Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 93: wake up x language


When Ilhan conveyed the information to the other troops, the black and red tentacles that wrapped around them suddenly shook.

"It's moving again!"

The helicopter began to shake violently. The soldiers fastened their seat belts and held onto everything they could hold to avoid being thrown out.

The black and red tentacles swayed intermittently from the bottom, and finally threw the helicopter out.

"Hurry up!"

The staff non-commissioned officer shouted, the helicopter was thrown by tentacles from an altitude of several hundred meters.


With a loud bang, the helicopter hit the roof of a building, smashing a large hole in the roof, causing a lot of dust and smoke.

"Anyone hurt!?"

After the fall, the staff sergeant shouted again to confirm whether anyone was injured.

"No, staff sergeant."

The soldiers opened their mouths one by one, asking the staff sergeant to confirm the situation of the team members.

But fortunately, due to the low altitude and slow speed, and because of the helicopter's anti-crash and impact energy absorption, there were no casualties except for minor injuries.


When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a black and red tentacle climbed along the wall to the hole hit by the helicopter and "stared" at them.


The non-commissioned officer of the staff shouted, and the soldiers immediately raised their rifles to aim at the tentacles, making a series of dense "da-da-da" sounds.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

But unfortunately, this weapon has little effect on it, except to temporarily hinder its progress, it has no other use.

"Bang bang bang..."

Suddenly, the sound of machine guns sounded outside, the black and red tentacles trembled, and the tip was smashed into two pieces with a bang, fell to the ground, and stopped moving.


The sound of the high-speed rotation of the rotor and the roar of the helicopter engine entered my ears.

"Support is here!"

The soldiers raised their heads, and an armed helicopter passed over their heads, and all of them suddenly showed joy.

Climbing up on the roof, looking around the city, the sky is full of military helicopters, shooting at a large number of black and red tentacles drilled from the ground.

However, there are too many black and red tentacles in Biluo City, and there seems to be no limit to the number, constantly emerging from the ground.

"Something has been making these black and red tentacles."

Yilu Mi turned into a golden eagle and soared high in the sky, overlooking the battlefield below. Although the cannon can cause damage to the tentacles, there are too many tentacles.

"That box should be the core."

Illumi recalled the murals in the tunnel hall and realized that the core of all this was the black and red box.

If it can be found, then this event is likely to be over.

The question is, how to find it?

Illumi looked at the dark red walls that surrounded the city, and the military outside was still bombarding.

But the wall was too thick, and thick tentacles kept burrowing out of the ground, covering it for reinforcement.

"By the way, it can isolate my anger."

Illumi suddenly remembered that when he first discovered it, it could block Yuan's investigation.

If you look for it with a circle, it should be easy to find it.

After all, its characteristic is like drawing a black dot on a piece of pure white paper, so conspicuous.

"Then, we'll just have to wait for the arrival of Nitro and the others."

Yilu Mi fluttered his wings and flew to the city center. According to his speculation, the core should be in two places.

The first one might be inside the body, and the second one should be inside the altar, but if the altar was destroyed, it would be underground in the area where the body was located.

After all, so many black and red tentacles are drilled from the ground.

"I'll try it out first."

A gleam of light flashed in Ilumi's eyes, his wings suddenly fluttered, and he flew towards the body held high in the air by the blood-colored tentacles.


A layer of translucent circular barrier made of air expanded with Illumi as the center, and Illumi quickly approached the body full of gaps.


As soon as Ilumi's Yuan Gang came into contact with that body, more than a dozen black and red tentacles suddenly rushed out from the ground and attacked him.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Ilu Mi's spirit was highly hit. Under the vibration of his wings, his body was tossing and turning in the attack gaps of black and red tentacles.

Because of exposure to gas?

Or did they attack simply because they felt danger?

This doubt flashed in his heart. When Ilumi was dodging the tentacle attack, he was still looking for various opportunities to get close to the body. He just touched a little bit, and he hadn't fully scanned it yet.

His wings vibrated and his speed increased.


Illumi "passed by" with that weird body.


Illumi clearly felt that there was nothing in its body, it was just an empty shell, and it didn't have any feeling of blocking the air.

"Go down."

Illumi quickly changed direction and dived towards the ground below him.

But at the moment when Illumi changed direction, two red lights suddenly burst out from its pure white eye sockets, and it slowly lowered its head to look at Illumi who was about to dive below.


At the moment when it lowered its head, Illumi's circle accurately detected it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

With a very subtle sharp sound of breaking through the air, Illumi's Yuan noticed that many black lines suddenly shot out from it, attacking him.

But he didn't intend to attack, he seemed to want to catch him.

"Want to arrest me?"

A white light flashed across Ilumi's instantly turned into a smaller but faster peregrine falcon, diving vertically downward at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

But in an instant, he reached the ground.

"Boom boom boom..."

The moment he reached the ground, countless dense black and red tentacles burst out of the ground and surrounded him.

"The reaction is so strong, it seems that the core should be below."

Illumi guessed that he quickly changed his direction to avoid the tentacle's encirclement.

The monster above has awakened. Before Nitro arrives, don't do anything to provoke it.

But after he flew a distance, the tentacles and black lines behind him stopped chasing him.

For some unknown reason, all the black and red tentacles stopped moving, and the military's Wu Zhi took the opportunity to destroy them one by one.


A peaceful, natural, magnetic and infectious voice suddenly sounded, and Ilumi, who was flying at high speed, was shocked, he heard it.

Yilu Mi's pupils trembled, and his body flashed a white light in mid-air, turned into a human figure, and landed on the roof of the church.

"Can you communicate?"

"Is it still human language?"

Yilu Mi's face was solemn, and the three of them stood on the roof of the church together, staring at the white figure raised high and in the air.

I don't know what technology or ability it relies on, its voice actually reached the entire city, and even the army outside that was attacking the wall stopped shelling.

Everyone was listening, and the voice like the voice of God sounded again.

"hold head high!!!"

At this moment, a deafening dragon roar sounded from the clouds above Biluo City, like a thunderstorm.


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