Chapter 137 The mole is actually next to me.

Hermione sat cross-legged on the ground. In front of her was a pot of boiling potion on the fire.

A book of”Advanced Potion Making” was spread out beside her, while her left and right hands held a small bottle of liquid.

Hermione stared at the crucible in front of her seriously. When the fire subsided slightly, she added the liquid in her hand one by one.

“honey, lizard blood……”

She carefully recalled the recipe recorded in the textbook while adding the ingredients in order.

Then, she slowly stirred the potion in the crucible.

The liquid in the crucible gradually took on the luster of mother-of-pearl, and under her nervous gaze, a stream of steam suddenly rose from the top of the potion. The steam drifted out and rose in a spiral.

Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief, her right hand shaking a little. The potion she was brewing was the love potion designated by Pansy. As a high-level potion, the love potion was very difficult to brew.

She thought her attempt would end in failure, but she didn’t expect that she succeeded in cooking it for the first time.

It seemed that she was really as talented in potions as Elvis said, and Hermione couldn’t help but feel proud.

When the temperature of the crucible dropped, she took out the glass bottle she had prepared and put all the love potion in it.

When she was about to put the cork on, Hermione lowered her head, put her nose to the mouth of the bottle and smelled it.

The book states that the smell of love potions varies from person to person, and she was curious about what she would smell based on what she liked best.

It was the smell of sun-baked sheets, very refreshing and warm, and it seemed to be mixed with a smell that she was very familiar with. What was it…

Hermione searched carefully in her mind.

Her eyes were subconsciously focused on Ivis, who was looking at Professor McGonagall’s Animagus Notes not far away.

She remembered that it seemed to be the smell of Ives. She could smell it every time she was next to Avis.

Elvis raised his head and looked over sensitively. What he saw was the girl sitting blankly behind the extinguished crucible.

“Hermione, was the love potion brewed successfully?”He asked aloud.

Hermione suddenly blushed. She quickly put the cork into the mouth of the glass bottle and murmured:”OK, it’s successful.”

“That’s amazing,” Ives smacked his lips. He didn’t expect that Hermione could really make the love potion. She was only a second-year wizard.

George and the others, who were busy with their own affairs, all came over, their faces Everyone had an expression of surprise.

They didn’t believe what Ives said: Hermione was very talented in potions. Looking at it this way, they finally made a mistake.


The next morning, the first floor corridor of the castle.

In a dark corner, two figures were quietly conducting underground transactions.

Qiu put a small bottle of magic potion into the hand of Pansy, who looked like a poodle and had a resentful face, and then took a money bag from her other hand.

“Pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in one hand.”

Qiu opened the purse and took a quick glance, and nodded with satisfaction. Yes, that’s the number!

Before leaving, she reminded again:”We have signed a magic contract, and you can’t reveal to the outside world that we made the love potion. Pansy pulled out the cork and inspected the goods, then held the love potion in her arms and nodded to express her understanding.

After the transaction with Pansy, Qiu walked briskly and returned to the Room of Requirement..

Everyone is waiting for her to come back. This is the largest order they have received so far, so they cannot help but be cautious.

Qiu shook the money bag in

her hand, and the full bag of galleons collided together, making a crisp sound. The sound. She said excitedly:”I got one hundred galleons!”

After counting the deposit and deducting the cost, they made almost one hundred and fifty Galleons from this order. It can only be said that Slytherin and other pure-blood family wizards are still rich. It’s just that I’m afraid Draco will lose him. He was innocent.

I hoped that he would be fine, and Ives prayed for him silently in his heart.

Of course, in order to prevent Draco from having any accidents, he decided to inform Pansy’s number one enemy, Harry.

Ives He told him that once he found Draco behaving differently from before, he must stop him in time. But he did not explain the reason to Harry carefully, which made him confused.

When he met Harry, Ivy Si also got a piece of news from his mouth: The Slytherin Quidditch team changed its equipment to seven Nimbus 2001.

Whose handiwork was so grand? Oh, it turned out to be Draco, the prodigal son.

Speaking of which, the news was still Draco revealed it to Harry.

Compared to Harry who looked very worried after receiving the news – he had just joined the Gryffindor team with a Nimbus 2001, and originally thought that he could rely on his equipment and talent. The advantage helped the team achieve success in one fell swoop. As a result, the entire Slytherin team changed to Nimbus 2001. He felt that Gryffindor had little hope of winning this season.

Avis was much calmer. First of all, Ravenclaw won last year After winning the championship once, they didn’t have such an urgent desire for the championship. Secondly, he was very confident in his own strength. He didn’t think that the Slytherin team could beat them with a shotgun.

After getting this news from Harry, Avis He informed Cedric and the twins at the regular meeting in the Mystery Shop in the evening.

Passed on to others, and soon, the entire school knew that all members of the Slytherin Quidditch team had changed into Nimbus 2001.

Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, looked confused.

He gave many instructions to the players not to reveal the news, and even skipped the recruitment of new students this semester. He had done so much confidentiality work, but In order to catch the opponent off guard in the first round and try to gain more points.

But as a result, this matter had spread in the school before the game started.

Flint looked back and forth among the players with suspicious eyes. Wandering around, what’s wrong, the mole is actually next to me?

What’s wrong, the mole is actually myself.

Draco pretended to be nonchalant. He still remembered that he seemed, seemed, and might have mentioned this matter to Harry.. He was too excited to join the team and become a Seeker, so he let it slip.

I hope the captain can let this matter go for the sake of the seven Nimbus 2001 sponsored by my father. Draco shouted in his heart. Tao.

If he is kicked out of the team or demoted to a substitute because of this incident, he will probably be spanked severely by his father after the holidays.

Flint looked at Draco who was sweating coldly. He guessed the cause of the matter at once.

Although his academic performance was poor and he even failed a grade, it did not mean that he was really stupid.

He withdrew his gaze and said aloud:”Now that this matter has spread, then There is no need to keep it secret anymore. Next, we have to seize the time to train. Do you understand?”

“clear!”The Slytherin players shouted

“If you still want to win the championship in such a small voice, do it again! scolded Flint.

“clear!!”His team members quickly stood at attention and shouted in a louder voice.

“Very good, very energetic!”Flint was then satisfied.


(End of this chapter)

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