How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

Vol 3 Chapter 498: cup of life

Every performance at the opening ceremony of the World Cup needs to set a theme to set the tone. For example, there is also the World Cup in Brazil, which has a poor reputation. At the beginning, a spherical monitor was placed in the center of the stadium, and the explosion of the universe began to simulate how to form a living planet. Then dancers Play water, plants and other things born on the spherical surface.

The huge limestone in the center of the Lusail Stadium rises from the ground, about three to five meters high, and then the dancers are singing and dancing around, and the khaki skirts are fluttering, expressing the scene of yellow sand submerging the limestone.

The theme is very clear, expressing how Qatar overcame the geographical and natural environment at the beginning of its founding.

It must be said that the dancers participating in this performance are all Qataris.

"Hmm—" Chu Zhi was watching the broadcast on the monitor in the lounge, and he could understand the purpose of the show, but the opening dance was really not above his aesthetics. The self-judgment of acting as an emperor beast was due to cultural and geographical reasons. So far, he still remembers the large-scale The event started with the countdown to the 2008 Olympic Games.

When will China be able to host the World Cup, they often say that there is a fly in the ointment, that is, as a big country, the United States and China football are not good, but now the United States is okay.

Chu Zhi was full of thoughts, and many Chinese tourists who were present were also a little bit concerned.

Even though China did not qualify for this World Cup, there were still many Chinese spectators present.

There were 80,000 people in the stadium, most of them wore their favorite jerseys, and some of them even painted the national flag of the team they supported on their faces.

The fans waited to express their uncooled blood, and the thirty-two teams participating in the World Cup were also neatly lined up outside the stadium.

It was a noisy scene.

"I heard that Master Jiu is also a guest."

"Of course, we are here just for Xiao Jiu."

"A performance with Jiuye present must be amazing."

The two who spoke were wearing the No. 5 jerseys of the popular team, and their bodies and looks were not inferior to football babies.

Dafang, a 37-year-old middle-aged man next to him, frowned upon hearing this. He heard the conversation between the two people on the left, turned his head to see where the fake fans were coming from, glanced at Dafang and then looked away. If it was a hot girl, it would be fine.

Even Dafang became inexplicably worried. The current environment, not to mention Chu Zhi, is useless when the superstars come, because the World Cup will only focus on football, and everyone else is just a lively atmosphere. Simply put, Dafang thinks that two beautiful girls Will be disappointed, Chu Zhi won't be surprised.

The honor guard of the host came walking with the national flag. The pattern of the Qatar national flag was cut off like a satin. After the display, they quickly used tools such as ladders to dismantle the tall limestone piece by piece. It turned out that it was assembled by a special method.

In about a few minutes, a temporary stage was set up in the center of the venue, and the supporting guests made their debut.

The first singer to appear was Joseph. Joseph is a very common name in Europe and the United States. It comes from Hebrew and means "May God have another son". The only Joseph who is both explosive and soft is the Danish singer Cohen Joseph. He was wearing workman's overalls without a liner and bare arms. If the two suspenders were not properly covered, he would really be a good man without a "mistress".

The exposed arms are really thick, and the black chest hair on the chest can be seen when you get closer. The songs sung are also very passionate. When the muscles are swaying, the wild charm is undoubtedly revealed.

Joseph's performance was eye-catching enough, but the gymnasium was too spacious and there were too many audiences, which weakened the appeal and sound a lot, and the response after the song was mediocre.

The Emperor Beast was also aware of the problem, because he watched the broadcast on the monitor and felt that Joseph's singing was squeezed a lot by the noise.

It's normal, think carefully about the concept of 80,000 people, assuming that you meet two strangers every day, you have to live for more than 100 years from birth to know 80,000 people.

Glancing at the black water glass on the table, Chu Ji expressed that he was not panicking at all, as soon as the celestial wine opened, I would have it all. However, Xiao Zhuzi beside her was panicked, she murmured to herself: "The gymnasium is too big, and the fans are not quiet to listen to the music."

"Don't worry, let's not be nervous." Chu Zhi

Soothe the life assistant.

"I'm not nervous, I'm just worried that you are nervous, Brother Chu." Xiao Zhuzi said, "Don't be nervous, Brother Chu."

"I'm much better with Xiao Zhu, comforting me." Chu Zhi said, Xiao Zhu felt relieved after hearing this, and the two of them stared at the display screen.

Holman, the next rap superstar to appear on the stage, thought that the live performance would become more and more exciting. I never thought that Holman was not as good as Joseph, because the latter song has a large number of four sets of high notes, and it is more pleasant to listen to in an open outdoor place. it is good.

Falk, shit.

These stupid pigs, wicked ghosts.

