How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 315 Newcomer

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm Lu Pingan from the third team of Zion's special service team. The Lu Ping'an who has a safe journey, the special service is a bit busy on weekdays and is often not on campus. There was some unexpected situation yesterday (playing high), and the time was missed. I forgot to notify you, sorry."

A simple punctuation, but I played myself too high and forgot the facts, and it turned into an unexpected incident that seemed to be a special service team, but I missed it here.

Secret Service? Of the seven people sitting opposite, six of them lost their temper a little bit. Although they were released as pigeons, the reason seemed reasonable.

And he is a member of the special service team, so he should be trustworthy. Even though Ge Zijia was late again today, he remained calm as if nothing had happened. Is this the calmness that adults (professionals) should have.

Secret Service? The one left on the opposite side was trembling.

Collusion between black and white, the club brought out by the bullying demon king is actually an official one? The air is shaking and cold, is there still a king in this world? !

Lu Pingan smiled apologetically, releasing so many people's pigeons by himself, if the other party didn't agree to cooperate in tomorrow's competition, he would be ashamed. He forgot that he was indeed at fault, and he should say sorry.

So, after Lu Pingan expressed his apology, he directly talked about his purpose.

".Our club was formed by a few acquaintances. There are only four people, but everyone is a member of the official organization. The strength is not bad. There will be a resident competition tomorrow. We need the number of people in the team to increase the level of the club so that we can sign up for the competition. I happened to meet Mei, so I sent an invitation."

In this era, the official background is still the most trustworthy, at least not some weird cult organization.

Lu Pingan didn't lie either. Among the four members, he was an official member of the special service team, Xue En and Mao Mao were considered auxiliary police officers, and Guan Xinxian, a senior, was a member of the disaster relief team.

This reason is also said in the past, "ghost members" are also members, but there are some things that need to be clarified.

"The club is currently in the nature of a club. If you join, you will not be able to withdraw within one year according to the rules. If the club gets a resident, the facilities will be used by you, and the two senior brothers can give you advice when they are free, but it is still the same. Ghost members who have no obligations and no rights, let’s make this clear first to avoid disputes.”

The more he listened, the worse the treatment Lu Pingan gave, and the newcomers became more satisfied.

The more rookie you are, sometimes the more you will actively collect information and check strategies.

They are different from Lu Pingan back then. Since they intend to enter this industry, they naturally have a clear account of the gains and losses and the future possibilities.

Unlike ordinary professionals and general freshmen, the status of preparatory students is quite embarrassing, not only that they start at least one or two years slower than ordinary subjects, but what is more deadly is that the high survival rate (relatively speaking) is awakened On the other hand, its awakening ability is generally weak.

"You have to reach the starting line of other general science students before you can get a more reasonable evaluation."

Before, there may have been the idea of ​​"I may be different, and the awakened talent is very powerful".

But now, being able to pass the test alive is enough.

Sitting here, trying to seize every opportunity, they have verified from one aspect that they are not the chosen ones.

On the one hand, being able to enter the ancient university proves their nature as the king of the king, but on the other hand, they did lag behind by a large margin at the beginning. They are on the balance of inferiority and complacency, and they are constantly tilting towards both sides crazily.

As professionals, many deeper secrets are known to them. The clearer their understanding of the "superman world", the more aware of their own insignificance.

"If that's the case, I would."

A girl who seemed to have dyed blonde hair was the first to answer without confirming all the conditions.

And she uses "I" instead of "we", which has the decisiveness of making up her mind not to hesitate to go alone, but also has a hint of hidden flattery.

"I'm Xi Mier, my Chinese name is Wen Xiqian, and I'm of mixed race. I know that it's very difficult for a preparatory freshman like ours to be taken care of by the club. If it's only for one year, I hope I can get a lot of care from my seniors."

They are real newcomers, they have no connections, no resources or even intelligence. Under normal circumstances, they can only spend time with the preparatory class. After proving themselves to a certain level, they will be able to get more investment. One or two years is considered fast. It is not uncommon for those who drop out of school and cannot survive.

The conditions given by Lu Pingan are not very good, but for them, being able to meet real professionals, brothers and sisters, especially those who have already been employed by "official institutions", is the greatest opportunity.

The channel of promotion is one aspect, and "not being bullied" is also a very important reference.

How dark the outside world is, newcomers can scare themselves to death. The relatively safe official background is the fundamental reason why she immediately "voted".

Hearing this, Lu Ping'an was a little surprised, I didn't mention many hidden benefits, why did you agree? I still have a bunch of "garbage" taboo items in my hand, and a batch of basic information about various professions. Although I don't expect much temptation, it seems that I can save it?

"Hey, hey, that's not what I said before I came here. What about going forward and retreating together as agreed?" A girl was "speaking straight up", with a smile on the corner of her mouth, but her tone was not.

