I Am God!

Chapter 287 Anhofors Bone Demon Transformation Secret Book

In a hidden valley village, Avian raised his head and looked at the sky on the cliff.

When the door of truth opened to Avian again, he knew that God or the will of the door of truth would respond to him.

Avian walked skillfully in the sky.

There was a staircase in the void invisible to ordinary people. He gradually disappeared at a high place and appeared in the dream world.

The world behind the door, in the temple of the God of Truth and Knowledge.

The ghost Polik appeared in person to meet Avian. When he opened his mouth, he was as indifferent as usual, as if ghosts should be like this.

"Your sacrifice has been received by God Asai."


"You are lucky to be able to let the fairy Flotte find the answer for you, but it is also because of your wisdom that you have won such an opportunity. This is what you deserve."

Avian crouched under the temple and did not respond. He knew that Ghost Polik was going to say something more important next.

Sure enough, Ghost Polik told Avian the origin of the Lord of Glory this time.

"The appearance of the Lord of Glory is related to a person from the previous era, named Xiao."

"He is the oldest race. He was once a student of the sages of the first era. He is the high priest under the evil god at the end of the era."

"He escaped the mythical battle at the end of the era. He split everything about himself into several parts. He may be able to retrieve it in the future, or he may never be able to retrieve it again."

Avian received the news that only the Lord of Glory had lost his wisdom, desire, and knowledge, but he did not understand what this was.

As soon as the Gate of Truth received the news, they immediately understood what it meant and what exactly the last epoch had done.

But Avian knew that God Asai and the evil god of the previous era were mortal enemies, and it was God Asai who finally ended the disaster of the evil god: "So?"

"The Lord of Glory is the enemy of God?"

When Avian said these words, he knew what he was expecting.

Ghost Polik: "Avan, what determines a person is his spirituality? Or his wisdom and personality?"

"Or memory?"

Ghost Polik did not wait for Avian to answer, and knew that he would not be able to answer: "At least he is not Xiao now."


"Whether he is the enemy of God Asai is not up to you, nor is it up to me to decide."

"It's up to God Asai to decide."

Avian said quickly: "But that is a mythical door. If God Asai is willing, the Aiweier people and his loyal believers are willing to capture it for him..."

Avian tried from another angle to let the will of the Gate of Truth decide that his appeal was reasonable and let the Gate of Truth end up in the world.

Ghost Polik interrupted Avian and told him.


"Power that does not belong to you has no meaning."

"The abyss appeared because the spiritual door contained power that did not belong to him. It was all because Meld speculated on God's will and looked at the thoughts of God with the ridiculous eyes of mortals."

"God does not need your secret speculations or your fearless devotion."

A flash of expectation just appeared on Avian's face, but he was disappointed again.

Ghost Polik warned Avian again: "Believer Avian, never try to fool the gods or take advantage of the gods."

"Gods can see through everything you think. When God thinks what should be done, oracles and wills will naturally come to you."

"God has already arranged everything."

"All your innermost plans are meaningless."

Although it was the ghost Porick who spoke, it was only the will of the Gate of Truth that really spoke at this moment.

No matter which ghost speaks, they all represent the same will.

The Gate of Truth is just a creation after the path of wisdom, power, knowledge, and mythology. It has no emotions, it is just an artifact.

It collects information and intelligence and then makes the coldest judgment.

What else can Avian say? As a humble mortal, he can only inherit God's will.

He knelt on the ground and saluted with a respectful gesture.

"Then, Lord Porick, the messenger of God."

"Please tell me."

"What is the will of the great Gate of Truth?"

"I hope that all the sacrifices and contributions will be transformed into the answers I want."

Ghost Polik looked at Avian and finally said: "Believer, you are very arrogant."

Avian raised his head, his pupils full of thinking and calmness: "No, I fear God."

Ghost Polik: "But your awe is only because the power of God is beyond your imagination. You only have fear and no respect."

"You fear the sun just because it can destroy everything in an instant."

"But the sun's rays also warm everything in the world."

Ghost Polik didn't say a word. This part of you is very similar to Anhofors.

Avian didn't say anything. Maybe Ghost Polik was right, or maybe if he continued to defend himself, it would become even more difficult to explain.

The two sides were quiet for a long time, and their breath became a little solemn.

Ghost Polik finally agreed to Avian's conditions, and he told Avian: "Avian!"

"You want to get the results you want, and there's only one way to get there."

Avian raised his head and could see his pupils trembling violently.

"any solution?"

Ghost Polik did not care about Avian's feelings and told him directly: "Aren't you already prepared? I just don't know if you are ready to pay the price."

Avian stood stunned for a moment and became lost.

Of course he knew what Porick was talking about, but the price was too high for him to bear.

Ghost Polik: "Everything in this world has a price. It follows the principle of equivalent exchange. Nothing is born out of thin air, and nothing disappears out of thin air."

"Now, you're about to get what you want."

As soon as Porick finished speaking, several things appeared in front of Avian.

Avian received unprecedented gifts, including two books and a magical item.

