Surinia city.

After the night of the ambush on the river, several days had passed.

In this battle, the record is outstanding.

There were five or six hundred prisoners of war, and countless number of dead.

In contrast, the Solanchia side suffered very few casualties, and the few sacrifices came from the soldiers who released fireboats from the shore, and they were all killed by the archers on the warships close to the riverbank, which was inevitable .

The best loot is the warship. Unfortunately, in order to ensure lethality, the sling and the fireboat are aimed at destroying the ship.

Captured by Solan's army.

In addition, soldiers cleaning the battlefield rescued a person at the scene.

That is Horst, the fugitive conspirator whom Prince Kasnee used as a threat.

It seems that Horst was originally tied to the small cabin of the royal warship.

When the situation suddenly changed, even if Kaimon found out that he had been deceived, he had no time to take this "hostage" to vent his anger. During the retreat, the warship was seriously damaged and was about to sink. Kaimon jumped the boat urgently, too late Bring Horst - or not consider him at all.

In short, Horst almost sank with the warship.

The reason why he said it was almost because he was very lucky, the wooden board that tied him floated on the water, and was not conspicuous among the many unfortunate Kasnai soldiers clinging to the board.

Horst tried to take the opportunity to escape. After all, whether in Casne or Solancia, he had to be a prisoner, and he knew it well.

Too bad he didn't make it.

At that time, Soran soldiers who recognized the traitor took Horst to the princess, Eleuil said with a half-smile: "It's really a surprise, do you think Well, uncle."

He turned around and let people take Horst back to the prison in Surinia, where no visits were allowed, and he was detained as a felon. Until today, a few days later, he was never ignored. .

Taz wisely didn't ask about it, neither did Romul, but looking at his expression these days, it was obvious that he wanted to ask.

"Horst is afraid of death."

Beside the pool in the small garden, Eleuil leaned on the smooth boulders on the shore of the pool, and combed the silver-tailed mermaid's hair meticulously. It's slippery, doesn't need to be handled, it's natural, and feels very good.

Eleuil was also in a very good mood at this time, but when he mentioned the enemy, his voice inevitably brought a faint sneer: "At this time, I can't find time to bring it back to the king's city for judgment, let me Horst should stay in jail and be scared."

The long wait in custody alone is far more torturous than any other means.

Lotus agrees.

Waiting is really torture.

After all, the Solan **** system will soon face the situation of passive waiting.

Since the inexplicable premonition on the day of the battle of gods, neither Luodus nor other Solan gods have had similar feelings.

But this is a matter of great importance.

A few days ago, the main body of Luodus and several other companions left the territory of Solan and went to the territorial waters of Kasne, looking for the island where the gods lived in the myths and legends of Kasne.

And just now, they finally confirmed—

"The island is gone."

The silver mermaid said, while tapping her tail unconsciously, because the tail fin was completely submerged in the water, the surface of the pool did not splash, but only showed traces of surging.

The holy island of the **** Kasneh, cannot be perceived, cannot be discovered.

This is most likely the handwriting of Pearl Luther, just like the last time, she used her own divine power to cover up the trail of Sanur's army in the Sittings Mountains.

But unlike the previous situation, Luodus could not use things like sea fog and water vapor to indirectly know the location of the island, nor could other gods who control the forces of nature-because mythical islands did not exist. in reality.

It is a product of myth, a fantasy land that does not rely on the sea.

The place where Pearl Luther hides has become a complete island.

Beside the river goddess, the God of Wisdom proposed a possible guess:

"On the bright side, Pearl Luther probably knew that his own pantheon would be defeated, and just wanted to hide before the war was over."

"Let's not get rid of the God of Chisne, affect the battlefield environment, and let the humans of Chisne win by themselves?"

On the silver mermaid side, the queen also thoughtfully said: "That guy wants to rely on humans to make a comeback?"

Obviously, Eleuil doesn't have any good feelings for the goddess of the soul, and doesn't even want to call her by name, just call that guy.

Lotus also wanted to believe so.

She has absolute confidence in the princess. If Pearl Luther really does not intend to continue participating in this war, the final result must be a disastrous defeat in Chisne. One side will slowly die - along with the last Pelluth.

However, according to Murphy's Law, the worst-case scenario will always happen, no matter how unlikely.

In addition, when En talked about the God of Creation, he set the standard flag.

The upper body of the silver mermaid was slightly tilted back, the back of her neck rested on Eleuil's palm, and her eyes were closed.

"Are you worried?"

The Queen asked.

Luodus' consciousness let the main body and other gods return together, raised the hand of the silver mermaid, put it on Eleuil's wrist, and tapped lightly.

