I Am God!

Chapter 310 The Eve of the Battle of Demigods

The city-state of Suinhor.

Meiya City.

In a spacious and clean room in the city lord's palace, young Shana is writing something like a diary or autobiography in a handbook.

Outside the window is the entire Meiya City. From here, you can see all the buildings, as well as the crowds, vehicles, and beasts of burden on the streets, but the noise below cannot be transmitted up.

Here you can quietly enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city without being disturbed by the sound.

The wind blew the curtains.

Shana's pen was constantly dragging, and you could feel that he was writing smoothly.

Although he failed to become a great scholar, he learned a lot about some trends among scholars.

Shana's handbook has been recording what happened since he left his hometown from the beginning. The handbook does not write down every day, but important things are written down every once in a while.

Sometimes I record intermittently, writing one or two sentences a day, and one article for several months.

There will also be some poems written in imitation of other scholars.

first time.

[I have left Yoan Town, and I plan to go to the south to have a look, because I heard people say that Meiya City is the most prosperous city in the south. 】

[There are the best wines in the world and the most beautiful beauties in the world. 】

[By the way, the caravan guards accompanying me said that the princess of Meiya City is the most beautiful person in the world. Although I think calling the daughter of the city lord a princess is a bit excessive, I am still curious about who the most beautiful person in the world is. Kind of. 】

Article 2.

【Oh my god! Today I saw the daughter of the lord of Meiya City. No, she is the princess. I believe that she is the daughter of God and the son of God. 】

[She was so beautiful, with no flaw in her beauty. She stood in front of the window of the castle and looked at the crowds of people below. Her noble posture made me seem to see a goddess who symbolizes beauty, although I have never heard of anyone in the world. A goddess named for beauty. 】

[She saw me, and looked at me for a long time. I could even see the surprise in her eyes; the way she and I looked at each other felt like it was not the first time we met, or a chance encounter on the street. It's about meeting again after parting. 】

【It’s like we are a perfect match. 】

Behind this piece, a few words were written heavily with a pen. The handwriting was so heavy that it even scratched the paper.

【I must get her. 】

The third article is some daily life, as well as Shana's imitative poems.

Article 4.

[A powerful winged demon attacked Meiya City, and I subdued it. My reputation shocked the entire Meiya City. They called me Demon Hunter Shana and Meiya Defender Shana; I will capture The winged demon was given to the city lord's daughter Kashan. I gained the city lord's favor and became the guardian of Meiya City. 】

The fifth and sixth chapters that follow are the story of Shana and the city lord's daughter Kashan, as well as the trivial details of his becoming the security officer of Meiya City.

Article Seven.

[Kashan and I are about to hold a wedding, and the city lord finally recognized me. Although it has been so long and many tests; but I can understand, after all, the city lord only has a daughter like Kashan, and Kashan is the city lord’s heart. If I have such a beautiful and considerate daughter in the future, I will not be willing to marry her to another brat. 】

Next, the brat was crossed out.

[No, he’s a tall, handsome young man. 】

Chapter 10.

[The Lord City Lord has been sick since spring, and has not recovered intermittently. Poor Lord City Lord, the illness has troubled him for a long time. 】

[Although the disease finally took away his life in winter, it also took away his pain. May he enjoy eternal peace and sweet dreams in the kingdom of the gods. 】

Chapter 11.

That is, today, Shana wrote down the recent events in his handbook.

[I became the new city lord of Meiya City, and my beloved wife and I also had our first child. Everything was so incredible. I got everything I wanted after leaving my hometown. My life is So complete and happy. 】

[It must be the gods that the Shana family has believed in and worshiped for generations to protect me and guide me. 】

Satisfied, Shana wrote at the end of this page.

[I am probably the protagonist in the story that everyone longs for and admires! 】

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door behind him, and Shana stood up and immediately put away his notebook.

"come in!"

But before he could speak, the door was opened.

Shana's wife Kashan came in. She smiled and looked at Shana's notebook where she had hidden herself.

I couldn't help but tease him.

"My Lord City Lord, what are you writing again?"

