Chapter 219 Pyramid of Khafre

Early the next morning, when the sun had just risen and the temperature had not yet risen.

Led by Bill, the group got on a rented bus and set off from this wizard town on the east bank of the Nile River to the pyramids on the west bank of the Nile River.

In the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, the east coast was the land of the rising sun, considered the kingdom of the living, and was dedicated to the construction of towns and temples.

The west bank is the place where the sun sets, which is considered the place of the dead and is used to build tombs and funeral halls.

The famous Valley of the Kings and the Pyramids are both located on the west bank.

The Valley of the Kings is the main tomb area for pharaohs and nobles from about 1539 BC to 1075 BC.

For centuries, the pharaohs carved tombs on the cliffs on the west bank of the Nile to place the remains of their dignitaries. They also built many huge colonnades and temples there, eventually forming a majestic tomb complex.

There are a total of more than 60 imperial tombs in the Valley of the Kings, and 64 pharaohs from the 17th to 20th Dynasties of Egypt are buried, including Thutmose III, Amenhotep II, Seti I, Ramesses II and other most famous pharaohs.

Ever since the goblins of Gringotts set up a bank in Egypt more than two hundred years ago, they have been interested in this tomb complex.

After so many years of development operations called protective excavations, read as tomb robbing, the curses of all the tombs in the Valley of the Kings were discovered, and they were able to be opened to wizards as tourist attractions decades ago.

Therefore, a visit to the Valley of the Kings has also been included in everyone’s itinerary.

However, their trip to Egypt has just begun. According to the plan, Ives and his team will stay in Egypt for a month, which will give them enough time to slowly visit all the attractions in Egypt.

Their target today is only the Pyramid of Khafre among the Giza Pyramids.

According to time zones, Egypt is two hours ahead of the UK.

Everyone who had not yet adjusted was yawning profusely on the bus. Even Hermione was so excited that she was about to visit the pyramids that she couldn’t sleep all night.

The bus was air-conditioned, and everyone was enjoying the cool breeze. They looked at the endless desert outside the window and listened to Bill’s explanation.

“……After entering the pyramid, please note that some tomb passages in Khafre’s Pyramid have not yet been developed, so you must follow me closely,” Bill said seriously,”If you break into the undeveloped tomb passages, you are likely to be in danger. After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but remind:”George, Fred, you two must not run around blindly!””

The same goes for Mrs. Weasley. She stared at them closely, as if as long as the twins said no, she would immediately stop the car and throw them out.

“Yes!”George and Fred were frightened, and immediately sat up and shouted.

The sudden loud voices of the two made the groggy atmosphere in the carriage dissipate a lot.

The bus was driven by Bill at an extremely fast speed. After driving on the highway for more than half an hour, everyone finally arrived at the Giza Pyramids.

By the time they got off the car, the sun was already high in the sky.

The sunlight filtered through the light dust, casting the huge silhouette of the pyramids on the desert..

Everyone quickly held up parasols to try to block the sun.

After Bill explained that there were winding tunnels inside the pyramid, the little witches all changed into light clothes in order to facilitate exploration. Before setting off, they were still on their bare skin Wearing sunscreen.

Standing at the foot of the Pyramid of Khafre, Ives stared at this masterpiece of ancient human civilization.

Among the three pyramids in the Giza Pyramids, the largest is the Pyramid of Khufu, but from a sensory perspective , the Pyramid of Khafre is the tallest.

That’s because the wall of the Pyramid of Khafre has an inclination of 52 degrees, which is steeper than the Pyramid of Khufu, and it is at the highest point of Giza, so it looks like The Pyramid of Khufu is much higher.

In addition, there is a sacrificial temple in front of the Khafre Pyramid. The long causeway in front of the temple leads to the temple and the Sphinx in another valley.

Bill who sent everyone there did not Leaving, he dutifully assumed the responsibility of a tour guide.

Mr. Weasley couldn’t help but ask:”Bill, don’t you have to go to work?””

“No need,” Bill said with a smile,”I finished all the work during this period early, and my boss gave me several days off.”

