

"Besides, even if he crosses the river to draw a board, it won't have much impact on me."

"He made it very clear in the paper."

"He handled this matter from proposal to completion, and he also provided the money."

"I just signed my name and agreed. When the time comes, even if he doesn't pay me, I will be deceived."

"People will only scold him, not me."

After thinking about it in many ways, Fudge still felt that he was the biggest winner.

You don’t have to do anything to get benefits.

Kingsley sighed and said no more.

Because he knew that no matter what he said now, Fudge wouldn't listen.

Fudge, who was filled with ecstasy, apparently overlooked one point.

As the initiator and funder of this proposal.

Grindelwald has gained much more fame and good reputation than Fudge!

Then... wait until Grindelwald's reputation is reversed...

His reputation will even surpass that of Dumbledore!

At that time, if he wanted to be the Minister of Magic, it would be easy

Therefore, Kingsley felt that Fudge was committing suicide slowly.

A few more days passed, until things fermented to a certain extent.

The Daily Prophet published the office address of the social welfare agency.

There are also photos of the office area.

And people are welcome to visit.

Moreover, the newspaper also published recruitment notices from welfare institutions.

Talented people from all walks of life are welcome to join, and benefits and benefits are generous, etc.......

This reassured many people who still had doubts about Grindelwald.

This further proves that Grindelwald really wants to do this, rather than just pretending to do it.

Another day passed, Grindelwald's subordinate, the vice-chancellor of Nurmengard, Professor Rohir announced.

Next Monday, at nine o'clock in the morning, we will go to Gringotts, Grindelwald's personal treasury, to withdraw the first amount of funds.

This fund will be the first investment of social welfare institutions.

According to Professor Rocher, this first amount of funds has reached one hundred thousand gold galleons.

"Vita, this is so beautiful!"


Grindelwald was looking at the report in his hand with joy.

After several days of fermentation, not only the fact that he wanted to withdraw money from Gringotts received great attention.

Moreover, even with his reputation of being as smelly as sewers, there is actually a tendency for him to turn around!

Rohir smiled, and then his eyes fell on an envelope on Grindelwald's desk.

On the envelope, there is a very familiar font of circles within circles.

"Did Dumbledore write to you?" Rohirr asked.

"Oh...you said this." Grindelwald picked up the letter.

He said a little proudly: "Yes, that stubborn old guy came to me.

"Haha, I've been out for so long, and this time he said a few nice words to me."

"This old guy is really... hum."

He was still very happy to see Dumbledore submissive and say a few nice words to him.

Rohir smiled and said: "This is not surprising. What you did this time, regardless of the purpose, is indeed a good thing.

Dumbledore knew what Grindelwald was doing to test the goblins.

However, if this approach is adopted, it will be beneficial to everyone, although it may be suspected of buying people's hearts.

At present, this is also a good thing.

He has no reason not to support it.

So, I sent a letter to Grindelwald and even made some suggestions...

This made Grindelwald, who had not heard many good things from Dumbledore, very happy.

"So, you did a good job!" Grindelwald said happily.

He handed the matter over to Rochiel, saying that he needed some money to promote himself.

As for excuses, let Rochiel think of them himself.

Unexpectedly, Rohir gave him a surprise.

"Guess, whose daughter-in-law came up with this idea of ​​mine?" Rohir suddenly said.

Grindelwald looked at her in surprise, "Isn't this what you thought?"

"I originally planned to donate a sum of money to St. Mungo's publicly and then start promoting it."

Grindelwald nodded, "This method is not bad...but, someone gave you another idea?"

"Yes, Blake...he suddenly wrote to me that day, saying that he learned about the charity we were going to do from Dean Bohan."

"Then...he gave me this idea..."

"He said that if you want to do something good, then do it bigger. How many patients are there at St. Mungo's? There are so many patients in the entire division!"

Grindelwald clapped his hands, "As expected of you, Blake!"

Although this change of idea, Grindelwald would have to pay many times more than just donating money to St. Mungo's.

However, Grindelwald is now so poor that all he has left is money.

Thanks to Rohir, he was imprisoned in Nurmengard Tower for decades.

Still managing all his properties with heart...

Grindelwald's current industry is not only in the wizarding world, but also in the Muggle world.

Therefore, even if he pours 100,000 gold galleons into the welfare institution every month, it will not break his bones...

Moreover, the wizarding world is much smaller than the Muggle world, and only that part of the population is poor wizards.

According to estimates, the monthly cost of this welfare institution would hardly reach one hundred thousand gold galleons.

Therefore, this can be said to be both beneficial and harmful to Grindelwald.

Besides, any organization that is not for profit will still find ways to make a profit.

It is not difficult at all for Grindelwald to maintain this welfare institution.

"This will make those goblins feel uncomfortable." Grindelwald said with a smile.

Once they can't get their money out, everyone will target the goblins.

The more pressure the goblins are under, the more effective this plan will be.

Rohir looked at Grindelwald and said, "Do you think Blake came up with this idea just to make your plan more effective?"

Grindelwald looked at Rochiel in surprise again, "Then...what else?"

