How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 118 Processing Plant

Xikou County is not big, but with such a large population, there are naturally supporting industries and job opportunities.

Xikou Shenglai Fish Processing Factory is the largest and best-selling industrial park here.

It and its more than a dozen downstream units of the industrial chain, relying on the advantages of being adjacent to the river and human resources, include a series of business projects such as canned fish production, salted fish pickling, and raw fish processing.

There are 300,000 people in the entire west entrance, at least 30,000 of them can be related to their life and business, which can be called the pillar of the county.

And after the disaster broke out, this huge factory area, which used to be able to meet the needs of tens of thousands of people, fell immediately because of Linjiang.

But unlike most people expected, it not only did not shut down immediately, but became busier.


The conveyor belt in the factory building is still running slowly, and the roaring and processing sound of the machinery is only a short pause.

The next morning, the factory was back to work, just hanging on the conveyor belt, but it wasn't what it used to be.

Most of the "meat" hanging on it is very calm, and only a few stubborn people can groan inexplicably.

".help me"

"Give me a good time."

A human being was sent directly into the modified machinery without even peeling the "skin", and eventually became the material for "military rations".

The average body size of the soldier class of nearly two meters, with its jagged teeth and powerful digestive system, would not complain about the rags in the can.

Perhaps many people's understanding of alien races is just a hostile group, but the "Shaqlai murlocs" are a super-theocracy society with a complete social system. Their perception of most weak ethnic groups is always lingering in food and slaves.

On the other side of the factory, a large number of vehicles and other machinery towed over are placed in a pile, and Shaqlai technicians who have just completed the transformation of the production line are trying to transform it into a war machine that can be used.

This time the gate was too narrow, and the restrictions were quite high. Only the flesh of the clansmen could pass through. The clansmen who lacked armed support were asking for help in many areas.

The murlocs of the Yinbei tribe were surprised to find that their first wave of attacks had been sniped in all directions, and powerful "God's Chosen" appeared in some areas.

Even though there are many reasons for this, there is no magic support, no war machines, and no accompanying large sea beasts. It is not the reason for the invincible silver shells who have conquered the entire sea area to stop expanding.

On the one hand, they asked for help from the door, and on the other hand, they were also preparing for a long-term battle.

". Strange creatures and technology, their machinery is actually afraid of water, and their 'circuit' used as the core is actually afraid of water"

"Unlike us, their world is actually built on the surface of the water, there is no ubiquitous undercurrent, and the movement can only rely on their own fins, which makes our soldiers very uncomfortable. Before they go to the battlefield, they waste more than half of their energy."

".Perhaps, we need to prepare means of transportation for it more than war machines. Do you think these tools, which are called 'motorcycles' by meat, can be used as the basis for transformation?"

Those noises that sounded strange in the air turned into precise human speech underwater.

In order to use local tools according to local conditions, the tribal priests used spells, allowing these technicians to master the local language and characters in a short period of time.

But their language and pronunciation organs are originally vibrations in the water, and they cannot communicate with each other after leaving the water.

Now, a group of technicians with a minimum height of two meters can only communicate with each other by bending down and burying their heads under the flood, which is quite uncomfortable.

But they added half a day's work to one night, and they also achieved certain results.

In the center of the open space, there are countless machines piled up, and the giant "stingray" at least a dozen stories high is the answer sheet they squeezed out.

"...It's too rough, Lord Priest will not throw us to feed the fish."

"Kaka, so, I suggest sending a group of flying fighters to take back those iron pieces (ships) in the south that can only float up. We also have more materials."

There are too few materials, even with the help of abilities and spells, they can only piece together a giant war beast.

They are afraid of the wrath of the priests who are the rulers of the tribe, and now they are using their contacts in private to see if they can get more "materials".

But the higher-level priests also have more important things to do.

In the depths of the factory, the cold storage that was originally used as a storage room was already full of piles.

It's just that the original "commodities" have been thrown out and eaten by big fish and small fish, but now they are filled with the most tender "top-grade meat people".

And the slave class, who had nothing but strength, was throwing baskets of black pearls on top of the meat.

"Easy, light, these are the best goods. If you break one, you will become irrational animal slaves!"

These slaves sped up their movements, but they were even more careful, because they knew that the roar of the priest was definitely not empty words.

Among their ethnicity ranks, the slaves who can be lower than these fighters are the beast slaves who have been abandoned from the beginning, and the countless cannon fodder that is now flooding the entire city.

My domestic slaves can grow to over 1.78 meters no matter what, while those beasts who lack nutrition and gods' attention are only 1.45 meters and emaciated.

Finally, when the "meat" in this warehouse was covered with "black pearls", the slaves began to pour the red viscous liquid on it.

".Our god, the master of six mouths, three hearts and eight claws."

And the priest raised the twisted scepter that symbolized divine power, and light blue ripples spread from it, and the black pearls covering it began to move around.


When the first "little fish" came out of it, its first target was not the "grain reserve" below, but the nearest pearl that was about to move.

The little fish ate each other, but the priests and slaves just turned a blind eye to it, or maybe this was normal in Shaqlai murloc society.

"With 16,000 eggs, this warehouse can produce 100 good seedlings. It would be great if we could produce 10 mutant species. It depends on whether the meat man material is strong enough."

Killing each other, cannibalizing and evolving, is the normal life of the Shakrai murlocs.

What the priest did was to speed up the incubation process that originally took three to six months.

Next, with the help of divine magic, it is expected that the half-month competition to stay excellent will also be completed in one day.

The price that needs to be paid, that is, those new tribesmen only have less than half of the lives of normal tribesmen, and as long as they make enough achievements to improve their class before they die, this is actually not a problem.

"Very good, very good, this bait is good."

Seeing the little murlocs growing rapidly one by one, and showing signs of mutation so quickly, the priest nodded in satisfaction.

He is still very busy. In the dozens of warehouses next door, the laying of the food reserves has been completed, and the incubation process will start next.

"One hatch may not be enough, why don't we send troops to find a suitable place to come out."

While the murloc priest in Shaklai was thinking about his work, he didn't notice the peaceful eyes on the ceiling.

"By the way, the material is not enough, let those slaves get some more!!"

The suddenly lowered noose directly dragged the tall murloc into the sky, and the frantically struggling priest could only kick his legs unimpeded, yanking the tentacles around his neck in vain.

The slaves who walked around him didn't dare to look up at their master at all, and they didn't notice his disappearance at the first time.

After a short period of calm, only the corpse whose head had been twisted hung down.

At this moment, chaos erupted instantly, and the murlocs' sharp noises echoed in the passage.

But someone Lu, who had already avoided the blind spot of his vision, was hanging upside down from the ceiling so lightly, and walked over silently.

The ceiling, the walls, he just walked to the door of the icehouse calmly.

From top to bottom, he squeezed the giant slave fish blocking the way to death, and turned the frozen gear that had been turned off to the lowest temperature with one hand.

"The incubator is OK, and the priest X5 is also OK for the city that cannot be saved? Then, let's kill more."

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