How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 191: millennia ago

The lake surface is as smooth as a mirror, with a wide surface, but the overall shape is quite regular, looking down from the sky, it looks like the same round sapphire.

The last time Luodus came here, he was playing with Eleuil, and there was a dedicated and lively maid of the city lord's mansion who acted as a commentary.

The fishermen of Iluolaila cast their nets on the lake by boat, the domesticated osprey stood on the bow of the boat and groomed their feathers, and the children were playing on the shore, all of them wanted to go into the water, but soon I would be reprimanded by my mother who chatted while picking reeds... The Gadar Lake was very lively at that time.

And now, because Elorera City is quite close to the battle line, it was attacked by the Kasne army some time ago, and there is no one by the lake.

The lake water is quiet and clear, and the blue herons stay near the reeds, and from time to time they dig their slender necks into the water to catch fish and eat, leisurely.

There is nothing special about Gadar Lake except that it is exceptionally beautiful and relatively deep.

What secrets can this Gadar Lake hide?

Luodus hovered over the center of the lake, looking down, the silver-tailed mermaid appeared on the water. It's like an incarnation and another incarnation, one in the sky and one in the water, looking at each other across the mirror.

After thinking for a while, Luodus fish tail swung and plunged into the water.

Just like last time, the giant fishes living in the lake noticed the arrival of the gods, and rushed to them one after another.

These beautiful large fish revolve around Luodus, and the slender tail fins similar to the incarnation of silver mermaids beat the water body, very happy, if Luodus is not in the water at this time, I am afraid they Going to the surface to jump up and down again and dance.

Luodus spreads the divine power, and the invisible power surges with the water waves, like some kind of summoning.

The surrounding fish gradually quieted down, as if they were waiting with Luodus.

Waiting quietly for a while, a streamlined shadow swims from the depths of the lake.

I didn't see it with my own eyes. It's hard to imagine such a huge freshwater fish. Compared with its kin, this giant fish is almost twice as long, and its swimming posture is more dignified , but the speed is not slow, and soon came to Luodus.

This is probably the longest living giant fish in Lake Gadar. The eyes that grow on both sides of the head seem to have a humanized gentleness.

Luodus raised his hand, his fingertips slid across the large moon-white scales of the giant fish, and finally landed in front of the smooth fish head, conveying his thoughts.

What is so special about this lake, she asked?

It feels similar to Luodus himself.

Lotus had no hope at first, and was ready to find it on his own, although this work would be more troublesome after losing the sense of divine power - but the giant fish rammed forward against Luotas With the palm of his hand, he turned the body of the fish and motioned for the goddess of the river to swim with it.

This giant fish is almost vertically downstream, the bright and shiny tail fin swings, and it jumps out in the blink of an eye.

Luodus followed closely behind her, and more giant fishes surrounded her and followed her. jump.

The further down you go, the deeper the lake gets.

The depth of Gadar Lake is as amazing as its area. After swimming for a long time, the water body is completely opaque, only the frost-blue magical power scattered by Luodus illuminates the surrounding, dreamy and quiet.

Say: This is it.

This fissure is just enough for one person to pass through, even an undeveloped giant fish, but the giant fish leader can't get in, it stops here.

And a few juveniles that followed happily swam into the crevice, but the adult fish did not stop it. Obviously, there was no danger after the crevice. Maybe these giant fish were used to drilling here and there when they were young.

Luodus nodded, leaving some gentle divine power to express his gratitude, and swam into the fissure with the young fish.

The mermaid incarnates walking through the dark passages, probably counting to nearly a hundred in her heart, and suddenly the light ahead—

Luodus paused at the exit, her frosty blue eyes reflected the scene in front of her, and she held her breath unconsciously.

In front of you is a magnificent stone palace.

There is no dome, and the structure is harmonious and peculiar. It is even difficult to describe whether it is a building or a stone forest composed of huge stone pillars.

Under the double barrier of water and rocks, this huge space is shrouded in soft light, making this palace full of primitive and wild atmosphere, grand and solemn, revealed in front of Luotas The whole picture.

Deep blue water.

—a shrine beyond words to describe.

Yes, the temple.

Luodasi looked to the left and right, the young fish were enjoying themselves in this huge space, but they did not avoid the stone pillars at all, as if they could not see the existence of the stone pillars.

In fact, they went straight through the stone body, just like the Astral Rhodes through the wall.

This place no longer belongs to reality, just like the floating island where the kingdom of the gods is located, the shocking temple at the bottom of the lake is actually in another space, between the unreal and the real, it is a mythical creation.

Luodus moved forward, the feeling of moving here is very strange, people can't tell whether it is floating in the air or swimming in the water.

The further you go, the denser the stone pillars on both sides, and the last few stand side by side, which means that this is the end of the temple.

Under the juxtaposed stone pillars, Luodus saw a square slate, which was held in the air by several small and exquisite stone pillars.

In the center of the slate, there is an irregularly shaped vacancy.

That stone is used here?

