Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 662: Miss Cecilia woke up

 Chapter 662 Miss Cecilia wakes up

Gabby seemed to be pressing on him, but its two forelimbs were still on the ground, supporting its huge body.

Its big head kept rubbing Lucifer's face, licking and rubbing him, and the degree of intimacy was evident.

 “Alright Gabby.” Lucifer touched his face, and it was covered with saliva.

 Gabby howled, and indeed stopped all movements.

It lay down beside it, looking at Lucifer with its big eyes. Lucifer touched its head and comforted it, "I know you are excited, but you have to recover first before seeing Cecilia. Seeing the injured Gabi , Cecilia will be sad.”

Also, he has to find a way to avoid those people's eyes and get Gabi to country A quietly.

Since Cecilia doesn’t want to come back yet, it’s because she doesn’t want people to know about her.

 Lucifer would naturally hide everything for her.

 After playing with Gabi all morning, Lucifer left the yard.

As soon as he stepped into the restaurant, a servant came forward to report, "Your Highness, there was a call from Castle Onassis, saying that Miss Cecilia is awake."

Lucifer, who was washing his hands with a hot towel, paused and raised a cold smile on his lips, "Are you awake?"


Lucifer snorted coldly. The real Cecilia was still in country A. He wanted to see who the Cecilia in Onassis Castle was.


  Country A.

 Three days have passed.

Good news came from the infirmary. Su Fu hurriedly went to the infirmary. The doctor said that foreign experts had developed effective medicines.

"Really?" Su Fu couldn't conceal her excitement, "Then what are you waiting for? Come and save Old Man Xiang!"

"Little madman, don't worry, the medicine is on its way back to the country. It will probably arrive tomorrow."

After listening to the doctor’s words, Su Fu’s high heart finally fell.

 He breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart finally disappeared.

 After watching Xiang Zhiping for a while, she came to Xu Xiaomin's room.

 After that day, Xu Xiaomin developed a wound infection. Without timely treatment, the wound became pus and worsened.

For worsening wounds, doctors use sterilized knives to cut out the pus-producing flesh and reapply medicine.

Xu Xiaomin suffered double pain. In just three days, he became so thin that he lost his human shape.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xu Xiaomin, who had just slept for a while, opened his eyes in surprise.

 Seeing Su Fu, her pupils tightened and there was already a trace of fear in her heart.

“Xu Xiaomin, I didn’t expect you to be here today.”

Su Fu stood beside the bed, sneered, and a touch of joy flashed in her heart, "You think I can't do anything to you if you hide the antidote and don't hand it over? You are wrong. The doctor has developed a medicine that can save Old Man Xiang. Now, you are of no use."

 “Impossible!” Xu Xiaomin stared at her fiercely.


 She must be talking.

Those medicines were given to her by an old man studying biology when she went on a mission in country M. No one except the old man could research the antidote.

She had the antidote in her hand. Apart from that bottle of antidote, she didn't believe that anyone else could research the antidote and save Xiang Zhiping.

 Soph must be deceiving her!

“It may or may not be possible. When old man Xiang wakes up, I will bring him to see if there is any hope of recovering your ugly face. Don’t you know?”

 The word "ugly face" was a word that Xu Xiaomin once used on her. Now, she can finally retaliate in kind.

 (End of this chapter)

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