Chapter 92: Crack down on the wrongdoers.

After the award ceremony, the group left Merlin’s Cottage and went straight to Diagon Alley.

“Is there anything you want to buy?”

Standing at the entrance of Diagon Alley, Ives asked his friends.

There were no big changes in Diagon Alley, it was still so lively, but a Ministry of Magic signboard suddenly stood up at the entrance. It reads:

“It is prohibited to set up stalls to sell contraband items in Diagon Alley, including but not limited to Category A prohibited trade items: giant bag spider eggs, chimaera beasts, dragon eggs, etc.; Category B prohibited trade items: flying carpets, etc.; Category C prohibited items Trade items: poisonous tentacle seeds, etc. (For details, please refer to the newly revised”Prohibited Trade Items Law”)

Once discovered, the Ministry of Magic will deal with it seriously.”

Many wizards who enter Diagon Alley will stop in front of the notice board curiously. After seeing clearly that it is a notice from the Ministry of Magic, most people will leave with a disappointed look.

They all thought it was some new store that opened in Diagon Alley. , is advertising!

“I heard my father talk about it,” Cedric rubbed his chin, recalling what Mr. Diggory had complained to him during last Christmas vacation.”Since last year, there have been many wizards smuggled into the British wizarding world in Diagon Alley. , openly selling contraband on the street”

“This led the ministry to launch a special campaign called ‘Crack down on illegals and cure offenders’, and this sign appears to be a small part of the results of the campaign.”

Mr. Diggory works in the Ministry of Magic. He often gets a lot of gossip from others, and he likes to share these gossips with his proud son Cedric.

Therefore, Cedric often learns some things about the Ministry of Magic. secrets

“That’s right,” Mr. Weasley said suddenly,”coupled with the revision of the new”Muggle Protection Act” some time ago, the special activity of ‘cracking down on illegals and punishing offenders’ has been pushed to its peak. Next, the Ministry plans to Some manors have launched surprise inspections, focusing on the presence of black magic items and contraband”

“Really?”Sirius asked anxiously. Although he was very sure that there was no contraband in his current place of residence, he could not deny that there was one at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the ancestral home of the Black family. The current No. 12 Grimmauld Place is still there. It is not the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and it is not hidden by the Fidelity Charm. This old house currently only has Muggle banishing spells and a few protective spells still running. Sirius

‘s concerns are not unreasonable.

Mr. Weasley nodded. At this time, I told everyone that I wanted them to go back and check if there were any contraband at home, so as not to be visited by the Aurors.

Cedric, Neville and other young wizards in the wizarding family secretly took note of this news and informed them when they were ready to go back. parents

“Sorry, Harry,” Sirius turned to look at his godson apologetically,”Our trip has to be postponed for a few days, and I have to go back to Grimmauld Place to tidy up the old house.”

Although Harry’s blood magic restricts him from moving out of the Dursley’s house before he reaches adulthood, as long as he goes back to live for a period of time every year, he can continue to maintain the existence of that magic, and short-term travel will not cause big problems.

So Sirius early I am planning to take Harry on a family trip during the summer vacation.

“It doesn’t matter.” Harry shook his head and asked in a hopeful tone:”Sirius, can I go with you? I can help you organize it together.”

He was quite curious about what the ancestral home of the Black family looked like. Of course, his more thought was to stay with Sirius for a while. By Sirius’ side, Harry felt the long-lost family affection.

“Of course,” Sirius was stunned for a moment, as if he saw Harry’s thoughts. He patted Harry on the shoulder and said,”But that old house has not been inhabited for a long time, and it will probably take some time to clean it up thoroughly.”

After regaining his freedom, Sirius never returned to No. 12 Grimmauld Place. In fact, he never regarded it as home.

Since running away from home at the age of 16, Sirius has never wanted to go back. In his mind, that place was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was the only one left in the Black family, Sirius would not have thought of that long-abandoned house.

“Can I help too?”Ives interrupted. He was not simply cleaning the house for Sirius, but because No. 12 Grimmauld Place contained one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes – Slytherin’s Locket.

Ives still remembered the four The founders each left him a secret room. Although it is not sure whether Slytherin’s locket is related to Slytherin’s real secret room, it is always right to get it in advance, not to mention it is Voldemort’s Horcrux.

“Of course you can if you want.”

There is strength in numbers, and Sirius has no reason to refuse. He thought for a while and then said:”I remember that there are many unique books in the study room of the old house. Harry told me that you like reading books very much. Let’s do this, you can take whatever you want when the time comes.”

With a wave of his hand, Sirius gave away the magical books that the Black family had collected for thousands of years, like a prodigal son.

“”No, no, no,” Ives waved his hand quickly,”If there are books you are interested in, I can just borrow them for a few days to read. There is no need to give them to me.””

Although Sirius said that he could give those books to him, in the magical world, these books and knowledge are the foundation of a family, and Avis can’t just cut off the inheritance of an ancient family.

Sirius doesn’t care. shrugged, clearly not caring if he owned the books

“Sirius, I want to help too.”

Hermione suggested enthusiastically when she heard that she could borrow the Black family’s books.

“Of course,” Sirius replied, looking at the other little wizards with a smile,”If you also want to come, I’m more than welcome.”

Cedric and the others looked at each other and readily agreed to help Sirius. After the summer vacation started, they were idle at home, so they might as well find something to do.

Next, they spent the afternoon strolling in Diagon Alley, Bought a lot of things.

Neville bought a lot of seeds to plant in Ives’s box, including alfalfa, sapweed, clover, fragrant mallow, shriveled fig… they are all commonly used potion ingredients. He also bought several new pairs of dragonhide gloves and planting tools such as shovels.

The twins replenished many of the materials they had confiscated by Mrs. Weasley. Of course, the two went to buy these things behind Mrs. Weasley’s back. And after buying them, they all were handed over to Ives for safekeeping. Cedric and Hermione bought some potions and alchemy experimental tools such as crucibles, test tubes, and drainage rods.

They not only bought these things, but also bought I bought some magic cubes and prepared to build some houses in Ives’s chest. Including other miscellaneous things, it cost a total of almost two hundred gold galleons.


(End of this chapter)

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