"May I see it?"

Xia Na waved his hand sheepishly: "I didn't write anything."

"There's nothing to see."

It’s not like Kashan hasn’t read it before: “You are a powerful person, a competent security officer, and a qualified husband.”

"But Shana!"

"You don't have the talent of a scholar. God has given you great power and will naturally take away your other talent."

Xia Na was very dissatisfied. He thought his work was pretty good.

But it is only good, and it is not worth mentioning compared with those great scholars.

Shana refused to admit defeat and hugged his recently pregnant wife.

"our children."

"He will definitely become a great scholar, a great writer or poet in the future."

The two happily kissed in front of the window.

Everything seems so perfect, career, love, and future are all so complete.

However, the good times did not last long.

It's like everyone's happiness is constant. If happiness is consumed too much in the first half of life, bad news will follow one after another in the following days.

As the child in his wife Kashan's belly gradually took shape, Shana's wife Kashan fell ill.

My wife's body is getting weaker day by day, but this is not the most troublesome.

As the days passed, the wife's consciousness gradually became blurred, and she began to forget many things, sometimes sober and sometimes confused.

"What disease is this?"

"Have you seen it?"

Shana held his wife's hand in front of the hospital bed and asked the invited doctors for answers.

Several doctors whispered among themselves, and finally gave their answer: "I have never seen such a strange disease."

Another doctor also shook his head: "I don't see any problem at all."

The remaining doctors looked at the beautiful woman on the bed: "The body of the city lord's wife and the child are very healthy, and there is no problem at all."

A doctor who had studied pharmacy in the City of Lights looked at Xia Na and made his own guess.

"Lord City Lord."

"Is this really a disease?"

After hearing what the doctor said, Shana suddenly remembered something strange.

Recently, the strength in him has begun to fade away. It was the strength given to him by his father when he left his hometown to perform the coming-of-age ceremony.

Fourth level spiritual power.

Although there is no fourth-level field or fourth-level puppet, the fourth-level spiritual power is still an extremely powerful method, surpassing the force that ordinary people can think of.

It was with this power that he was able to defeat the Winged Demon.

Only then can he become the security officer of Meiya City, and finally become the city lord of Meiya City.

Xia Na felt that maybe his strength began to fade because he had been away from home for too long, and that his family and father with such powerful power must have more unique powers and methods.


"Our god, Father, was able to grant me such great power."

"He must have a way, there must be other ways."

Shana immediately rushed into the house. He hurriedly wrote a letter and gave it to his guard.

"Send to Yoan Town."

"Leave it to my father in the Shaner family's castle."


Thunder Swamp.

Silverfish Island.

A wizard spirit from the wasteland arrived here.

The island is covered with various plants, and traces of the former villages can only be faintly seen among the dense ferns.

Big trees have grown on the island, and now they are so strong that they need to be hugged by one person.

In the distance are clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist, with a secluded island at your feet and dense vegetation around you.

Standing here is like bathing in the drizzle of early spring, and the whole person becomes pure.

It's impossible to think of the tragedies that happened here.

The snake-man wizard is crawling in the center of the island.

He unfolded the book in his hand, and a truth symbol was projected in the sky.

It's like an eye observing everything around it, collecting all the information here.

"O God of truth and knowledge!"

"Your most faithful believer Sukob has found the place you mentioned, the place where the Creator descended and the origin of the gods."

"The legendary Lost Country has been completely closed. An incident happened here twenty years ago..."

The snake-man shaman Sukobu collected information from everywhere before finally finding this place.

The existence of the Lost Kingdom is so dazzling, and everything that happens on Silver Fish Island is really too strange.


He came too late.

The power of the ghost transformation ritual has long since dissipated, becoming undetectable.

But in the eyes of the gods, other characteristics are more obvious.

It is deeply imprinted on this island.

The mark of mythical life, the trace of the light of original sin.

In the eyes of Asai, the god of truth and knowledge, these traces are like lights in the dark night, so conspicuous.

