How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 131: Quartz faith

"Now, the defenders of Wangcheng are preparing to march all night. Tomorrow morning, I will lead the army to the northwest frontier." Eleuil paused, "Are you going?"

Lotus thought for a while.

She came to the royal city in a hurry, originally to confirm the safety of the princess. Now that the dream banshee who sneaked into Acht has been controlled, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and we should rush to the place where other gods are.

After all, for the gods, even though they are in a special period when they can interfere with the human world, the main battlefield is still outside the human field of vision, and the main opponent is still the gods of foreign countries.


There are too many strange gods in the Kasne **** system, and there are also many guys like the dream banshee whose power is low enough to sneak into the enchantment and can affect human beings in various ways.

Eleuil is the core of Solancia, and will naturally be the focus of the enemy. If there are more of such guys, there will always be hidden dangers.

At times like this, Luodus appreciates the incarnation setting of the Solan **** system, and there will never be a problem of lack of avatars.

Eleuil is still waiting for her answer.

Luo Tusi wanted to go with the princess as usual, and then when he was alone, he separated his avatar and went to the place where the gods are.

However, thinking about the decision he made not long ago, Luo Das changed his mind and closed his eyes in front of Eleuil.

Silver hair, white tail, including white skin, all glowing with the unique softness and moistness of aquatic species, and the slender fin tail has a translucent gauze quality, just like a giant fish living in the Ilu River .

The body is surrounded by water currents, surrounded by gods, and the incarnations are suspended in the air, so that even if the mythical fantasy creatures with fish tails appear on land, they will not appear contrary and abrupt.

Eleuil recites the myth of Solan very well, and immediately recognized this incarnation: "Silver mermaid?"

The mermaid smiled lightly, and her eyes were also the color of blue chalcedony.

There are only two mythological incarnations of Luodus.

One is the snow goddess that I used before, and the other is the silver mermaid in front of me. In the legend, the silver mermaid and the Ilu River are together, and they will appear in the depths of all rivers and lakes on the earth, leading the migration of giant fish groups.

Eleuil raised her hand and touched the merman's ear fins, as if she was novel, this feeling of touching the fins through the thin water layer is probably strange, because she was completely silent three seconds.

But then, the princess' expression became thoughtful, she looked at the river goddess body with a pair of golden eyes, and then looked at the same appearance except that there were no legs, more slender fish tails and some inhumans The incarnation of the component.

"Is it all you?"

The body and the avatar nodded together, as if it were a replica.

As if casually, Eleuil poked the dorsal fin on the back of the mermaid, then changed the poking to pinching, and asked in a purely exploratory tone: "If I touch this side, your body will Do you feel it?"

"Accurately not." Luo Das thought for a while and explained: "In terms of the body and the consciousness incarnated in the gods, it is almost the difference between the torso and the arms. It is as if you touch When touching the left hand, the torso does not transmit the same tactile sensation, but the consciousness of manipulating the body does.”

Eleuil: "Oh—"

Lotus: "?"

Eleuil immediately changed his expression to the solemnity of discussing business affairs, nodded to show understanding, and the metaphor of Luodus. It really made her understand the control mechanism of the incarnation of the gods.

"So, you want?"

"I will go to the frontier first, the other main gods of Solanchia should be there." The silver mermaid on the left said, looking at the dream banshee on the cover wall, "Bring her along by the way. ."

The body on the right continued without a pause: "I will walk with you, in case those two gods send more gods to attack you."

Eleuil: "I see."

Luodas controlled the silver mermaid to turn around, picked up the solidified divine power that sealed the dream banshee, and set off first.

This avatar will travel by water, along the Ilu River to the border of Solanchia, the fastest and least laborious way for the river goddess.

The two who stay in place will go back to the bedroom.

Luodas turned into a spirit.

Of course she can't walk beside Eleuil.

Whether it is Luodus or the dream banshee, when they enter the royal court, they are in a form that cannot be observed by humans, so the guards guarding the gate of the royal court are unaware.

If the princess came in alone, and went out with one more... I don't know how frightened the guards would be.

Similarly, the process of becoming a spirit body was not hidden from Eleuil.

In just a few minutes, the Queen witnessed something she hadn't seen in more than a dozen years.

Except for the moment when she didn't see Luodus in sight, her expression changed slightly, the rest of the time she was not very surprised, she always kept a smile instead of a smile, and was extremely calm.

Lotus is in a complicated mood.

Now she has made the decision to show the "truth" to Eleuil, but she is vague and hesitant.

