After recognizing his relatives, Hong Chen explained his intentions.

"Brother...... Want me to pretend to be him...... He said that his parents couldn't find me for the rest of their lives, and at most they had regrets, but if they died, they would definitely be heartbroken, after all, they had raised him for 30 years...... "

I can understand this idea, but no matter how similar the two brothers look like, it is difficult to get through in the face of their parents, right? Especially since the two grew up in completely different environments, how can Tian Feng pretend to be his brother so as not to be recognized?"

Tian Feng said to me.

"I came to the teahouse to solve this problem, my adoptive parents have passed away for many years, if I can replace my brother to stay with my biological parents, it is not only my brother's wish, but I am also willing.

Tian Feng's face was sincere, I thought about it, there seems to be a yin thing in the teahouse that can fulfill the wishes of the two.

I told him to wait for a while, and then went to the basement alone and fetched this jade pendant.

On this jade pendant, there are two carps connected from head to tail.

I told Tian Feng that this feminine thing is called Pisces Pendant, and it has a great background.

In the late Qing Dynasty, Cixi imprisoned the Guangxu Emperor in Yingtai, but in Hankou, Hubei Province, a young man pretending to be the Guangxu Emperor appeared.

This young man is seven points similar to Guangxu, and his style is exactly the same as that of Emperor Guangxu.

The officials of Hankou were all deceived, knelt down three times and knocked nine times, and were deceived of a large amount of money, but before they fled, they were recognized by Zhang Zhidong, who was the governor of Huguang at the time, and beheaded at the mouth of the vegetable market.

How did this young man deceive so many officials? It turned out that he was originally a servant who sang for Guangxu, and he entered the palace many times and learned Guangxu's every move, smile, and smile.

After his death, the jade pendant on his body became a yin object, which is now the Pisces pendant in my hand.

The two carps on Pisces were one white and one purple, and I told Tian Feng to wait for his brother to drip his brother's blood on the white carp, and then his own blood on the purple carp.

In this way, when his brother Hongchen passes away, a wisp of his soul will be attached to the Pisces pendant, Tian Feng wears the Pisces pendant, even if it is his biological parents, he can't tell that his son has changed someone.

Tian Feng was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly said that he had bought this feminine thing.

I offered 500,000 yuan, but Tian Feng did not make a counteroffer.

When sending Tian Feng away, I told him.

"It must be your brother's voluntary blood to keep his soul, otherwise you will be in big trouble wearing the Pisces Wear, understand?"

Tian Feng said that he understood, and left in a hurry.

Selling the third feminine item means that the assessment has been completed, Lin Xiaolu is very happy, and pulls me to have a big meal.

Boss Lin said that he would prepare for the apprenticeship ceremony, which would take about two weeks.

For the past two weeks, the teahouse has been quiet until I was watching the news when I found a missing person notice.

That's how the missing person notice is written.

Name of the person being searched: Tian Feng

Gender: Male

Origin of the person being searched: There

is also a description of the characteristics of the person being searched behind Ande, as well as a photo, which is Tian Feng who bought a Pisces in a teahouse not long ago.

I'm a little strange, according to the inference of time, Tian Feng's elder brother should have passed away, Tian Feng is now living with his biological parents as an elder brother, no one knows him locally, could it be a missing person notice sent by his friend from Shu Province?

But no one knows that Tian Feng has come here, how can the origin of the notice be Ande?

I have a bad premonition in my heart......

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