How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

Vol 3 Chapter 530: music god

Madsson is a fitness fanatic who spends four or five hours a day on his shoulders. He may not be able to find the egg cups necessary for German families at home, but it is impossible to find the fitness equipment you want to use.

Treadmills, rowing machines, ellipticals, high tension trainers, and more.

Working out from seven to nine when not working, also predictably, Madsson is in great shape.

The alarm clock rang to stop early tonight, and Ma Desong turned on the computer to watch the program being broadcast on the official website of FOX TV station.

The Internet and TV dramas can be watched simultaneously, but it is impossible for the former to progress faster than the latter, so it cannot be fast-forwarded. Sadly, Madsson had to endure the boring opening, that is, the dialogue between the host Nick and the star jury.

There is too much nonsense, Madsson feels in his heart, and it has something to do with the fact that the Germans can't get American humor at all. He went to make a vegetable salad.

The serious singing competition at the end of the cutscene made Ma Desong a lot of interested, which slowed down the speed of the fork's import.

The first round matchup was football player Danny vs. Himalaya Holman.

"They are all professional singers, and their singing skills are very mature, but the singer with the ball on his head has some concerns and has not shown his strength. If I vote, I will vote for the singer with a mountain on his head." Ma Desong murmured Soliloquy.

The host Nick announced loudly on the computer: "The voting results are out.

Come, you have won again in the Himalayas, you can sing again, go down to have a bath and have fun. "

Ma Desong showed a shy smile, feeling that his vision was as good as ever.

The second round of the duel is the red lion vs. the black-faced goat. Nick knows that his friend is on the show, and the corresponding singer is the backup singer.

"Kara is on the stage. She said that the singer who can yodele is the rival Red Lion, right?" Madsson speculated that he would definitely be defeated by the Red Lion with yodeling, which is why his friend Kara cared so much.

Ma Desong didn't watch the last episode, but he only knew that there was a singer named Asalez whose voice was like an angel descending, and there were many second-generation videos on YouTube, so he didn't know the level of Red Lion's singing at all.

The two confronted each other, and the result was that Red Lion sang a rock song. The script did not develop according to Madsson's expectations, and it had nothing to do with yodeling...

"This female singer named Red Lion is very strong, and Kara is a little tight to open her voice." Ma Desong pondered for a few seconds, and said to himself solemnly: "I will give the ticket to Red Lion, even though Kara is my friend, but singing The stage of competition is the same as that of fitness, and you must use your strength to speak."

That's right again, the Red Lions are the winners of the second-round matchup.

"Rock music is easier to mobilize emotions than folk songs, and it is suitable for the competitive stage; besides, Kara is starting to get nervous." Ma Desong murmured: "This masked singer is quite good-looking."

The diversity of personalities determines that people's aesthetics are not the same. The King of Masked Singer's main point of view for most audiences is to speculate who is behind the mask, but Madsson's fun is to judge who wins and who loses.

"Yodeling is only possible in the third game." After finishing the vegetable salad, Madsson was still a little hungry, and ate another banana.

When he went to the kitchen to get bananas, Nick and the star judge had finished what they had to say, so Madsson immediately saw Azalez and the toothless elephant duel.

"A toothless elephant is not a professional singer." Ma Desong immediately gave a judgment after listening to the stage: "Amateur for breathing, a few sentences are out of tune, too out of standard."

The last singer on the show, Asalez, looked not to be trifled with in his gorgeous fallen angel attire.

The upcoming song "She Taught Me to Yodle" (..To.Yodle) was played later

Appearing, Carla yodeling over him, Madsson slams a banana in one gulp, engrossed.

Wait, Madsson realized something was wrong.

"A fatal question, isn't Azarez singing gospel songs? I've seen a lot of videos, why is it related to yodeling?"

The singer began to sing, and Ma Desong temporarily put away the doubts in his heart. The cheerful melody and the jumping lyrics made him happy.

"What a cheerful song."

"It sounds joyful."

Soon, very soon, the joyful Madsen heard the familiar singing voice.

"Yodel-oh-ee-dee" "Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee" "Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee"

The unscrupulous conversion of true and false sounds is even more exaggerated than Whirlwind Charge and Sonic God of War. The frequency of transfer is as fast as lightning. Ma Desong "breaks free" from the joyful atmosphere, and he is very dull.

"He's... yodeling."

Ma Desong compared it with his own skills, and found that his skills were more mature, and his breathing could be a little more rounded, but he could not replicate the performance of the singers in the show.

"..To.Yodle" has a total of three yodeling performances, and Madsson watched the singers become more and more unscrupulous.

