Chapter 164 Knight Bus and MACUSA

The door of the bus opened.

A female conductor in a purple uniform with black skin who looked to be in her twenties stood by the door and said enthusiastically:

“Welcome aboard the Knight Bus, emergency transportation for witches or wizards in distress. Just stick out your wand and get in the car and we’ll take you wherever you want to go. My name is Olive Morris and I’m the conductor”

“Has Knight Bus expanded its business to the United States? Ives wondered aloud.

Professor Flitwick nodded:”Yes, this is a good way to travel for many wizards who are in trouble.””

After rejecting Olive Morris’s enthusiasm to help them carry their luggage, they found two empty beds next to each other and sat on them.

Morris leaned on the railing and asked:”You two Where to go?

Professor Flitwick hurriedly replied:”MACUSA, thank you.”

Calculating the travel expenses in his mind, Morris quickly said:”It costs nine Silver Sickles to get to the Magical Congress of the United States of America. For two people, it’s one galleons and one Sickle. If you add three more Silver Sickles, you can get a cup of hot milk.” Cocoa, add two more to get a hot water bottle and a toothbrush.”

It sounds like she is already very proficient in this sales pitch, and she spoke to the two of them very quickly.

“No need,” Professor Flitwick shook his head, took out enough money and put it in her palm.

Morris was visibly disappointed when he failed to sell anything else, but she still kindly reminded:”There are some things after the train started. It’s bumpy, you’d better lie down in bed.”

After saying that, she walked to the front chair and sat down, then pulled out three seat belts from the chair and tied herself tightly.

“Let’s start! Morris shouted excitedly, and deafening music began to play in the carriage.

The bus started at a relatively slow speed, and Ives had time to observe the bus carefully.

The driver was an older man. Witch, with a beard.

There are no other chairs in the entire Knight Bus except the two chairs for the driver and conductor. Instead, there are six copper-framed beds on each floor. The lighting comes from the racks inserted on the wall. Candle, not far from Ives and the others, there is a small wooden staircase leading to the upper floor.

“Professor, why don’t we just Apparate?”Aves asked curiously

“Every wizard who comes to New York must first go to the Wand Licensing Office to get his or her wand license,” Professor Flitwick explained.”Once an American Auror discovers that he or she is using a wand without permission,……”

He didn’t finish his words because the situation didn’t allow it.

The Knight Bus had begun to pick up speed. It was extremely fast and vibrating, rumbling forward at an astonishing speed. Professor Flitwick and Ives were constantly sliding towards the head of the bed.

Struggling to maintain his posture, Professor Flitwick no longer had the desire to talk.

Ives looked out the window. They were driving down the street at high speed. The Knight Bus kept hitting the sidewalk, but fortunately it didn’t hit anyone or anything; the street lights, mailboxes, and trash cans were all in danger when the car drove past. They all automatically jumped out of the way and returned to their original positions when the car passed by.

The vibrations of the bus made him feel a little uncomfortable. The bus kept making loud bumping noises and jumped a hundred miles in one step.

After a while, the driver braked and stopped the bus in front of an office building w

ith an owl logo. The conductor Morris shouted:”The Magical Congress of the United States of America is here.”

Ives and Professor Flitwick hurriedly picked up their luggage. get off

“I will never take it again unless there is an emergency.” Ives looked at the Knight Bus going away with lingering fear. This method of travel brought him a worse experience than Apparition. The half-elf professor was also obviously shocked. Feeling a little dizzy, he pulled himself together and said,”Me too.”

After taking a moment outside, they walked into the office building called Woolworth Building.

Senior white-collar workers came and went through a large turnstile. Ives thought they were going to enter the office building. Inside, Professor Flitwick unexpectedly led him to a small door nearby.

He explained:”MACUSA usually talks to Muggles… ah no, No-Majs, that’s what the United States calls Muggles… The No-Maj office building is hidden away, and only wizards can notice the door.”

Obviously, the small door in front of them has been cast with a powerful Muggle expulsion spell, and Ives also discovered that there are several Aurors hidden in the crowd not far away, keeping an eye on this place.

Once a Muggle accidentally discovers Here, they would swarm up and perform amnesia on the Muggle.

After Professor Flitwick took out his wand, the Aurors no longer paid attention to this place.

He put the wand on the doorknob and knocked it, and then took it with him Ives passed through the door.

When they came in, they saw another area – at least it was different from the scene they saw through the glass outside.

As soon as they entered, there was a wide passage with a There were two Aurors in black robes standing, looking at everyone who passed by with vigilance. The security force of MACUSA is a bit strong, Ives thought randomly. He walked out of the passage, stepped up the steps and entered the main hall.

This is An extraordinary and spacious space with an incredibly high arched roof.

Looking up at a glance, there are at least a hundred floors.

Under the roof, a four-sided clock is suspended in mid-air. Standing at the bottom, Ives can see There are many gears and disks in the middle.

There is also a colored area on the four dials of this four-sided clock outside the time information, pointed by a thicker and longer pointer. This extra outer ring shows: The threat level of magic exposure is the urgency of magic exposure to Muggles.

The threat level of magic exposure is divided into [Safe Zero Threat]】、【Level 1 low level threat】、【Level 2 medium threat】、【Level 3 high alert】、【Level 4 critical situation】、【There are seven situations:”Unexplainable serious situation” and”Emergency situation”. In addition, there are three slender small areas that read”The wizard needs to be arrested.”】、【Someone who leaked secrets】、【There are many people who forget their memories] three areas.

At this moment, the pointer of the turntable is pointing to [Level 1 low-level threat].

Ives guessed that it was because Muggle technology was developing too fast that MACUSA was worried about whether it would be suddenly exposed.

Passing through the busy wizards, Professor Flitwick led him to the door of the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and a goblin waiter saluted them and asked:”Gentlemen, where are you going?”

“wand licensing office”


Now, fellow wizards…please raise your wands in the air and observe a moment of silence for the greatest Headmaster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore…

(End of this chapter)

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