If Eleuil was indeed moved by the performance of the goddess of the Ilu River, and if she would clarify her heart as the truth was revealed step by step, how should Luodus handle herself?

The scene at that time was almost sketched in my mind.

It was Eleuil who stood in front of him and said, "You are very different from what I knew in the past. Sorry, I just admire the real gods who are different from mortals and high in the clouds."

If you really want to face such a is also a timely stop loss.

Luodus turned his eyes to the princess walking beside him.

Eleuil's bones are cold, her face is bright and bright, and her profile is cold and clear.

When not smiling, this coldness is more obvious, enough to make unfamiliar people look at it with respect.

Although she has the status of a god, even though she is tainted with divinity, even though she did not deliberately disguise her temperament in front of Eleuil—

I still want to let Eleuil see that she is the goddess of the river, but she is also Luodus.

Luodus lowered his eyes, and the frosty blue eyes were silent and firm.

As they approached the dormitory, Eleuil said: "I put all of your things in the mansion before in the dormitory as is, except for large objects such as cabinets, which have not passed through the hands of others. "

Speaking of this, the princess suddenly stopped, her expression was different, and she did not continue.

And when Luo Das saw that room, she knew why the princess didn't say more.

The furnishings in the room were completely arranged according to the layout before Luotas left, and there was no mistake in the slightest, but—

More stuff here.

It does not belong to the Luodus who lived here in the past.

The wall on the right was opened, and an arch was cut out and blocked with a curtain strung with crystal beads.

Similarly...just like.

To use a more modern term, it is cohabitation.

Eleuil was silent for a while.

Lotus: "…"

This is normal, as some classmates said in the chat before, when parents are not at home, children will run to the master bedroom with pillows and quilts to sleep, which is a normal manifestation of insecurity .

However, even if she tried to make up for it in her heart, it would not change the fact that the first thought that came to her was "cohabitation".

But in fact, for the current state of mind, it is right to think of cohabitation?

Luodus told herself, so she began to feel at ease, she took a step forward, and her eyes suddenly stopped in front of the window.

It was the only window in the room.

Inlaid with sliding glass, the linen curtains were tied to the sides, and the bright moonlight and the lamp in Eleuil's hand illuminated the strings of things hanging there.

The wind blows through the half-opened window, making them touch each other lightly, making a ding-dong sound, and the hanging position is just right, as if the person sitting by the table under the window can just look up See.

Luodas stepped forward, took Eleuil's lamp, and held up one of them to take a closer look.

Two pieces of transparent quartz as thin as cicada's wings, intertwined and stacked, sealing the fragile, dried snow tea petals.


Each piece of quartz is a short poem.

Luodus watched silently for a moment, then asked softly, "What would you do if I didn't come back."

Eleuil didn't hesitate: "Then wait."

Wait until they can't wait any longer, and maybe they will become a tyranny that can be recorded in history. They will burn down temples, abolish priests, take all the statues back to the palace, and perish in desperation.

This absurd idea, induced in a dream by a foreign god, is probably a foreseeable reality after decades of waiting alone.

Lotus can't read minds, so he has no way of knowing this crazy and slightly creepy prediction.

She just turned her ears silently, listening to the tree buds growing in the bottom of her heart, instead of being suppressed by an unconscious stone layer like before, Luo Das observed with an almost calm attitude.

Too fast.

To the point that Luo Das was worried, if it was time to stop the loss in time, would she be able to let go?

"You rest. It's going to start tomorrow morning, isn't it?"

Eleuil: "I rest here?"

Luodus closed his eyes and said as gently and calmly as possible: "As you wish."

"Then you don't have to sleep."

"I don't need sleep, unless it is a long sleep." Luo Das said slowly, "I used to fall asleep every night, more because of habit, other gods are not like this."

—The real god, who was branded with Guthran from the beginning to the end, was the kind of **** she first showed to the queen when she met. It was never like this.

Perceiving the unusual frankness of Luodus several times, Eruel's eyes darkened.

"Habit", "different from other gods", two consecutive emphasis, what is Luodus trying to express?

Lack of preconditions, even Eleuil is inevitably confused.


"Then please maintain a good habit of resting every day."

The princess said, dragging God into bed without hesitation.

I had never seen Luodus lying on the bed with silver hair and blue eyes, she had to appreciate it for a while before taking a quick shower.

Lotus: "…"

The author has something to say:

Help, the night before the expedition, the God of God and the head coach of people were all thinking about emotional issues (although they were also very focused when they were talking about business, but they only said less than half a chapter. business)—

Solancia Pills!


And I seem to have failed to fix my schedule for three days?

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