In the first paragraph, Leng Yan saw and scratched her ass, and she opened her eyes wide, but the second and third paragraphs can be increased, which is beyond Ma Desong's understanding, especially the yodeling at the end, Ma Desong is about to put the banana in his hand The skin was crushed into a paste.

Yodel-oh-dee, the two syllables of "e" and "de" are not much different from a sports car running on the highway, and the sound of "oh" suddenly pops out as if it is going retrograde on the road, which cannot be described as wonderful Yes, what Ma Desong heard was excitement, and the car would overturn if he didn't pay attention.

"Did the singer's throat press the train track? Even the falsetto has reached this position and it still doesn't go off the track!"

Unreasonable, Ma Desong thinks it is very unreasonable, because even if the train track is pressed, the branch road can't be done like this, it will be broken.

No wonder Kara thinks yodeling is better than him, isn't that bullshit? He thought so too after hearing it.

"I'm too confident." Ma Desong reflected on himself. The most important thing is that he loves this song very much and wants to do a cover.

A few minutes later, Madsson received a message from his friend Carla [Who is better at yodeling? Can you tell who Azarez is? 】

Ma Desong automatically ignored the previous question, and answered the last question [I can't hear it, do you have any other clues? 】

Kara didn't reply after sending it, obviously a little disappointed. "Who is he?" Madesson wondered how such a powerful voice and singing skills could be unknown.

Madsson searched in his mind, but couldn't find any star who could match up with Azarez.

Go to the message area to see if there are any clues—

[Hahahaha I like this song so much, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

[His yordle is the best I've ever heard, and Asalez is too exaggerated as a human being. ]

[Who hates yodeling like this? ]

[Azalez is my god, he can send out the gospel of God, and he can also deliver joy, he is God. ]

[If there is a God in music it is Azarez! ]

[I am so looking forward to the third performance of Azalez's song, and I feel so desperate when I think that I will have to wait another week. ]


After flipping through a few pages, Madsson didn't find any clues, but found that the audience was already promoting Azarez to the altar, the God of the music world? Such a cool name.

We must know that there are many singers in Europe and the United States who focus on gospel. Who is called like this?

Of course, there is no other singer who can make ordinary people hear happiness, and make believers feel as if they see angels, regardless of whether they are religious or not.

"If Azarez is an African singer, it will be fun when God is black," Madsson thought maliciously.

Wait, if it's Africa, it's really possible, Madsson thought, Africa may emerge excellent musicians, but people don't pay much attention to third world countries.

"I'm looking forward to the reveal of Azalez more and more."

Think of the reactions of Madsson and yodeling singers, let alone ordinary audiences.


Most laymen in .Me think that the tone is good, and everyone in "..To.Yodle" can feel the showmanship. Both stages are ceilings filled with emotions.

Not to mention the discussions that are full of Internet in Europe and the United States, the next day portals, self-media and newspapers all have the same name: Azalez!

Chicago Tribune: "Music Angel Azalez Shows Magical Voice Again"

Hollywood Reporter: "Last Night, He Brings Laughter to North America" ​​Washington Financial News: "The Mysterious Singer Who Brings Joy and Hope"

The headline of Yahoo News directly said "I listened to the song, and almost choked when I sang along"

The Huffington Post said "the person whose singing skills are closest to God appears"

Google News directly opened a voting area, any netizen can nominate a singer, and then vote, the title is "Who the **** is he?!"

In less than a day, more than 20 candidates were nominated in the discussion area of ​​Google News, all of whom were legendary singers from various countries.

The King of Masked Singer took off following the popularity, and the ratings rose to a higher level. The Fox executives were extremely happy.

As Lujinsky thought, he did not persuade Chu Zhi, who did not intend to change the song, and added such words as "I sang ".Me" before, and now singing "Internationale" belongs to theology and anthropology Mr. Luginsky needn't worry too much about hedging."

God TM hedging, what kind of hedging is this, Lujinski was speechless, and reported the incident truthfully.

The shareholders of Fox are mainly Fox, Murdoch Media Group, and IFP (Independent Franchise Partners). This trivial matter cannot be considered on the board of directors at all. It is still necessary to consider making money, and the Murdoch Group directly agrees.

Does American TV have a Z review? Of course there is! How could it not, and the censorship in the beautiful country is also very strict, managed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). But the problem is that FOX is wired

Video channels, cable TV requires people to subscribe or order independently, that is, people choose themselves, which is equivalent to private property.

Everyone in the beautiful country knows that once any matter involves private property, other laws except the tax bureau must be compromised, and Xiao Xiao has no right to interfere, so it really doesn't matter what content "The King of Masked Singer" broadcasts.

High popularity is everything. Of course, it is not good for many people. Himalaya Holman is a bit depressed, because he has won two consecutive victories, and there are very few people discussing it on the show. They are all discussing Asalez .

