Chapter 83 Inside the Suit

As if suddenly, their wardrobe was empty and everything was packed into the suitcase.

Notices were sent to every student, warning them not to use magic during the holidays.

“I keep hoping they forget to send this to us.”Fred said regretfully. He and George agreed that not being able to use magic during the holidays was a waste of their great summer vacation time.

In this regard, Ives rarely had the same opinion as them.

More than two months of summer vacation Time must not be wasted like this. What he learned from the four founders was like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, making him dare not slack off at all.

Under the leadership of Hagrid, the little wizard They boarded the fleet of boats crossing the lake, chatting and laughing along the way. They took the boat across the Black Lake, walked along the muddy path, and arrived at Hogwarts Station.

Ivis and Hermione walked together, and he, who was sharp-eyed Suddenly he saw Harry in the crowd. He walked over and said hello:”Hi, Harry.””

“Hi, Ivis,” Harry looked happy, his tone full of anticipation,”I wonder where Sirius lives now, I can’t wait to move in with him.”

It sounds like Sirius has never told Harry that he cannot leave the Dursley’s house until he is an adult.

Ivis gave Harry a deep look and did not point it out. It is better for Sirius to have a headache on his own.

“By the way,” Harry added,”Sirius asked me to ask if you would like to travel with us during the summer vacation?”

“Sorry,” Hermione said apologetically,”I have a family trip every summer, and while I’m glad you invited me, I don’t think I’ll be able to join you.”

“It’s okay,” Harry turned to look at Ives expectantly.

“I’ll have to talk it over with my family,” Ives shrugged.

“Okay,” Harry was a little frustrated, cheered up and said with a smile,”keep in touch, if your family agrees.”

“I will,” Elvis nodded.

The three of them separated. Harry carried his luggage and went to find Ron, who had reserved a seat in advance. Elvis and Hermione found a private room at the back.

The two used The levitation spell easily placed the luggage on the luggage rack.

Hermione looked curiously at the black leather suitcase that Avis put on it. She had a good memory. She had never seen Avis use this black suitcase before. Pass

“Ives, what is this? Hermione asked, pointing to the box.

“Oh, Professor Dumbledore gave me a gift,” he said, taking the box back down.

Last night in the principal’s office, he wanted to see what was in the box, but Dumbledore stopped him.

Later he came back After arriving at Ravenclaw Tower, Ivis was dragged to the party by his over-enthusiastic classmates, which made him completely forget about it.

Now that he has free time, of course he has to find out.

This is a Ives searched the ordinary and empty suitcase for a long time, but only found a small note sandwiched in the middle. It read in rough cursive letters:

“Close the box and turn the knob on the side to the side with the wand on it.”

Ives then looked at both sides of the suitcase, and there was indeed a knob on the left. There were two patterns painted on the knob, one of which was an ordinary grapevine wand, and the other was painted with a large brown eagle. Owl.

The pointer on the knob was now pointing to the Great Eagle Owl.

Ives closed the suitcase and turned the kn

ob to the wand side. When he opened the suitcase again, something strange happened – something appeared in the suitcase. a step down

“This is……”Ives had some suspicions in his mind, and under Hermione’s slightly worried eyes, he stepped into the box.

After waiting outside for a long time, Hermione didn’t even wait for Elvis’s response. She gritted her teeth and leaned into the suitcase.

Suddenly a pair of hands stretched out from the suitcase, grabbed her arm, and pulled her inside.

The lid then snapped shut

“ah!”Hermione screamed subconsciously. She felt as if her feet were in the air, her body seemed to be sucked into the sewer, and then there was a solid and warm embrace.

When Hermione opened her eyes, what she saw was Ives’s wide face. She blushed at the unusually close face, and then hurriedly pushed Avis away.

“Is this inside the box?”Hermione looked around and asked in surprise

“Yes,” Ives affirmed.

The box turned out to be a simple room.

There was a solid wood bed in the corner, with a checkerboard-patterned curtain at one end and only a white-painted wall at the other end. Above the head was an orange lamp. There is a chandelier, a set of tables and chairs next to the bed, and a bookshelf. There are only a few books on the bookshelf,”Fire Dragon Species of Britain and Ireland”》、《From hatching a dragon egg to frying a delicious poached egg》、《A Guide to Raising a Fire Dragon》、《Distribution and feeding of three-headed dogs》、《How to train a three-headed dog to be a guard dog》……

Hermione’s mouth opened wide in shock. After a while, she remembered a magic she had seen in the book,”Is there a traceless stretch spell cast here?”

“I think so,” Ives nodded. He walked to the table, picked up a piece of parchment under the desk lamp, and read softly:

“Mr. Evans, Professor Dumbledore originally planned to send Louie and Norbert to me. But in my contact with them, I found that they didn’t like my environment very much. I talked to them using a special magic, and they said they would rather be around a little wizard named Ivis Evans.”

“Merlin’s beards, they’re really naughty. I often fight with other magical creatures in my place, and I can’t handle it in just a few days. At Professor Dumbledore’s suggestion, I prepared this suitcase and asked him to hand it over to you.”

“Please forgive me, I think you should be able to take care of them——”Newt Scamander”

Ives looked at the content on the paper strangely. Although Lu Wei and Norberta listened to his words, they shouldn’t let a first-year wizard raise a five-star dangerous animal. Magical creatures.

It can only be said that the great Dumbledore has his own ideas.

“Scamander, isn’t this the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?”Hermione opened her mouth in surprise.

Ives looked at the wooden door in the room, and there was a glimmer of light coming from the crack in the door. He opened the door straight, and a breeze blew across their cheeks.

Outside the door was a Prairie, endless grassland, the yellow sun hangs in the sky, and white clouds are dotted in the blue sky. There are a few trees scattered on the grassland, and the green leaves are swaying in the wind. In the distance, you can see the sleeping tree lying on the ground. Fluffy, a three-headed dog, and Norbert, a Norwegian Ridgeback, enjoy the shade of a tree


(End of this chapter)

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