I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 334: The Sundial That Causes Disaster

In the twenty month of Daxu, the whole world has begun to stabilize, but the decline of civilization is getting worse.

After Gu Shanhai suppressed the earthquake in the area casually, his expression became more and more puzzled.

"As for the source, according to data calculations, the location that caused the disaster in the whole world should be in this area."

After three months of further testing on Ren's divine power and found that it was not affected, Gu Shanhai set out to find the source of the disaster.

According to his one-month investigation and investigation through a large amount of data, it was determined that the location is in this area.

Of course, it is not clear whether there is Gu Shanhai, and we can only investigate.

"Is it transferred?"

"Or is it not the source, but just a radiation?"

Gu Shanhai searched carefully, but found nothing.

"Or there is no source at all, and these disasters are born randomly?" Gu Shanhai was also a little uncertain.

From the data and intelligence he collected, there is a high probability that it has a source rather than a random birth.

The state of world overload is decreasing a little bit recently, and it is obvious that something has caused its overall level to drop, giving Gu Shanhai the feeling that something is being conceived, or it has already been conceived.

Gu Shanhai also discovered these things by observing the entire world through the divine power data on Ren's body.

It’s just that the things he can observe are limited, otherwise he would not need to visit and investigate everywhere, just for further observations. As for Ren, he can perceive fewer things than Gu Shanhai, only a vague feeling similar to intuition, no Gu Shanhai's intuitive data exists.

"If that's the case, then damn it, you still dare to be stubborn with me?"

Gu Shanhai was about to leave, but he suddenly found that the ground was shaking continuously, and that strong sense of shock continued to erupt. If the earthquake he suppressed just now was at magnitude 8, it has directly increased to magnitude 9 now.

Obviously this is a kind of revenge from the source of the disaster against him, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence.

With his strength, he not only suppressed the earthquake, but also sorted out the land veins by the way, so it is impossible for another earthquake to occur, even the kind of aftershock that will not happen, the result is good now, and he slapped Gu Shanhai directly, saying that The opponent is very capable.

"Hold me back!" Gu Shanhai struck without hesitation.

The mana and the vibration cancel each other out, and the earthquake that was about to erupt immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Well now, you have my attention."

Gu Shanhai thought that there was no source anymore, and now that the other party has been directly exposed, he doesn't know what the other party is planning.

"So, what is it? Living or dead."

As for the source, Gu Shanhai was also at a loss. The data in his hand could prove it, but he couldn't know what it was.

The prophecy and divination has not yet resumed, so Gu Shanhai cannot verify it, and the influence of the Great Ruins still exists in this world.

"Found it!" Gu Shanhai's spiritual consciousness continued to spread, and he continued to search within tens of thousands of miles. When the Four Holy Beast System assisted him to build a three-dimensional map and scan all the objects, he noticed a Extraordinarily different things.

The figure moved away in an instant, and saw a stone mask similar to a human face embedded on a sundial.

The human face looked angry, and the places on the sundial that should have been numbers all turned into some strange lines. These lines were similar to hieroglyphs, expressing the appearance of various disasters.

At this time, the pointer on the sundial fell on the area representing the earthquake because of the angle of the sun.

"What the hell is this thing?" Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand to touch it, but found that the sundial has no entity, or what Gu Shanhai found was only its projection, and the real body is not here.

"Let's call it a disaster sundial for now, but what about its body?"

Gu Shanhai can be sure that the disaster in the whole world is caused by this sundial. As long as the pointer on the sundial jumps, it will cause a disaster somewhere.

As for whether it is true or not, Gu Shanhai is still waiting.

As time passed, the shadow on the sundial turned again, slowly moving from the location of the earthquake to the tsunami.

The figure of the disaster sundial also gradually began to blur, perhaps because it is only a projection, where the disaster is, it will go there.

After the disaster sundial completely disappeared, Gu Shanhai also instantly noticed a violent tsunami erupting in a certain sea area.

Naturally, Gu Shanhai also arrived in a short time, but this time, he did not startle the snake, but found this disaster sundial again on a seabed in the deep sea.

Even in the dark seabed, without sunlight, this shadow-like pointer still exists.

"Perhaps, this is its body." Gu Shanhai kept collecting data, and suddenly realized that it wasn't that its body wasn't here, but that its body was a disaster.

"The problem is big, so how should I deal with it?"

Gu Shanhai is keenly aware that every time the disaster sundial causes a disaster, it will make itself grow, and it is just like this, the disaster caused is getting bigger and bigger, even if it can only be triggered once at a time, it does not mean that it is over when it is triggered.

The subsequent troubles are the headaches.

"This thing is a bit like a rule?" Gu Shanhai is actually a little uncertain, and he feels like an enhanced version of a saint and a degraded version of a god.

The ability is very rigid and powerful, and it simply triggers a disaster for a certain period of time.

"A brand new product should be an abnormal product formed by the chaotic and broken rules absorbed by the world at the beginning."

It just feels like an enhanced version of a saint and a degraded version of a god, but in fact it is definitely not, but the sequelae that Gu Shanhai was worried about before.

If a person's fracture is not treated in time, the body's self-healing will contain the original misplaced bone, resulting in pathological changes or wrong recovery.

This is how the disaster sundial was born.

"If I'm not mistaken, the disaster sundial is just the beginning, and there will be more anomalies in the future."

In other words, these anomalies are the evolution of the original mutant regions. Those mutant regions originally relied on the Great Ruins, but now they are absorbed by the world and become substitutes for gods.

It also means that the anomaly in the world is not only the disaster sundial, but more anomalies are being born or dormant.

