In the Phoenix Group's office, Shen Hao met the so-called United Nations official.

He is a white man about forty years old.

Seeing Shen Hao come in, the white man immediately stood up with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, I am Andrifla. I am so happy to see you."

Seeing this guy so enthusiastic, Shen Hao knew in his heart that this bitch must be asking for something.

Shen Hao smiled:" oh? I don’t know what Mr. Andre wants from me."

Andre took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Shen Hao.

United Nations Charity Fund Andre.

Seeing this, Shen Hao understood that he was here to beg for alms.

I immediately wanted to leave.

Since Shen Hao became the richest man in the world, various charity funds have come to visit. The

Red Cross, the Children's Fund, the climate, the Disabled Persons' Federation, etc.

Shen Hao is a stingy guy. , of course I won’t be willing.

Especially in later generations, we have seen too many faces of the so-called Red Cross, taking charity money and greedily putting it into their own pockets.

Shen Hao will not donate money.

Even if he wants to do charity, he has to Spend your own money.

When you reach Shen Hao's position, it's definitely not possible not to do charity.

But doing it is also to evade taxes. There are so many suffering people in the world, but Shen Hao 03 is not a saint.

His own employees don't have enough to eat, but they still do it Charity.

Seeing that Shen Hao didn't speak, Andre was a little embarrassed. After all, it was normal to be rejected when he came to ask for help.

Andre hurriedly said the purpose of coming here.

"Mr. Shen, in recent years, due to successive years of drought and years of fighting between countries, large-scale famine has occurred in Africa. Countless refugees have starved to death everywhere.

More than 10 million people across Africa are without food, cannot guarantee their basic livelihood, and are on the verge of death.

As a United Nations official, we are really heartbroken when we see those homeless children starving to death.

Therefore, we call on all countries to support Africa so that they can have enough to eat.

Life comes first. In today's peaceful era, I really don't want to see anyone starving to death."

Hearing this, Shen Hao curled his lips.

Ni Ma, you are a white man and you care about the life and death of niggas.

As for starving to death, that can only be said to be black. You are lazy.

Shen Hao saw the faces of Western politicians very clearly.

So he said:"It is useless to approach me as a businessman for this kind of matter. You should approach the American government or the European government.

The United States is the world's policeman. Of course they will seek justice for this kind of thing."

Andre sighed and said,"Mr. Shen doesn't know something. Our United Nations has communicated with the United States many times.

However, due to various political issues, U.S. officials have always refused to provide assistance and loans to Ethiopia and other places.

When the famine began, no aid agencies from the West were in Ethiopia.

Shen Hao said:"No government is willing to lend a helping hand. What should I do as a businessman?"

I'm just a laugh businessman.

This kind of diplomatic activity is independent of the government and does not require any approval or support from the government. I definitely can't do it."

Shen Hao has already begun to curse in his heart.

Ni Ma, the Omi government doesn't care, you ask me, a businessman, to save niggas. , Save the mud horse.

Niggers have nothing to do with me.

It is a bottomless pit. It will be useless if you throw ten billion into it, and you will not be able to save it.

Besides, these hooligans in Europe and the United States certainly do not want to see peace in Africa, and they are fighting harder and harder. The fiercer, the better.

Of course, Shen Hao is not interested in such a thankless thing.

Andre said hurriedly:"Mr. Shen, I believe that with your intelligence, you will definitely find a way.

Shen Hao said:"You want me to donate money directly?""

Andre shook his head directly and said:"We know that Mr. Shen has the world's largest media group in his hands.

What we hope to see more is that people all over the world pay attention to this matter, rather than just donating money and supporting in obscurity.

That won't help.

Only by making this matter very influential can governments be forced to compromise and come to the negotiating table, thereby truly supporting."

Good guy, you still want me to stand in front and shout? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Internet!)

Of course Shen Hao is not willing to do such a thankless thing. Instead of doing this, I might as well give you a few million dollars and go have fun yourself.

Seeing Shen Hao not speaking, Andre said hurriedly:"Shen Hao Sir, as long as you help our United Nations, we will never forget you.

We will not only give you the status of an honorary member of the United Nations, but also give you a United Nations passport, allowing you to visa-free for any country.

At the same time, we will apply for next year's Noble Peace Prize for you."

Looking at Andre's sincere face, Shen Hao was moved.[]

In this world, just having money is definitely not enough. You have to add some aura to yourself.

Increase your influence.

In this way, if others want to touch you, they have to weigh it.

So, Shen Hao thought for a while and said:"Mr. Andre, your sincerity has impressed me.

I didn't expect that there are people who are so keen on charity in this world.

If all officials in the world were like Mr. Andre If you do this, there will no longer be suffering or hunger in this world."

Shen Hao's rainbow fart made Andre secretly feel happy.

His face was a little red with excitement.

Mr. Shen is such a good person.

After a few minutes of conversation, Andre left.

He Chaoqiong asked doubtfully:"Brother Hao, even the United States can't do this kind of thing, what are you going to do?"

Shen Hao smiled and said:"It's difficult for other people, but it's very simple for me."

"Please tell me how you did it, please?" He Chaoqiong said curiously;

"It's very simple, just hold a concert"

"concert?"He Chaoqiong had a question mark on his face.

In this era, there was no such thing as a charity concert.

Shen Hao remembered that in 1985, there was an unprecedented concert.

What kind of concert is worthy of being recorded in history?

160,000 live audiences, 1.5 billion TV viewers in 140 countries, simultaneous broadcast by 7 communication satellites, and more than 100 rock stars.

This large-scale rock and roll concert"LIVEAID" was held simultaneously in London, Eagle Country, and Philadelphia, USA, on July 13, 1985. meeting.

It raised more than 70 million US dollars for the hungry people in Ethiopia, far exceeding the 14 million US dollars fundraising goal previously set by the organizers. It can be called the pinnacle of the world's rock history. You know 487, Prior to this, the 1984 Olympic Games only used three communication satellites.

This was also a concert without any remuneration and without signing any contract.

Organizer Bob Geldof wrote in his memoirs afterwards , because he only made verbal promises, he had been worried that these bohemian and unmanageable rock stars would not be able to come as scheduled. What he did not expect was that on this day, Bob Dylan, Queen, U2, Madonna and many other world-class The singers all came, including Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

The superstars spent 16 hours completing tasks that politicians could not accomplish even after months of meetings, using classic songs one after another. It aroused the world's sympathy and attention to the African grassland, and Bob was nominated for the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize.

Yes, Shen Hao planned to copy this concert.

Shen Hao's current identity is not Bob Geldof can match it.

Needless to say, the energy and connections in Shen Hao's hands.

The only regret about the 1985 concert was that there was no Jackson.

But it was not easy for Shen Hao to take action.

Now the senior sister is on the rise of the King of Heaven. Superstars, queens, superstars, Madonna, Jackson, that's all trivial.

What's more, this is in the name of charity.

Originally, Shen Hao planned to go to Harvard directly. With Shen Hao's IQ and terrifying memory, he only needed one or two He can complete all his studies in just one month.

Unexpectedly, he still has to plan a concert.

In addition, Shen Hao is also determined to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

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