The man's name is Xiao Wang, and after some conversation, I know what happened between Xiao Wang and Liu Beibei.

Xiao Wang is the owner of a small bookstore, the year before last Liu Beibei went to the bookstore to choose tutoring materials for students when he met Xiao Wang, the two hit it off at first sight, the relationship continued to heat up, and soon determined the relationship.

After a year of dating, Xiao Wang thought that he and Liu Beibei were both young and it was time to talk about marriage, so he proposed to Liu Beibei.

Liu Beibei agreed, but when it came to meeting the parents of both parties, Liu Beibei hesitated.

She told Xiao Wang that her parents might have a hard time communicating.

Speaking of this, Xiao Wang lit another cigarette.

"I thought I could impress Beibei's parents with my sincerity, but I didn't expect that they threw me and the gifts I bought out of the house. It

turned out that Xiao Wang's family situation was a little special, he had a sick mother, and almost all the family's savings were spent on treatment, when he confessed these situations truthfully, Liu Beibei's parents turned their faces on the spot, resolutely opposed the marriage between the two, and kicked Xiao Wang out.

Liu Beibei's parents asked their daughter to break up with Xiao Wang, Liu Beibei resolutely disagreed, and after a long stalemate, Liu Beibei's father put forward a condition.

Xiao Wang wants to marry Liu Beibei, but he has to get a bride price of 300,000 yuan.

This seems to be Liu Beibei's father taking a step back, but in fact, he is taking retreat as advance, how can Xiao Wang, whose mother is sick, use his mother's life-saving money as a bride price......

Beibei, who didn't want to embarrass Xiao Wang, took the initiative to break up.

Xiao Wang didn't want this relationship to be broken like this, and waited downstairs for Liu Beibei to get off work every night, but Liu Beibei seemed to be a different person, no matter what he said, he didn't care, and went upstairs directly.

I asked Xiao Wang.

"You said that Liu Beibei seems to have changed a person, where has it changed?"

"Eyes!" Xiao Wang said excitedly, "Eyes, I used to be very obsessed with her eyes, shiny and beautiful, but now there no light in her eyes at all"

When others heard this, they would definitely think that Xiao Wang was crazy, but it reminded me.

Recalling the scene of the meal just now, Liu Beibei's eyes kept dodging, refusing to look directly at me, as if she was running away from something!

Yin and Yang eyes! I suddenly realized that she was running away from my Yin and Yang eyes!

I threw down Xiao Wang, returned to Liu Beibei's house again, and knocked on the door.

It was Liu Beibei's father who opened the door, and he saw me and asked.

"Did something fall behind?"

I asked my uncle to call Liu Beibei out, and I wanted to see her again.

The uncle invited me into the house, and then knocked on Liu Beibei's door.

"Babe, you come out and get down.

Liu Beibei's voice came from the house.

"I'm asleep, I'll talk about it tomorrow. "

It's only half past seven in the evening, who would go to bed so early, she must have deliberately avoided me.

Without saying a word, I rushed straight into the house, there were two keys left on the door, and the bedroom was locked useless.

I twisted the key to push the door, but it wouldn't open, so I slammed it twice.

With a bang, the door opened, and I stood in the doorway, gasping.

Liu Beibei was sitting on the ground, she had just pushed her body against the door and was knocked down by me.

She couldn't avoid my eyes as she sat on the floor, and the two of us finally met eye contact.

At this moment, I felt that my yin and yang eyes were hot, and then in my field of vision, Liu Beibei's appearance gradually faded, and finally became a puppet toy.

This is who she is!

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