Chapter 143 I shouldn’t be in the car

“Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow.”

Hermione reminded arrogantly:”I promised Nick that I would attend his death anniversary party. Then she softened her tone and said,”Of course, Ives, I don’t want to force you. You can also choose to stay in the auditorium.””

Hermione looked at Ives expectantly, her eyes full of wanting to go with him.

Seeing Hermione’s coquettish expression, Ives still softened her heart,”Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Great!”Hermione cheered softly.

Then, she began to talk about the good things about the death anniversary party to Ives,”Avis, think about it, there is a Halloween party every year, but Nick’s 500th death anniversary party is only This time. I asked around and they said some famous ghosts would come too. For example, Louis XVI, he would come with the Headless Horseman Club……”

Today’s milk method, right? Ives complained.

Hermione became more and more excited as she talked until the twins arrived in the Great Hall.

George and Fred sat next to Ives, and they asked curiously:”I heard from Harry that you are going to attend Nick’s death anniversary party?”

Poor Harry was also caught by the almost headless Nick. Two heavyweights, the savior of the British wizarding world and the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, came to attend his death anniversary party, making him feel even more honored.

“That’s right.”Hermione confirmed.

George quickly said:”I advise you not to go.”

“It’s really not for living people to participate.” Fred echoed.

“When we were both in first grade,” George recalled slowly,”we were tricked by Nick into attending a party for the anniversary of his death. Fred beat his chest and sighed,”It’s not a big deal if it’s too little. It’s not a big deal if it’s too little.””

“That experience was really bad.”George shuddered.

Fred continued:”The food at their party is not for people to eat at all, it is all rotten things.”

“The most important thing is,” George said solemnly,”it feels really bad to have those ghosts walking through you.”

“yes. Fred agreed,”I still think the party in the auditorium is better.””

However, no matter how they persuaded them, Hermione made up her mind to attend Nick’s death anniversary party.

So, at about seven o’clock, Ivis and Hermione walked straight out of the auditorium. When they left, there were many people in the auditorium. There were just some snacks placed on the table, and Elvis could only watch the twins devouring their food.

Harry and Ron were already waiting in the aisle outside the door – as Harry’s best friend, Ron thought about it and decided Follow him.

It’s definitely not because Harry’s recent relationship with Draco is so good that he has a sense of crisis, absolutely not!

After the four of them met, they passed through a doorway and walked towards the underground classroom.

It led to the almost The aisle at Headless Nick’s death anniversary party was also decorated with candles like the auditorium.

But the effect was not pleasant at all: they were all dark, thin candles, burning There was a blue light shining all the time, and even when it shone on their four vital faces, it looked eerie. With every step they took, the temperature dropped.

Hermione subconsciously moved closer to Ives, because [Phoenix Because of his bloodline, Avis inherited the phoenix’s affinity for flames, and his body was always warm.

Harry tightened his clothes around himself, his body trembled and he looked at the two of them speechlessly, complaining in his heart: I shoul

dn’t be in the car, I should be under the car.

Ron beside him looked at his trembling body, and after thinking about it, he followed Hermione’s example and moved closer to him.

Harry looked at the close Ron, who was looking at him, had no idea of being moved in his heart. He just wished that the person beside him was Qiu. What was

Qiu doing in the auditorium now? Harry’s thoughts wandered away, and he suddenly thought of Cedric’s handsome face. His face, and the way he and Qiu were talking and laughing.

Damn it, he thought through gritted teeth, if he had known better, he would not have listened to Nick’s deception.

A burst of desolate music came.

The closer they got to the classroom, the louder the sound became. Big, as if a thousand fingernails were scratching on a huge blackboard

“Is that also called music? Ron complained in a low voice.

They turned a corner and saw Nick, who was almost headless, standing in a doorway with a black velvet curtain draped around him.

“My dear friends,” he said sadly,”welcome, welcome… I’m so glad you can come.……”

He took off his feathered hat, bowed and invited them in.

The sight before my eyes was truly incredible.

The underground classroom was crowded with hundreds of milky-white, translucent figures, most of them wandering around the overcrowded dance floor, waltzing and playing music to the terrifying and trembling sounds of thirty musical saws. Saw’s band was sitting on the stage covered in black cloth.

A thousand candles were lit in a chandelier overhead, giving off a midnight blue light.

There was a lot of food placed on the table at the other end of the underground classroom. Avis took a closer look and saw that it was all spoiled and moldy. He could even see a few moving maggots writhing on it.

“Merlin’s beard, I’m starting to miss the warmth of the auditorium. Ives sighed softly.

The breaths of the four living people formed a cloud of mist in front of them, as if they had walked into a refrigerator.

“Let’s take a look around, shall we? Harry suggested, wanting to warm his feet.

Ron curled his hands into his sleeves, and he nodded in agreement. If he didn’t take two steps to warm his body, he suspected that he would freeze to death here.

“Be careful not to pass through anyone’s body.”The almost headless Nick reminded, then he floated up and participated in the dance in the center of the classroom.

The four little wizards turned sideways, carefully avoiding the ghosts floating around. They walked slowly around the edge of the dance floor , passing a group of sullen nuns, a ragged man in chains, and a fat monk. The fat monk is the ghost of Hufflepuff, lively and cheerful, and is currently talking to a man with an arrow stuck in his forehead. The knights chatted.

Ives also saw Bloody Barrow. Bloody Barrow is the ghost of Slytherin. He is skinny, with straight eyes and silver blood stains on his body. Other ghosts are making a big space for him. place

“I don’t think I saw Ms. Grey,” Hermione asked curiously as she stood on tiptoes and looked around.

Ms. Gray is the ghost of Ravenclaw, and she is very tall.

People who are not familiar with her will think that she is a A cold lady, in fact, she is a bit timid and very concerned about face, but overall she is a kind-hearted and cultivated lady.


Thank you all readers for your great support, thank you book friend MCE for your reward, thank you(・ω・)ノ


An elderly person has passed away at home. After a busy day, the early morning update has been moved to now.

(End of this chapter)

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