House Dad’s Literary Life

Chapter 925: What if the gold coins are not enough? (1/4)

The new week has quietly passed the majority, and November has gradually come to the middle. In the past few days, Yang Lan did not forget his request. He asked Lanzhou Kai to communicate and helped Lan boss to adjust the strategy of managing Lan Xin. Like Lan Yu, Lan Xin also “enjoyed” and worked hard to earn “ The incentive mechanism of gold coins.

Of course, it will vary from person to person!

In addition to earning gold coins through housework and learning, Lanxin can also use the length of exercise to redeem the corresponding gold coins, and her gold coins are also very useful.

For example, three gold coins can be exchanged for permission to eat at home, and ten gold coins can be exchanged for a chance for Yang Lan to give her whatever food she wants!

If the gold currency exchange TV license is just needed, and the gold currency exchange doll is not attractive to Lanxin, then the gold currency is exchanged for food, but Lanxin knows that it cannot raise the important reason for opposing these "harsh" requirements!

Not only that, Lan Xin’s enthusiasm was completely motivated.

"Uncle Yang, can I still go to your home today and do homework with you?" Lan Xin asked enthusiastically in the car that came back in the evening.

Yesterday, because Wu Jingjing went shopping, and came back late, Lan Xin was at Yang Lan’s home, and completed the homework with him. I have to say that the two children write homework together and urge each other. Lan Xin is also much more efficient.

Before I answered Yang Lan, I was happy to dance and said: "Yes, yes, Xiner, you can come to my house again!"

Yang Lan smiled and said to Lan Xin: "It can be, but you have to promise uncle, you can't whisper when you do your homework. If you whisper, you can't finish your homework!"

"Yeah, hey, I can go to your home to do my homework!" Lan Xin did not listen to Yang Lan's words, already cheered up.

Lan family fell in love with Lan Xin and came to study with him. After Yang Lan sent Lan Xin back home, Wu Jingjing directed several servants and moved Lan Xin’s desk from Lan’s family and moved to it. In the banquet hall of Yang Yu’s family, looking at this posture, I want to stay away!

Yang Lan did not care, Murphy also invited Wu Jingjing to stay and eat together.

"Okay, okay! I have to eat at home today!" Lanxin’s ear standing on one side of the bag was particularly pointed. When she heard the keyword, she suddenly twisted her head and let her eyes shine. Said.

"If you want to eat at your home, then you will get three gold coins." Wu Jingjing was selfless and extended his right hand and said.

"Oh, no, I am with my mother, my mother asked us to eat, no need to spend money!" Lan Xin listened to her baby gold coins, suddenly anxious, and screamed.

"My mother asked me to eat, but I didn't want you to eat." Wu Jingjing shrugged her shoulders. For her daughter's performance and body, she didn't know how many black faces she sang along with Lanzhou Kay. At this moment, a little lazy. There is no room for her to stay with Lan Xin. "If you have three gold coins, you can of course stay and eat together, but if you don't have one, you have to go back and eat the meals made by your grandmother."

Lan Xin’s small mouth immediately screamed and could be hung up: “I don’t have three gold coins, I, I only have one!”

Murphy, who had been quietly watching the incident, finally couldn’t help but ask: "Only one? Auntie gave you and gold coins yesterday. Didn’t you say that there is one more? It should be two, add up and write today. After finishing this job, you should have enough three gold coins!"

Wu Jingjing smiled and said: "She went back last night and couldn't help but watch TV! If it were not going to sleep, it is estimated that the remaining gold coins could not be saved!"

Lan Xin does not want to exercise, so she can only earn a subsistence allowance by doing homework in the past few days, and she thinks that as long as she does not watch TV, she can go to the family to eat after three days of subsistence allowance!

Who knows, she still didn't resist the temptation last night...

"You don't want me to come home to eat!" Lan Xin said dejectedly. "I don't have three gold coins, hehe..."

Lan Xin also brought a cry, but the little girl did not cry, she just rubbed her eyes with her hands, and quietly observed through the fingers, trying to find a trace of their retreat on the face of adults.

My great child is so cute, should I be pitiful and pitiful?

However, there is no, Wu Jingjing is too familiar with Lanxin's three-axe axe. She also pulled La Murphy and smiled. "Don't ignore her. If she can't finish her homework, there is no gold coin today. If she doesn't want to exercise, It is estimated that there are not enough gold coins in this life."

However, the adults are not pity, they care about their little friends!

I just didn’t know when I ran upstairs, holding her little treasure chest and ran down: “Xiner, or else, I will lend you two gold coins? Wait for you to have money. And give it back to me!"

My care, so that some desperate Lanxin saw an oasis in the desert. She was overjoyed and moved away from the small hand covering her face. The eyes looked bright and bright: "Really? Hey, you Want to lend me your gold coins?"

"Yeah!" He ordered a small head and opened his own treasure chest.

The treasure chest was opened, and a layer of glittering "gold coins" was placed inside, which immediately made Lan Xin look blind.

"Wow, so many gold coins!" Lan Xin's eyes are about to come out, she looked at it enviously, as if she saw a piece of cake that would flutter.

I really struggled to earn gold coins. The little girl didn’t try to eat the subsistence allowance like Lan Xin in exchange for the opportunity to enjoy. In addition to doing the gold coins she had to work on, she also tried to find opportunities to help her father with housework and help her mother. Xiao Yan changed clothes.

A lot of things have been done, and I have lost all the flowers on TV. I finally found four "golden coins" now!

She is not a miser, she is willing to spend money, watching TV spend some, she is still waiting for the weekend to go shopping, and then cross the rest, buy the doll you want!

Of course, the four gold coins are not too many, just enough to lay a layer in the small treasure chest, but for Lan Xin, who has never had enough gold coins, this is definitely a huge sum!

How can this not make her feel envious?

"You see, how hard is it? She has done other work, but you are not willing to use exercise to earn gold coins. Now I want to eat at home, and there is no gold coin?" Wu Jingjing took the opportunity to teach Lan Xin.

"But I said, she wants to lend me money!" Lan Xin blinked her eyes. At this moment, she was not in a hurry, calmly said.

It seems that Lan Xin found a gold mine that can be mined...

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