How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 183 Chaos and Order

"Have you heard? Something is wrong with Panlong Lake. It is said that there are murlocs and some sea monsters somewhere."

"Forget about the murlocs. There are a lot of things from low-level to high-level. Sea monsters? In the lake? Are you sure the one who sent the news didn't drink too much?"

The Brunei tea house in the steam factory is a well-known entertainment place. The lobby on the first floor has the low-level function of restaurants and bars. In the past, many "traders" chatted in low voices here, but they still maintained enough friendship with each other. space distance.

But now, the open area on the first floor is crowded, and a large number of professionals have set up street stalls directly at the entrance of the teahouse.

When the situation fell into chaos, many people came out anxiously to collect information,

Lu Pingan is also one of them, but his goal is slightly different from others.

"Jia Yi?" Lu Pingan knew it well.

The fishman Jia Yi was the first to be exposed, and he was naturally on the wanted list of the relevant department. Considering his racial characteristics, he is probably squatting in a certain water area, and it is only natural that he has clues now.

Is it actively exposed? Or was it forced to be exposed by someone coming to the door? Judging from the limited information, it should be the latter.

It doesn't really matter whether this guy is at the sixth level or the fifth level. In terms of pulling hatred, considering the case of Xikou back then, it is probably more powerful than the sum of the other believers of the mother goddess.

This kind of bastard who is directly related to the "evil god" is necessary to be killed immediately. No matter who is eyeing it, I just hope that they will hurry up and get rid of it as soon as possible.

"...Different from Fang Wen, it is my regional director, which means it must be very rich, aren't you tempted?" The big cat was full of temptations, Lu Pingan thought for a while, but did not answer directly.

Lu Pingan knew that big cats were selfish. She wanted the property of a high-level animal trainer. Whether it was for her own use or for breeding cats, it would save a lot of upfront costs.

Fang Wen's "treasure"? That's right in front of you

"It's so much, you only offered a price of one hundred thousand?" Lu Pingan stood in front of a certain black market boss, with a face full of surprise and even disbelief.

This sweep is the warehouse of the sixth-order boss, is it worth so much?

"Mechanical enlightenment items are contraband from the very beginning. Those who follow this path are naturally wanted. It's really not easy to sell. To be honest, it's not that you have a background in the special service team. There was also the TV tower incident before." In a big battle, I dare not accept these things at all."

What Lu Pingan found was "Big Crow" Tie Daddy, the person he had passed the news to before, and had met once.

This is a big boss in the local black market. Lu Pingan is here to sell goods, and at the same time, he also borrowed his information channel.

Now, Lu Pingan understands a little bit.

These "tool-type" items can only be used by mechanical spiritual masters, and this career path is too hated. Getting a job is equivalent to receiving a wanted warrant in advance. The market demand is not large, and even if there are goods, they are used for fishing.

And those useful taboo items and medicines were swept away by Fang Wen.

Books with forbidden knowledge? Lu Pingan didn't finish reading it himself, so how could he be willing to sell it.

In the end, there are not many "small pets", "combat tools", and "quasi-polluting machinery" that can be traded. In addition, the black market naturally suppresses prices, and they can't be sold for much money.

Lu Pingan sighed helplessly, and was about to grit his teeth and take out taboo books to exchange for some money.

"Books about mechanical enlightenment are super contraband, and books related to the mother god are among the contraband. If you don't want the guy opposite to call the police, don't take them out. In the outside world, spreading prohibited knowledge is a much heavier crime than selling goods .” The big cat quickly reminded him.

"Forget it." Lu Pingan also sighed helplessly.

Although the mechanical spiritual master is a branch of the animal trainer, it is completely different from the traditional animal trainer. The mechanical spiritual master who has just taken this path may still have some props, medicines, and tools of the animal trainer , but the things used by the sixth-order mechanical spiritual masters are all related to machinery.

Don't say that big cats can't use those things, and kittens can't use them either. It's the best choice for Lu Pingan to exchange money for urgently needed supplies.

But now it seems that even the black market for these contraband seems to be a hot potato (mainly unprofitable). If it weren't for some friendship before, the bosses on the opposite side would not bother to make this deal.