Anhofors, the man in the bottle, and Asai are all inextricably linked. Their fates, pasts, and powers are intertwined with each other. They are like reflections of the same person in a mirror at different angles.

He discovered the fragments of power left behind by the villain in the bottle, as if searching for a lost part of himself.

The snake-man witch spirit Suk finished praying and waited for the Gate of Truth to finish collecting the data.

at last.

The God of Truth and Knowledge sent down the oracle: "Go and find the fragments of the little man in the bottle."

Light descended from a high place and fell on the snake-man wizard Sukob.


"The Seal of Truth will tell you how to sense the fragments of the little man in the bottle."

At this moment, Asai decided that as long as he could find the fragments of the villain in the bottle that once appeared here, he could catch Xiao's tail.

Sukob didn't understand what the little man in the bottle was. Such a description had never even appeared in the snake man's vocabulary.

Man living in a bottle?

What's this?

He didn't know how dangerous this little man who lived in the bottle had been. It was a mythical life, although its former glory and power had dissipated like smoke, leaving only scattered fragments to prove that it had existed.

Sukob firmly stated that he would fulfill God's will.

It was God who allowed him to walk out of the wilderness, it was God who gave him strength, and it was God who made his poor hometown change.

"The great God of truth and knowledge."

"Everything will go your way."

Asai's servants traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers and spent several years collecting fragments of the little man in the bottle one after another.

The pieces were scattered everywhere, some large and some small.

The truth and divine contract of the little man in the bottle have long been lost, and the deformed eternal life has been shattered along with the bottle, leaving only the light of original sin shining on the fragments.

at last.

Sukob came to the town of Yoan.

This small town is ruled by a family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"The Shana family."

Although the power of wisdom cannot be like the power of life, which can directly feel whether a person is a real life through the rhythm of life, Sukob can also feel the weirdness of this family.

Just like the people in this town.

Moreover, through the authority granted to him by God, Sukob felt that there was also a fragment of the villain in the bottle here.

This fragment has been integrated into a person's body and has become a new prop.

"Is there a fragment of the Lord?"

Sukob instantly understood that he had found the clues and goals that the God of Truth and Knowledge was looking for.

"found it."

"Here he is."

Sukob looked excitedly at the small lake in the distance and the old castle next to the lake.

He traveled to the plains of herding beasts, the land of the rising sun, and all over the city-state.

Passed through tribes, cities and villages.

He finally found the other person.

At this moment, the middle-aged Shana in the castle suddenly felt uneasy. He walked up the stairs to the second floor, walked to the window and looked outside.

But saw nothing.

Where he couldn't see, a mythical door on the edge of the dream world suddenly opened, immersing his power into reality through the dream world.

In a corner of the town.

The snake-man shaman Sukob is performing a ritual to communicate with the gods.

He used himself and the Book of Witch Spirits as the core of the ritual, used rituals to communicate with the dream world, and used spells to call the gods.

The symbol of truth in his hand emitted light, and an invisible extraordinary light turned into a beam of light and connected to the sky.

"The god of truth, the master of books and knowledge, the god of eternal reincarnation."

"I call to you, I pray to you, I ask for your power to come to this world."

The power of the Gate of Truth enveloped the town.

In an instant, the entire town was frozen, and a powerful force acted on everyone, affecting everyone's will.

It can even turn back time and deduce some of the things that happened in this small town.

Although not all, it may not be completely accurate.

But this power is already very magical.

The edge of the city of knowledge within the gates of truth.

Asai and Polik were standing in front of the turbulent sea of ​​knowledge, watching the vast ocean of information surging and converging into a picture.

The two of them saw the appearance of several generations of Shana, saw the underground palace of the Shana clan, and saw the essence of the Shana clan.

Shana's shadow condensed and appeared in front of Asai.

Asai stretched out his hand.

Clicked on the head of the illusory shadow.

In reality, Shana suddenly fell into a trance. He seemed to feel a little tired, and unconsciously leaned against the wall and held his forehead.

he does not know.

Someone read his memory thousands of miles away and a world away.

Asai finally got the information he wanted, and finally caught Xiao's shadow hidden behind the scenes of the world.

