Pyodu blinked. Certainly it was.

“Ha, but what about the next number? Not just the number of the next row, but when the day dawns, you have to fool everyone’s eyes?”

“They all joined hands.”


Chu Pyo-du couldn’t move as if he had been hit hard on the head. Yeon Woo-hyuk explained calmly like a high priest.

As they were basically in a harsher situation than the Pyosa, they had a strong sense of caring for each other.

When one of the new settlers accidentally broke a chest, he and the other contestants feared the punishment.

-I’d rather hide this!

-Ha, but how do you hide this broken chest?

-Wouldn’t you know if the target disappears, or if it’s in another chest? Even if you think it’s strange when you arrive, you won’t investigate further!


Rather than being punished together for no reason, the merchants decided to join hands and get rid of the broken boxes.

Even if they arrived and realized that one of the chests was missing, they figured that if the target was intact, they wouldn’t dig too deep.

From noble mtl dot com

The problem was that on the way Pyodu, who had good eyesight, noticed that a chest was missing.

“You can tell just by looking at the fact that rumors of youkai first spread among the conspirators. They probably spread the rumors to get them to arrive quickly.”

“This, these bastards…!”

Chu Pyo-du’s face reddened. Because of the clumsy and shameless jajangsu, showing off the shame of the country in front of outsiders.

“Did you promise?”

“Oh that. It did…”

When Podu spoke in front of him, Chu Pyodu regained consciousness. The anger subsided, but other emotions welled up instead.


“…Hello. Mr. Podu.”

“Do you still have something to ask?”

“I-I’m sorry. It bothered me… why did you ask me not to punish the conspirators, not hermits or anything like that?”

‘What’s the guy who wouldn’t have given me if I asked for a hermit?’

Yeon Woo-hyuk was dumbfounded inside.

Chu Pyo-du and Pyo-sa were not Hogu. If he said, ‘Give me the hermit’, there was a high possibility that he would respond with ‘I’m curious, but let’s give up because I found the target’.

“I’m a mediocre but I’m a government official. What is the official to do? Wouldn’t it be to help the people avoid harsh punishment?”


Chu Pyo-du was most surprised today. I wasn’t so surprised when I found out that the missing target was found in another chest, or when I knew it was the work of the merchants.

‘There’s a podu like this??’

I couldn’t believe it. Cheongbaekri, Cheongbaekri But isn’t it an existence that usually comes out of old books or yadam? In fact, Chu Pyo-du had never met Cheongbaek-ri in his life.

Suddenly, his face grew hot and he became embarrassed.

In fact, it was Pyo Du-in himself who had to manage the complaints of the contestants. He only knew how to punish harshly, but he hadn’t even thought about the dissatisfaction of the conspirators.

It is a shame that this voyage was relatively safe, and the characters of the conspirators were not evil, but it was impossible to know how the voyage would have gone wrong if they had had an evil mind even a little.

“…This memorial, I learned a lot from meeting Podu-nim today. Jang Ja-su is also a person of the mark, and it is something that should be virtuous!”


Suddenly, Pyo-du Choo shouted while embracing him, and Yeon Woo-hyuk was puzzled.

It was too violent for a reaction to an excuse.

“hmm. I’m glad you understand.”

“When I arrive in Hankyung, I will treat Podu Yeon greatly. Please allow me.”

“yes? thank you.”

Woohyuk Yeon nodded. There was no reason to refuse even though the other person was grateful. I was thinking of getting the cheerleaders from below to lubricate the boat.

‘He’s a bit of a fuss.’

* * *

Commander Gong, who was working in the banquet hall, crossed his arms and gave instructions to his servants.

“Perhaps today or tomorrow the goods of the mark will arrive. Tell them so they can be prepared to check.”


The young servant asked as he watched the people moving around busily.

“How does Master know the location of the target from a hundred li away?”

“I don’t know the location. The time should come, so all you have to do is prepare. There is no way that Jeonggang-pyo would be late with this target, right?”

“What if I’m late?”

“Where is the only place to move luggage in Hankyung, Jeonggang Station?”

The general said calmly. Seeing this, the young servant was startled.

To be prepared to end the relationship at any time even though you are so friendly with the people of Jeonggangpyo.

“Are you surprised? But if you’re a merchant, it’s natural. Jeong Kang-pyo also knows. No matter how close you are, Jeong Kang-pyo won’t do the work for free, so neither do I.”

“Yes, old! I have been taught.”

“By the way, did you hear that the kite Podu still hasn’t returned?”



Gong’s brow wrinkled in concern.

According to rumors, an official outside the Hankyung took him to work, but originally, people like Podu and Pokke were not in a position to be treated very well. I was worried that I might have died a violent death because I was swept up in a fight.

“Yeah, but the elder of the branch praised Podu’s talent. He said he saved face…”

“A branch elder’s face won’t save his life. I’ve been able to get a martial arts book at best, but I’m just worried that the opportunity to repay will disappear.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a shout came from outside.

“The mark has arrived!”

“also. Good for you. Tell them to come in!”

Gong headed to the main gate to check for himself. The charioteers enter with the cart, and the familiar Podu on the horse…


“oh. Mr. General. long time no see.”

“No, you…? Did you enter the target country?”

