“ Thank you.”

Yeon Woo-hyuk looked down at his chest in throbbing pain. The scars left by Akgonhong were still traces.

To leave such a wound in a single blow? Yeon Woo-hyuk realized that he had been lucky.

In spite of all kinds of bad conditions and challenges, to inflict such wounds. If even one of Yeon Woo-hyuk’s abilities had been lacking, his body could have been pierced.

Yeon Woo-hyeok, who quenched his hunger with good taste, carefully checked his internal wounds.

In addition to overtaxing the spiritual eye, at the end, as much as he opened up to the top hall and used his internal energy, his blood and blood were shaking and blood flowed up.

Fortunately, my wounds were completely healed. Seeing that his history has increased a bit, Yeon Woo-hyeok guessed that the eunuch used good medicine.

“Did the lieutenant treat my injuries?”


“thank you. The wound must have been severe, but how…”

“The Lord Gong gave you Taecheongdan. When I see you later, you’d better thank me separately.”

“indeed. …You mean the shaman’s Taecheongdan?!”

Yeon Woo-hyuk shouted out loud without realizing it.

Shaman Taecheongdan is one of the representative elixirs of the shaman faction, and it contains the secrets of the Taoist family, so it was especially useful for those who were injured while handling the aura like Yeon Woo-hyeok.

Of course, Taecheongdan’s strength was not limited to solving internal injuries or injuries. Of course, it must have had as much history as its reputation…

Just using it to treat internal injuries and injuries. Even though it was his own life, Yeon Woo-hyuk felt like he was about to shed bloody tears.

How many years does that elixir alone cost?

“Such a wasteful thing…!”

“Isn’t it your life?”


Realizing that there was a eunuch in front of him, Yeon Woo-hyuk quickly changed his words.

“It’s just unfortunate that you used such an elixir for a low-ranking official like me.”

“hahahaha. I can see why the public sees you favorably.”

The middle-aged eunuch was pleased to see Yeon Woo-hyuk.

Gong Joo was a mad and cold-hearted person, but he was also a person who treated people with abilities as favorably as he did.

The eunuch briefly heard the full story of how the young Podu in front of him had chased the blood kinsmen while he fell, and that alone was enough for this Podu to receive preferential treatment.

Not to mention this kind of loyalty.

“Wake up slowly. It’s all better, but your body will still be stiff.”

“I would like to thank the state public…”

“It seemed so. The public left first. You are busy with your affairs. Before leaving, he risked my life and ordered me to save you.”

“I’m sorry!”

Yeon Woo-hyuk looked down for a moment. Even the people of the street cursed at him for being a eunuch, only when he wasn’t there, but the eunuch belonging to his alumni was not a person to be cursed at so much.

If you make up your mind really badly, the three tribes could die together.

How dissatisfied he must have been that such a eunuch had been left alone and was diagnosing pulses because of him.

“No. Of course you can get off. I guess I said it for nothing.”

Contrary to his worries, the middle-aged eunuch did not seem to have any complaints. Rather, he said, feel free to call yourself Heo Zhongguan.

Yeon Woo-hyuk carefully asked what had happened after that.

“I wiped out the remnants of the Blood Bridge and interrogated the remaining ones. It must have been heartbreaking to hear that your comrade colluded with the blood ties.”

“Is Hankyung okay?”

“Rather lucky! Didn’t you find out beforehand?”

“I don’t mean that…”

Originally, sin is generally not contagious, but there were occasions when guilt by association broke out. A cult like the blood religion was one of them.

If a comrade colluded with blood ties, aren’t the branches above him and the officials below him also guilty?

Of course, it was a doubt that could be raised, and even more so if the person in question was an alumnus, it was a doubt that he would not give up.

It was no wonder that some of the Hankyung officials were sent to court.

From noble mtl dot com

“aha. Are you wondering if any of the officials have been held accountable?”

“yes. I am worried about the country as I do not have as many loyalists as the elders.”

“…That’s right.”

Heo Jung-gwan, who had been through a lot of trouble at his alumni, was embarrassed at the moment. He could not have imagined that Hankyung officials could be called loyal subjects.

“You don’t have to worry about that either. The branch has succeeded in explaining.”

“You mean the branch elder? It’s related to blood ties, how?”

Yeon Woo-hyuk was slightly impressed.

It’s true that I was a little easygoing, but as the head of Hankyung, I have as much ability as someone who has been in government affairs for a long time…

“If you pay about one-third of your property as a bribe, any official in the court will give you an explanation.”


When Yeon Woo-hyeok was dumbfounded and at a loss for words, Jung-gwan Heo seemed to understand it in a different way.

“It looks like you’re worried that the Hankyung officials might have a grudge against you, but you really don’t have to worry about that. If everyone thanked you while sweeping their hearts out that it went well, I would have been grateful, I won’t hold a grudge.”

“Gam, thank you.”

“There is no other person who has made as many achievements as you this time?”

“no. How could I have done it without the other warriors of my alumni? If only I had been a little better…”

“There is nothing like that. They would have died anyway.”

“Isn’t it… yes?”

Woohyuk Yeon heard it and asked back because it was strange.

They’re the ones who would have died anyway.

Did the warriors of the alumni gather only those who were open to the Sangdanjeon like Yeon Woo-hyuk?

