Hong Kong variety show starting from zombies

Chapter 309 Hua Yingxiong, my master

The disadvantage of not having inner energy is not only that Xiao Zhang has no ability to attack from a distance, not counting sniper rifles and the like.

Another disadvantage is that his indestructible body magic skill will never reach the third level, even if he is promoted to a flying zombie or even a higher level zombie in the future.

To be fair, a zombie with copper skin and iron bones at the level of Mao Zheng doesn't seem to need any skill, but it's better than nothing.

At the same level, Xiao Zhang's defense power is higher than that of other Mao Zhan, and it is not just a little higher, but a significant improvement. After all, the Vajra Indestructible Body Magic is the fundamental skill in the innate secret art, not What kind of golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt?

Therefore, this benefit will still exist even if he is promoted to a real non-bone-level zombie, or even a zombie king.

Do you want Gong Er to get on top?

Xiao Zhang is now very sure that Gong Er is willing to have sex with him. As long as he tells her to come up, Gong Er will appear on him in an instant.

Even if he used the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique to temporarily seal Gong Er's consciousness, he would completely control Gong Er's ghost energy.

In short, Gong Er is equivalent to directly becoming Xiao Zhang's inner energy.

But now is not the time to consider this issue. What Xiao Zhang really needs to consider is whether he wants to practice the Tiancan Divine Art.

Ashin said: "I have no objection. I don't believe in the idea that we are mutually reinforcing each other and that the two of us will become life-or-death enemies. It's just martial arts. It's not that mysterious."

Xiao Zhang didn't care much about this at first, he cared about another thing.

Chen Haonan said: "The phone number is for you, you can call it yourself. I have agreed on the time. If you miss the time, you may not be able to get through the call."


Xiao Zhang finally found this opportunity and dialed a mobile phone number at the agreed time.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Hello, Mr. Hua, I'm Xiao Zhang, that's Chen Haonan's good brother. Our brotherly relationship is quite good."

Chen Haonan and Ah Xing next to them couldn't help but want to laugh when they saw Xiao Zhang's attitude, but were embarrassed to laugh out, so they could only turn their heads helplessly.

Xiao Zhang didn't mean to shy away from the two of them. When he just woke up and landed after sleeping for seventy years, he could directly kneel down and worship Uncle Feng, who was about to ascend to immortality. For an innate grandmaster who was very likely to reach the realm of Shattered Void, It is normal for Hua Yingxiong to have a groveling attitude.

Both thighs are very thick.

Uncle Feng is the strongest Taoist cultivator Xiao Zhang knows, although apart from Uncle Feng, he only knows one dead Taoist cultivator, Master Kong Kong.

Hua Yingxiong is the strongest martial arts practitioner Xiao Zhang knows, although he has never seen Hua Yingxiong in person.

But these two people are Xiao Zhang's thighs.

"You're welcome. Haonan has already told me. It's just that he doesn't know the content of the Tiancan Magic Art. If you don't mind, you can tell me and I will analyze it for you."

"Ah? This is an oversight on my part. If Haonan wants to practice Tiancan Magic, I will give him the secret book immediately. Tathagata Divine Palm is also fine."

"Hahaha... No need for that. Haonan has his own fate and major skills. I will thank you for your thoughtfulness on his behalf."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. We are all brothers. What's mine is his."

What's his is also mine, like Master and so on.

After a few polite words, Xiao Zhang went straight to the point and began to talk about the inner workings of the Tian Can Magic Art.

Although the Tiancan Magic Kung Fu is mainly based on leg techniques, so it has always been called Tiancan Kou, it has a complete set of internal skills and mental techniques, just like the Tathagata Divine Palm. It is not just palm techniques. A Xing relies on the Tathagata Divine Palm to practice It was like a golden inner energy was coming out.

When martial arts has reached this level, there is actually not much difference. If A Xing has cultivated the Tathagata Palm to perfection, he can also use his feet to hit the Tathagata Palm. He can call it Tathagata Legs if he likes.

The same is true for the Tiancan Magic Kung Fu. The kicking technique is just relatively more suitable for this skill. If you really practice it to the highest level, practice makes perfect and you can hit it with your butt. If you really like it, you can call it Tiancan Fart. .

It sounds uncomfortable, and it doesn't matter if you call Tian Can Shen Shit.

Xiao Zhang said without reservation that he was not worried about Hua Yingxiong, Ah Xing, and Chen Haonan coveting his martial arts. He was really willing to teach Chen Haonan the Tathagata Divine Palm and Tiancan magic skills. If Wuying and Ahua had this talent, It doesn't matter to him either.

After hearing this, Hua Yingxiong was silent for a while, and his tone turned serious.

"I heard that you also have the secret book of Seven Spin Slash?"

"Yes, I read..."

"No, I mean, if you can't practice Tathagata Palm, Seven Spin Slash is not bad either. I've heard of its reputation. It's indeed inferior to Tathagata Palm and Tiancan Divine Skill, but it's not weak either. The innate secret art of the long-lost three-point return vitality stream."

It is not surprising that Xiao Zhang has three points of returning vitality. After all, there is an immortal golden body in this world.

However, ten birds in the forest are worth less than one in the hand, and Xiao Zhang is not a greedy person.


