Chapter 109: In Diagon Alley

During this time, Avis decided to relax and put aside the study of magic for the time being.

A balance between work and rest is the king, so he, Harry and the others played around all day.

In the evening, Mrs. Weasley cooked a sumptuous meal.

Everyone happily gathered around the dining table, tasting delicious Yorkshire pudding and roast chicken. George and Fred also put on a wonderful fireworks show by pulling out fireworks.

These fireworks have obviously been improved by them, and they are all in shapes that are not on the flyer. Orange, red and blue stars scattered all over the kitchen, bouncing between the ceiling and the wall for at least half an hour.

After enjoying themselves, everyone drank a cup of hot chocolate and was rushed to bed by Mrs. Weasley.

Back in the twins’ room on the third floor, Ives had just laid down when he was woken up by George.

“Ives,” George called, his face was very complicated.

“What’s wrong? Ives asked.

After hesitating, George said:”Can we advance some money?” Ives raised his eyebrows and waited quietly for his next words.

Fred took over and explained:”We want to buy Ginny a brand new school uniform robe.””

“Originally, mother had prepared enough money to prepare a brand new set of things for Ginny to go to school.” George sighed and said in a rather complaining tone,”It’s all Lockhart’s fault.”

Fred imitated his brothers and sighed similarly,”We don’t want everything Ginny uses to be second-hand. At least the wand and robe must be new.”

“”Yeah,” George nodded in agreement and scratched his head awkwardly,”But you know, all the money we earned last semester was used to buy materials and develop prank props.”

“So we want to ask you to borrow some money.”

It has to be said that the Weasley brothers are very concerned about their youngest sister, even if she is naughty and mischievous like George and Fred.

“No need,” Avis shook his head, and before Gemini could react, he added:”I can lend it to you, you don’t have to pay it back, just think of it as a gift from me.”

The reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley over the past two days was very warm. Ives remembered that last Christmas, he also received a sweater knitted by Mrs. Weasley.

It was just to buy a new set of school uniform robes for Ginny. It doesn’t cost much, just think of it as a thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley for their thoughtfulness. Ivis, who had just received a bonus of two thousand gold galleons, thought so.

George and Fred looked at each other in surprise, and rushed forward. Gave Ives a bear hug


The three of them played around for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.


Early the next morning, after dinner, everyone lined up and stood in front of the fireplace.

Mr. Weasley took a handful of shiny floo powder and threw it into the fire in the fireplace.

With a roar, the fire turned green and rose higher than Fred.

“Does anyone know how to use Floo powder to travel?”Mr. Weasley turned his head and asked worriedly. His eyes were mainly on Ivis, Hermione and Harry. He was obviously afraid that these three young wizards from Muggle families would not know how to use Floo. Fan.

Contrary to his expectation, the three of them nodded.

“Okay,” Mr. Weasley turned, walked straight into the flames, and shouted,”Diagon Alley!”

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared here, followed by Fred and George…


hey took turns going to Diagon Alley through the Floo network.

“These words must be made clear, child.”Mrs. Weasley stood by the fireplace and reminded every little wizard tirelessly.

Finally it was Ives’ turn. He reached out and took a pinch of Floo powder, walked to the flame and threw it in.

“Diagon Alley!”

The flames rose up and completely enveloped Ives. Strangely, the green flames had no warmth at all.

Then, he felt as if he was being sucked into a huge socket hole. His body seemed to be moving rapidly. The ground spun, and the whistling in his ears was deafening. Ives struggled to open his eyes, but there were only swirling green flames in front of him. After staring for a while, he felt a little dizzy. Finally

, he landed on the ground.

Floo Network gave him The feeling was worse than the portkey. Ives shook his head to get rid of the discomfort, and then walked out of the fireplace. The

Floo network exit of Diagon Alley was set up in the Leaky Cauldron. He took two steps forward. Then they saw Mr. Weasley and the others. They gathered together and waited until everyone arrived before setting off towards Diagon Alley.

They skillfully passed the wall behind the Leaky Cauldron and stepped onto the diagonal road. The cobblestone path of Diagon Alley.

Strolling down this street, Mr. Weasley fell behind and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ives, curiously asking:”How did you guys come to Diagon Alley last year?””

“Came by car——”

At the mention of this, Mr. Weasley became excited,”I remember Sirius drove a car I modified to pick you up, what do you think?”

“great!”Hermione interjected.

She still remembers the flying car that could become invisible. It could have a panoramic view of London in mid-air. It was undoubtedly a wonderful memory.

“Modified car? Mrs. Weasley’s ears were very pointed. She turned back to look at her husband suspiciously,”Are you secretly messing with Muggle things again?””

“”No,” Mr. Weasley quickly denied, while using his eyes to signal Ivis and the others not to spill the beans.

They walked towards Gringotts while chatting.

The goblins in Gringotts were still as annoying as ever, Ivis and Hermione Min still had a lot of gold galleons that she had exchanged during the previous school year, plus Avis’s bonus, so neither of them planned to exchange money at Gringotts.

“See you here later,” Mr. Weasley told the two of them not to go too far. The family and Harry were going to the underground vault to withdraw money.

Not long after, they came back.

After withdrawing the money, Percy muttered that he wanted to buy a A new quill,”The feathers on my quill are almost falling out.”

The Weasleys had to give him a sum of money, and then gave Ron and the Gemini some pocket money so that they could buy some gadgets they wanted.

“Meet at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in an hour to buy you textbooks.”Mrs. Weasley explained that she had to take Ginny to a store that sells used robes to buy school uniform robes.

“I’ll keep an eye on them.”Mr. Weasley promised swornly.

So they separated on the steps outside Gringotts.

Percy left alone, and Mr. Weasley didn’t care. He needed to keep George and Fred safe the most. He Afraid that these two troublemakers would accidentally run into Knockturn Alley.

As they strolled along the winding cobbled streets, Mr. Weasley kept asking Elvis and Hermione about Muggles.


(End of this chapter)

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