If it is purely a god, there is still a way to survive, because the gods will not care too much, and these abnormalities are different, they are born with disorder, and more importantly, they have no self. Anyway, this disaster sundial is the virtue , if it is a god, it can also communicate through words and interests to win opportunities. The disaster sundial itself is a dead thing that cannot communicate and has no entity, so it is impossible to interfere.

"We can only use magic to deal with magic." Gu Shanhai actually had some ideas.

Since this thing itself is a rule, let the gods who are also rules take action.

He has two plans, one is to promote Renn from a saint to a god, but it will take time, at least it will not start until the server is closed. The closure of the server means that the world has entered a stable period, and there will be no player influence at that time , a lot less variables.

The second solution is naturally the pool of saints transformed by the saints. Gu Shanhai wants to use this as a starting point to form an existence against these abnormalities. Well, it is just a patch, but it is mixed with private goods patch.

If it is uploaded as a patch under normal circumstances, then these pools will not be biased towards Rennes and the entire civilization itself. After all, whether they are alive or dead, they are actually fighting for the world, so they will be impartial. If you want to use it, you have to mix it with private goods.

The best situation is that the two schemes are implemented together, Renn becomes a god and the saint's water pool becomes a patch to assist. In this way, they can not only successfully suppress these anomalies, but also use and develop them.

During this period, Gu Shanhai naturally gained enough. When Ren became a god, Gu Shanhai was able to peek into the mysteries of a regular life form like a god. The pool of saints became a patch, and Gu Shanhai was able to obtain relevant data about abnormalities in the world.

With these two hands of data, Gu Shanhai can not only make full use of the remains of the God of Fate, but also optimize them to obtain special powers related to abnormalities.

Anomalies have a great negative impact on the world and even civilization, but its destructive ability cannot be denied.

Just like the fading of civilization, Gu Shanhai suspected that some anomaly was causing the trouble, but Gu Shanhai couldn't trace the existence of this anomaly at all, unlike the disaster sundial that has corresponding traces.

If Gu Shanhai acquires the corresponding ability, even if he will be weakened after leaving this world, it will still be a big help.

"It seems that there is still a trace of the disaster sundial." Gu Shanhai watched the pointer on the sundial move from the range of the tsunami to the heavy snow, and then disappeared.

It's just that even if the disaster sundial disappears, the tsunami in the sea area where he is located has not stopped. It triggers a disaster and has a complete process. It doesn't stop when you leave, but it will subside slowly like a tsunami. Not competence, but a real tsunami.

Gu Shanhai also did not follow the disaster sundial to the next disaster site, which was meaningless to him, because he couldn't find a way to deal with the disaster sundial, and he couldn't interfere, and it didn't make sense to follow the past.

"It's also fortunate that the world of Adventure King is relatively large, enough for the entire disaster sundial to be scourge."

In this regard, I can only say that the world is big enough for its waves. If the world is smaller, with the frequency of disasters triggered by the disaster sundial, it is estimated that everyone will have to follow suit.

After learning about the situation, Gu Shanhai naturally returned.

He didn't plan to look for other anomalies, because he couldn't find them at all. He was able to find the disaster sundial, on the one hand, because of the data support, and on the other hand, it was relatively abrupt and was detected by the spiritual sense. Instead, it was other possible anomalies. , there is not even a clue, how can Gu Shanhai find it?

After returning, Ren also noticed Gu Shanhai, so he asked, "Teacher, are you back? Have you found any clues?"

"A kind of existence that I call abnormal." Gu Shanhai briefly summarized his discovery and Rennes.

This made Ren frowned and kept thinking about things in his mind: "That is to say, teacher, do you suspect that the regression of our civilization is caused by an abnormality?"

"That's right, but I can't find it, and maybe you can't find it either." Gu Shanhai spoke very straightforwardly.

"Then you can't sit still, at least you have to work hard. Now the entire civilization has lost a lot of technology, even the text has disappeared by 30%, and the language is about to collapse. If you don't look for it, something will happen sooner or later." Ren is not right now. He is communicating with Gu Shanhai using the original language system of the Adventure King World, but using the player language that Gu Shanhai taught him. This language is not part of human civilization and belongs to outsiders, so its influence is limited.

"How about the players, do you have any corresponding understanding of abnormalities?" Gu Shanhai asked.

"No, I also issued a reward, but it didn't have much effect." Renn had asked the players to help investigate a long time ago, and there were some clues, but after checking, it was confirmed that it was just an oolong incident.

Oolong incidents are also normal, because the number of players is too large.

"Also, the number of players is losing. Teacher, please see if you want to introduce corresponding recovery measures." Renn asked another corresponding question.

"Drainage? Don't worry about it. After losing the adventure land, our production capacity disappeared directly. Coupled with the appearance of abnormalities, I'm afraid it will also affect the production of skill potions, so the loss of players is a good thing for us. "

"The world has been severely overdrawn in the past two years, and it cannot afford to support so many players."

Gu Shanhai naturally knew that players were lost, because the rewards dropped sharply during this period of time.

However, those powerful and high-contribution players did not leave, and those who left were low-contribution players who could not get rewards.

Before he left, he had already started the business of contributing dialogue skills, so some players were naturally preparing to leave early, and they couldn't really delay for this reward.

Of course, this is also Gu Shanhai's way of sending players away in harmony. After the players have exhausted their contribution, they will definitely leave. As for forcibly kicking them out of the world, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the players, and the method must be used correctly.

"Has it reached such a serious point?" Ren knew that each reward was an astronomical amount of resources, but Gu Shanhai provided it in time every time, so he didn't realize it.

"Yeah, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt if you are not in charge. After Daxu leaves completely, the matter will be left to you to handle and you will know the difficulty." Gu Shanhai complained, regardless of how they are equal every time they make a move. Rich, in fact, the whole world is already tight. After four months of rewards and player contributions are exchanged, it is estimated that the resources they can use are only a layer of skin and bones.

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