The incarnation of the mermaid does not have a red gold bracelet, and the habitual movements when thinking cannot be performed, so I have to find a remedy on the princess.

"Indeed, I'm concerned."

Luodus considered for a moment, but did not hide the uneasiness in his heart.

Eleuil lowered her eyes: "No matter what that guy is doing now, it will take time, otherwise he will not hide."

"If I take Chisne before she's done..."

The queen and goddess were serious, Luo Das thought along this assumption, and immediately knew that this would not work.

Even if civilization falls, it will take time for the deity to dissipate, which can be seen from the current Sanur pantheon.

Unless you kill all human beings in Kasne, including innocent civilians, old people, women and children, and leave no one behind, so that civilization will be cut off in a short time, otherwise Pearl Luther will not be beaten Off - whether she's planning something or not.

Luodus didn't say anything, just said, "Come at your rhythm."

After a pause, she said half-jokingly, "In terms of combat, you are my teacher, Aileu."

Eluiel's eyes moved, and she felt as if she was about to lower her head and give a deep, warm and long kiss, maybe fall into the pool and soak her clothes .

But she just lightly touched the corner of Luodus' lips, then moved it away, and rubbed her face again.

"I'm going to deal with the report of the Banana Legion. I'll be fighting again tomorrow."

Eleuil got up, her eyes filled with nostalgia, but she walked away neatly.

Lotus stayed in the pool.

Looking back a little blankly, wiggling the fish tail.

I'm in a hurry, but after all, it's wartime, even if it's not big or small battles, it's still very busy, and it's not easy to spend so much time to relax.

The mermaid sank to the bottom of the pool, and the open caudal fins were like yarn, and like snow-colored silk, shining with the scattered silver hair.

The princess was not by her side, so Luodus focused more conscious attention on the body, letting the shining avatar blow bubbles unconsciously.

Not far from the pool, Eleuil's footsteps slowed down.

She pressed her chest and sighed.

It's not good to be too intimate.

It's easy to suppress agitation, but it's really uncomfortable.

The war will come to an end as soon as possible, we have to wait until the event here, and then wait for the arrival of the festival of Luodus, which is the most ceremonial time.


For some time since then, Solancia and Chisne have maintained a delicate balance.

After suffering a big loss, Prince Chisne acted more cautiously and more steadily, stationed in the largest city south of Surinia.

From time to time, soldiers from both sides collided and fought a small-scale encounter. The Kasneh army also tried to go north in other directions, such as the main city east of the City of the Sun God, Iroleira .

Of course, it didn't work out, the city lord of Elroira was strong and strong, reacted in time, and didn't give Kasnee a chance to attack him.

The Surinian defenders who received the news immediately sent troops to attack from the rear. Seeing that the situation was not good, the Kasneh army slipped quickly, and there were no losses on both sides.

As for small-scale encounters, each has its own winners and losers. It is worth mentioning that whenever Princess Solan is present, Solan's army must be victorious.

She is like a king's flag that never falls.

And during the confrontation, new myths spread from Acht.

Wrapped in the blood, the cavalry led by the princess returned to Surinia.

The people stood on the side of the road and watched the princess walking towards the center of the city on a horse.

Someone unconsciously hummed a poem in a low voice, which sounded a little vague.

The person standing next to you asked: "What are you humming."

"A hymn to the goddess Eleuil."

This man was shocked: "What are you talking about that is disrespectful to God, Your Majesty is Your Majesty, how can you call the title of God at will!"

The other party raised his eyebrows: "Why is your majesty not a god, haven't you listened to the poems sung by Fansipo? Your majesty is the reincarnation of the goddess of war, who is specially here to help Solanchia difficult time."

Fan Sipe, is the name of a famous bard.

Bards are talented people in various folk tales, which is not surprising, after all, they are basically adapted and sung in folk tales.

In short, because of this characteristic, the Sorans do not think there is anything wrong with bards coming to preach new myths during wartime.

What's more, this is the story of Her Majesty the Queen. Ordinary people will look at the battle report announced by the messenger, and they will also feel that Her Majesty is indeed the goddess of the goddess Luodus, and there are all kinds of strange The claims, such as the queen actually ate the golden figs of victory, had a day trip to the kingdom of God, was appointed as the king of heaven by the king of God, etc., etc., are all fragmentary rumors.

And when the bards appearing in various places, sing and sing vividly with new stories, swear that this is a myth recognized by the high priests—

These rumors, which entrust the hidden wishes of the people, have since been unified and gradually expanded.

That was the previously unknown main god.

The **** of war and power, in order to meet the crisis and return to the world, since she is the **** of war, Solancia, who is favored by the gods, will inevitably stand.

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