"Because this martial arts can really make people become bloodthirsty, and it is difficult to predict the evil behavior. Without great wisdom and perseverance, it is difficult to suppress the influence of this martial arts on practitioners. Although your fate is very Hard, the star around you is also very hard. It can make you Haonan's friends, and it can also offset the influence of Haonan's fate, so that he will not hurt the people around him, but... this martial arts is different. .”

Xiao Zhang pondered slightly and asked, "What if I have a way to offset this effect?"

"If that's the case, there's no problem, but you must make sure your method is effective, otherwise, one day you and Ah Xing, who practices Tathagata Palm, will become life-and-death enemies."

That's okay, it will definitely be useful.

Because I am not a human being at all.

And he really couldn't bear it anymore. If Gong Er left his body every minute and lost the ghost energy equivalent to his inner energy, how much impact would it have?

Even if he relied on Gong Er's upper body to cultivate his own inner energy, how could he have more ghost energy than Gong Er, who was about to become the ghost king and would definitely become a ghost and god in the future under his own feeding?

Can suppress both left and right.

"Um..." Seeing that Hua Yingxiong never understood what he meant, Xiao Zhang simply asked directly: "Is it possible for me to practice the Tiancan Divine Art and the Chinese Proud Jue at the same time?"


This was not Hua Yingxiong's sneer, but Chen Haonan next to him.

Ah Xing also looked helpless.

Hua Yingxiong on the other end of the phone laughed loudly: "Hahaha... You can practice it, of course you can practice it at the same time, because Chinese Aojue is a very pure swordsmanship, and it is not very useful for the cultivation and increase of internal energy, and it will not affect You use the inner energy of the Tiancan Divine Art to use the Chinese Aojue."

Xiao Zhang was overjoyed, but still worried and asked: "Master, if Zhonghua Aojue can't help improve the inner energy, then should I find a special inner strength method for Haonan to practice?"

Chen Haonan, who had just sneered, was a little moved again. He believed that Xiao Zhang was telling the truth, because he could read the secret book of Tathagata Palm, but he didn't read or practice it just because of Hua Yingxiong's explanation.

"There is really no need for this. In fact, the internal skills that Haonan and I practice are all from the Yi Jin Jing. Of course, what we practice is not the complete version, but it is completely sufficient. It is available in the secret book library of the Yi Jin Jing." Hua The hero said: "I have other plans for Haonan. You don't have to worry about him. You only need to worry about yourself practicing the Tiancan Divine Art. Don't let this martial art influence your mind. Otherwise, you really won't be able to learn my Chinese Ao Jue." ”

Noticing that Hua Yingxiong didn't care about calling him master, Xiao Zhang knew that Hua Yingxiong really wanted to accept him as his disciple. The reason was that he had a tough life and had a good relationship with Chen Haonan.

"Okay Master, thank you Master, I will prepare a banquet for you when you come back."

"No need for that. If you have anything to do, contact me. I'll go back in a while. The Polish Grand Duke that Haonan mentioned is a vampire duke, but vampires don't know how to fight, so you should be able to handle it. I'm even busier here. Ignore him."

"Okay Master, don't worry Master, we can handle it."

The phone hangs up.

Xiao Zhang laughed proudly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Okay, have you made your decision?" Axing reminded: "In fact, you can definitely practice the Yi Jin Jing. Although it is not a complete version of the library, it is enough for you to practice to the innate realm. When we return later, I will help you borrow the "Great Sun Tathagata Sutra" from Shaolin Temple. If you understand it, you can make your Yi Jin Jing not weaker than the Tathagata Divine Palm and Tiancan Divine Art."

I can't even practice the Tathagata Palm, so I can't practice the Yi Jin Jing or read the "Great Sun Tathagata Sutra".

The reason why Xiao Zhang hesitated was because he was worried that he would not be able to practice the peerless swordsmanship of China's Aojue in the future. To solve this problem, he would definitely practice Tiancan Magic, because this martial art was really suitable for a zombie like him.

He possesses all the negative auras needed to practice the Tiancan Magic Art, and his absorption efficiency is far superior to those of those unique martial arts wizards, because the unique martial arts wizards are also human beings.

The impact on him when he absorbs these breaths is far lower than the impact on humans when they absorb it.

"I have decided to practice the Tiancan Divine Art."

Xiao Zhang said seriously: "I heard that there are two martial arts that are mutually reinforcing and incompatible. They are called Cloud Pai Palm and Wind God Kick. Yun Wuxiang and Feng Wuchang, so the combination of the two can produce a peerless power called Maha Infinite. . Maybe my Tiancan Divine Art and your Tathagata Divine Palm can also use Maha Wuliang, and it will be a stronger Maha Wuliang."

Axing was stunned for a moment. He felt that Xiao Zhang was talking nonsense, not because he had never heard of Paiyun Palm and Fengshen Legs, but...

"It should be that the clouds are impermanent and the wind has no phase. You even said this wrong. What are you talking about about Maha Wuliang? Maha is Sanskrit, which means extremely big. Maha Wuliang refers to infinity. Where in this world What infinite power is there?”

Xiao Zhang was angry.

"Are you questioning your captain? Haonan, help me make an appointment with Amei."


"No, no, no, no, you can practice as you like. Then I will try more with you. Sooner or later, we will be able to develop the Maha Boundless."

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