Chapter 79 Final Exam (Please subscribe!)

As time passed day by day, the day of the final exam finally came.

The weather was very muggy, and the classroom was even more uncomfortably hot. Before the theoretical knowledge test, the professors gave the little wizards new quills specifically for the test, all of which were cursed with anti-cheating spells.

When testing the theoretical knowledge of Transfiguration, Slytherin’s Goyle and Crabbe entered the examination room wearing glasses even though they were not nearsighted.

When Professor McGonagall asked why they wore glasses, Goyle and Crabbe hesitated and said that they had studied hard some time ago and became myopic.

Professor McGonagall didn’t believe their reasons at all – if they really studied hard, they wouldn’t be able to get only”T”(Troll).

So Professor McGonagall seriously asked them to take off their glasses.

When she touched the glasses, Professor McGonagall knew that they were alchemical products.

She put on the special glasses and placed her eyes on the parchment. Lines of text began to appear on the lenses, all of which were knowledge points from the first grade!

Professor McGonagall was very angry, but she did not disqualify Goyle and Crabbe from the exam because of this. Instead, Slytherin was deducted twenty points and announced that the summer homework for these two idiots would be doubled.

Malfoy patted his chest happily on the sidelines. Fortunately, he didn’t listen to the opinions of these two idiots.

After getting closer to Harry, he naturally abandoned his two original followers.

In order to restore the master-slave relationship, Goyle and Crabbe went to Malfoy before the exam and said that they had a way to get him the theoretical knowledge of the Transfiguration class.”O”(excellent).

As a result, they died before entering the examination room before their big plan was implemented.

Malfoy also completely realized that there was no future with these two idiots, not even as good as those redheads from the Weasley family that he had always looked down upon.

After all the written tests were completed, Hermione muttered nervously next to Ives:”This is much easier than I originally thought.”

They followed the crowd to the sunny field outside, and Hermione said :”I actually don’t need to remember the ‘Werewolf Code of Conduct of 1637′ and the history of the elf rebellion.”

Ives nodded,”Yes, although Professor Binns mentioned these contents in class , but these contents are undoubtedly beyond the syllabus for first-year students.”

Hermione said with some annoyance,”I thought the content of the History of Magic exam was all the blackboard writing taught by Professor Binns in class. If you don’t memorize these contents, , I will have more time to learn other things.”

In Avis’s view, Hermione was a little over-prepared.

Although he had previously advised her to focus on studying more profound material, two weeks before the exam, Hermione went back to review everything she had learned this school year.

Just like the History of Magic exam, she memorized almost all the notes.

Merlin’s beard, she doesn’t think that she won’t repeat a grade only if she gets first place in the exam, Ives thought in surprise.


The rest of exam week is filled with practical exams.

Professor Flitwick asked them to go into the classroom one by one and see if they could tap dance a pineapple across a desk.

Ives cast a transformation spell on his pineapple, causing it to grow hands and feet, and then performed the third national primary school student broadcast gymnastics, the rising sun, on the spot for Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick was a little helpless. He said that a simple tarantella would be enough, but he was still willing to give Ives a grade.”O”

In the practica

l exam of the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall asked them to turn a small round piece of wood into the shape of a button.

As long as you can transform successfully, you can at least get it”A”(Pass), if the button is the right size and the hole is the right size, you can get it.”E”(Exceeding expectations), if there are still patterns, that is”O”

Ives has been secretly observing for a long time, but no one in Ravenclaw has gotten it yet.”A”the following.

Finally he was in line. Ives opened the door. Professor McGonagall said with a smile:”I know your study progress, Mr. Evans. I think the difficulty of first grade cannot test your true level.”

As he said, She took out a cage from under the podium with a white rabbit lying inside.

“The topic I give you is cross-species living transformation,” Professor McGonagall explained,”I hope you can turn it into an owl. Of course, regardless of whether you succeed or not, your rating here is‘O’”

She seemed to be afraid that Avis would worry her. Under his gaze, Professor McGonagall directly drew a circle on the score sheet with her pen.

Ives took a deep breath, held the rabbit in front of him, raised his wand and began to transform.

Cross-species living transformation is something that should only be taught in the fourth grade. According to the order, first-year students are required to master the Transformation Spell, which can change the form of dead objects.

Starting from the second grade, you can learn the transformation technique of transforming living things into dead things, and in the third grade, you can turn dead things into living things.

Cross-species living transformation is indeed too out of line for a first-year wizard. However, with Ives’ talent and hard work, he is about to master this skill.

Magic power slowly emerged from the tip of Ives’ staff. Under the gaze of Professor McGonagall, the rabbit’s body shape slowly changed under the influence of magic power.

The rabbit’s forelimbs begin to grow brown feathers, then turn into a pair of wings, and the hind legs gradually turn into claws.

The transformation stopped at this point, and the rabbit was transformed by Ives into a monster with owl wings and claws.

Ives wiped the sweat from his forehead and said regretfully:”I’m sorry, Professor, I can only do this.””

“No, you did a good job.” Professor McGonagall’s eyes were filled with admiration. She thought that Ivis had no idea about cross-species transformation, and planned to give him some guidance.

But at this rate, she estimated that Ivis would not be able to change his species again. In a few months, you will be able to master this skill proficiently.

Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but start to point out some of the mistakes Ivis had made, and some points that could be improved.

After the magic in the rabbit’s body dissipated and the limbs changed back, , Professor McGonagall kicked him out, on the grounds that if he stayed any longer, others would not have time to take exams.

It was obviously you who left me there, Ives resisted the desire to complain, Professor McGonagall just said The guidance is indeed very useful and can help him avoid many detours.

Before leaving, Professor McGonagall warned him uneasily,”Don’t forget to review your textbooks and read more books at home.”

She was afraid that Ives would be too playful after the holidays and waste his great talent.

“I understand, Professor,” Ives agreed hurriedly. He would not be complacent because he has some strength.

During the summer vacation, you can’t completely stop casting spells during the two-month vacation because of the existence of Traces, right? Ives thought Now, it’s time to think about how to get rid of it.


third chapter! Please make your first order!

(End of this chapter)

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