Holman also realized that there was a problem with the stage just now, and cursed the audience in his heart. When he left the player tunnel, he saw the next group of assistant guests, shit, wait, you will die miserably on stage. Holman didn't even know each other, but he never wished well when he pulled his hips.

The guest cursed by Holman is a South Korean idol group, not the GZ boy group, but a rising star in recent years.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that the music of Hallyu is mostly dance music, and the boy groups who have made their debut in Juanguo have good basic skills.

The stage made of limestone has its own characteristics, but the disadvantage is that it is narrow and uneven, which makes the group dance unable to stretch. The performance was not perfect as Holman wished, and his face in the lounge was full of smiles.

"North Koreans are bad, they just can't get better," Holman said.

Supporting guests came on stage one after another, and there were also some outstanding guests, because several singers have held concerts with tens of thousands of people, such as Megan and Bell, who performed stably.

For the vast majority of the audience, what they watched was the big screen in the middle of the stadium, so Megan's appearance caused a lot of exclamation.

"Let the atmosphere scream!" Lytron said to his four teammates as he took the stage.

The four of Dimitro nodded and took their own weapons, bass and guitar. Madden was almost tripped. The main material of the terrace is limestone, with terrace-like protrusions on the surface.

"Return in Triumph" is a song sung by a seven-member band today. It was selected as the opening song by the British National League. Rock has a strong presence. A detailed explanation means the direction of the melody. It is very "noisy", even if it can't be sung Can not ignore.

Besides, Returning Triumph was originally one of the band's masterpieces, and its popularity around the world is not bad, it can't be bad.

I don't know whether it's because of serious rehearsals or extraordinary performance under heavy pressure. The seven-member band is actually the best performer at present, and it has more highlights than Bell.

The feedback from the audience can tell whether it is popular, and the applause after the performance is louder than any of the previous assistants.

After the wind stopped and the rain stopped, Leitron felt that he was doing well again, so he said, "Thank you gentlemen and ladies for your support, please enjoy the works of my idol Chu Zhi, I will definitely not let you down."

The same move again, are you tired? Dimitro was speechless.

Of course Leitron wasn't tired, he was waiting for a good show.

Is there a show?

Of course, the 80,000 spectators at the scene just happened to trigger the penultimate stage of Chu Zhi's passive skill [Man Comes Crazy God].

According to the stage is [hundred people, thousand people, five thousand people, ten thousand people, fifty thousand people, one hundred thousand people], it is terrifying for people to come to the blessing of the mad god, let alone this stage.

The moment Chu Zhi walked out of the player tunnel, he felt that every cell was saying to him, "I'm ready, I'm ready", and adding 90% of Jiu Zhongxian, he was a nuclear bomb at this moment.

With the courage to raze the entire gymnasium to the ground, Chu Zhi stepped onto the stage.

"Is the most beautiful man in Asia?" Megan had heard.

"It's sure to fail at first glance." Holman continued to curse.

"The last one to appear was actually a Chinese singer." Bell is no stranger to this Chinese singer, and he has topped him on the Forbes Global Celebrity List for two consecutive years.

Bell originally wanted to take a shower, but seeing Chu Zhi come on stage, he decided to take a bath slowly.

Use whatever ability you have, Bell thought.

The music console plays the prelude—

The sound of military whistle is accompanied by the dynamics of conga drums, argogo, electronic snare drums, side drums, tom drums, and acoustic drums, all coming out of the on-site audio equipment.


style? "Leiten didn't expect the Chinese people to be so fickle, and the style of music changed to a very different Latin style. Madden stared at the screen tightly, this time he will definitely not be weak again.

Listening to songs or watching Killing Fathers and Enemies? Di Mizhuo noticed that the rest of the team was basically concentrating and holding on.

Conga drums and Argogo are typical Agong American percussion music, and even a little music appreciation ability can hear the Latin flavor.

The percussion followed closely by the brass group, the sound of the trumpet ignited the will to charge, and the successive whistles sounded the passion for fighting.

Go, go, go!

The impact of the prelude was too strong, and Chu Zhi didn't stand up for output at the moment. The main two were passively superimposed, and he couldn't calm down.

The right hand is holding the microphone, and the left hand is held high.

"., Hay..!"

".Hay, .Cain...,..!

After two lines of the song and "dog dog", many people wanted to follow along with the similar melody motivation. There are many songs of Xiannao, but there are few songs that make people want to sing along. In the brainwashing divine comedy world, "The Cup of Life" ranks in the top three.

I don't know who started it, just waving is useless, everyone stood up and waved small flags, horns, cheering sticks and other objects, Dafang also got up when he saw this, mainly because he didn't want to be different from most people.

