Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 350 Lively and Prosperous

There is no way.

It's not that they haven't thought about it, and they also have the "beauty" talent, and it must be interesting to be a super actress, show off, and feel sorry for their brother.

It's a pity that they didn't work hard with the fairy grass before.

Now there are only monster level, or lower genius level.

The talent of beauty is very special, beauty with a lower level. As if they really chose it, it is just a green leaf next to it! As long as it's not the most beautiful one, it's useless, so I can only honestly choose other careers

As a result, this group of showgirl life players who entered the palace became polarized.

Those of the strongest pseudo-Heavenly Dao level basically clicked on "beauty" to hook up with other people, play tricks and weaker talents, they can only work down-to-earth, such as refining tools, pharmaceuticals, planting, and construction.

"Everyone is a player in the life department, we are so different, why is it so big?"

"It's outrageous, everyone is fighting, they are living in palace fighting, we are living in farming! If I knew it was the fairy grass period, I would have worked hard to train Qi and work hard, blood loss."

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. What's wrong with their high starting point? We wait to complete more tasks and make more contributions. After we die, the attribute points of the next life must be higher than theirs. Then log in In the prehistoric universe, if you want to add any talent, you can add any talent!"

After all, how could a game not have game rewards?

But how can Zhu Zhengwei give them any game rewards?

The core law of the way of heaven, or some kind of treasure?

Instead let them collect it for themselves.

And the game reward, of course, is "birth attribute points".

When they complete various daily tasks, even super-large tasks, they will be given "birth attribute points", which can only be used when they are reincarnated in the next life.

This also spurs them to work hard and not be afraid of death! As long as the task is done well, after death, the next life will be born with higher talent, and it will only be more enjoyable.

After all, they were the same as Zhu Zhengwei.

The body in front of him was just a "clone" of the main body, but this avatar, and Zhu Zhengwei's clone, seemed to be the main body, with independent soul imprints and flesh and blood.

This is the power of the Creator God. Although he is a weak chicken, he also created the sunny universe.

"This show girl exam, we have to play them as autistic."

"It's not playing autism, it's getting involved in autism. Their IQ may be higher than ours. They may not be able to match their skills, but compared to moving bricks and producing props, I have never been afraid of anyone!"

"Brothers, seven or eight anonymous NPCs have appeared in our wave. I'm afraid they are all from mortal families. The light bulbs above their heads are very bright!"

"Yeah, we have to get online, it's best to let those slut players, PUA!"


"While making money, the troops are divided into two groups, and a big hole has begun to be dug. Those coquettish bastards must be allowed to use their abilities to expand the influence of our players!"

They were already winking secretly.

How could they not know?

The main line of the game has been updated this time, from joining the Tang government to:

[Main task: Help Li Shimin of the Tang government to restore the imperial rule in the human world]

Although this updated information was not received by them in Chang'an City.

Chang'an City seems to have some kind of mysterious barrier power, and even the system has almost lost most of its power here. They, the court ladies, took advantage of someone leaving Chang'an City to receive the system update.

dark place.

Watching this prosperous Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin observed secretly.

This grand ceremony not only allows outsiders to come here to buy the items of the show girls, take the opportunity to gather a lot of wealth, fill his small coffers, and make the Palace Group a brand.

"I have no doubt that their products are sold out. After all, the quality is guaranteed. Each of their qualifications is very high. They work fifteen hours a day, and the supply is still in short supply."

Li Shimin spoke lightly.

Just the big world of Chang'an City has gathered hundreds of millions of living beings. As the most prosperous world in the human world, the inner harem alone is enough to digest their products.

There are few products, but opening up to the outside world is a beginning.

Li Shimin intends to form a custom mechanism, so that future generations of beautiful girls will work in the same way when entering the palace, gradually expanding the "manufacturing industry", and exerting influence on the outside world.

"Your Majesty, the aptitude of this group of saintesses is excellent. Although they are rare, they have set a good precedent." Zhu Zhengwei complimented: "For a long time, beautiful women have developed such a custom. Woke up."

He hehe laughed.

Ignoring the concubines in the harem at all, they complained a lot recently, and even secretly scolded him, the prime minister, as a treacherous official who wanted to squeeze even the women in the harem!

Although he blocked the knife for the holy face, how could he suffer?

In the future, I can be fair and aboveboard, and in this name, send batches of beautiful female players leeks in. The more they pile up, the more they eventually occupy the entire harem.

In the name of Emperor Tang, the harem of Chang'an City was used to build a "player army" city.

What happened to women's clothing?

Nowadays, many players play female accounts when playing online games.

And after the death deletes the account, the next life will log in again, so it’s okay to play the male account again?

"And, these tool people, under the leadership of Li Shimin, the big tool man boss, and driven by the crazy restart of the rules of Chang'an City. The entire logistics city for player technology research and development must explode like crazy!"

Zhu Zhengwei smiled secretly.

I can be squeezed to this extent in two hundred years.

And these people, although their qualifications are not as strong as their own, but there are so many of them!

Still the same sentence:

Sometimes, people don't know how much potential they have unless they push themselves!

At this time, Li Shimin looked at the busy city below, and showed a gratified look, "Ah, these beautiful girls are really patriotic, hard-working, and clever."

"Yes." Zhu Zhengwei also smiled with satisfaction, "They are so conscious of working fifteen hours a day! Coupled with the crazy restart, their skills and talents have skyrocketed!"

"Ai Qing understands me!"

Li Shimin glanced at his prime minister, and was very pleased, feeling that the prime minister had finally opened up to him!

It seems that the prime minister is also very happy for himself. It is our Datang Jiangshan's admiration to meet such a group of selfless and hardworking talents.

"What more can I ask for!"

He threw his head back and let out a long sigh.

He looked at the Royal Casino in Macau, the corners of his mouth became weird, and there was a lot of noise inside.

"My dear brothers, don't fight, it's a small gamble, but this is already"

"How could it be, I only feel sorry for my brother~~"

"Brother put down some chips first, drink some tea to moisten your throat, and you will surely win back your capital later!"

Li Shimin was silent.

He felt a toothache.

What are these sexy female dealers doing?

A farce has already started below, and the several saints, because of the beautiful dealer, started to bet against each other, started to get angry, and gambled heavily.

"Then these show girls are very bad!"

Li Shimin saw their operations clearly, "I have seen that kind of insidiousness recently under Zhen Yuanzi's men."

Although there was animosity between these clans, but in front of them, they could get a lot of rakes by betting wildly in the casino. The 3% rake is also a lot.

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