Rohir sighed.

"You haven't realized that once this is done, your reputation will undergo incredible changes..."

"In other words, if you want to be the Minister of Magic, will it be easy for you?"


Rohir picked up Dumbledore's letter.

"Even Dumbledore... this person who has always been very wary of you. He wrote to you, put aside the past grudges, and gave you advice..."

Grindelwald opened his mouth but said nothing.

"Blake hopes that you can return to the sunshine. And...he also hopes that there will be no hostility between you and Dumbledore."

Grindelwald rubbed his forehead, "This kid... just loves to worry about... adults' affairs. What is he getting involved in... Sigh..."

Rohir said hesitantly: "I don't know what your plan is...but, I do feel the child Blake's thoughts."

"My plan?" Grindelwald sat down and tapped his right index finger on the armrest.

He knew what Rohir meant.

She is actually saying whether she will continue to do things in the future as she did before, or whether she will just keep her peace...

In other words, I want to drag that kid Blake to join us, and then cause trouble...

"I won't force him. What the future holds depends entirely on Blake's wishes."

"I actually didn't think too much about it, because I'm really old, Rochiel...

Grindelwald said with some melancholy.

0Please give me flowers…………

Rohir nodded, looking like he was relieved.

"Blake is a boy with strong opinions. And...I am also old, Gellert..."

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

Dumbledore and Blake were sitting together on the steps in front of his desk.

"That old bastard's welfare institution, was it your idea?" Ichilido asked.

"How did you know?" Blake asked in surprise.

"Because I know him... Do you think he looks like the kind of person who does good deeds without expecting anything in return?" Dumbledore asked.

Blake wanted to nod and say something good for Grindelwald.

However, in the end, he was not helpless but had a conscience to speak.

"It's not like..." Blake said helplessly.

Grindelwald has always been a bad guy at heart, even though he was very kind to Blake.

"But...you are

Trying to transform him into a good person. "Dumbledore said.

Blake was a little embarrassed, "Professor, am I doing this wrong?"

"Wrong? No, you did nothing wrong." Dumbledore shook his head.

Blake asked: "Professor, is Tao angry?"

"Angry? Why should I be angry?"

"I spent a lot of time trying to turn him into a good person, Blake..."

"In the end... I failed and I could only lock him up."

"If you can succeed, I will only be happy."

Dumbledore said softly: "Although saying this may make many victims feel angry."

"But turning a bad guy into a good guy is far more beneficial to everyone than killing a bad guy directly."

"If you really have a way to do it, that would be really great..."

Although he called Grindelwald like an old bastard.

But, that guy was once his best friend after all.

Deep down in his heart, why doesn't he want his old friend to return to the right path?

What's more, now Ariana is back too.

Dumbledore's biggest knot with Grindelwald has actually been resolved a long time ago.

Blake said seriously: "Don't worry, Professor, I will definitely do it."

"This welfare agency... I will not watch it become just a tool for this plan.

Dumbledore nodded happily.

"I trust you………"

"Oh, by the way...I heard from Severus that you have a girlfriend?"

Blake was stunned, "Who? Severus? To be honest, I guessed many channels for you to know about this, but I really didn't expect that he would tell you."

Blake really didn't expect that Snape, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, would be so gossipy!

"You can't blame Severus. After all, Miss Warley is now the best student in Slytherin College." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Blake looked at Dumbledore suspiciously, "Snape must have said a lot of other unpleasant things, right?"

Dumbledore's beard trembled, "Actually, it's not bad...it's not too bad."

Blake's face turned dark.

"Good on you Snape! I'm going to deduct your dividends!"

"When little Lily grows up, I will say bad things about you in front of her!"

Dumbledore said with a smile, "So... Christmas is coming soon, shouldn't you invite people to your house to play?"

"Hmm..." Blake hesitated.

"Don't worry about my opinion, I won't object." Dumbledore said.

"No...it's just..." Blake was thinking about how to say it better.

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Do you want to invite more than one person?"

"Um...how do you know?"

Blake understood immediately after asking.

Need I say more? It must be Snape!

"Haha, I've already said that I won't object if you invite any of your friends to play at home."

Dumbledore smiled.

"That's great!" Blake said happily.

Dumbledore said: "In addition to Miss Worley, there is also Miss Granger, right? Then I have to ask Ariana to prepare two rooms in advance."

"Uh..." Blake hesitated again.

"What? Not just Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked in surprise.


"So...who else is there? I think it's not far away from Christmas now. I need to prepare early."

Blake started to clasp his fingers, "Senior Penello, Senior Qiu, Senior Luna."

"Oh... there are three more, okay..."

"Uh..." Blake hesitated again.

Dumbledore's white eyebrows even understood, "What else?"

"I want to say... There are only these three in Ravenclaw Academy for the time being..." Blake said a little embarrassed.

"Just Ravenclaw Academy? What about the other academies..."

"Ginny, Hannah"

Dumbledore tugged at his beard hard and said, "Son, I think our house may not have that many rooms. Maybe it's not too late to expand now?"

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