“”So Mr. Evans,” Professor McGonagall looked at Ives,”what will happen if we eat food transformed by transfiguration?””

Aves stood up and replied:”After the magic power is exhausted, the food will return to its original form. If it turns out to be a piece of iron, then there will be some iron filings in our stomachs, body tissues, and blood. By the time……”

“That’s right,” Professor McGonagall’s tone became more serious, and she said word by word:”Not even the therapists at St. Mungo’s can save you by then. Not just food, you cannot transform objects into liquids or gases at will. This is beyond your capabilities and will lead to irreversible consequences. Hermione raised her hand and asked with Professor McGonagall’s permission:”Professor, why does the food we eat in the auditorium appear out of thin air?””

Professor McGonagall nodded appreciatively,”It’s good that you paid careful attention to this matter.”

“In fact, none of those foods were conjured by magic. Instead, after the house elves cooked it in the kitchen, they moved it to the dining table through a teleportation spell. This does not violate Gamp’s law of deformation.” she explained, then went on to talk about the remaining rules.

“The second point of Gamp’s law of transformation is that there cannot be permanent transformation between living things and dead things. The third point is that transfiguration cannot produce magic items, such as automatic quills, variable-temperature crucibles, etc., and the same is true for gold galleons.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and continued:”Fourth, transformation cannot change the quantity.” That is, you cannot turn one into two, or two into one. But there is an exception. If you regard the connected objects as a ‘whole’, then you can cast the ‘Total Transformation’ spell to change it, and even if it is turned back, it will not affect the original arrangement and attachment of the objects. This advanced form of combined transformation will be learned in your senior year”

“Finally, and most importantly, Transfiguration cannot be created out of thin air. Maybe you have seen upperclassmen use magic wands to conjure a flock of birds or a bouquet of flowers, but these are definitely not conjured by transfiguration. Those things may just be ‘limited-time entity projections’ summoned by magic spells. It will disappear when exhausted. It is also possible that it was summoned from somewhere using a summoning spell, but it could never be transformed.”

Whether they understood it or not, the little wizards made up their minds to take notes first.

After almost everyone stopped writing, Professor McGonagall said:”In this class, we will learn how to turn a match into a A needle.”

This is not a simple magic that can be mastered. Professor McGonagall began to talk about a lot of theoretical knowledge. Including but not limited to spell-casting gestures, spell pronunciation, material conversion, etc.

Obviously, transfiguration is a magic spell. It is a very rigorous knowledge that contains many profound theories. Before fully understanding these theoretical knowledge, it is undoubtedly nonsense to want to learn Transfiguration well. After the boring theory, Professor McGonagall gave everyone a Match asked them to practice.

Ives’s talent in Transformation is only 6 points, which can only be said to be average. Fortunately, he studied Transformation by himself during the summer vacation. Although the progress was not fast, he was far ahead of the remaining little wizards..

Under the surprised gaze of Professor McGonagall, he turned the match in his hand into a needle with a wave of hi

s wand.

“Perfect, five points from Ravenclaw,” the admiration in her eyes was beyond words.

Seeing this, Hermione completed her transformation not to be outdone.

Professor McGonagall was amazed. Generally speaking, freshmen can only transform after four or five weeks of school. Perfectly turning matches into needles. Unexpectedly, two freshmen actually did it for the first time in class!

“Five more points for Ravenclaw!”She said excitedly,”Oh my god, she hasn’t seen a little wizard so talented in transfiguration for a long time. The last one was Cedric Diggory, a third-year student from Hufflepuff. Unfortunately, all three of them… Not a Gryffindor student, Professor McGonagall thought with some disappointment.

“Have you two previewed it in advance?” she asked curiously

“Yes, professor. We previewed it ourselves during the summer vacation.”Avis and Hermione replied honestly.

“How long did it take each of you to learn this part?”Professor McGonagall asked again

“More than half a month,” Ives answered honestly. He didn’t want to give Professor McGonagall the illusion that he was talented in transfiguration. After all, he knew that his talent in transfiguration was relatively average.

However, in the future, Not necessarily, Ives thought to himself as he checked his personal panel in his mind.

For more than half a month, Professor McGonagall’s surprise faded after hearing this.

It took him more than half a month to learn this part of the content, although compared to Compared with ordinary students, he can be considered excellent, but he is definitely not a genius.

However, Professor McGonagall is still very satisfied with Ives’s self-learning ability and honest attitude. She is sure that as long as Ives maintains this attitude , and will definitely go far in the art of transfiguration.

“Miss Granger, what about you?”Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione again.

Hermione said a little embarrassedly:”About seven or eight days.”

Avis looked at the girl next to him in shock. I remember didn’t she learn it at the same time as me during the summer vacation?

“Why wasn’t I sorted into Gryffindor?……”Professor McGonagall murmured with some resentment, why were these geniuses assigned to other colleges.

Who are the outstanding students in Gryffindor now, the Weasley twins? Professor McGonagall gets a headache just by mentioning the two of them.

“You two, come to my office after class,” Professor McGonagall asked.

“Professor,” Ives opened his mouth,”I have another question.”

She stopped walking and looked at Ives

“You just mentioned that you can’t transform objects into liquids or gases at will. I don’t understand. If some malicious people volatilize the transformed gases in the air, after the magic disappears, people who inhale these gases will be……”

“I understand your concerns,” Professor McGonagall said seriously,”In fact, even Professor Dumbledore can only transform objects into liquid or gas for a few seconds, so you don’t have to worry at all.”

“This seems to be a natural limitation of transfiguration. The food transformed by transfiguration will have an unpleasant smell. And if you want to transform objects into liquids and gases for a few seconds, you must have at least the strength of Professor Dumbledore, and even I can’t do it.”

Aves nodded, so there is no need to be afraid of someone using the deformation technique to create such a terrible disaster.

He was really afraid that one day he would take a breath of air, and then some iron filings would appear in his blood. , sawdust and the like, he died suddenly.

But fortunately, no one can do what I worry about.


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