Horror University

Chapter 037 A Man Who Wants to Die

Yin Kuang's eyes were as cold as ice.

He exhausted all his strength, and wiped Nicholas' neck with one knife!

It can be said that his movements are very clumsy, without any skills at all, purely relying on brute force-in fact, Yin Kuang's strength is only 3 points, which is not considered brute force-more precisely , It is a style of play that trades injuries for injuries, a desperate style of play.

Yin Kuang has self-knowledge.He knew very well that if he played normally, even if he had ten lives and 100 health points, it would not be enough to fight against Nicholas!

Since he was a child, he has never learned any fighting skills, and his moves are just floating clouds.Therefore, since the normal attack methods are not feasible, the only thing Yin Kuang can do is to fight for his life!

attack!attack!Attack again! !

Desperate, go straight forward, maybe Yin Kuang still has a glimmer of life.If you want to dodge or block, you can imagine it without using your brain, and Yin Kuang will directly hang back to the "university" with just one knife.

Although Nicholas on the opposite side has the will to die, as a Predator, he must have the responsibility a soldier should have!

Fighting, going all out to fight, is the only value of his Nicholas!

Facing the knife slashed by Yin Kuang, with Nicholas' experienced skills and honed fighting instincts, how could he not know what Yin Kuang was thinking?

life for life?

Nicholas didn't need to do that at all.

I saw that Nicholas swung the saber with his backhand, and with a "ding", the blades of the two sabers collided and rubbed in the air, sparking sparks, illuminating the stern faces of the two...

The power of this block alone made Yin Kuang's arm holding the knife numb, bleeding from the tiger's mouth, and even the saber almost flew out of his hand.

However, before Yin Kuang could react, a sharp pain in his abdomen spread all over his body.

The next moment, he flew upside down like a kite that had come off its string, and fell hard onto the asphalt.

One kick cut Yin Kuang's life by 2 points!

Yin Kuang, whose life was originally only 5 points, now has only 4 points left.If calculated, the strength of Nicholas' kick just now reached 3 points!The strength of such a kick alone is stronger than Yin Kuang's [-] points of strength.It is not difficult to imagine that if Nicholas had tried his best, Yin Kuang might have hung up right away.

"Wait...full strength?! 4 points of strength!? Impossible! Even Wei Ming has 8 points of strength. It doesn't make sense that this elite mercenary has so little strength... Did he not use his full strength... or , he can’t use all his strength at all!?”

In the flames, Yin Kuang's eyes shone with an inexplicable light!

Blood! ?

Only then did Yin Kuang realize that there was a puddle of blood stains on the ground, scarlet and scarlet, obviously hot blood that had just flowed out.The blood is obviously not Yin Kuang's, so...

"Why is he always facing me?! Could it be..."

His sharp eyes swept away, and sure enough, from this angle, Yin Kuang just saw a drop of blood dripping from the mercenary's back, splashing a flower of blood on the ground.

For Yin Kuang at this time, this bloody flower is so dazzling at the moment.

"He was also injured! That's right, it must be like this! Even if he escaped from such a violent explosion, how could he be unscathed! God help me too! Now, let's see who can last longer!"

At the end of the year, Yin Kuang got up, held the knife, and rushed towards the mercenary again.

Why rush?Didn't you mean to see who dragged on longer?

If Yin Kuang really does that, then he is really not far from death.

Imagine a wounded wolf standing in front of you. If you choose to confront it with the intention of stalling for time until the wolf bleeds to death, you can imagine that the wounded wolf will never confront you.It will definitely rush over madly before dying and tear you apart with its sharp teeth.But if you run away, being bitten to death is your final end.

Therefore, the only correct choice is to rush up, use all your strength, and kill the wolf!Even if you are not sure, you have to do it.Because it's your only hope of survival.

At this time, Nicholas is the injured wolf!

"Have you found out?"

When the saber collided, Nicholas grinned and looked directly at Yin Kuang, "Yes, I was injured. And it was very serious."

