How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 177: no reincarnation

The current wolf **** probably no longer poses much threat.

The **** of the sky severely injured him, and even if Wurakan escaped quietly under the cover of the giant wolf's body, the serious injury and divine power consumption already caused could not be reset to zero.

The entire army of Sanur was wiped out. Although there are still captured prisoners of war who continue to believe in the wolf god, the demise of this belief has long been doomed and irreversible.

The massive loss of faith in a short period of time slows down the speed of Urakan's reversal of divine power, and cannot complete self-healing.

Strictly speaking, Sanur at this time has already destroyed the country, but the civilization has not completely disappeared so fast.

In at least three generations, the remnants of Sanur will be absorbed by Solanchia, believe in the Solan pantheon, and integrate into the Solan civilization.

Compared to Solancia's long and vast history, the Sanur civilization is completely a toddler but a fierce and warlike beast, and has no resistance in the face of civilization assimilation.

At that time, Sanur will truly dissipate.

, Can't wait for the believers to build a temple for her and integrate into the Solan pantheon.

However, considering the above reasons, even if the wolf **** Urakan is not dead, he is already very weak.

Weak enough to maintain the form of a beast-headed deity, he can only transform into a juvenile wolf.

He cannot be discovered by the Soran pantheon.

The reason why Wulakan sent the Sheep God to the wasteland was, on the one hand, afraid of the destruction of Sanur, and on the other hand, to prepare for future healing.

After all, God Kasnee doesn't seem to be in a good state. He doesn't say anything when he asks, as if he only intends to use God Sanur as a tool **** against Solan's gods, but even if he feels this, The fact that he has already participated in the battle of gods cannot be changed, and Hurakan can only bite the bullet and fight to the end.

I originally wanted to keep Xie Lipu, so that this weak sheep who can't fight is far away from the battlefield, and she can go to her for treatment.

Who ever thought that God Solan could fight more than expected, all his companions had fallen, only Wulakhan found a chance to escape from the battlefield. He wanted to find Xie Lipu to heal his injuries, but—

Xie Lipu was taken away by God Solan.

No objection, willingly.


God left?

Even if he was furious, the wolf **** had no choice but to watch and slowly heal himself.

Wolf is a vengeful animal, and so is Hurakan.

Compared to Xie Lipu, a "weak" who was never in his eyes in the past, the wolf **** hates the river goddess who brought Xie Lipu back to Solancia and involved him in the battle of gods goddess of mind. Then came the other gods.

Pearl Luther.


As long as there is a chance, Hurakan will take revenge at any cost and return—

The wolf god's murderous thoughts did not let the Soran gods who were in Surinia at this time notice.

The talk of the main gods continues.

The discussion about where Urakan is hiding has come to an end. The location of the **** Kasne is very clear, and he can call the door at any time.

Compared to these three alien gods, the Solan **** system can be said to be a sure win.

It's just that Pearl Luther's fearless performance is somewhat unbelievable, and she suspects that there is something behind her pantheon.

"If there is really a hidden trouble, what could it be?" Luodus asked, "There should be no such thing as an increase in divine power."

Such as stealing the beliefs of other gods, calling in foreign aid at the last moment, attracting Solan to kill each other with spiritual magic... and so on.

Luodasi lists possible situations and is very worried.

The first two are basically impossible. Faith is the foundation of the existence of all gods other than human beings and gods.

In gestation, it is impossible to participate in the battle of gods.

As for the final cannibalism—

God Solan you look at me, I look at you.

But if she had such an ability, Adia would not have come back that day.

The **** of the sky was silent for a moment, and said: "God Kasnee walks with their human beings, it seems that they do not intend to hide, and they are not in a hurry to solve them."

"Wait for the Chisne people to go outside Surinia to start a war of gods. Suriel may have been healed. One more **** will be more able to avoid accidents."

Without God's objection, the matter is settled.

Luodas took the opportunity to mention the goddess of the soul: "Perlusser is very hostile to Aileu, is there any reason? For example, she wants to control the human rulers to achieve her goals. "

Suojia was taken aback: "Have they met?"

Luodus said: "A few days ago, Pearl Luther went to find me, and we met."

Lotus simply retells what the shadow said.

Those inexplicable and abnormal words, claiming to let her merge into the Kasne pantheon, and the malice towards Eleuil.

Thinking for oneself.

