When Shen Long saw this, he naturally stepped forward to stop Buddha without saying a word, and looked at Buddha with a joking look, as if he had guessed everything.

"If you didn't have a guilty conscience, why would you kill someone so quickly? Don’t you monks not do this kind of thing?"

After Shen Long said these words, many gods around looked at the Buddha with a very distant expression. Even some people over there couldn't stand it. Whose fault is it now? He already knows it completely

"I originally thought you were the great Buddha in my heart, but I never expected that you would be nothing in the end."

After Pixiu said these words, he sighed helplessly and shook his head. At this moment, he suddenly ran towards Bai Ze and hugged Bai Ze.

"Just come back, just come back. Fortunately, it's not too late for you to wake up. Now you finally know his true face."

Bai Ze seemed to have already guessed this. He stretched out his hand and patted Shi Shi's shoulder.

On the surface, it seemed that he had already thought of everything, but in fact he was still very surprised. He didn't expect it. It was even better than he imagined that Pixiu would return to his arms and become good friends with him again. It was a comfort to Shen Long beside him, and he nodded happily when he saw this. It was not considered that his work was in vain.

It seems that they were not deceived too badly at all.

It’s just that these Buddhas were probably deceived to a deeper extent. Shen Long took a look at the Buddhas and had an idea in his heart.

"Now I don’t want to talk nonsense with you so much. Let’s just do it. Today I want to see what tricks you haven’t used yet. If you still have some conscience, admit your mistake on the spot and let us handle it."

Fuxi didn't expect that inviting Shen Long here was the wisest choice he had ever made in his life. As expected, only Shen Long could deal with these people.

Before, he was still wondering whether he could succeed this time, but this time it seems that he is very likely to succeed. 89 is going to be successful

"Let's do it."

After Fuxi said this to the gods, everyone took out their weapons and hit the Buddha. The Buddha looked calm when he saw this.

"Isn't the plane you're thinking of a bit too ridiculous? Could it be that I came here today unprepared and stood here stupidly and let you beat me?"

The Buddha thought that such a situation might happen before he came, but the situation was even more critical than he imagined. He didn't know whether he could escape smoothly this time.

"Enter, disciples."

After the Buddha said these words, the Buddhas stepped forward to help the Buddha capture these people, and there were many Buddhas hiding around. They also rushed out at this time to fight against the gods. For a while, the Buddha's people here changed. More.

Fuxi's expression changed when he saw this. He didn't expect that Buddha had already planned it in advance and hid someone here.

"Everyone must work harder to stop him. No matter what, we cannot let him escape today."

After hearing this, Shen Long nodded. He originally wanted to go up to help, but what he didn't expect was that Buddha disappeared in front of everyone before he went up. Fuxi's face became even worse when he saw this.

He had guessed this result before, but he didn't expect the result to come so quickly.

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