Chapter 85 Beginning of Summer Vacation

Inside the box,

Ives was lying under the shade of a tree, looking through Dumbledore’s Transfiguration Notes. Norberta snuggled up next to him, wagging her tail lazily.

After the summer vacation began, Ives spent most of his time in the box.

On the one hand, it was because he needed to take care of Lu Wei and Norbert. The appetites of the two magical creatures are not ordinary. Fortunately, Ives’s father, Rosent, is very wealthy. As long as he asks for it, all kinds of fresh meat will be delivered immediately.

On the other hand, the magic arranged by Dumbledore can cover up the traces of his magic release. Only in the box can he continue to learn magic.

The changes in the box have also been great. Originally there was only a prairie and a few scattered trees, but now there is a lake, a dense forest, a rockery and a snowfield.

These new areas are created using a magical magic cube. As long as the corresponding block is opened, a tree or a small rock will automatically appear on the ground.

This kind of magic cube is sold in Diagon Alley and is usually used by wizards to decorate their yards.

With a lot more space in the box, the two magical animals also have their own territory. Norberta likes to lie down on a giant rock, while Lu Wei builds a nest in a dense forest by the lake.

However, as long as Ives is in the box, they will definitely stay by his side

“”Woof woof~” Lu

Wei, who was playing in the water by the lake, suddenly barked twice, ran to the door of the cabin and ran back.

When he came back, there was a figure on his back – it was Hermione.

After the summer vacation, Hermione Every morning she would run to Ives’ house and get into his box to learn magic with him. She would usually have lunch at Ives’ house and would not go home until the evening.

Although her daughter stayed away almost every day after the holidays home, Iris and Emily were not worried at all, but were happy to see this scene. The two families lived very close to each other, so they did not need to worry about Hermione’s safety, not to mention that Hermione was a witch and was completely protected. own abilities.

After getting along day and night for a period of time, Hermione and Lu Wei have become much closer.

Even though Lu Wei is a three-headed dog with an ugly and ferocious appearance and a set of big yellow buck teeth, in essence, he is more like a two-headed dog. Ha, he is proficient in demolishing homes and rolling around.

Although he behaved ferociously when guarding the restricted area, that was because of the orders of his former owner Hagrid. Under normal circumstances, he is still very kind.

After getting close to Lu Wei, He When Min rests, he often rides on its back.

As for Norbert, the pride of being a fire dragon allows it to accept the touch of people other than its owner, but the only person who can fly around on it is Ives. One person.

Lu Wei rushed to Ives with Hermione on his back, and then he lay down on the ground obediently. When Hermione stood safely on the ground, he straightened up, with three big heads sticking out their tongues, breathing, and a small tail. It rocked up and down and left and right like crazy.

Until Ives stroked the middle of its head and praised,”Good job, Lu Wei.””

It showed a smile, then rushed back to the lake and continued to scratch the ground there.

“What magic are we practicing today? Hermione asked enthusiastically

“Keep practicing the Iron Armor Spell,” Ives said.

As a general protection spell, the Iron Armor Spell can produce a magic shield and deflect and dissipate objects or spells, and can also resist physical attacks to a certain extent. Ives believes , it is necessary to learn and master this kind of magic.

However, the Iron Armor Curse is very difficult. George and Fred onc

e said in a duel with Ives that adult wizards, even those employees of the Ministry of Magic, may not necessarily Can cast an effective Iron Armor Spell.

So they were surprised that Elvis could master it so skillfully.

Hermione’s talent was very good, and it didn’t take long to learn the Iron Armor Spell, but she couldn’t use it well in actual combat. Her movements were always one step slower than she thought.

Therefore, the two of them conducted a lot of training.

As usual, Hermione first had to conduct a period of independent training.

She held up her wand, drew circles in the air over and over again, and muttered:”Armor for protection – Armor for protection – Armor for protection——”

When Hermione felt that she had warmed up well and she could do it, she said to Ivis, who was half lying on Norberta:”Come on.”

Hermione’s eyes were firm and fiery, and she had a strong feeling that she would definitely do it today. Can he survive three, ah no, five rounds in the hands of Ives!

Ives got up and took Hermione to an open space. The two of them kept some distance apart.

“I’ll start on the count of three,” Ives shouted to Hermione,”One – two——”


As soon as the count reached three, the tip of Ives’s wand shot out a beam of white light, heading straight towards where Hermione was standing.

What he used was not a dangerous attack magic, but a simple marking spell. The place hit by this magic would leave a conspicuous magic mark.

Wizards like to use this kind of magic when they go on adventures – they will leave a mark wherever they go. If they go around and see it again, it probably means they are going around in circles.

Because it was a practice for the Iron Armor Curse, Hermione did not dodge to the side, but concentrated on preparing to use the Iron Armor Curse to deal with it.

She waved her wand and used magic to open an illusory barrier, blocking Avis’s marking spell and rebounding it.

“Armor protection!”Hermione shouted belatedly.

Avis showed a satisfied smile and casually dismissed the rebounding marking spell.

“Remember this feeling, Hermione.”

The physical strength and magic power of the little wizards cannot support them to open up the magic shield generated by the Iron Armor Curse for a long time, not to mention that the Iron Armor Curse cast at the right time and perfectly can rebound the opponent’s magic spell.

Therefore, seize the opportunity to cast it. The Iron Armor Curse is the main part of their practice.

Of course, in actual combat, there is no need to grasp such precise timing. This is considered an advanced skill of the Iron Armor Curse. It was a rare compliment from Ives, and Hermione’s face also changed. She smiled, but before she could say anything, another white light hit her.

“Armor protection!”

Hermione shouted with some urgency. This time she didn’t grasp the timing of casting the Iron Armor Curse very accurately. After the Marking Curse was blocked, it was deflected to the grass beside her.

“Armor protection!”

“Armor protection!”Hermione shouted over and over again. Ives’s attack was non-stop, which made her a little tired of dealing with it.

Finally, Hermione was hit by the marking spell.

Ives stopped attacking, put away his wand, and looked at it with satisfaction. The gasping girl said,”You did a great job today. Not only did you last so long, you also successfully rebounded the marking spell three times.”

The continuous use of the Iron Armor Curse consumed Hermione a lot. She took a deep breath and muttered:”It’s not like I was hit by you.

Avis smiled,”How can I train you if I’m not so good?””

Hearing his boastful words, Hermione couldn’t help but rolled her eyes.


It rained heavily today. After the thunder, the power was out for a long time. There was only one update.

Sorry Orz

(End of this chapter)

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