Luodus stopped in front of the slate for a long time, and finally took out the black stone and pressed it against the vacancy, just like putting together the last piece of the puzzle, it fit perfectly.

The next moment, the slate suddenly glowed.

It is connected with the divine power of Luotas itself, as if to find another part of each other, this light follows the circuit of the divine power in the body to reach the godhead, like piercing a barrier, emits subtle Clicking sound.

The torrent of memory instantly took over all perception, Luo Das closed his eyes suddenly, and was brought back a thousand years ago by the distant, unfamiliar and familiar memories.

At the same time, the body of the **** who was broadcasting in real time to Eleuil suddenly stopped, his pupils slightly enlarged, and his pupils stared straight ahead.

Eleuil's expression froze, she is familiar with this kind of performance, when Luodus's consciousness is completely invested in the avatar, the body will show this posture.

What happened over there?

The princess put her palm on the wrist of Luodus body, and called out in a low voice: "... Luodus."

There is no further action.


If Luodus still does not turn around within a day, she will immediately rush to Gadar Lake.

Eleuil lowered her head, resting her forehead on Luodus' shoulder, waiting quietly.


The consciousness fluctuates, and the memory occupies all the mind.

Lotus "sees" them as if they were never sealed.

—Sorancia during the city-state melee a thousand years ago.

Luodus opened his eyes, his head was dizzy, he raised his hand and sat up on his forehead.

She was wearing a light-colored dress, her long black hair that was slightly curly was slightly messy, her expression was a little dazed, and she carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

The trees are overgrown, the branches and leaves are stacked, and the top of the head is densely shielded from the sun, only the fine spots of light are scattered around from the gaps between the leaves. This is a forest.

However, Luo Tus clearly remembered that she was still in the museum before she lost consciousness, how could she wake up in the forest... Could it be a kidnapping?

But who would do it in a museum where people come and go and monitor, not to mention that she is not restricted from movement, and there is no one to guard her.

By the way, the ancient Solan bronze mirror.

Luodus bowed her head, and the bronze mirror with the gold ouroboros on the edge was just right in her arms. She flipped the mirror and tried to see any clues from it - but there was nothing.

The mirror surface is clear, reflecting Luodus's slightly bewildered face at this time, but there is no more "self" with light hair color close to silver white and a resolute expression.

Sounds like some kind of surreal event, such as the crossing often seen in film and television works.


This forest looks a bit undeveloped, it won't be some old forest.

Will there be beasts?

Almost a few seconds after the thought came up, Luo Das's expression froze, she stopped and slowly stepped back.

Ahead, a leopard came out leisurely, and its eyes that belonged to the beast stared straight at Luodus.

Lotus slowed his breathing as much as possible and remained calm.

I heard that when encountering such a predator, it is best to face it and slowly back away, try not to look at each other, so as not to let it think that it has the intention of attacking or provoking.

Humans are not on the leopard's recipe, with any luck she can leave safely.

Luodus did this, but the leopard may be trying to make a joke, or maybe he doesn't intend to give up the big meal in front of him, and the latter is more likely to look at the look.

In short, it lowered its body and rushed forward in the next instant.

Luodus' pupils shrank.

At this moment, an inconspicuous coolness came from the bag that was pressed by the fingertips.

She raised her hand instinctively, a fist-sized water mass immediately formed in front of her, and hit the leopard suddenly.


Luodus was still in shock, breathing slightly quickly, and there were still water marks on the ground in front of him after the water mass had dispersed.

"What the **** is going on..."

Luodus murmured in a low voice, and then heard a rustling sound behind him, as if someone stepped on the fallen leaves and approached.

Suddenly turning back, she met a pair of pure golden eyes as bright as sunlight.

The owner of the eyes is a very beautiful and sharp woman, with long straight black hair tied up, wearing a different dress, holding a bow and arrow, and looking at her with a half-smile.

Lotus did not speak or move.

Although I don't know what's going on, the person in front of me obviously doesn't belong to the country she knows. Could it be a tribe living in the virgin forest?

But it's not quite right, the style of this dress seems to be a bit familiar, Luo Das thinks of something, but can't believe it.

Looking at each other for three seconds, the golden-eyed woman tilted her head slightly and said something in an unfamiliar language.

Lotus: "…"

I don't understand at all.

After trying all the language she knew, along with body language, Luo Das found that only body language can come in handy.

The woman showed a thoughtful look, half turned around, and motioned to follow her.

Lotus hesitated.

She was vigilant and looked at the bow and arrow in the woman's hand. She could pull it open or swing it down at any time. The aura of this beautiful woman was also very difficult to provoke.

Korodos has no other options.

Even if this person is really going to be bad for her, she can continue to try the trick just now - even though in the past twenty years, Luodus never knew that he could still use magic, which might defeat the leopard It means that at least it works.

By the way, did this woman see the scene just now?

Luodus suddenly froze when he thought of this.

The author has something to say:

This is the situation when Luo Das first crossed www

Memories only have one chapter, maybe two chapters, except for the first encounter and some important fragments, the rest will not be written too much.

Time is indeed a ring, but maybe in a different way(?)

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