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“Uchiha Madara! Let’s fight the winner! Hanyue’s mouth drank loudly, and a huge chakra instantly rose above his body!!

“On! Shave!! Hanyue’s body bent forward slightly, the chakra eyes in his eyes quickly rotated, and he drank low in his mouth, and his body instantly rushed towards Yakura at super speed!

“So fast! Super fast moving tricks?! The chakra eyes in Yakura’s eyes spun rapidly, his face showed a serious expression, and he said calmly in his mouth! With Yakura’s words, his body quickly jumped towards the rear!

“Water Escape, Big Burst Water Rush!” Yakura’s hands froze extremely quickly, and with a soft drink in his mouth, a huge waterfall instantly appeared on the sea in front of him!

“Water Dragon by [Black Marin]! Big burst of water! “Cold Moon’s right foot continuously stepped on the surface of the water, and the Six Styles Shaving was instantly used, and at the same time, he quickly raised his right hand! The dragon’s eye above the water dragon [Black Marin] instantly lit up! An equally huge waterfall rises in an instant!

“Peng!” With a loud bang, two huge waterfalls collided in an instant, and the huge pressure generated by the water surface set off waves on the sea surface!

“The dead march [Eight rooms]!” Cold Moon’s movements kept stopping, and the dead marching [Eight Rooms] instantly appeared in his left hand! Then Hanyue’s left hand suddenly waved, and eight dolls instantly rose above the water in front of him!

“Oh?! Interesting abilities?! Is the second generation Hokage’s filthy soil reincarnated?! A look of surprise flashed in Yakura’s eyes, and then with a hint of excitement on his face, he whispered in his mouth!

“Secret Technique, Hydration Technique!” The two ghost lamp family dolls quickly turned into a stream of water and merged into the sea under their feet, and then, two huge monsters instantly appeared in front of Yakura!

“Ninpo Lightning strikes the tornado!” Lin Yongyu Yuli’s double blades and thunder teeth instantly staggered together, and then a huge tornado carried thunder and lightning and quickly rushed towards Yakura!

“Explosive knife ninja fa, fa breaking strangle, heavy death!” The scroll above the droplets of the Fried Eight Exploding Knife instantly stretched out, forming a huge encirclement that surrounded Yakura!

“Secret Technique, Ten Fingers Piercing!” The two Kaguya family puppets stretched out their hands together, and bone bullets instantly ejected from one by one among the ten fingers!

“Secret Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!” An ice puppet shouted in unison, and one after another ice mirrors quickly appeared in front of Yakura! The seven puppets quickly attacked Yakura!

“If that’s the case, it’s not enough to see the secret technique half-tailed beastization!” Yakura’s body quickly jumped a few times above the water, dodged the attacks of two hydration monsters, and his face was a little cold, and behind Yakura, three huge tails swept out in an instant!

“Peng! Peng! Peng! “With seven loud bangs in a row, Yakura’s three tails knocked all seven puppets out, and the ninjutsu that attacked Yakura was all shattered by the tail!!

“If you only have this level, then I can only say sorry! Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost! Yakura’s hands hugged his chest, and the three tails behind him quickly attacked towards the cold moon!

“Don’t underestimate me!! Uchiha Madara!! With a hint of a smile on her face, and a sneer on the corner of her mouth, she did not retreat in the face of Yakura’s three huge tails!

“Rokushi Iron Block! Nikoryu Demon Bear!! Han Yue’s mouth drank lowly, and the muscles of his arms instantly condensed like pieces of iron, and his hands held Village Yu and Bafang! With the movement of the cold moon, a giant bear figure roaring up to the sky appeared behind the cold moon!

“Break it for me!!” Hanyue’s mouth gulped, and the village rain and eight rooms in his hands instantly slashed towards the huge three tails! At this time, the cold moon and the giant bear phantom behind him instantly coincided!!

“Peng!!” The two fangs of Mura Yu and Hachibo turned into giant bears and instantly cut off Yakura’s three tails from mid-air! Three huge half-truncated tails quickly smashed on the surface of the water!

“It’s not over yet! Six Styles Moon Step! Romantic Fort [Pumpkin]! “The village rain and the eight rooms in the hands of the cold moon disappeared instantly, and the body used the moon step to instantly stay in the air, and an extremely beautiful romantic fortress [pumpkin] appeared in the hands!

“Finish a pumpkin cannon!! Occult Particle Energy Cannon! With a hint of excitement on Hanyue’s face, he drank low in his mouth, and the romantic fortress [pumpkin] instantly absorbed all the sense of crisis of the fifty mist ninja above the water, and then, a huge, flashing light golden energy ball instantly appeared in the muzzle, and instantly dragged the dazzling light towards Yakura!

“Five-sight omnipotent [observer]! Open! With a hint of sweat on Hanyue’s face, he drank low in his mouth again, and the turquoise eyes above his forehead instantly opened!

“Vision!” Hanyue’s mouth drank lowly, and the turquoise eyes instantly released one after another spiritual power that continuously interfered with Yakura’s perception!

“The body… Damn Uchiha Cold Moon Ghost! It actually interfered with my control of Yakura!! Uchiha’s face in an unknown space showed a look of anger, and his old voice was unusually cold!

“Peng!!” A huge explosion sounded, and the huge pale golden energy ball instantly hit the position of Yakura, and then detonated the huge energy contained in the energy ball! The energy ball instantly compressed inward, and then suddenly expanded into a round pale golden sphere with a diameter of three hundred meters, submerging Yakura’s figure in it!!

“This… This is simply a monster!! The three-hundred-meter fog ninja looked at the huge pale golden sphere with a diameter of three hundred meters in horror, and said with a dull mouth!

“Peng!!” With a loud bang, the pale golden sphere with a diameter of three hundred meters instantly produced a huge and clear shock wave, and the shock wave caused a huge tsunami above the sea surface at the moment it appeared, and then the shock wave instantly burst out!!

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PS: Yakura rampage! Mio Iso! Under! _

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