Finally, Suojia let out a sigh: "It is impossible for the gods to control the king of a country, unless the other party is connected with his own qi and is a true devout believer."

"Pearl Luther is hostile to Eleuil, it should be her own reason."

"The goddess of the soul saw me when I was a human." Luodus turned his bracelet and lowered his eyes, "So, has she seen Aileu at that time?"

Silence is the best answer.

Luodus said seriously: "Suojia, I want to know what's going on."

Suojia looked at En, the **** of the sky nodded, and floated in front of Luodus solemnly: "We didn't want to mention it before, because those that have passed will inevitably affect your current choices. "

Suojia smiled kindly and continued: "But in my opinion, you will not be shaken by the past, and it is not so important to talk about it."

Then, Luo Das heard from Suojia a past that seemed reasonable and trance-like.

Soja said before that since the gods don't pay much attention to mortal affairs, she doesn't know much about the past of Luodus - this is true.

The queen of the temple, just like "Eliuil" thousands of years ago.

At that time, the land that now belongs to Solancia was full of city-states, sometimes allied with each other, sometimes fighting each other, scattered and scattered everywhere.

Until the city-state named Solan rose in the chaos, annexed many city-states, and established the kingdom of Soranchia.

Eleuil is the sister of the first generation of King Solan, the commander who led the army to fight, just like the princess who grew up under the watch of Luodus, she can conquer battles, never defeat, magnificent Yan's appearance is almost identical to that of black hair and golden eyes.

As a human being, Luo Das was by her side and became famous as the goddess of the river.

The Solan **** at that time only had four fighting powers, En, Soga, Adiya and Emut. The twin gods of the sun and the moon, the gods of wisdom, they have not even come to form.

Soja was right, she didn't know much.

She also doesn't know the inside story about the intersection of Pearl Luther and the two. It is certain that Luodus does not like to see the goddess of the soul, and the ending of the two - from the Solan population after the war the ending heard.

The attack on the city-state where the goddess of the soul is located is the last battle to unify Solancia.

Even if you are prepared, you can't stop an arrow piercing your heart after you come on the chaotic battlefield.

I don't know if there is this reason, the water force that Luodus can control is out of control, and it affects the torrent of the Ilu River. In the face of the mighty force of nature, the enemy army has no resistance. The Lan army was victorious.

However, before the end of the war, Rhodes died, and Soka guessed that her death was related to the riot of power.

"That's all I know—that's really all this time."

The Earth Goddess smiled wryly.

Luodus murmured, "So, is that Eleuil's past life?"

Unexpectedly, the **** of the sky shook his head: "No, that Eleuil should not be the current Princess Solan."

"Because when she died, there was no reincarnation."

Luodus raised his eyes suddenly.

"There is no reincarnation? But at that time, Emut existed..."

"In the original version of the mythology, Emut's priesthood is withered and prosperous. The growth and prosperity of all living beings has nothing to do with death and reincarnation. The concept of human soul reincarnation appeared at the beginning of the establishment of the kingdom. And then—"

At that time, "Eleuil" was already dead.

"Then why is Pearl Luther hostile to the current Eliu?"

"Empathy, anger, it's possible. Pearl Luther has been a lunatic since a thousand years ago."

Sorja did not mention her relationship with that Eleuil, but from the tone of voice, they were probably colleagues who trusted each other and good friends in the eyes of others.


For a time, my mind was intertwined, and the five flavors were mixed.

Luodus bowed his head and was silent for a moment before saying, "I see, thank you."

If only Adia was fine, now I can find someone to analyze and analyze, and only Adia is particularly interested in this kind of entanglement and can be a divine advisor.

Lotus overlooked the square white stone city wall, and fiddled with the bracelet unconsciously.

She was thinking.

Do you want to tell Aileu about this?

The author has something to say:

2612 is 2612, unique.


I forgot to ask for leave today, I thought I had already hung up the request for leave, Orz

When I want to adjust the time or not, I am really in a hurry in the morning, and it is very easy to close my eyes and fall asleep, and then drag and drag.

Before, my friend said that it is more convenient to change to the afternoon update, and you can also supervise each other in the same time period, but at that time, it was not good to change the update time frequently. Delaying the leave seems to be even worse...cough.

So tomorrow should be changed to 6pm update?

Try it first, and then see if it needs to be fixed, in short, the day will not be broken, no!

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