The next two battles are the matchups between Genin, which is far more exciting than the first match between Akasaka and Aburame Shibi. Each Genin also holds one or two Ninjutsu, not the same as Three- Style Jutsu has not learned the forbearance school student comparable.

However, these matchups are not at all for Kushina Mikoto and the others. The former few days have not beaten Genin hand to hand combat, but they have beaten a few, so they show Ninjutsu more in Kushina. Fancy meaning.

As for Mikoto, as Uchiha clansman, she is probably even seen in Jonin’s game, her eyes are promoted, and even if she sees Genin’s game, she can’t learn anything.

Minato is concentrated and obviously, because he believes that everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses, and he just wants to learn by watching the battle, although the effect is not very significant, but at least a little gain.

Uchiha Ensho is focused on concentration and the smile on the corner of his mouth has not faded since he saw the number in Minato’s hand.

He worked hard for a year, and today he finally has the opportunity to prove like everyone.

Among the same people, Uchiha Ensho is the strongest!

“fourth stage, Gong Qizhi vs. Hyuga Hiashi!” In the last Genin matchup, Hatake Sakumo was followed by the announcement of the next battle.

When Miyagi, who was next to Minato and the others, heard his own opponent, his expression suddenly became dull, and even his eyes and behavior were already snoring.

Hyuga Hiashi glanced at him and jumped directly into the field.

“bad luck…”

Gong Qizhi swallowed a sip, but even then, he jumped into the field and opposed Hyuga Hiashi.

“Why don’t you give up? You should know that you don’t have odds of success?” Hiashi said in a tranquil voice, but there is no sarcasm. He and Gong Qizhi’s strength are not on one level. This is everyone knows. thing.

Gong Qizhi said with a smile, said: “If you knew your words three days ago, I am afraid I will have to turn my face and run away… but now.”

Said, his eyes looked at Minato and Kushina and the others standing on the second floor.

“Chi big brother, keep it up!” Kushina shouted, and behind her, Akasaka Yu, Takeno Nagano also cheered him separately.

“Work hard,” Minato said.

Gong Qizhi’s face gradually smiled and he was looking for Hiashi. “But my partners are keeping it up for me. If you don’t do anything, give up, isn’t it too bad?”

“Not to mention, it’s hard to get to the present, let me give up directly, it’s really a bit unwilling…”

“is it?”

Hyuga Hiashi whispered, then the right leg was followed by a lunge, the left hand was behind him, the right arm of the white belt was lifted up, and the palm was exposed.

“That’s… the beginning of Gentle Fist.”

See Hiashi in this position, Nawaki on the side said, with a bit of novelty in his eyes, although Hyugayo of Hyuga Clan Gentle Fist had heard it before, but he hasn’t really seen it yet.

Although Miyazaki decided not to give up, but the opponent is Hiashi, it is also inevitable, and it is also the preparation of Taijutsu.

“The battle begins!” Sakumo said, and then appeared on the other side of the second floor.

When he announced the beginning, the two men on the field did not fight as fiercely as in the previous battles, but stood in the same place.

Gong Qizhi is somewhat dumbfounded, because today’s Hiashi is a bit very good, and he immediately jumps back.

With Hyuga Clan on wartime, it is common sense not to let them close, but in the usual days, Gong Qizhi can’t avoid the action of Hiashi.

But today he did not take the lead, which gave him the opportunity to open the distance, and immediately there were several black shuriken in his hand.

It was collected during his several days in the Forest of Death and was used for the first time.

Xiu xiu!

He with the slightest hesitation throws a few shuriken, although he even knows it, this is not at all more careless…

Sure enough, Hyuga Hiashi stood still in the same place, and the body was just a few times, and it was avoated.

While he was throwing shuriken, his hands were actually starting a hand seal, and he was a little embarrassed.

“This print is…”

Minato almost remembered all the Ninjutsu’s hand seals in the Ninjutsu Scroll that Third-Kage gave him, and through the former’s hand seal, he also saw what Ninjutsu was.

“Not good !”

Minato complexion slightly changed, although it is only a C-Rank Ninjutsu, but in the current skill of Gong Qizhi, he still can not release success.

Even a carelessness can cause Chakra to damage Chakra Pathway.

Training Ninjutsu is not at all risky.

In fact, this Ninjutsu was seen by Gong Qizhi from the first day of Genin with their hand to hand combat called Sakai. In the face of Hyuga Hiashi, he did not dare to be close, Shurikenjutsu was completely useless, only this move Ninjutsu, who hasn’t practiced yet, is his only hope of winning.

And when Minato can see through, Hyuga Hiashi is naturally clearer than him, because he used Byakugan to see Chakra Flow with the in-the-body disorder.

However, although Gong Qizhi’s hand seal speed is not fast, but the distance he opened is not short, and Hiashi did not want to take full action on him at first.

In this case, he once again made Gentel Fist’s starting action, but this time his right hand was followed, the arm that was entangled by the white belt, and the veins burst between the faint.

“Eight-Trigrams Vacuum Palm !”

His right hand jerked forward and seemed to have a chakra out of his palm, and then when Gong Qizhi was about to finish the last print, the Chakra hit his hands and interrupted. His hand seal.

The force also took his body back a few steps. Hyuga Hiashi was at this time the figure rushed in. In the case that Gong Qizhi did not have time to react, the left hand finger was placed in his forehead, Chakra imprint Suddenly dissipated.

The victory and defeat have been divided, but Hyuga Hiashi’s face is a painful expression, holding the left arm with his left hand.

“He is this…” This action didn’t even understand Minato, but he knew that Hiashi saved Gong Qizhi once.

“He interrupted the mental seal of Zhi’s Senior with the Eight-Trigrams Vacuum Palm in Hyuga Clan’s Gentle Fist Art. This is to save him, but that’s not so good to master the trick, so he just forced release, formidable power Just interrupt the hand seal and hurt your arm’s Chakra Pathway…”

On the side, Nawaki said that with his origins, he could not understand the information of the Branch House family in Konoha.

Miyagaki was still defeated in the hustle and bustle. In addition to Nawaki, few people could understand Hiashi’s move.

Hiashi stood in front of Gong Qizhi, clenched the teeth and said: “You are too reckless, and Ninjutsu who has not practiced can not be used in actual combat.”

“Are you not the same?” At this time, Hatake Sakumo appeared in front of the two, looked in towards Hiashi’s eyes, but with a smile.

Compared to his father, the son really has more human warmth…

This is quite difficult for him to inherit Hyuga Clan in the future.

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