“Don’t tell me where to go. ‘Cause I’m only telling you I think you blame yourself too much.”

“I will risk my life to protect it.”

“It’s not to that extent… The eunuchs of the alumni who follow the governor are originally eunuchs who committed serious crimes within the palace. They would have been decapitated had they remained silent. Instead, follow the public to atone for your sins. So even if I die, you don’t have to feel sorry for me.”


Yeon Woo-hyuk somehow thought that the alumni fighters fought fiercely and well.

He wanted to attack without caring about his own life, but it was to wash away his sins and restore his original position.

“Are you like that, too?”

“Right. I am one of them.”

‘This may be an opportunity.’

Yeon Woo-hyuk smelled the incident.

It smelled like an incident that such a benevolent eunuch committed such a serious crime that he had his head cut off.

As the imperial palace is a pandemonium, isn’t it a place where even a good official can lose his head in the blink of an eye because of false accusations?

Perhaps Heo Jung-gwan was also falsely accused.

‘If only I could clear the frame…!’

Although the state public took good care of Yeon Woo-hyuk, they could not expect much. For a high official of that position, a subordinate like Yeon Woo-hyuk would be just a guy who knows how to roll his head. I’ll probably forget it after 15 days when I go back to the adjustment.

On the other hand, if Joong-Gwan Heo’s false accusations are cleared, isn’t that a lifesaver? It was like having a strong ally among alumni.

Yeon Woo-hyuk asked cautiously.

“Isn’t it possible that the lieutenant has been framed?”


“If you don’t mind, please tell me. This kite is lacking in dexterity, but has shallow wisdom.”

“hmm. That’s what…”

It might be harder to say than I thought, but Joong-gwan Heo was quite worried. Then he burst out laughing and said.

“Actually, it’s not a false name. I just did it because it was a bit awkward to talk about things from when I was young now. I’m telling you lest you misunderstand. Got it?”


“Actually, I did not enter the imperial palace on my own accord. my parents sold me How hot and stuffy must he have been at such a young age?”

“I understand.”

To be confined to the imperial palace at a young age and to spend the rest of my life. Anybody would be frustrated.

“So I immersed myself in martial arts to soothe my boiling blood. When I reached a certain level, I went out on a night run.”

“Did you do a cooperative act?”

“no. They attacked the young officials and cut off their food.”


“Then I got caught. hmm. It’s not a proud story. Shame on you.”

Yeon Woo-hyuk unconsciously opened the morgue and went in to check. Fortunately, nothing was cut while there was none.


After the insane eunuch left, Yeon Woo-hyeok left the hospital and headed to the safe house where the exuberant people gathered.

The four players were surprised to see Yeon Woo-hyuk come out.

“Yeon Podu!”

“Are you already well? The elder at the branch said you could take more care!”

“I am fine.”

Yeon Woo-hyuk waved his hand.

To be honest, I didn’t regret it when I heard that, but originally, a lower person like Yeon Woo-hyuk had to be more humble and devoted when he was doing well.

If you lie down in pain and practice martial arts, you can be taken as a criminal offense.

“Did anything happen while I was away?”

“Nothing much happened. really. The branch elder said that Podu-nim was his son and wept.”

“…Thanks for letting me know.”

Enemy Pokewa smiled and twirled.

When will we see such a high official come and leave after shedding tears of emotion? I was able to see all the different sights because I was in Hankyung’s exhilaration.

“Can you have two fathers?”

“More than that.”


While the enemy cheerleader was speechless and amazed, the other cheerleaders spoke.

“Podu. The palace judge asked me to come as soon as he wakes up.”

“okay? i get it. I’ll have to go find him right now.”


Upon arriving at Hyeonggwan, Yeon Woo-hyeok followed a servant and stood in front of the palace judge’s room.

“Come in.”

The door opened with a loud voice. After greeting Yeon Woo-hyuk, he went inside.

Surprisingly, the room was very empty.

The chairs and tables were rough as if they had been cut and pasted together. Except for the paper, pencil and ink, other items were not visible. There wasn’t even that common teacup.


Yeon Woo-hyeok, who knew how to use a golden brush on a golden chair and a golden table, was surprised when he saw Judge Gung’s terrible personality.

The palace judge, who was standing in front of the table, beckoned. Yeon Woo-hyuk pulled a chair and tried to sit down.

“for a moment!”


Yeon Woo-hyeok was taken aback by the palace judge’s shouting. The palace judge put on a very distressed expression and said.

“…Since this work has been credited, I will allow you to sit down. Sit down!”

“…Uh, originally you weren’t supposed to sit down?”

“Like an idiot. Aren’t the chairs worn out!”


Only then did Yeon Woo-hyeok realize why the palace judge was standing there.

So now…?

‘Isn’t this a crazy bastard?’

Somehow, I wondered that the official uniform was not that expensive silk for being such a dignified duck, and it turned out to be a crazy mistress!

Yeon Woo-hyuk sat down even more uncomfortably in an uncomfortable chair. The palace judge nodded and said.

“This job was great. Helping an alumnus find the savior of blood ties. The head of the branch is also delighted.”

“It’s all thanks to the teachings of the old judge!”

“Thank you for your words! In any case, it can be said that you have kept the reputation of the Hankyung officials. because that…”


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