The names of the two books are "Divine Grace" and "Secret Code of Transformation of the Bone Demon of Anhofors". The name of the magical prop is called the Skull of the Trifoliate Man, which comes from an ancient priest of the Borrick family.

Even in the previous era, these books were enough to be classified as forbidden arts. Divine grace is the core secret technique of the Temple of Truth. As for the "Secret Book of Transformation of Anhofors Bone Demon", it was once a disaster. The secret technique of making bone demons from the third generation of Henir Dynasty.

Ghost Polik told Avian: "The Divine Grace Technique is the key secret technique to enter the fourth level. It allows you to enter the apostle level, but it is only allowed to be used by you alone."

Avian picked up "Divine Grace", first lowered his head, then raised his head and glanced at Polik.

"The secret of becoming an apostle of God?"

His hand was shaking when he picked up the "Divine Grace Technique". To the Snake Man, this was the secret technique of God, something that only the gods could bestow.

"Can I be an apostle of God? Can I use the power of God?"

Polik told him: "Your talent is not enough to allow you to break through the limits of mortals. The third level is the end of your talent."

"You still need external help to reach level four."

Avian immediately looked at the other two things, and he suddenly understood their meaning.

But he stretched out his hand and couldn't pick up the other two things.

He raised his head and looked at Polik, confused.

Polik's face was expressionless: "In exchange for "Divine Grace", the price you paid is actually not enough. This does not meet the requirement of equivalent exchange. However, the Gate of Truth has judged that your plan is beneficial to the gods and has specially given it to you. .”

"And for the latter two things, you have to pay a new price."

Avian: "What price do I have to pay?"

Polik: "Give me my right hand, and God will choose a new one."

"A person...who truly has a heart of awe."

"Not only with fear, but also with respect."

"A person who believes in the truth and also fears the truth."

The first and second generations of the God of Truth and Knowledge were all passively selected. God Asai and the Gate of Truth gradually regained their power through them, but the two of them and the Elvirs also gained to match what they pay in return.

But now, the authority of this god-favored thing will finally be taken back.

It is the mark of the one favored by the gods, rather than a property given and received privately by the Elvir people.

Borrick waved his hand, and two other items floated into the air.

It seemed to be reminding Avian to make a decision.

"The bones of the Ancient One race and the "Bone Demon Transformation Secret Book" are prepared for you. With them, you can become the fourth level."

"Although even if you become the fourth level, it is impossible to clear the abyss. Since the birth of the abyss, no one except the gods at the dominance level can erase it. Even the gods are not willing to touch such filthy things. "

"The most terrifying thing about the abyss is not Meld, but that it has swallowed up countless people's evil thoughts. It has become a carrier to accommodate all evil thoughts."

"It will become stronger and stronger until it engulfs the entire Irwell Peninsula."

The "Secret Book of Bone Demon Transformation" and the Trileaf man's skull rotated quietly, and Borick's voice seemed to be urging Avian.

"But it's enough for you to launch your plan."

Avian understood.

Ghost Polik's words actually have another meaning. The Gate of Truth wants to cut off the connection between Avian and himself.

You can become the fourth level, but you cannot become an apostle of the God of Truth and Knowledge.

Avian raised his head and looked at the ghost Borik, the most loyal messenger of God Asai.

"Looks like."

"It is true that I am not a qualified believer, but this is okay..."

"Lord Porick!"

“Thank you God, and thank you for your continued care for me.

Avian took the thing in front of him, and at the same time, the right hand of Porick, the magical tool in his body, disappeared little by little.


He prostrated himself on the ground and kowtowed one after another.

He is indeed not a devout believer, but for God Asai and Borik.

He is grateful.

Polyk said nothing, watching Avian kowtow, stand up, and leave.

Avian walked to the bottom of the stairs, suddenly turned around and asked.


"Why don't you wake up yet?"

Ghost Polik said lightly: "Do you think a hundred years is long?"

Avian certainly felt that it was very long. For almost all powerful people, it was close to the length of a lifetime.

It is difficult for ordinary snake people to live for a hundred years.

Even if their life span is limited to one hundred and fifty years.

Polik told him: "You have spent decades planning for the city-state of Aiweier. Samos, the mother of all snakes, has waited for a thousand years for the forgiveness of the Lord of Life, and the Lord of Glory has reincarnated in order to retrieve everything he once had. Two hundred and fifty million years."

"Avan, don't be arrogant and use your ideas and angles to speculate on gods."

Avian was speechless.

He felt that the extremely long wait might be just the blink of an eye to God.

He couldn't wait any longer and couldn't wait any longer.

He also finally understood why Polik called him arrogant.

That was not the arrogance of Avian alone, but also the arrogance of all mortals.

As a mortal, he always thinks that he knows what the gods want. He always thinks that everything he does is for the gods, and he adds his own thoughts and will to the gods.

So it was with Avian, so it was with Meld, and so it was with all the people.

Is there anything more arrogant than this in this world?

Avian left here, and this might be the last time he came here in his life.

As a believer.

One ghost after another appeared on the stairs, this was the entire Borrick family.