"Destined couple."

"One of the arrangements left by Xiao."

Just like Asai's Borik's right hand, and Vivien's Eye of True Knowledge.

Polik asked Asai: "God Asai, can you find it?"

The moment Asai read the memory, Polik also shared it through the Gate of Truth.

Asai replied: "Xiao was very careful. He hid the destined couple. He should have hidden it somewhere in the dream world in some way."

"But Xiao has reached the final step, and it's time to reveal what he has hidden."

"He is about to be resurrected and come back to this world."

Asai's voice was cold: "He wants to become a god."

"Become a demigod and then become a true god."

"Reaching true eternity."

Polik looked at Asai: "But before he succeeds, we have already captured his fate."

Asai looked at Shana and looked at this inconspicuous town of Yoan.

"The reincarnated are fragile."

"Every reincarnation is a reorganization of the origin of life."

"It's about transforming yourself from the ground up, and it's also a test of life and death."

"If an accident occurs at this time, it is irreversible."

"The road to becoming a demigod is so difficult, especially when you are surrounded by enemies."

"He could have completed his last reincarnation quietly, integrating spirituality, wisdom, desire, and knowledge into one, and finally obtained the demigod status he wanted."

"If it weren't for Xiao's plan to use my mother against me, I wouldn't have been able to discover his flaw so quickly."

"Things like trump cards."

"Once someone discovers it in advance, it is a fatal weakness."

Xiao's idea is not wrong. There is a weakness to control Asai, who poses the greatest threat to him.

If it is taken out at the most critical moment, the unprepared Asai will overturn on the spot, leaving Xiao to handle it.

But if the trump card is discovered in advance, it will be completely different.


The more you do it, the more carefully you think about it.

Instead, you end up failing the more you do.

Under Asai's gaze, Shana's image keeps changing.

Shana's body became a string puppet, with white silk threads extending from his body, connecting to unknown places.

Shana's body gradually became transparent, revealing the props he had integrated into his body.

at last.

Fixed on a prop between his eyebrows.

Asai looked at this prop with a complicated expression.

"The man in the bottle."

"The Heart of Original Sin."

What did he do with this prop?

He did not control Shana, nor did he take away the item.

Because this is very likely to alert the destined partner and discover that something has gone wrong.

Instead, he strengthened the Heart of Original Sin item.

All the fragments of the villain in the bottle found by Asai's servant, the wizard Sukobu, were gathered together and integrated into the prop in Shana's body.

The props were re-refined by the alchemist from the fragments of the villain in the bottle. Shana's own despair and destiny were integrated into it.

The Heart of Original Sin became more powerful, and the serial number ranking on the Cup of God instantly moved forward by several places.

You must know that the further you go, the difference in strength doubles and rises.

The further you go, the more terrifying the differences become.

[Magical Item·Heart of Original Sin]

【Serial number 20】

[Ability 1 Ghost Form: The owner can transform into a ghost form, ignoring all physical attacks; the duration is defined according to the power possessed. 】

[Ability 2 Soul Seizing Hand: The owner can destroy the wisdom and consciousness of others, and randomly take away other people's will, spirit, and memory; every time the Soul Seizing Hand is used, there is a certain chance of enhancing this item. 】

[Ability 3: Body of Original Sin: When the owner continues to enhance this item through the soul-stealing hand, he can gradually complete the heart of original sin and obtain the body of original sin. 】

After doing all this, the power that shrouded the town of Yoan completely disappeared.

Everything returned to normal and no one noticed what happened.

And this time.

Someone came from afar riding an earthly dragon and broke into the town of Yoan.

A letter was delivered to the castle, and was delivered by the maid in the castle to the head of the Shana clan.

Middle-aged Shana quickly finished reading the letter.

There was no expression on his face, but the hand holding the letter held it tightly, so hard that he almost tore it open.

After a long time, he let out a long breath.




He said it three times in a row, his tone getting stronger each time.

"We're waiting."

The middle-aged Xia Na entered the underground palace that had already collapsed and allowed the dense threads in the underground palace to rush into his body.