“Could it be? We met on the way back and accompanied each other.”

“Good thing. Looks like things worked out well! What happened?”

“It was no big deal.”

Yeon Woo-hyuk avoided talking in detail. Somehow, it was a matter led by the Geumuiwi Committee, and I was worried that it was being talked about as it involved blood ties.

For no reason, another rank of Geumuiwi came and said, ‘You bastard! If you say ‘Where are you bluffing!’ and wield a knife…

‘It must have been no big deal.’

The young Fodu’s reaction also inadvertently passed over the commander-in-chief. It was judged that there was no reason to just ignore it if the official, especially the young official, boasted about his achievements.

“No, two minutes. Did you know each other?”

Choo Pyo-du, who came in late, was surprised to see the conversation between Yeon Woo-hyeok and the general.

Governor Gong nodded.

“You came to Hankyung after a long time, so I don’t know. Do you know what kind of podoo this is? It is one of the best in the Korean economy.”

“Ah, no… that much…”

Yeon Woo-hyuk was a little embarrassed.

The other podoos didn’t even agree, but I wondered if it was okay to wear a nickname like that.

“also…! I knew it would.”

“what? What happened when you came?”

Chu Pyo-du explained to the commander-in-chief what had happened on the way. Governor Gong was admiring and hit his knee.

“Isn’t that the spirit of a young official!”

“I also learned a lot.”

‘Can I go?’

Yeon Woo-hyeok stood at a loss in the fruitless conversation and glanced at the front door.

I came here comfortably thanks to the flag, so I’m going to go back to the government office and have fun…

“for a moment. Kite Podu! wait You found martial arts!”


Yeon Woo-hyeok, who was about to return, was surprised by the words of General Gong.

“Did you find a good martial arts book?”

“Then, is this person bluffing with bad public affairs? Come here.”

Gong called Yeon Woo-hyuk into the room. Yeon Woo-hyuk followed him with an expression full of anticipation.


-Black Sabo (黑蛇步)


Yeon Woo-hyuk was taken aback by the strong impression his first name gave him.

‘no. The name might still be a good martial arts…’

“Do you know whose martial arts this is?”

“I do not know?”

“It’s the martial arts of the face-to-face combat!”


People of Jeonggangpyo Country (3)

When an unexpected name popped up, Yeon Woo-hyuk became even more dizzy.

I would have thought that the martial arts learned by Baekmyeon Shintu would come out here.

No, at this point, it was more curious to know where he got it.

“Old Commander. That, where the hell did you get the martial arts of the face-to-face combat?”

It was not a Murim person with a face-to-face Shintou, nor a Murim person with a sect. Isn’t it Moorim who died trying to climb over the wall of the Namgung family?

I couldn’t figure out where he got the martial art of the face-to-face Shintou instead.

The corner of Gong’s mouth went up. I could feel that I had been waiting for Yeon Woo-hyuk’s question for quite some time.

“Good question. I got it from the Black City!”


This place, also called the Black City or Ghost City, was, simply put, a black market.

All sorts of dubious items flowed in and out of these dubious markets, which were usually held by people like Sapa and Hao-Mun. As the stolen goods were full of prestige and nonsense, quite a few people couldn’t even dare to go in and buy something.

‘It’s more suspicious…?’

I was worried that the commander-in-chief, who was not even a Moorim person, could tell the difference between real martial arts and fake martial arts.

Perhaps recognizing Yeon Woo-hyuk’s concerns, General Gong burst into laughter.

“Are you worried that I might have saved it by seeing it myself? I don’t think I look stupid enough to pick out something I don’t even know much about, right?”

“Could that be?”

Yeon Woo-hyeok felt sorry for himself.

The bad habits of the Moorim people had passed on to Yeon Woo-hyuk before he knew it. Just because you’ve learned some martial arts, you look down on someone who hasn’t mastered martial arts.

General Gong did not know martial arts, but he had an excellent eye for people and things while working on the battlefield for a long time. There was no way a person like this would stupidly buy a fake.

“I once gave a favor to the warrior Haomen. It was a pretty big favor. Since you asked for that favor as an excuse, it should be safe to say that the best martial arts came out of your suggestion.”

“…Old man…!”

Yeon Woo-hyuk was moved.

Most of the people in the world did not repay even though they received grace. Judge Maeng of Hankyong was like that, the prefecture of Kinam was like that, and it was good to say that all the officials were like that.

Rather, I knew that those who do business would keep their faith.

“I only have this old man!”

“hahahaha. People are so ashamed. Hurry and get it.”

Yeon Woo-hyuk gratefully received it and opened the mortal eye and scanned it. As the only steps that Yeon Woo-hyeok learned now were the forward-focused white sand step and the unsatisfactory Wiguk step, an excellent step was essential.


Yeon Woo-hyuk’s expression changed to a puzzled one when he understood the black sandpaper.

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This step…?

‘Apart from being eccentric, the composition is strange?’

Usually, the more unusual and eccentric the group, the more sapa martial arts. However, Yeon Woo-hyeok was no longer surprised by the eccentric martial arts. It was because most of the learned martial arts were like that.

Yeon Woo-hyuk was surprised because he felt like there was some hidden meaning in this martial arts book.

‘Use the Spiritual Eye more deeply.’

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