But the people who come here actually have some thoughts in their hearts.

Mei Yuge just timidly said in the class, "Someone formed a club, saying that there is a shortage of people, and they want to find preparatory students to make up the number." They instantly joined together like dogs that smelled of meat, one by one. Can't be more positive.

Lu Ping'an bowed his head and took a sip of coffee. As long as the number of people is enough, how you fight and calculate has nothing to do with me.

It's just that he saw Mei Yuge at the same time. Why did this girl lower her head, her hands were still shaking, her face was pale, and she seemed a little uncomfortable?

"Catch a cold? Drink more hot water." Lu Pingan said casually, but she didn't notice that she was shaking even more.

"Crack!" Spilled coffee all over the table, then hurriedly stood up to clean up.

The other people looked at her with subtle eyes. At this time, someone stood up and seemed to help her divert her attention.

"This junior brother. Cough, I'm Tian Liang, a third-year general student, and this is my sister Tian Xi. I came here to take a look. Can you tell me who is in your club?"

Yes, a guardian is also included.

Lu Pingan frowned, a little dissatisfied, but after thinking about it, this seemed to be a matter of course.

Newcomers are worried about being cheated, so it is only natural to bring a veteran to help.

"The club we just formed has only four people, and six people are needed to pile up the club to the third level. I am the president, and the vice president is senior brother Guan Xinxian. There are two members, one is senior brother Xue En, a sophomore, One is Lei Shuiyun, who is also a freshman general subject."

Hearing this, Tian Liang was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

"Supporting the Sky with One Hand, Boss Guan, Guan Xinxian?"

Lu Pingan was also a little surprised.

"This name is so domineering. I met it tomorrow, so I'll ask about it."

Even though he knew that the "campus title" would disappear after he went out, there is no doubt that this is the most domineering Lu Pingan has ever heard.

Not to mention, considering hibiscus wood, it is really a bit appropriate.

"He's going back to school tomorrow?"

"He went directly to the field. His rescue team has been very busy recently."

"...can I go and see tomorrow?"

Well, this seems to be an admirer of Guan Xinxian.

However, this does not seem to be a bad thing, Lu Pingan directly agreed.

"Okay, anyway, it's open to the public, so you can come and have a look. If it goes well, it will be everyone's residence in the future. It's no problem to leave a room for everyone to rest or something."

"Crack!" The coffee that was just filled spilled all over the floor again.

Lu Pingan frowned, this girl, is there some serious illness.

"Xue En? Could it be the sophomore who claims to be Gu University's best first-order 'Er Quan' Xue En?" It's just that Xue En's title is not limited to Gu University's name of E Boxing, it is too appropriate On the one hand, there are too many advantages in communication. "

Lu Pingan nodded, but he also knew about it.

"I, Mao Shuiyun, and Xue En are all on the same team. I also met Brother Guan at work. We are all engaged in public affairs, so we can communicate well. If you are willing to take this path in the future, we can provide Some exam materials."

Tian Liang was about to say something, but at this moment, he glanced at his phone, and the news of "Lu Ping An" that he had just asked someone to check finally came back.

With just one glance, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

".Are you Lu Pingan from the logistics department?"

There was a little more respect in this speech, but the expressions of the others were a little subtle.

The logistics department is unattractive to newcomers, and the saying of "mixed distribution of logistics" is more likely to mislead many laymen.

It seems that this is the husky in the wolf pack, the club manager who is here to assist logistics?

"Well, I'm a freshman too."

Having said that, it is enough.

A few application forms were handed over, and several people quickly signed them. Lu Pingan was still in a hurry to go to the government building to go through the procedures, so he said goodbye and left.

".Tomorrow's 'Battle for Residence', if you are interested, you can come and have a look." Tomorrow is Saturday, normal students have no classes, and Lu Pingan plans to skip class.

The others were still a little hesitant when they signed, especially Mei Yuge, whose tears were about to come down and his hands were shaking constantly, but under Lu Pingan's gaze, he dared not say anything.

But after signing, Lu Ping'an left, but Tian Xi complained a little to his brother who helped him take care of him.

"Didn't you agree to take a look first? What to do in such a hurry, even if you are sure, at least ask about the salary. After all, he is in the logistics department, can he really make up his mind? If it is not possible, let your brother accept it I can do it too, even if it's a peripheral job, it's better than a club of four people."

Tian Liang thought for a while before seriously saying:

".The logistics department is right, but he is the ninth in the total score this year. If you don't take the actual combat test in your preparatory class, you don't know. His actual combat score is also in the top 20, and he was only at the first level at that time, and he beat the third level. record."

He added emphatically.

".And he is a logistics department. You will know later that the logistics department is much more expensive than the general department, especially for pure newcomers like you. Don't let this golden thigh go. It is ten times better than my ordinary club. "

"Woo." Someone, "crying with joy".

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