After finishing Tianxue class on Friday night, it was the weekend off.

After leaving the astronomy classroom, the steps of the first graders were much lighter.

Elvis pulled Hermione to the end of the line. He whispered in Hermione’s ear:”Hermione, come to the common room after lights out.” His warm breath gently hit the girl’s ear, and Hermione He nodded shyly, his little face gradually turning red.

There was no one in the Ravenclaw common room after curfew. Hermione huddled on the sofa, dozing off and waiting for Elvis’ arrival.

“Hermione, wake up……”

Half asleep, Hermione seemed to hear someone calling her.

Opening her eyes, she saw the handsome face of Ives in front of her. His lips moved slightly and he said softly:”Let’s go and walk around the castle.”

This sentence made Hermione wake up immediately, and she got up from the sofa. Jumping up, the two almost hit their heads.

Hermione opened her mouth in disbelief,”Are you crazy? This is against school rules.”

“In fact, this isn’t my first time.”Aves shrugged nonchalantly and told him that he went out for a night out on Monday.

“Oh my god,” Hermione angrily circled in front of Ives,”You broke the school rules when you first came to Hogwarts. I really don’t know what else you don’t dare to do? What are you going to do next, secretly learn black magic or attack the professor?”

“Or do both? Ives said as soon as his mind came back.

Hermione stopped in place, her brown eyes full of anger. She raised her right hand and hit Ives on the shoulder again and again,”Let you swim at night, let you Secretly learn black magic and let you attack the professor……”

Although Hermione acted very angry, the force on her hands was not very strong. Ives felt that she was more like massaging him.

However, he still cooperated and showed that he was in pain, holding his shoulders and begging for mercy:”Don’t fight, don’t fight.” After venting for a while, Hermione’s mood calmed down. She held her hands and pretended to be He said with a cold expression:”I remember, do you still owe me a condition?”

“Uh-huh.”Aves felt he was wrong and quickly affirmed.

“Then what I want you to do is,” Hermione approached Ives, with a serious expression on her face, and said word by word:”You are not allowed to go out for night walks!”

“no!”Aves was not straightforward and strong,”Then you might as well kill me.”

Hermione was going crazy. She was familiar with the school rules and knew how serious the consequences would be if she was caught wandering at night. She didn’t want her best friend to go astray at all. Whether it was being punished by the professor, or even the most serious She didn’t want to see the possibility of being expelled.

She could only persuade her earnestly:”Avis, please just listen to me.”

Avis ignored her and walked out of the common room. As expected, Hermione still chose to follow him.

“Hermione, if you’ve ever taken a night tour once, you’ll know its charm!”Ives promised emphatically.

Hermione glanced at him and replied viciously:”Sooner or later I’ll fire you!”

Having said that, Hermione still followed Ives closely, and even helped him pay attention to whether there was a professor keeping vigil at the stairs.

However, after Ives showed the magical Marauder’s Map, it was a tense and exciting night tour. It turned into a spring outing for primary school students.

Hermione even saw the names of Zhang Qiu and Penello on it, and they were sneaking towards the kitchen.

“Come on, let’s go to the kitchen too,” Ives suggested, actually f

eeling a bit hungry after his astronomy lesson. The

Hogwarts kitchen is located directly down the Great Hall, along the stairs leading to the Hufflepuff basement. It can be reached.

The door of the kitchen is hidden in the stone underground corridor, which is brightly lit and hangs a painting of a bowl of fruit. Just scratch a pear in the painting and it will eat it. Laughs, then turns into a green doorknob to reveal the entrance to the Hogwarts kitchen.

If you tickle the wrong fruit, the painting flips over and gives you a”little” punishment.

Ives Walking into the kitchen with Hermione, there was a large room with high ceilings that looked as big as the Great Hall. There were many gleaming copper pots and basins piled around the stone walls, and there was a large brick fireplace at the other end of the room.

There were four large tables in the room, and they were placed in exactly the same position as the tables in the four colleges in the auditorium above. As soon as they walked in, a house elf appeared in front of them, and he stared with copper-bell-sized eyes. , wearing a clean pillowcase, asked respectfully:”Two respected little wizards, do you want something to eat?”

“Just have some,” Hermione replied somewhat cautiously.

“How can that be done?” The house elf became frightened.”We will prepare food for you right now. Is it okay to follow the standards of a Christmas banquet?”

Without waiting for the two people to answer, he ran back to the kitchen to prepare food.

Ives and Hermione looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Penello came over and explained:”That’s how they are, afraid of themselves. The service was not attentive enough.”

Penello still had a pie in his hand, and he smiled a little at the restrained look of the two of them.”You two are really amazing. You dared to go out at night when you just entered school. The waves behind you push the waves ahead.……”

Being caught on the spot by the prefect for violating school rules, both Elvis and Hermione lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Zhang Qiu came over, looked at the two of them and blinked with a smile:”It’s okay, haven’t you heard a sentence? A Hogwarts career without a night tour is incomplete.” The four of them enjoyed a meal in the kitchen Late night snack, when leaving, the enthusiastic house elves crazily stuffed pies into their pockets

“Oh my god,” Hermione said in surprise,”I didn’t expect that two senior sisters would also go out at night.”

“In fact, you will find that there is only one school rule at Hogwarts,” Penello explained, looking at the curious three people,”and that is not to be discovered.”

“Undetected?”Hermione repeated in a low voice.

“That’s right,” Penello affirmed,”As long as you have the ability not to be caught by the professors, you can ignore the school rules.”

“Just like Professor Flitwick, in fact, he told us the location of the kitchen himself during class,” Penello continued.”The professors undoubtedly support our night tours, as long as we don’t get caught by them.”

“What’s more, the administrator Filch is actually a squib. At least we have a hundred ways to roam at night without being discovered by him. Generally speaking, as long as you can avoid Filch’s inspection, except for Snape, the professor who is watching the night will let you go even if he finds out. However, if you are caught by Filch, the punishment will be severe.”

Through the senior sister’s explanation, several people have a deeper understanding of the school rules of Hogwarts.


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