Yin Kuang was constantly pushed back by Nicholas' huge force, and he almost couldn't stand still.He really wanted to free up his hand to punch Nicholas, but he knew that his fist would definitely not be able to harm Nicholas. He thought that the only thing he could rely on was the saber in his hand.So, no matter what, he couldn't let go of the knife in his hand.

There was a "bang".Yin Kuang was pushed against the wall by Nicholas, and he had already suffered a gunshot wound on his back. At this time, he was hit hard, and he hit him immediately, and his eyes turned white.If it weren't for a strong obsession, Yin Kuang would have passed out.

Lose another 1 point of life!

"Death... is approaching..." Nicholas' hoarse and deep voice rang in Yin Kuang's ear.

"No! Why... die?! I want... to live..." Yin Kuang squeezed out a few words between his teeth, and suddenly, his head hit Nicholas' head.

At this moment, the two met very closely and very suddenly, so their heads bumped into each other fiercely!


Blood splattered.

Yin Kuang only felt his whole body trembling and numb as if he had been hit by a high-voltage electric current.But what was even worse was that a strong pain and dizziness attacked his brain. The feeling was like a huge hammer hitting his brain fiercely, and it was like a powerful His hand pinched his brain desperately, the feeling...indescribable!

Life, minus 1 point.

When the two collided, even Nicholas screamed in pain, and the power acting on the saber dissipated instantly.

"Reminder: You deal 3 points of damage to the elite mercenary leader Nicholas. The special head damage ignores the defense value and actually causes 3 points of damage."

"Hint: Nicholas, the leader of the elite mercenaries, is stunned for 2 seconds."

There are these hints, but Yin Kuang doesn't have the thought to pay attention to the sudden "hints" at this time.The only thing he has to do now is to rush up and kill Nicholas!

"Reminder: When your life is lower than 10%, the effect of the 'Hard Hard Work' skill is activated. Immune to the stun effect, you are immune to damage for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds, the damage is doubled."

"Reminder: The effect of the angry beast is activated. Your strength is 2, defense is 1, agility -2, intelligence -3."

"Attention: Due to your low health, you will be paralyzed for 30 minutes after the 'Angry Beast' effect disappears!!"

"Damn it!!"

Yin Kuang yelled, tearing his throat and yelling, but he didn't care about so much anymore. He rushed up like crazy, and hit Nicholas' lower body with a knee.


Nicholas let out a howl of a beast, and the piercing pain immediately pulled him out of his dizziness.

Almost instinctively, Nicholas curled his legs and fell backwards.However, as a soldier with a lot of combat experience, the moment he fell down, his hands grabbed Yin Kuang's clothes and tore him to the ground together. At the same time, the saber pierced Yin Kuang's clothes. Kuang's right shoulder...

At this point, 1 second has passed...

However, I don’t know whether it was Yin Kuang’s "mysterious protection" and "Stove Lord Amulet" fortune 3 effect activated, or that Nicholas was indeed not favored by God, and there happened to be a sharp stone on the ground where he fell. Piece.As soon as Nicholas fell to the ground, his back was pressed against the sharp stones.

At that moment, Nicholas' flushed face due to the severe pain in his lower body faded instantly.

Originally, his back was bloody and bloody due to the impact of the explosion. At this moment, a sharp stone pressed against his spine, which almost dislocated his spine. At this moment, Nicholas had lost the ability to resist.

However, Yin Kuang's attack is still going on!

After being paralyzed for 30 minutes, the damage doubled after being immune to damage, the irritated Yin Kuang almost lost his mind at this time - if he didn't kill Nicholas within 2 seconds, he, Yin Kuang, would be dead! !

This is the last madness before death! !

A knife pierced into Nicholas' collarbone...

Another knife stabbed directly into Nicholas' throat...

The next knife after knife was almost stabbed in Nicholas' chest - the blood shot from Nicholas' neck soaked Yin Kuang's eyes and blocked his sight, plus Yin Kuang was really in the "Angry Beast" intelligence The effect of -3, so his knife did not fall on Nicholas' vital point.

However, enough is enough...

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