How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 640: Turn Left...

Chapter 640 Turn Left

Occupation refers to the work that an individual engages in that serves the society and serves as the main source of livelihood.

It is the way an individual connects with society, the role an individual plays in a social system, and the way an individual gets along with other people and the whole society.

Extraordinary professionals are never isolated, each profession needs each other's help.

Pure combat jobs also require weapons and armor forged by craftsmen, potions and other daily consumables, and if formed into a team, scouts, elemental controllers, merchants, and logistics are all needed by an independent warrior. In a high-risk environment, even if there is no fighting, it will be gone in a few days.

Occupations and pathways constitute the extraordinary world of the earth, giving professionals a ladder to climb step by step, but at the same time, they also give them reasons to need each other. In other words, the entire society and groups also need these individuals. the power of.

After all, occupation also means division of labor, specialization, and the characteristics of function + industry specialization. Every profession needs specialization to reach a certain level.

".The Ninth Higher Vocational College is good at elemental controllers, but their ways are relatively wild."

The ancient city is not big, and there are five or six well-known special training institutions, which is already quite outrageous.

But for professionals, researchers who are grouped together need knowledge sharing and exchange, and producers need industrial chains and supporting facilities. Even reckless monks who don’t seem to need anything also need opportunities to practice fighting and excellent talents. Artisans furnish it with equipment.

Most of the "universities" are actually a group of professionals rolling together. Naturally, cooks and cooks are together, reckless and reckless are together. Even though ancient universities are as large and comprehensive as possible, in essence There are still some strengths and weaknesses.

But as an official comprehensive university in the name of "Ancient City", even if it is not good at something, it must at least find a way to make up for it, at least, put on a facade

"Generally speaking, we don't recommend the type of element control to the undergraduates of Guda University, which is actually quite ambitious."

As mentioned earlier, the threshold for elemental masters is too high, and it is often only at the third level that they can take shape. The well-known powerhouses in this system are basically fourth-level law professionals. And the fourth-level professionals are rare in the small circle of the ancient city. .

College students have a total of four years. Excluding the foundation and internship period, the golden learning period is about two and a half years. It is almost the same to complete the foundation and entry of one or two professions. If you hit the elemental profession, you may not even touch the threshold.

Gu University is really famous for its logistics and combat skills. Researchers like Professor Wen are quite famous in the academic world. They even received an invitation from the state capital to explore foreign lands.

But their elemental major can only be regarded as a decoration, and most of the time it is used to persuade those students who are ambitious to give up this difficult road.

If there is a need for guidance, naturally, he can only go to other schools for advice. Lu Pingan had encountered similar things before, but he solved it himself.

After all, the school is an institution that undertakes part of the educational responsibilities and part of the research responsibilities. When Lu Ping'an's level gradually improved, he no longer relied on Guda's educational resources, but its network resources.

Lu Ping'an has already worn too many marks of ancient cities and ancient cities.

The first-line members of his team, Mao Mao, Xue En, Guan Xinxian, Hua Xueyi, Miss Lu, and Miss Rou are all current students of Gu University, and people like Xia Qin are also former graduates of Gu University. After being a research professor in the University's logistics department, it is even more inseparable from Gu University.

In the final analysis, the position of an organization is still determined by people. Unknowingly, Lu Pingan has involved too much in this city.

So much that he can be regarded as one of his own by the officials and the school, so much that he can't even refuse this favor and friendliness, so much that he has vaguely confirmed it.

"Something happened to Gudahe Gucheng, can I really ignore it?"

Sometimes the position is bound like this. When Lu Pingan obtained official asylum, his emotional position was also vaguely determined.

When he first crossed, he might be able to ignore this city that seemed to be nothing like his hometown, but now, growing up with the nutrition here and making friends here, he has determined that he cannot ignore the disaster here.

This may be the reason why Lu Pingan subconsciously "slapped his face" to dispel his arrogance when faced with the "arrogance" of Prince Nan Liuzhi and his "contempt" for the city not long ago.

".I accept your request, but to be honest, it's a bit difficult"

When Lu Ping'an arrived at the Ninth Higher Vocational College, he was also received.

The more he came into contact with this extraordinary society, the more Lu Pingan became aware that it was not fundamentally different from ordinary people's society.

Under the social order, interdependence is the main theme. There is a vague alliance between the various universities in Guda, and even driven by the new policy, there is a possibility of merger.

But when he asked Professor Liu about the situation, he got a frustrating answer, and the problem came from an unexpected place

"Many element masters started from the path of the enlightened being, and many high-level elementalists are advanced on the path of the enlightened being. Many elemental paths that can be skipped independently also contain the rules of the enlightened being."

Uh, this is the root cause of the general lack of teleportation among elemental riders?

Lu Pingan had known about the conflict between the Runner and the Enlightened One for a long time, but he didn't expect that it would directly involve the Elementalist.

"Well, generally speaking, if you have the tendency to be an elemental driver, you will basically not consider the runner's path, and conflicts will be very troublesome."

Lu Pingan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, that initial choice that seemed to have been forgotten, but at this moment, he stabbed him in the back.

"Hmph, runners, dogs don't practice." At this time, the big cat is still interested in jumping out to make up the knife.

Many choices are like this. When you make them, you don't feel them, and often you just "follow the crowd" and "they all do this", but over time, they may have a fundamental impact.

After inquiring, Lu Pingan learned that at least 70% of the element driver occupations that Ninth Vocational High School can provide are more or less related to enlightened beings. This is like a compiled basic module, and higher-level programs and modules The group will naturally call it and build a new platform on top of it.

Lu Ping'an's experience is not an isolated case. Many runners who work part-time in combat jobs only realize that they have lost nearly half of their options when they change jobs.

But upon hearing this, Lu Pingan laughed. Doesn't this mean that he still has other choices?

"Then other types of element drivers should be based on the driver approach?"

"Well, most of them are drivers, and a few are runners, but that's the problem"

Professor Liu who spoke was a little embarrassed, but in the end, he sighed and told the truth.

"We are actually divided into several factions inside our place. The fire department is the most difficult to control. It needs the assistance of the enlightened ones. Among them, there are few people from the driver department and the runner department, so they are grouped together. A few days ago, they were Invited by the ancient city official, I went directly to the foreign land to explore. Originally, there were not many people in the fire department, and now you probably can’t find a suitable mentor.”

Well, is this a waste of time? But at this moment, Lu Pingan was not aware of it.

"Which world are they going to? It won't be a green planet, will it?"

"Eh? You know, oh, you did write explorer qualifications on your resume, it's really awesome. It's a green planet, that's right, there are too many giant plants there, and they were invited to help."

While being surprised, Lu Pingan also noticed that this is probably inevitable. If the ancient city is now fully developing that planet, it will naturally mobilize its own elite soldiers and generals, and most of the exploration resources will be invested in it.

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