The Weasleys were relieved.

Under his leadership, they first visited the Sphinx along the causeway.

It was a huge stone statue, nearly twenty meters high.

“……It wears a ‘Namus’ crown on its head, with fan-shaped ‘Namus’ hoods hanging down on the sides of its ears. It has a relief sculpture of the sacred snake ‘Kubla’ engraved on its forehead, and there is an emperor’s symbol on its lower forehead – —A long drooping beard…a collar around his neck, an eagle’s feather pattern decorating the lion’s body……”A Muggle tour guide is introducing the tourists.

Many people gathered there to explain.

Bill added in a low voice:”In fact, the origin of the Sphinx is likely to be the Sphinx. Therefore, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic unanimously believes that the ancient pharaohs should be wizards.” The

Sphinx, a kind of A five-star magical creature rated by the Ministry of Magic.

This magical animal has a human face but the body of a lion with wings. It is very intelligent and can even speak human words. The Sphinx likes to do one thing in particular – guessing riddles.

The Sphinx will ask a riddle to the intelligent creature that appears in front of it. If it cannot answer it, it will be torn into pieces and eaten by it.

It is extremely contradictory for such cruelty and intelligence to appear in one creature at the same time.

Therefore, the Sphinx is almost impossible to be tamed by wizards, and newspapers often publish news of wizards dying at its hands.

“”According to the news from Gringotts’ expedition team,” Bill continued,”Pharaoh Khafre probably tamed a sphinx for his use, and according to the unearthed records, for more than three thousand years The former Sphinx may be even more dangerous.

He pointed to the Sphinx.”They said the Sphinx was probably made on a one-to-one scale.””

Hearing this, Ives couldn’t help but look at the stone statue in front of him.

His thoughts drifted away. If that is true, does it mean that this Sphinx is actually carved from a monster from the Gods? Well.

Maybe there is a seal under the stone statue… Or is it in the pyramid?

Ives shook his head and shook off the messy thoughts. As long as the returners don’t cause trouble, the seal will still be very strong.

After the visit The Sphinx, everyone returns along the road.

At this moment, a bustling crowd has gathered in front of the Khafre Pyramid, all of which are Muggle tourists.

There are also many loca

ls pushing carts here to sell local snacks. Upholding the Curious, Elvis and Hermione leaned over to take a look.

Fried hummus, French fries, and a plate of sticky soup that couldn’t be named…

Although the locals ate delicious food, they had just been there. Everyone in the hotel who had had a sumptuous breakfast had little appetite to try it, even the foodie Ron

“Follow me this way,” Bill motioned for everyone to follow.

Everyone followed him, avoiding the crowd, and walked into a hidden path behind the pyramid.

“A Muggle Expelling Curse has been cast here, and Muggles will not pay attention here,” he introduced to everyone while showing the visitor’s permit to the guard in blue uniforms.

After the guard confirmed the permit, Bill turned around He came up and said seriously:”I have to emphasize again, don’t run around.”

His eyes were focused on George and Fred.

“I will watch them,” Percy promised, patting his chest.

Unnoticed by everyone, George and Fred made faces at Percy. Obviously, they were not very convinced by their third brother.


Before preparing to enter, Hermione, who was standing next to Ives, took a long breath.

Her eyes were extremely excited.

You know, in the Muggle world, only some scientific research teams are allowed to enter the interior of the Khafre Pyramid. , she never thought that one day, she would also be able to visit.

They took two steps forward, walked to a small square entrance, and officially stepped into the interior of the pyramid.

This was a narrow corridor that could only accommodate one person. People passed by, and they were very low.

Everyone could only bow down and gradually tilt down.

The corridor was dark, and everyone couldn’t help but take out their wands and illuminate the surroundings with fluorescent flashes.

As everyone went deeper, a wave of An indescribable smell poured into the nostrils.

Ives waved his wand, and then everyone’s heads were covered by a transparent magic cover.