One of the ghosts said: "Will he become a pawn for us to test Xiao, as planned?"

The second ghost: "Could all this be a trap set by Xiao, or some of his strategies? Is the abyss a means for him to achieve a certain goal?"

"After all, what he is best at is playing these conspiracies."

The third ghost: "Fairy Flotte's words are worthy of belief. She will not deceive us."

"But I don't know where the fairy Flotte got the information from, so I can just be in case."

The fourth ghost: "He will have an 83% chance of falling into the abyss."

Ghost Polik suddenly said: "No, it's 100%."

The other ghosts looked over together: "The calculation of the Gate of Truth is 83%."

Ghost Polik's eyes fluctuated: "Human will and emotions are difficult to predict through calculation."

"He will definitely choose, no doubt about it."


Aiweir village in the valley.

In an ordinary wooden house.

Avian stared at a letter, which was a reply written by his hand from the messenger of the Kingdom of Creation, a fairy named Frodi who claimed to be the messenger of the gods.

Avian had already read it over and over countless times, and the paper had become wrinkled.

Among them, the few sentences about the abyss were marked by Avian, and he pondered them over and over again.

Avian looked at it, and for some reason, he exhaled a long breath.

“Everything has a price, and you must get what you want to pay.”


"Sometimes, some things."

“It’s not one person who pays the price, it’s everyone.”

Avian is indeed different from Shoeburn.

Shoeborn is a man who will never hesitate once he makes a decision. He is a man whose heart is as strong as steel.

Although Avian has been imitating Shoeburn in front of others, his heart is far less determined than Shoeburn.

at this time.

A woman broke in and hurriedly told Avian a piece of news.

"His Majesty Sidi has settled down again and asked you to go over and discuss with him..."

Avian turned around and listened quietly at first.

But after hearing a few words, he suddenly interrupted what the other party wanted to say: "Nia."

Nia stopped and looked at Avian seriously.

She was familiar with Aph'an, and knew that in this situation, Aph'an had something important to say.

She could also see that Avian was caught in a decision at this time.

"If there is such a plan, it can solve our current desperate situation, but many people will die."

Nia said without hesitation: "We could all die for this."

Avian shook his head: "That's not what I was thinking about."

Avian lowered his head, not daring to look into Nia's eyes, and his voice was as low as he was talking in his sleep.

"What I want to ask is, who do I choose to die?"

"Why should I let them die?"

"How should I decide, who should die and who should live?"

Such words may only be said by Avian when facing Nia.

Nia could tell that Avian was under great pressure. His spirit had been tense over the years. She even saw Avian's emotional breakdown several times behind the scenes.

Only at this time can we feel that Avian is not a favored person of God, but a high-ranking chief servant.

Nia approached Avian, she leaned down and looked up at Avian who was looking down.

The Chief Divine Attendant, who couldn't help but lower his head, had to sit up straight and raise his head high.

Only then did Nia speak: "It's not you who chooses to die, Avian!"

"You don't have the qualifications, so don't think too highly of your rights."

Nia's eyes were full of determination: "It's because we are willing to die for you, not because you are the chief divine attendant."

"But because you are Avian."

Avian asked her: "That's it?"

Nia replied: "That's it."

"We know that you are the one who doesn't want anyone to die the most. You are suffering more than anyone else."

"We know better that you are the only one who can save the people of Elvir."

Nia: "If you don't know how to choose, just choose me to die!"

Avian showed a sad smile. He felt that Nia didn't know how terrible things were. He shook his head: "What if the price is more terrible than death?"

Nia suddenly turned sideways, revealing her fair shoulders, which had a tattoo.

"See the lighthouse behind me?"

Avian knew that this lighthouse was the lighthouse of Nia's hometown on the giant island of Ruhe. She had engraved this lighthouse on herself since she left her hometown.

Nia looked at Avian and said: "The lighthouse that we once had is gone, and so is our home."


"You are my beacon."

Nia said loudly: "Even if you have to be the enemy of the gods, I am willing to accompany you."

Nia stretched out her hand to high-five Avian.

It seems that after high-fiving, they can really fight against the whole world.


"What you are talking about is really out of tune."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Avian smiled until tears kept flowing down his face.

They are really unqualified believers, except for gods like Asai who only care about truth and knowledge and equal exchange.

No other god can contain them.

But Avian felt that this was really good.

Some people live to gain strength, some are crazy about pursuing the truth, and some exist for faith.

And they.

Do whatever it takes for your companions.

Avian kept laughing, but Nia stubbornly stretched out her hand, as if she was angry, and Avian would not put it down until he gave her a high-five.


"Then let's go together."

Avian could only hold Nia's hand, his eyes were completely different from before.

And his other hand was clutching the letter.

In the letter, there are his next plans and answers.

He knew a way to solve the problem as early as when he read the forest fairy's letter.

There are two sentences written on the back of the letter.

"If there is no way to destroy the abyss."

"Then it becomes the abyss."

It’s time to have New Year’s Eve dinner later, so I can only write here. I also wish everyone a happy New Year’s Eve and good health.

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