Home Cook

Vol 2 Chapter 756: Not serious competition?


Little Zhengtai just stood in front of the refrigerator so dull, staring at the ingredients in the refrigerator, and then......

He closed the door of the refrigerator silently, took a deep breath, and adjusted his mind.

"Well, hold on, don't panic, there's nothing to be surprised about. After all, my cousin's kitchen utensils collection has already made me blind, so what I just saw should be an illusion."

So comforting himself, and then Xiao Zhengtai opened the refrigerator door with great difficulty again.


Ahhh, my eyes.

During the day, he covered his eyes in pain, as if the eyes were sealed with some terrible power.

This time, Mrs. Xiao Zheng felt that her eyes were really completely blind.

The door of the refrigerator was obviously opened, but it felt more like he opened the door of an ingredient warehouse during the day, and the countless neatly arranged ingredients came into view.

Of course, this is not to say that this refrigerator has a black technology to expand the internal space. In fact, on the contrary, the ingredients inside are a little too small.

The upper layer of the refrigerator is a palm-sized box, which contains a variety of pocket-sized ingredients. The size of the ingredients seems to have been reduced dozens of times. It is as small and delicate as a candy toy model. .

The lower layer of the refrigerator is a water tank, and countless aquatic products the size of fingernails are floating in the water, just like an aquarium has been shrunk and stuffed into the refrigerator.

With a blank expression, Tian Tian stretched out his fingers and squeezed out an unknown piece of meat from the upper box, "Candy Toys", and then he just watched the thin and small piece of meat quickly after leaving the box in the refrigerator. It swelled up, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge piece of meat that he needed to hold with both hands.


Silent during the day, then looked up at the sky.

"Hehe, there really is no space expansion technology, and the space is compressed instead. I remember that the Tech Chef Association in the United States has just succeeded in researching this technology, and it is still in the experimental stage, and it has not been realized at all. To the point of pretending, cousin, where did the mature technology in your refrigerator come from, you are pretending to be an alien."

He silently recalled the information from the United States that he had just received a few days ago. The dark cooking world is one of the sponsors behind the Tech Chef Association. Every year, he invests a lot of money to sponsor those tech chefs to research the latest technology. It seems that the money of the organization has been wasted after so many years, and the feelings are better at home.

Then, during the day, I looked at the meat in my hands.

If he read it correctly, this should be a piece of meat from an unknown bovine animal. It belongs to beef ingredients. Judging from the full and bright color and beautiful snow patterns of the meat, the owner of this meat is definitely not an ordinary cow. It should be some kind of bovine monster, and only those monster-level beasts can produce high-grade ingredients of this quality.

Looking at the inventory of ingredients that were no worse than the meat in his hands in the small compartment full of refrigerators, Xiao Tian couldn't help but cover his heart with his hands.

Oops, it feels like a myocardial infarction.

Looking down at the water tank below, he casually fished out a lobster with open teeth and dancing claws, and then silently looked at the beautiful lobster that was half the size of a person after leaving the refrigerator. Xiao Zhengtai remained expressionless.

"Blue-blooded lobster shrimp, ranked 37th on the list of high-quality shrimp ingredients, extremely rare, with a catch level of 70. A lobster shrimp the size of an adult arm sold for $500 at the French ingredient auction last month. ."

Silently stuffed the huge lobster that wanted to escape from prison into the water tank again, still not knowing what to say in the daytime.

Cousin, you not only robbed the treasure house of the God of Cookery, but also kidnapped the food storehouse of Lord God of Cooking, or maybe you were so lucky that you just picked up a top hunting group when you went out? Even a partner of a top hunting group can't get such a large amount of ingredients. It's impossible to give you all the harvest of the hunting group. Don't tell me that these are raised by your cousin.

There were too many grooves in my heart and I wanted to vomit, but looking at the cousin who had started cooking with a blank face, Xiao Zhengtai silently swallowed the question to his mouth.

His relationship with his cousin is not close enough to the point where he can investigate each other's secrets like this. If it were someone else, he, the prince of the dark cooking world, would have a hundred ways to make the other party spit out secrets, but for this guy who just met The cousin who has not been there for a few hours, well, admitted during the day that he is a bit more square now, and the other party is completely obsessed, so let's respect the inner guidance.

However, thinking about it, his cousin allowed him to freely choose the ingredients to use. Doesn't this mean that he can experience the luxury of a handful of high-end ingredients without money and the pleasure of casually using them.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Zheng was still a little excited.

Even if he does not usually lack high-end ingredients, his identity determines that the share of high-end ingredients allocated to him in the organization is still quite sufficient, but to be honest, ingredients have always been in short supply, and the more advanced the ingredients, the more so.

No matter how local tyrants are in the organization, the local tyrants have not yet reached the point where they can make him casually luxurious, and he can use the low-level ingredients at will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the ingredients above the capture level of 50 are starting to be scarce, and the dark cooking industry has a great career. I can't afford to waste the "gold" that can be used, not to mention that there are many cadres in the organization, which makes it seem that there are too many monks and not enough porridge.

But now the high-grade, high-grade ingredients in this refrigerator are waiting for him to come, like a beauty lying on the bed without any resistance...

"These are all mine..."

Xiao Zhengtai stared at the ingredients in the refrigerator, involuntarily showing an idiotic smile, and he didn't even feel the drool coming down from the corner of his mouth.


Soon, Xiao Zhengtai came back to his senses, he wiped his saliva with his sleeve, and began to jump up and down in the refrigerator to pick out excitedly, as excited as the children who went to the zoo for the first time. .

"Oh, by the way, let's see what ingredients my cousin chose."

There are too many ingredients and a bit confused. Daytime, who is tangled in happiness, turns his head and looks at Baiye, who has already prepared cooking.

"Uh, tofu, shrimp, pork..."

My cousin's unexpectedly ordinary choices surprised Xiao Zhengtai. Although these are all high-quality ingredients, aren't the types of ingredients a bit too ordinary, they are all home-cooked ingredients, why don't you order some valuables such as bird's nest and abalone? It seems that my cousin is not going to do any killing dishes.

"Am I being underestimated?"

He puffed out his cheeks angrily, and Bun's face was full of unhappiness.

Originally, he was thinking of giving water to his cousin, but he didn't expect to be given water first.

"Hmph, if you choose home-cooked ingredients, I'll choose too."

Xiao Zhengtai thought a little unconvinced. He quickly picked out a few home-cooked ingredients from the refrigerator, and then hurried to the stove on the other side, ready to start work.


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