So I asked my best friend out to have something to eat, and chat a few words to ease my mood.

"Have you seen the King of Masked Singer?" Holman, the Chinese patrol, took the initiative to ask.

"Of course I pay attention. The recent hot spot, I especially like Azalez, he sings so well." The lead singer of the seven-member band, Leite Ang, suddenly thought that he could pretend to worship this big guy and make people think that Huaxia The impression of the singer's diehard fans is covered.

Hahaha, this method can be thought of, it is a genius, Leitron is very happy.

"Is there any other players you admire?" Holman asked unwillingly.

In fact, Leitron didn't watch it at all, so Baifeng replied: "Others, other singers are relatively ordinary, but Azalez is impeccable in both voice and technique. He is really powerful. I admire such singers."

"..." Holman.

Falk, **** Assalez, sooner or later the dog will take it and collect the shit.

Playing Emperor Beast is not only making troubles in Europe and America, he also does not stop in Asia.

The headquarters of the Asian Music Association is at the corner of Zhengyi Road in the Central and Western District. As a South Korean, Park Huai has been living in Xiangjiang for a long time due to work.

The main work is the music consultant of Jade TV, and the associate professor of the piano department of Xiangjiang Asian Conservatory of Music, and the chairmanship of the association is only incidental.

"This year is the worst economic situation in recent years...Did I say this sentence last year and the year before?" Park Huai muttered to himself.

The poor economy means that many companies have low efficiency, which directly leads to the difficulty of sponsorship. At the beginning of the year

A lot of plans have been drawn up, such as holding the piano to the mainland, but these are all supported by huge funds, and there has been no movement for a month or two.

"Bang bang—" the knock on the door was a little hasty, and Pu Huai said in English, please come in. He has lived in Xiangjiang for more than ten years and can speak Cantonese and Mandarin, but generally he loves to communicate in English in the association.

Secretary Fang looked a little skeptical, and he said, "President Park, our association mailbox suddenly received a lot of application emails."

Anyway, the Asian Music Association is also a little crowded, so there are quite a few people who applied to join, so I specially report, is there any change?

"What's the situation?" Park Huai asked by analogy.

"President Park, log in to the mailbox and check it clearly." Secretary Fang said, because he felt that even if he said it, the president would not believe it.

Of course the president knows the password of the association mailbox, Pu Huai boarded it three times, five times and two times, and then saw—

[Park Zhenxiong applied to join the Asian Music Association] [He Wan applied to join the Asian Music Association] [Osen Yanren applied to join...]

Occasionally seeing more than a hundred application letters, Pu Huai felt that he had been hacked, sending spam to flood the mailbox, making the association unable to work normally.

Everyone knows that the mailbox of the association has to deal with a lot of things, which is equivalent to a communication hub. If something goes wrong, half of the external work will be paralyzed. "The information is very complete." Secretary Fang added: "President Park, the information is very complete."

Very complete?

How complete, Park Huai clicked into an email, his friend Cui Mindao, a famous hero tenor in South Korea, the application form is very complete, UU reading www.uukanshu. At least Park Huai glanced over without any problem. "The information is available online, and it's easy to find it," Pu Huai said.

Of course, Secretary Fang knew that the problem was that if hackers really sent spam, would it be necessary to make it so troublesome?

Pu Huai made a call to his friend Cui Mindao, and was answered after three or four rings, "Brother Park Huai, my performance is about to start, so I don't have time to say too much now, please join me." After finishing speaking, he hung up impolitely. After disconnecting the phone, Pu Huai actually heard Cui's voice reminding him.

Please join me? In other words, this membership application email was really sent by Cui Mindao himself!

Then the other... Pu Huai looked at more than a hundred emails, and there were many familiar names in them.

Omori Yanren is currently the head of the copyright department of Sony International Records. Of course, Pu Huai knows that his own piano music albums are all signed under the name of Sony, in other words, they are under the control of Omori.

It's Park Huai from South Korea, who is more familiar with the name Park Zhenxiong, the founder of JPY, the three entertainment giants, and the absolute boss of Korean entertainment.

Li Weiwen, Deng Taishan, Sergey Brin, Rainbow Band lead singer Shan Mute, etc., Pu Huai couldn't believe it, it was too outrageous. "What's going on?" Park Huai couldn't help asking.

If I knew about it, I wouldn't have reported this matter, Secretary Fang thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it verbally.

The secretary responded verbally: "President Park, do you know the person in the other email, if so..."

That's right, calling directly is the most reliable way. President Park found Mr. Deng's phone number. Deng Taishan is a top-notch pianist in Asia. Park Huai was fortunate to have worked with him and left his contact information at that time.

You can make a phone call and ask.

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