“A silent head soaking spell?”Bill, who was leading the way, turned around in surprise. Although Ives was famous, it was the first time that he had seen a young wizard of this age have such a level of spell-casting ability. The bubble spell filtered out the smell in the air. , Breathing the fresh air, Avis nodded and responded casually,”Yeah.”

Except for Bill, everyone else was not surprised. After getting along with Ives so early, they already knew how evil he really was.

Continuing to move forward, Bill’s voice came from the front,”The walls here are all. It is made of granite stones, and the tunnel is paved with limestone.……”

During his introduction, Sirius couldn’t help but touch the walls and floor with his hands.

This action was as contagious as yawning, and everyone imitated it and couldn’t help but touch the wall with their hands.

After a few minutes, they finally came to a step. After climbing down the steps, their view suddenly became wider.

At this point, they were finally able to straighten up.

There are also some ancient murals painted on the walls of Daotong. Although they have experienced thousands of years of baptism, they still maintain their original brightness.

The most eye-catching thing on the wall is a mural of a ship.

In the eyes of many people, most of Egypt is desert and there is no need for ships.

However, Egypt has a Nile River that runs across the entire territory from south to north.

As the longest river in the world, the Nile is extremely rich in water.

When the water flow is stable, it can be used as a canal, but when floods come, it will flood the farmland on both sides, leaving a thick layer of silt behind, forming fertile soil.

Four to five thousand years ago, the Egyptians knew how to master the laws of floods and utilize the fertile land on both sides.

The ships on the mural are very luxuriously decorated and look like the ships used by Pharaoh Khafre.

“There should have been a burial ship here,” Bill introduced to everyone.”The goblins of Gringotts thought it was stolen by grave robbers.”

Continuing to move forward, the murals on the wall gradually changed, and a man who seemed to be of noble status was sent to the middle of the ship amid the worship of everyone.

He was lying there with his eyes closed and his hands folded on his chest.

“The ship was actually more than just a symbol of the pharaoh’s identity; my colleagues believed it represented an important vehicle for him to travel to this life and the next. In the mural, Pharaoh Khafre, who was sent to the ship, will drift along the River Styx, eventually crossing the boundary between life and death and returning to the world.”

“Styx? Cedric asked aloud

“It’s the Nile River,” Bill explained.”According to ancient Egyptian mythology, they once worshiped a Nile god named Osiris, but later Osiris was elevated to the god of the underworld. In mythology, Osiris has the ability to be reborn, rising from the dead, just like the waters of the Nile, over and over again, year after year.”

After visiting this mural, they continued to move forward.

The mural space separated this life and the next life, as Bill introduced, and they stepped into the real internal space of the pyramid.

The corridor deep inside was very wide, but filled with The atmosphere was more depressing than the narrow passage they passed through before. It was dark here, with only the light of the tip of the staff illuminating the front. There was an ancient and mysterious atmosphere floating in the air, and it seemed that the breathing and sound of ancient Egyptian wizards could be heard. A low spell.

On the wall of the corridor, through the fluorescent spell, Ives could see a few runes.

……No forward… don’t disturb… the peace!…Curse…

He could only make out a few words.

But the existence of these ancient runes undoubtedly proves that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt were all wizards.

Ives shared his findings with others. The timid Ron hugged his shoulders and looked around cautiously, as if a monster would emerge from the darkness at any time to attack him.

Bill smiled and said:”Don’t worry, the magic and curses here have been checked by the curse breakers, and they are absolutely safe.”

Even after receiving his assurance, everyone was still a little uneasy.

After all, before coming in, Bill also clearly said that there are still some tomb passages that have not been explored.

They stopped and the formation changed, with Bill and Mr. Weasley leading the way, Mrs. Weasley walking in the middle with the youngest Ginny, and Sirius behind.

In order to prevent George and Fred from running around – they encountered several crossroads along the way – Mrs. Weasley also dragged the twins to her and kept a close eye on them.

“Mom, we definitely won’t run around……”George begged for mercy

“no!”Mrs. Weasley glared at them both, scaring Fred so much that he didn’t even dare to praise George.

Neville, Hannah and Percy were also in front, while the rest of Elvis and the others were slightly behind.


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