I confessed some things and made preparations as if I would never come back.

at last.

He left Yoan Town and headed towards Meiya City.

That is the final place, the final destination that Shana and the Kamon clan are heading for.

Within the gate of truth.

Asai and Polik looked at Shana's leaving figure with cold eyes.

"Good show."

"It's about to begin."


The kingdom of blood in the deep sea.

The ritual spell array in front of the Temple of Truth directly communicated with the abyss and summoned a skeletal monster.

The door of the abyss opened, and a huge bone hand held the door,

At the other end, a tall skeletal monster with flames came out and stood in front of the Temple of Truth.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

"Foolish mortal! The abyss responds to your..."

However, after coming out, the skeleton monster suddenly felt something was not right.

It realized that it did not seem to be in the mortal world. There was the sea above its head, and the shadows of deep-sea animals could be seen wandering around.

A huge blood-colored barrier shrouded the country, and a dark lighthouse illuminated the bottom of the sea.


more importantly.

A group of three-leaf symbionts in the form of gods stared at the monster, frightening it to death.

It can feel the power of these beings in front of it, as well as the strange power in their bodies that is completely different from the wisdom and power.

The skeleton monster has flames flickering in its eyes, and it is as intelligent as the snake man.

"This is where?"

The skeleton monster raised its head and looked at the figure in the Temple of Truth.

"Who are you?"

"I am the lower-ranking abyss guard of the fourth legion of the Demonic Fire Abyss. My master is the king of the abyss, Avian, the Lord of the Demonic Fire Abyss."

The demigod on the throne of flesh and blood looked at the little skeletal monster and gave it an answer.

"The First Ancestor of Blood."

The skeleton monster seems to have heard of this name. After all, the abyss monster has accepted sacrifices many times over the years and knows a lot of news about the giant island of Ruhe.

After thinking for a long time, it finally realized what the Blood Ancestor meant, and it fell apart on the spot and lay on the stone slab.

This second-level monster looked at the existence on the throne of flesh and blood in shock, and after smacking its mandibles, it asked a syllable.


It thought it had encountered a beautiful thing and someone called it to go to the world.

Unexpectedly, the person who summoned him turned out to be a god.

It just stupidly slipped into the kingdom of another god.

The red-haired demigod straightened up, looking a little lazy.

But under her gaze, the skeletal monster was trembling.

"Have you participated in the Battle of the Abyss more than a hundred years ago?"

Vivien has been investigating things about Xiao in recent years. On the one hand, she is tracing the events that happened on Silver Fish Island and the source of the group's modified memory.

On the other side, other rumors about mythical power were also investigated. With the emergence of the abyss, monsters repeatedly appeared on the giant island of Ruhe, and a strange rumor also appeared among some cult groups.

In the rumors.

There is a mythical door in the abyss.

The Abyss Guard is a second-level monster and can be considered a backbone monster in the abyss.

And this monster had followed the King of Bone Demons into the Black Mud Abyss, so it answered immediately.

"O great god!"

"I've been in that fight."

Vivien became interested, and after searching for so many monsters, she finally found a reliable one.

"It is said that there once was a mythical door in the Black Mud Abyss. Have you seen it?"

The skeleton monster thought for a moment, nodded and said.

"I have seen."

"But that door is no longer in the Black Mud Abyss. It was taken away by a powerful sky envoy."

"That door originally fell from the Kingdom of the Gods, and after it hit the earth, an abyss appeared."

The existence of the Mythical Gate was confirmed, and it was even confirmed that the appearance of the Abyss was related to the Gate.

Vivien probably already had a clue in her mind.

After all, there were only two people in the previous era who could become gods and master the methods to become gods.

"Do you know who that mythical door belongs to?"

Faced with a god, the skeleton monster dare not hide anything and tell everything he knows.

"Lord of Glory?"

"God of Twilight?"

Vivien asked directly: "The name of the core god."

The skeleton monster suddenly recalled: "God of West Asia, yes, I once heard the call of the king of the black mud abyss during the battle of the abyss."

"God of West Asia."

