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“This… What is it?! Elder Yushan looked at the sky with a dull expression, and said in horror in his mouth! Not only the elders of Jade Mountain, but all the civilians and ninjas in the Sand Ninja Village, all looked at the sky with a dull face!!

In the sky, an extremely dazzling silk thread stopped in the air, and in the eyes of everyone below the ground, it had become a small dot! Then, from this point, silk threads suddenly spread in all directions!

“Whoosh! Sou! Sou!! “One after another broke the air, one silk thread after another extended instantly, and countless silk threads bloomed in the air, like a huge lotus flower!!

“This… What is it?! “Sand Ninja Battlefield, all the ninjas stopped, all looked at the gorgeous silk thread in the sky, with a hint of doubt on their faces!!

“What the hell is going on?! That direction is… Sand Shinobi Village!! Chiyo frowned and looked at the group of silk threads in the sky, his face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice!!

“Get in touch with the village now!!” Chiyo’s face had a hint of anxiety on his face, and he commanded in his mouth! At this time, Chiyo looked at the rapidly falling silk thread in the sky, and a sense of crisis rose in his heart!

“Yes! Chiyo-sama!! The contact ninja standing behind Chiyo answered with his mouth, and then his eyes were closed, and his spirit was instantly connected to the liaison department set up in the village!!

“Mizuhashi Copper Valley-sama!! What the hell is going on with the silk thread over the village?! “After Noma Murakami connected to the communication of the headquarters, he immediately asked anxiously!!

“Incomprehensible!! The Intelligence Department did not investigate at all what was going on with the silk thread in the sky! The only news I got was that these silk threads were sent by Uchiha Cold Moon, the captain of the Night Raid Squad!! A trace of cold sweat appeared on the face of Mizuhashi Tonggu, who was in charge of liaison, and said helplessly!

“Uchiha Cold Moon?! It’s this imp again!! How can it be repaired!! Unexpectedly, Uchiha Hangetsu and his night raid team infiltrated the village!! What the hell is that guy from Yushan doing! When Chiyo heard Mizuhashi Tonggu’s words, his face turned livid, his right hand suddenly clenched, and he said angrily in his mouth!!

“Command! This is the end of this attack!! Keep me in touch with the village! I want to know everything in the village!! Chiyo’s brows furrowed deeply, his eyes glanced unwillingly at the Konoha ninja army in front of him, and he commanded in his mouth!!

“Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost!! What are you doing?! “Inside the Sand Ninja Village, where the cold moon is located, Elder Yushan looked at the countless silk threads that extended from the original silk threads in the sky with a shocked expression, and said loudly in his mouth!!

“That’s it!! Keep your anger going! Jade Mountain! For the next, you will only be left with one emotion! That’s despair!! Hanyue’s eyes calmly looked at the silk that appeared in the sky, with a hint of a smile, and said coldly in his mouth! With Cold Moon’s words, his right hand suddenly raised above his head!

“Birdcage!! Fall! Hanyue’s mouth drank lowly, and his right hand suddenly waved! With the movement of the cold moon, the silk threads in the sky fell in all directions like a meteor shower!!

“Peng! Peng! Peng!! “Almost at the same moment, all the silk threads fell on the border of Sand Shinobi Village!! A finger-thick silk thread pierced densely into the ground!!

“What is it?! Silk thread?! The civilians of Sand Ninja Village looked at the rows of silk threads that appeared in front of them with a surprised expression, and said in surprise in their mouths!!

“What are you kidding?! Such a thin silk thread is that I am a civilian, I can push it away!! A sand ninja looked at the evenly arranged silk threads with both eyes, muttered in his mouth, and his right hand instantly stretched out towards a silk thread!

“Poof!!” With a soft sound, the civilian’s right hand was cut off the moment it just touched the silk thread!!

“Uh-huh! My hand!! The civilian screamed and walked away from these silk threads with a look of horror and pain!! And a group of civilians behind him looked at the silk thread in front of him in the same horror!!

“Where exactly did these silk threads fall?!” Yushan looked at the silk thread in the distance with his eyes, his face was livid, and he asked in his mouth!

“Jade Mountain… Elder Yushan!! These silk threads… These silk threads surround all of Sand Shinobi Village!! With the top of our head as the center, these silk threads have sealed off all of our Sand Shinobi Village!! A Shinobu jumped into a house, looked around, and said in shock!!

“Is this a birdcage?! It was able to seal off all of Sand Shinobi Village!! Yushan glanced at the cold moon in front of him with gloomy eyes, a thoughtful look on his face, and said in a deep voice! ! !

“That’s right! From the origin in the sky, the entire Sand Ninja Village is now trapped below my birdcage!! Like a cage that imprisons birds, Sand Shinobu Village is also imprisoned by me! Hanyue had a smile on her face and whispered in her mouth!

“All the Shinobi, leave some of them to see the Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost! Everyone else followed me to the border of Sand Shinobi Village! Break these threads for me! Yushan’s face was livid, and he said loudly in his mouth! With Jade Mountain’s words, all the ninjas rushed towards the border!

“It’s useless! These are all silk threads formed by broken lines!! The sturdiness and sharpness will be beyond your imagination!! Hanyue’s body sat down again, his eyes calmly looked at Yushan and the others who had left, and said with a smile on his mouth!

“From now on, experience anger! Feel desperate!! Then, cry hard!! The birdcage is just the external conditions for the destruction of the Sand Shinobi Village!! Hanyue sat down, supported his chin with his left hand, looked calmly at the sand ninja in the distance with his eyes, snapped his fingers with his right hand, with a smile on his face, and said in a deep voice in his mouth!

PS: Thanks to Jk1 for the big 100 point tip!! Monthly pass for big guys!! Thank you for your support of otaku people! Subscribe please! Ask for a tip!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Collect it! _

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