The song entered section B, and the enthusiasm of the audience had been ignited by Chu Zhi's singing.

At the opening ceremony of the Lusail Stadium, there must have been drones taking pictures in the air. From the sky at this moment, he is just a small black spot on the stage alone, but the small black spot has thousands of people linked together to form In the Black Sea, the audience waved their hands along with the melody, causing the waves of the sea to rise and fall.

Does Lei Er (Lei Te Ang) know the gold content of the fifth gear of Renlai Crazy God?

Dayou: The dark clouds are overwhelming the city and the city is about to be destroyed!

"..." At the end of the paragraph, Chu Zhi made the gesture of handing the microphone to the audience.

At the next moment, the fans did not disappoint Chu Zhi, and sang loudly:

"Go! go! go!"

"Ale! ale! ale!"

What feedback is more convincing than the chorus of 80,000 people?

Then there was overwhelming screams and applause.

"I want to run a marathon right now."

"Enough is enough."

"I swung my arm too hard, I twisted it a bit."

"I'm so excited even before I started watching the game. This opening ceremony is a good performance."

"This song was born for the World Cup. It's not ".Rk.You". God, I thought of it. Both songs were written by this Chinese singer. He is so talented."

Waiting for the comments to be all praises, Dafang felt that his voice was a little louder just now, and said secretly: "Chu Zhizhen Nima is awesome, a show with sparks and lightning all the way."

The members of the royal family sitting in the VIP seats, Ghazi's palms were red, but they continued to applaud, because Yu Yourong Yan, Brother Nine was recommended by him.

"Oh, I feel like my whole body is on fire." Chu Zhi took a deep breath, restraining herself from the urge to play "The Internationale". The fifth stage of Renlai Crazy God is so terrifying, so the number of people reaches 100,000 to start the last one What does the file look like?

In the warm applause of the audience, he walked back from the player tunnel and passed by the lead singer of the "Fan" seven-member band.

This **** is not a concert, besides this song is a new song.

Bell's eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he felt the terror of the man riding on his head.

"If he wasn't a person of color, he would be the King of Pop by now." Bell felt the pressure. "It's no wonder that even that guy, Layteon, admires him. His typhoon appeal is so exaggerated." After comparing, Holman found that even if he sang this song, he couldn't sing the effect.


Holman turned his head and started cursing again: "Bell is such a shit, a competition actually made the Chinese singer the most eye-catching."

The activities in the stadium will continue, and 32 teams will make their debuts.

Netherlands, France, Ecuador, Senegal…

It has to be said that the opening ceremony of the World Cup has a very large number of followers, and Chu Zhi is very famous.

Let me talk about a knowledge point that goes against common sense. In terms of influence and attention, the World Cup is bigger than the Olympic Games. It can be directly said that the former is the world's number one sports event.

Therefore, this wave of super gods is famous all over the world.

On the day when the supporting performance for the opening ceremony ended, Chu Zhi planned to leave immediately by plane, but Gazi and Princess Mayasa invited him to watch the first match between Qatar and Ecuador.

Then the game was 2-1, and Ecuador sealed the victory with two goals in the first half.

How should I put it, Chu Zhi thought of the emoticons she had collected [What show did you show me? ]

Jiaqi and Princess Mayasa were beside Chu Zhi, and their expressions were indescribable.

It doesn't matter, it's great to score a goal. My national team doesn't even have the qualifications to play. Do I need such consolation?

It seems impossible, this remark is similar to comforting the author, "It doesn't matter that 2,000 words are still very powerful", which is a bit ironic.

I want to understand that Chu Zhi's silence is golden, and silence is two to one I don't know how the card team will be trained after this time.

The next day Chu Zhi and Xiao Zhuzi returned to China, but Jiaqi and Mayasa did not want to keep them.

At Doha International Airport, apart from the five- to six-meter-high yellow bear sculpture in the center, Chu Zhi was the most photographed of things that passengers took out their mobile phones.

After being recognized by a local fan in Qatar, many Japanese and Korean fans gathered around. In order not to cause congestion, Chu Zhi temporarily reserved the drink bar in the terminal[], and all the fans present were invited to have a drink, and signed autographs for fans as much as possible.

"It's Professor Smecta", "It was a double surprise to see the puppet", "Looking at Twitter, there was a professor's stage at the opening ceremony, I missed it"...

Because Japan and South Korea have entered the group stage, it is normal for South Korea and Xiahong people to come to support the match between the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but why are there so many fans from Annan, but Annan did not qualify.

Chu Zhi signed at least a hundred signatures at the drink bar. She didn't expect that there would be so many fans in the terminal building, and the performance of Emperor Beast on the stage of the opening ceremony of the World Cup exploded around the world.

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