".One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand. Show me the 'Stone Hat'. If there is any, please help me take it away."

This is a mass-produced quasi-polluting item currently in demand by Road Safety. Its price is not high, and 100,000 is definitely enough.

Stone Cap, the original name is not this, but because a similar functional item in a certain animation is too famous, after a certain day, everyone gets used to calling it by this name and forgets its original name.

Just like the animation, the person wearing it will be regarded as a "stone" by outsiders, and ignored in the search. Don't get me wrong, there is no "subconsciously ignoring" ability of the original animation, and it is really regarded as a "stone" Illusion".

Now, after several improvements, there are several versions, such as small animals, wooden stakes, birds, etc. After all, normal people will feel that there is something wrong when they see a rock moving.

Since it is only a quasi-polluting item, it can be seen with a random spirit vision. Most supernatural detection methods are effective for it, and it is almost useless in a slightly advanced battle.

But you say it is useless, but it is always able to save lives inexplicably, and it is also called a lucky hat, and the gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is huge.

This kind of low-level life-saving equipment is in great demand. Although it will definitely skyrocket in the past two days, Lu Pingan gritted his teeth and could still afford it.

Putting forward the purchase requirements of several kinds of magic planting seeds, as well as his own specific needs for stone caps, Lu Pingan turned around and left. Dealing with the iron father in front of him is a risk in itself, but now he has nothing to do before everything is over. fear.

"Let's go to Panlong Lake and have a look. Let's find a way to light up the ability first. Tsk, I also have a day when the 'pollution' is not enough."

Lu Pingan sighed helplessly, this is an unprecedented development.

He also wants to stir up trouble, but he has just entered the second level, and he is in a period of rapid development. There are too many abilities and potentials that need to be fulfilled, and too many materials including new magic plants need to be purchased.

In fact, there are still a few second-levels who are not far behind or have even met the requirements, but he cannot advance.

"The original pollution on my body will be used up one day?"

The "pollution" on professionals is divided into two parts, one part is similar to the harvest in the secret realm, it is the original and unowned natural pollution (may be contaminated with the characteristics of gods), overload will cause accidents, this is why most practitioners The reason for wearing a pollution detection bracelet.

In addition, it is the pollution of the "self" of the professionals, and part of the natural ability is indeed the "domestic pollution" after being regulated and tamed by the "profession".

Occupational pollution has become a part of the professional body and a part of relative "order".

Lu Ping'an's outrageously high resistance to pollution has actually kept him in an overloaded state in the eyes of ordinary people, and the "occupational pollution" from "sharing" is also the result of taming, which is very convenient for him to absorb.

To put it bluntly, when he lays down the salted fish to improve his professional skills, he doesn't need to consume the original pollution at all, he eats other people's.

Primordial pollution is only needed when lighting up abilities and taking office, and that's actually not a few times in total.

By the way, other people's desperate exercise is to transform dangerous primitive pollution into reliable and useful occupational pollution. It is a life-saving behavior that runs against time. Lu Ping'an's anomalies are comprehensive.

Along the way, due to being too salty (eating much faster than his own training), the original pollution on Lu Ping'an's body was only exceeded, which gave him the illusion that the original pollution could not be used up.

However, the amount of original pollution needed to take up the second stage is not comparable to any previous one, and even makes it feel a little "weak", and needs to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.

Especially after this super-standard ceremony, his "overload pollution" has been completely consumed. If he is given a normal inspection bracelet, it will only be pure white light.

So, he encountered a situation that he had never seen before. He obviously met the needs of professional abilities and had enough experience in abilities, but he couldn't light them up.

"...This is forcing me to kill something." For the first time, Lu Pingan felt that there was not enough time for other professionals to catch up.

He was very envious of the general professional abilities of the gardeners, and looked forward to getting two more second-level professional bonuses as soon as possible, but he could only wait helplessly.

He was very moved by the big cat's proposal. If he couldn't watch those bastards die, he wouldn't be able to sleep at ease. And if it was the fish head that died, he could eat two more bowls for dinner today.

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