"It's the God of West Asia."

Vivien read the name again: "Xia!"

Then she read these two words in the language of the three-leaf people, and a familiar name appeared in Vivien's mouth.


Vivien completely confirmed that Xiao was the so-called Lord of Glory and the God of West Asia.

"Spiritual Gate!"

"Sure enough, Xiao is reincarnated, and he is regaining everything he once had."

"What will he do next?"

Vivien is the demigod of life, although she knows about reincarnation and some concepts of the path of wisdom.

But that was what she learned from her teacher Lan En, and she didn't know what the specific path to wisdom was.

So she didn't know how to become a wise demigod.

But she knew that Xiao must have survived through reincarnation.

And he must have accumulated enough now.

Vivien stood up from the throne of flesh and blood, and she walked down step by step from the height.

"He has found the missing piece of his crown in Hinsey, and now he should be seeking his final reincarnation."

"He is probably gestating in the body of a mortal somewhere now."

"He's about to reappear in the world."

Vivien dropped her foot, and the skeletal monster in front of the temple was instantly wiped out.

These monsters are depraved beings, they are crazy and bloodthirsty, and they are hopelessly pursuing the darkest power.

Vivien issued an order for all the three-leaf symbionts and even King Suinhor to start looking for traces of Xiao.

"We have to find him, he shouldn't be back in this world."

And this time.

Master Briman, the three-leaf symbiote responsible for tracking down another line, finally has a sequel.

Unlike Asai's pursuit of the fragments of the villain in the bottle, Briman is investigating the Kamon clan based on the rule of manipulating and modifying memory.

He has been tracking the Kamon clan for so many years. He already knows the name Kamon, and he also guesses that Kamon is not the name of a person, but the name of a group of special and special beings.

He collected clues everywhere and looked for traces of these weird people.

he inquired.

The last place where these weird people appeared was a village outside Meiya City.

But then, no matter how much he checked, he couldn't find it.

The other party is here, completely disappeared.

There is no follow-up.

Standing in this village where a group of people had changed, Briman looked confused.

"Why is it missing?"

at last.

He turned to look at another city at the end of the sky - Meiya City.


Dream world.

The door to spirituality.

The vast sea of ​​spirituality surges within the Gate of Myth, as if something outside the world is calling and attracting them.


The spiritual power rushes down through the door of myth, leaving the dream world and entering reality.

Somewhere a door opened.

This is a door to the birth of life, an entrance to reincarnation.

The surge of spiritual power is flowing there.

An unprecedented ceremony, a ceremony that has been prepared for 250 million years, is about to begin.

The spiritual door gradually turned into an empty shell.

But sometimes the personality of this mythical gate is more important than power. It is the proof of demigods and the characteristics of demigods.

Duma arranges spiritual reincarnation, she obeys the will and will of God.

She didn't know what was ahead. She was just doing what an apostle should do. The Kamon clan did not tell her any more information. She was only responsible for spiritual reincarnation.

"Lord of Glory."

"It's really coming."


Her father will be resurrected in this world.

She was looking forward to it, but also a little uneasy.


"What exactly is it like?"

Duma suddenly felt something in front of the spiritual door. She turned her head and saw the depths of the dream world.

Something there suddenly burst into light, shining like a star.

Duma looked far into the distance.

One of the entities that radiates light is an ancient stone slab, on which is carved a stone carving of a pair holding a string, which is wrapped in a colorful bubble.

Densely packed lines extend down from inside the bubble.

The other end.

Connect to the unknown.

Duma had seen it before. It was a magical tool, the fateful couple.

The other thing's light is much weaker, and it is also wrapped in a bubble.

A small pottery doll in the shape of a three-leaf man, with a lifelike face.

Duma has never seen this thing before, and the style and color of this pottery doll are less like the style of the three-leaf man and more like the style of the goblin.

"what is that?"

The light was fleeting, but it meant that these two items were completely activated.

Xiao's last resort.

Finally started.

It seemed that Xiao's spirituality and instincts also felt the crisis, or that everything was ready to start at this moment.

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