Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 204 CH 0204【Madden Xiangjiang】

"Brilliant! Brilliant! The marine police are no longer catching bastards on the shore, but going to fight pirates on the water!"

"Reliable news, the 12th Marine Police Fleet is acting together to fight the pirates to the death!"

"The marine police exhale and raise their eyebrows, they are at odds with the pirates!"

The headlines on the front page of the newspaper were all about the Hong Kong Royal Police Marine Headquarters, united as one, bravely issued a military order, and vowed to fight pirates to the death.

"Who are you lying to? Fighting pirates again? How many times have you fought!"

"Yeah, maybe it's thunder and rain again."

In the milk tea shop, several customers flipped through the newspapers and discussed.

"These pirates have done all kinds of bad things. They have been rampant at sea for many years, robbing cargo ships, merchant ships, and cruise ships. People hate it. Unfortunately, no one can punish them."

"No way, who made the pirates powerful, and seeing that the marine police are all rookies, how do they fight?"

"The water police only know how to make money! Fighting pirates? Hey, wait and see!"

The customers scoffed at the fact that the water police beat pirates.

The owner of the milk tea shop brought milk tea and said: "You can't say it like this. I heard that a new strongman has arrived in the Marine Police Department. Not only does he command the two fleets, but he has also reached an agreement with the other ten fleets. Everyone advances and retreats together. This time it's real!"

"What a fart!" said a customer, sipping milk tea, "Pirates say they can beat them? They don't even look at their surroundings."

"That's right, the pirates are colluding with the people on the shore—those marine police are either blind or working together!"

"Speak carefully, beware of being caught!"

"I'm telling the truth, whoever arrests me?"

The owner of the milk tea shop smiled and said, "Okay, let's drink tea first, and don't talk about state affairs!"

Everyone silenced and stopped discussing.


"Watch TV!"

Someone pointed to the TV and said.

Li's TV station on the TV is interviewing Chief Inspector Charles of the Marine Police Department.

"What do you think of this military order?"

"For me, this is a spur and an encouragement! Yes, God, as the chief inspector, I almost forgot my duty for such a long time, which is to combat pirates, eliminate violence and bring peace to the people of Hong Kong! "

"It is said that this military order has been rewarded by superiors, is it true?"

"Yes, there is indeed such a thing. But here I want to reiterate that I am not a hero, because I did not draft this military order. The real hero is a police chief named Du Yongxiao!"

"Du Yongxiao? This name sounds familiar."

"Of course, he is a young hero. He used to be a detective in Kowloon, but he was transferred to our Marine Police Department in recent months."

When Charles talked about this, facing the camera, he said affectionately: "His arrival has injected fresh blood into our stagnant marine police department, and let us understand that we are still alive and what our ultimate goal is——"

"That's right, it's fighting pirates!" Charles said excitedly, "Pirates are not destroyed, why should we call ourselves home? This is what Dear Du told me, and I was deeply moved by him at that moment!"

Then Charles made a heroic description of Du Yongxiao.

Beside the TV, everyone listened with great interest, and the image of a hot young man couldn't help but appear in their minds.

"This Du Yongxiao is so sharp!"

"Yeah, it's not easy to motivate the water police!"

"It turns out there are still heroes around us!"

People sighed.

Finally, on TV, Charles recited poetry and said: "He came from Kowloon, came to this water, and boiled our swamp with his blood! Du Yongxiao, you are our hero!"

Charles smiled mysteriously at the camera.

End the interview.

Everyone in front of the TV was in high spirits and couldn't calm down for a long time.


Near the corner retreat——

"It looks like it's real this time!" said a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and a thick-skinned appearance.

"The government will carry out propaganda and promote this man named Du Yongxiao. I don't know what the hell is going on." Said the shrewd middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Don't always think about the bad things." The honest man said, "You should also think about some good things once in a while."

"Forget it, I came to Hong Kong from the mainland as a reform-through-labour prisoner, trekking all the way, and almost lost my life. From my point of view, it's right to think about the worst of everything!" said the shrewd man.

"That's why you like writing science fiction so much?" The honest man smiled, "I've read your Wesley, but I just can't stand it, it doesn't make sense. For example, when you wrote "The Earth's Core Oven", Wesley When I met a white bear in Antarctica, many readers reported that there seemed to be no white bears in Antarctica, only penguins.”

"The pen is in my hand. I don't care what I want to write about. At worst, tell them that it was the last white bear in Antarctica, and it happened to be killed by Wesley, so now there are only penguins in Antarctica."

"Haha, you are a literary scoundrel!"

"Am I a rascal, or am I being forced by you?" The shrewd man picked up the egg tart and took a bite, "Originally I was good at writing martial arts, but you also wrote martial arts, making us write nothing, no matter how hard we try, we can't surpass it." You! Your "Shooting the Condor" directly became a god, what else can I do? I can only linger in the field of science fiction!"

"Okay, what you said made me look like a sinful person --- let's get down to business, what do you think of Du Yongxiao's fight against pirates this time?"

"How else can I see it? As I said just now, this time it's another gimmick packaged by the government. This guy surnamed Du will disappear soon--fighting pirates? I think it's about the same as playing planes! Young people are full of blood and anger. Big, you have to get rid of the fire!"

"You, you are so vulgar!"

"I'm rough, but not vulgar."

The honest man shook his head. He doesn't like to talk nonsense, and every time he speaks, he can't talk to the guy opposite.

"But I believe it's true this time." The honest man picked up a napkin and wiped the dripping milk tea on the dining table, "If you make such a big commotion and don't do anything, won't you come down? As for that Du Yongxiao——"

The honest man thought: "But it suddenly gave me inspiration——I am writing "The Deer and Ding Tale" now. I wrote that Wei Xiaobao was sent by Kangxi to fight pirates, and then I first arrived at Shenlong Island... Do you think the surname is Du?"

"What do you look like? Wei Xiaobao? Like a ghost! You say that I, Wei Xiaobao, have six or seven wives, but I heard that Du Yongxiao doesn't even have half a girlfriend!" The shrewd man said, "Some people even suspect that he likes that——"

"Which one?"

"I'm pretending again! Of course it's that addiction!"

"No way?" The honest man was taken aback, "Didn't Inspector Charles just say that Police Chief Du swears that pirates are not destroyed, so why should he be at home? I believe he is a good man, and he disregarded his children's personal relationships just to fight pirates! "

"Haha shout! I laughed three times!" The shrewd man sneered: "If his surname Du can really wipe out the pirates, I am willing to sell myself as a slave!"

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