Chapter 94 No. 12 Grimmauld Place

Everyone walked out of the alley.

Outside is a small square that looks very dilapidated. The stone bricks on the ground have cracked, and there are many weeds sprouting from the cracked gaps.

“This place was not like this before,” Sirius recalled as he walked,”I still remember that before I left home, this square was cleaned by house elves every day.”

Things are different and people are different,” Sirius sighed inwardly, leading the three of them to a certain mansion in the square.

“Are we there yet, Sirius?”Harry asked aloud

“Yes, that’s right! We’re here, 12 Grimmauld Place……”Sirius stared at this old house in disrepair. All the windows he could see were filthy, and the walls were even filthy. If he looked closely, he could see that some of the stone bricks had even fallen off.

This was completely different from what he remembered.

Several people continued to walk forward and walked up the bumpy steps to the front door of the old house.

It was a door covered with scratches and painted black. The silver door handle was in the shape of a coiled snake. Strangely, there was no keyhole or mailbox on the door.

“How do we get in?”Hermione asked curiously

“This door can only be opened with a spell inherited from the Black family.” Sirius raised his wand and knocked on the door handle a few times, while whispering:”Toujours Purs……”(French: Forever Pure)

There was a sound of chains twitching from behind the door, and a moment later, a gap appeared in the door.

“Okay, you can go in now.”

Sirius pushed open the door with ease and walked in immediately. Before taking two steps, he immediately covered his mouth and nose and backed out, his brows furrowed tightly.

A rotten and moldy smell wafted from the depths of the house..Sirius asked Ivis and the others to stay away, then he used a head soaking spell on himself, opened the door again and walked in.

“Cleaned up!”The whirlwind swept away!””……

Sirius’s voice kept coming, and a ball of magic wrapped in a lot of dust, cobwebs, and mildew flew out and landed in a trash can in the square.

In the old house, Sirius had a transparent cover on his head. He was breathing in the fresh air filtered by the Bubble Charm. It was obvious that it was very hard for him to clean the porch and hall with magic in one go.

Looking at the huge house, Sirius felt overwhelmed. For the first time, he wished that the house could be smaller so that he could clean it more easily.

He waited until the smell in the house dissipated a little before he called Ives and the others to come in.

The portico of 12 Grimmauld Place is a long corridor with peeling wallpaper, threadbare carpets, gas lamps and a large snake-shaped spiderweb chandelier and candelabra.

On the walls on both sides were hung some portraits that had become blackened by age, and opposite the door hung a huge portrait that was covered behind a curtain that was moldy and moth-eaten.

Although Sirius simply cleaned it up with magic, Ives could still see the spider webs forming in the corner.

Hermione walked along the corridor and curiously visited the portraits hanging on the wall. These portraits had almost turned completely black, and their original appearance could not be seen. Only the labels below recorded who the owners of these portraits were.

She stopped in front of the largest portrait and whispered:”Walbur

ga Blake, 1925-1985”

“That’s my mother,” Sirius introduced her, his eyes were very complicated

“Sorry,” Hermione pursed her lips and said apologetically.

“It doesn’t matter,” Sirius waved his hand,”By the way, remember not to lift the curtain covering this portrait.”

Seeing the doubtful looks cast by the three people, he smiled and said:”My mother speaks very viciously, and I don’t want to hear her murmurings again.”

Go along the corridor to the stairs. There is also a living room here.

There is a round table and seven or eight chairs in the living room. There is a large fireplace in the corner and several coat racks.

“I have to remove the protective enchantment on the fireplace so that it can connect to the Floo network,” Sirius explained,”Your friends can use the Floo network to come over.”

The Floo Network is an important mode of transportation in the wizarding world. Through the fireplace and Floo powder, wizards can easily travel between home and the Ministry of Magic, wizard bars and wizard shops. When using it, wizards only need to report to Sprinkle floo powder into the fire, then step into the emerald green magical flames, and then accurately say the name of the destination.

Although most wizards’ fireplaces will choose to connect to the floo network, those ancient pure-blood families Under normal circumstances, they would set up protective magic on their fireplaces to prevent others from coming into their house as they pleased. This protective magic would only be lifted when they needed to use the Floo Network. When

Sirius was busy, Three little wizards were wandering around on the first floor.

Suddenly, a low, thin voice sounded.

“……It’s such a disgusting smell. The nasty loser led some bastards and scum to ruin my mistress’s house.……”

An old house elf slowly came up from the basement stairs. His head was bald like all house elves, and his two big bat-like ears had a lot of white hair, and his wrinkled skin was smaller than The actual needs of his body are several times greater.

He was almost naked except for a dirty rag around his waist.

The house elf seemed to be unable to see the three of them. He arched his back and dragged his feet, slowly and step by step towards the living room on the first floor. When passing by them, he kept talking in his hoarse, low voice like a bullfrog. He muttered softly:

“……Smells like sewers and convicts, oh, my poor old master, what would she say to old Kreacher if she knew what kind of scum that prodigal thing got into her door?. What a shame……”

Hermione hesitated, then took the initiative to say hello,”Hello, what’s your name?”

The house elf suddenly froze, and no longer muttered words, but made a very obvious but very suspicious surprise. He looked like,”Kreacher didn’t see the distinguished guest just now. Guest, old Kreacher’s name is Kreacher.”

After saying that, he turned his head away and muttered in a voice that could be heard by others:”It’s the old master. The most annoying mudblood”


Suddenly, Sirius’s angry voice came. He rushed out angrily and stood in front of the house elf,”Kreacher, why don’t you clean this room when no one is around?”


Toujours Purs (forever pure), comes from the family crest of the Black family, although I don’t understand why the family crest of a British pure-blood family has French written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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