How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

Vol 2 Chapter 61: get many prizes

A ruthless butcher, the next achievement will have to eat a hundred times of spicy food, the King of Smoke will need 500 cigarettes, and the next big harvest will have to wait for a while.

Although Chu Zhi also wanted to come to three blind boxes with great affection, his reason still made him come only twice.

He whispered to the system that he wanted to draw a lottery, and six blind boxes appeared in the prize pool.

【Song Coupon*2】

【Fantastic Object: Memory Bread】

【Proficient in Latin dance】

["Little Dimples" gift package]

["Nocturne" gift package]

【Special Award: Zhao Yuanren's Talent】

Here comes, and finally reappears, the familiar special prize is beyond reach.

But the question arises, who is Zhao Yuanren? The composition talent of Beethoven, the vocal talent of Vitas, and the piano skills of Chopin are all skills and talents at the end. What is talent?

Chu Zhi hurriedly looked at the details of the prizes. If he didn't read it, he couldn't bear it anymore. The all-rounder only said the title of Lao Zhao, and he was also called the "Four Tsinghua Tutors" together with Chen Yinke, Liang Qichao, and Wang Guowei. The father, Ph.D. from Harvard University, taught physics at Cornell University.

Why does such a great person appear in the music-based prize pool? That's because Zhao Yuanren is a very famous musician, and he has compiled and published a lot of songs. Among them, the school songs of Xiamen University and Yunda University are composed by Zhao Lao.

The popularity on the Internet is far less than that of Liang, Chen and Wang. The more famous is the homophonic text written in the United States [Shi Shi Shi, a lion-loving lion, swears to eat ten lions. Shi Shi time...]

By the way, Mr. Zhao is also a translator. He is proficient in English, French, Japanese, Russian, German, Greek, and Latin. There are dozens of Chinese translations of "Alice in Wonderland", of which Mr. Zhao's translation is still the best. .

What is even more terrifying is that Mr. Zhao speaks more than 30 dialects including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Modu, and Yunnan, and can truly travel anywhere as a local.

"Philosophy, physics, linguistics, music, any field requires talent to learn at the professor level, and Mr. Zhao has achieved all of them, especially his contribution to modern Chinese is at the ceiling level."

Chu Zhi knew very well that he would definitely not be able to draw. Mr. Zhao's talent was more exaggerated than the previous three, was he moved? dare not move.

The memory bread is basically similar to the props in Doraemon. You can remember the content of the book by printing it on it, and there is no ills in the anime.

He is proficient in Latin dance, but there is no discrimination.

There is no album package, only two songs.

The Internet has the reputation of "nocturne, come to the stage to receive the award", this song is indeed the existence of the Tuban award in 2006, in the 12th Global Chinese Music Chart, the best singer-songwriter award, the best song of the year , Best singer-songwriter, just ask who else?

"Small dimples and long eyelashes are a sign of your charm." I don't know if the lyrics are correct, Chu Zhi hummed in his heart, and it was also a familiar song in the streets of 2008 and 2009.

Chongchongchong, Chu Zhi selected a blind box and opened it—song coupon*2

"Oh? Fortunately, this reward is number two in the prize pool." Chu Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. Even though he knew he couldn't win the grand prize, he still had hopes in his heart.

As expected, hope is the worst thing in the world.

Chu Zhi has read the introduction of the song coupon, and it is possible to spend only 3 personalized coins to buy any song that is familiar in his mind, such as Nocturne.

The price is actually not cheap. It is equivalent to the price of a strange item. The core of the song is "any". The autonomy given to it is too selective, and it can be used as a secret weapon.

Of course, the songs purchased with two coupons are not gift packages. The system will not automatically help with registration, and there will be compositions that have been created and modified several times, etc. A series of creative processes can only be remembered as the finished product.

But it doesn't matter. After signing the contract with the company, let the company handle the registration details. He firmly stands up to the "original little talent", and no one will doubt if he comes up with two songs. Talent" is on full display.

If there is a picture and the truth, there must be a video. Otherwise, how can passers-by believe that singing was all depended on the top-notch music creation talents of millions of tuners.

The first time to draw the blind box, all the satisfactory prizes were drawn.

【Three-Minute Treble Genius】

【Title: literati and elegant scholar】

【Wonderful Object: No Candy Picking】

【Gift Pack of "No Guest Officer"】

【"Invisible Wings" package】

【Miscellaneous Songs Gift Package】

A three-minute high-pitched genius, after using it, he can gain three-minute high-pitched incomprehension ability. The cooldown time is one day. Chu Zhi feels similar to his game skills.

Literati is an epic title. After wearing it, it will bring its own literati temperament. The composer Sakamoto Ryuichi has a literati style.

Bu Tang introduced earlier, "Invisible Wings" is Zhang Shaohan's masterpiece, and Chu Zhi quite likes an inspirational song.

"Guest officials can't do it. It seems to be the song of Xu Liang, the three giants of the Internet, right? Tears of the times."

Chu Zhi quickly glanced over the rewards, and what left him speechless the most was that the grand prize of this prize pool was outrageous. Zage spree, if you say he's not good, it's really good, but you have to say he's good... good lamp.

System-defined miscellaneous songs - learn to meow, the rest of your life, desert camel, paper is short and love is long, Baboer is running around, and I want to hug you in a mediocre life, etc.

Dozens of Douyin hits were identified as miscellaneous songs by the system.

The main reason may be that these are either plagiarized or have little technical content.

What is lack of technical content? Taking "Learn to Meow" as an example, composition is an assembly line in terms of melody, rhythm, and harmony, while the arrangement of orchestration, texture, chords, and repetitions is nothing new. People in the circle despise these kinds of songs, and sometimes it's not really jealous.

Speaking of an industry insider, entertainment companies will buy out this kind of assembly-line songs in large quantities for a single song of 7,000 to 12,000 yuan, and spread the songs widely to promote it. It doesn’t matter if you can live the best or not. And this kind of assembly line song, many creators who make a living from it, can produce two songs a week...

"I want a literati, I want a title, I really can't be a high-pitched genius in three minutes." Chu Zhi said silently in his heart.

Blind box selection.

Open - [Miscellaneous Songs Gift Package]

"?" Chu Zhi didn't expect that he would actually win the prize pool once. Looking at the gift package of dozens of miscellaneous songs, as long as he swiped Douyin, he must have heard many songs.

"Then what, there are actually some good songs in there. The lyrics are not good enough to be brainwashed. Your pub has closed for me..." Thinking about it, Chu Zhi felt that this reward is quite good, not as good as an album, but it can be improvised at some point. Write and play, just come and play.

Thinking that any song you play casually can become a hot song on the Internet, isn't it enough to pretend? Chu Zhi hummed even more inwardly: "I stumbled towards you, and you can't leave alone."

"Tongtong, have you found it?" Pang Pu's eyebrows remained worried: "Mr. Chu seems to be in a daze quite frequently."

"Really?" Iron fan Wei Tongzi came back to her senses, too much beauty is not good, in her eyes, Chu Zhi is handsome in a daze. When he woke up, Wei Tongzi also noticed that the idol seemed to have been in a daze for a minute or two from just now, and he was still studying history just now, and normal people would not be in a daze for so long.

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