Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 57 South China Morning Post

Zou Huaiwen lowered his head and came closer and said: "The factory owner beat his wife to death last month and was caught by the police. His son inherited the poor management of the factory and had to sell it. If the factory had not sent white newspapers to "Sing Tao Daily" before, I would have I can’t get this news! As long as you work with me to take over the paper mill, we can start work this week, and I can use my connections to directly supply paper to Sing Tao Daily."

He Dingxian was unmoved at all and said calmly: "The opportunity is just an opportunity. Isn't there anyone else bidding?"

Zou Huaiwen sneered: "Paper mills are not an emerging industry. The machines, raw materials and production methods are already very mature abroad. If you buy a set of machines, you can add an extra production line and increase output. There is no need for acquisitions among peers. For laymen, People can’t get the news.”

"I am a newspaper editor, so I have exclusive access to business news." This is quite impressive.

However, He Dingxian has another worry: "Sing Tao Daily has never had its own paper mill. Will it open a paper mill in the future, which will hinder the paper mill's sales."

"The problem is not big, and it is even unnecessary to worry about." Zou Huaiwen said: "Boss Hu has his own factory to manage. Tiger Balm sales are so good. It is better to run a good pharmaceutical business than to run a paper industry. Factories are all intensive industries. It is impossible for one boss to manage two factories, not to mention that Boss Hu’s pharmaceutical factory is a cornucopia, and only fools come to run the paper factory.”

"When he invested in the establishment of Sing Tao Daily, he hoped to get rid of the constraints of the asset-heavy industry. You know, factories are considered asset-heavy industries. It takes money to buy land, build a factory, and recruit workers. However, magazines and newspapers are asset-light. The industry only requires editors, reporters and writers to rent an office building, write the newspaper and contact the paper factory for printing."

Paper mills and printing are two closely related industries. They use different machines, but now paper mills include printing services.

The newspaper only needs to deliver the new issue with the layout, and the blank paper to the finished newspaper will be shipped out from the factory. Of course, there are also professional printing plants to undertake various odd orders, or the newspaper office operates the printing press itself. Paper factories all handle large quantities of large orders. of.

Zou Huaiwen said this very professionally: "Whether the bosses of the newspapers and magazines they run are businessmen or literati, apart from political factors, everyone is interested in the asset-light nature of the newspaper, with low costs, high profits, and fast turnover. How much capital, brains and connections are enough, and a little talent would be the best.”

"People like them would rather make paper orders every day than run a paper mill. Management can give them a headache, but I can do it."

Zou Huaiwen said very confidently: "I studied in the journalism department at university. I know how to interview and speak English. I worked at Shenbao in Shanghai. If you want me to sit in the office and write news, I can go to the factory to manage printing, typesetting, and accounting. No problem.”

He Dingxian was still very sure of Zou Huaiwen's ability. He took out a newspaper from his pocket and put it on the table: "This is the issue of the "Sunday South China Morning Post" last month. There was a fire in a New Territories paper mill, which killed ten people in total. , the factory owner was maimed and could only use a wheelchair for the rest of his life."

When Zou Huaiwen saw this newspaper, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at the other party in surprise.

He Dingxian just had enough to eat and drink. He put down his chopsticks, lit a cigarette, puffed out a puff of smoke and said, "Are you surprised that I found this newspaper?"

"I'm still more surprised that I know English!"

Zou Huaiwen said eloquently: "We are all surprised, but it just shows your talent. We will definitely not lose money if we work together in the paper mill business."

When Zou Huaiwen came to him last month to discuss the purchase of a paper mill business, he began to search for relevant information. On the one hand, he searched through contacts in the police force, and on the other hand, he searched in newspapers.

Zou Huaiwen himself is a news editor. If there is any special news, it is likely to come from the press, and he might be able to find out the news.

"South China Morning Post" is the earliest English-language newspaper in Hong Kong. It was founded in 1903. Its special Sunday issue is called "Sunday South China Morning Post". The newspaper is the highest-selling English-language newspaper in Hong Kong and is also the news mouthpiece of the colonial government. .

This newspaper strongly criticized the fire at the New Territories paper mill, saying that some villagers deliberately set the fire, and claimed that the disobedience of the New Territories villagers was the main reason for the slow development of the New Territories.

In contrast, the English-language Tiger Daily, a subsidiary of Sing Tao Daily, was founded two years ago. It is written by Chinese and is a newspaper that favors Chinese people.

He Dingxian did not find the relevant case in the police force, but saw the relevant news in the newspaper. He would naturally get to the bottom of it and understand the matter clearly. If he couldn't even collect information well, he would only do business for people.


He Dingxian raised his neck, blew out the smoke, flicked his fingers, shook the ashes on the table with a disdainful expression, looked directly at Zou Huaiwen in front of him and said: "You asked me to take over the paper factory together, are you trying to defraud me of my money, or are you trying to defraud me? You want to collude with others to harm me.”

"As you know, I am a policeman, and the policeman is a member of the Jianghu. I have many enemies, and you are not the least of them." There was no murderous intent in his tone.

Zou Huaiwen swallowed his saliva, his face showed timidity, and he said with a flushed face: "I don't want to lie to you, but we haven't reached a cooperation, and the business opportunities need to be kept confidential."

"Besides, my capital is small and I need to get more shares. In the market, it is considered a scam at most, but not a scam!"

He Dingxian stared straight at Zou Huaiwen and said: "Fraud and cheating are the same, but you are also a young talent. If you hadn't helped me last time, I would have given you a shot first. Okay Just so you know, I hate it when people lie to me."

"Now, take a look at this newspaper again and see if you can see any more business opportunities?"

Zou Huaiwen's expression was a little frightened, and his eyes dodged when he heard this. Finally, he reached for the newspaper and read it over and over again. He didn't see any business-related news, but more political-related news.

His eyes returned to the news about the arson case at the paper mill. The news said that the New Territories Police Station had caught the criminal. It didn't matter whether the criminal was the real culprit or not. Even the news was not important. What was important was the reason behind the arson case, more importantly. Deep stuff.

"You mean that the New Territories villagers are unwilling for paper mills to purchase wood in the countryside, and are unwilling to accept that sewage pollutes farmland, leading to arson cases?"

Zou Huaiwen said tentatively.

He Dingxian was noncommittal and just said: "This factory is the first paper factory to move to the New Territories. The reason for moving to the New Territories is the shortage of wood in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. However, this kind of thing happened less than half a year after production. It only means one thing. Thing is, paper costs are going to go up.”

Hong Kong Island actually has a large area of ​​mountains and trees. However, after the initial reclamation, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island have set up park protection in recent years and planned areas where logging is prohibited. There is simply not enough wood in the remaining operating planting areas, which is limited to Kowloon Tong and Stone Park. There is still some forestry near Kip Mei, and the raw materials for paper mills can only be obtained from the New Territories. If the New Territories villagers do not allow logging, there are only two ways, one is to increase the money enough, and the other is to import from abroad.

When Zou Huaiwen heard the news that the raw materials of the paper industry were about to rise, his heart suddenly dropped, and he felt that his first business venture in his life was going to fail.

In He Dingxian's opinion, it is good news!

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