I Am God!

Chapter 313: I really want to be a real god!

The sky was torn in two, and a huge narrow vortex swirled in the sky, presenting an oval shape.

The eternal darkness of the dream world is like a big mouth devouring the present world, pulling all living beings into eternal sleep; it is also like a deep eye watching the world, no one knows whether the eyes are cold or pity.


The mythical gate fell from the sky like a bolt of lightning, and the powerful spiritual pressure directly crushed the entire City Lord's Mansion into flat ground.

Hundreds of big snakes and feathered snakes have become more active and powerful under the power of the myth gate, and the size of several feathered snakes is growing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it grew from a few meters to more than ten meters.

This is not the concept that the length is several times longer. In fact, it feels that it is at least dozens of times larger.

But on this battlefield, they are still just tentacles to maintain the field and the demigod kingdom, and the inconspicuous cornerstone of the stable field.

The door melted into Xiao's body with light and marks, and finally stood behind Xiao, sitting on the ground.

Xiao's strength and his own existence underwent a qualitative change in an instant.

Xiao's field and kingdom have become stronger.

He stands under the door of spirituality, bathed in white holy brilliance.

The power of myth is on display.


The bloody demon waved the scepter and bombarded Xiao's kingdom heavily.

The spiritual gate, which had shown its might just now, was crumbling, and the kingdom shrouded in holy radiance also shook violently.

The sea of ​​blood set off a huge wave and slapped towards Xiao.

Xiao and his spiritual door are like a boat in a huge wave, looking shaky.

But the reality is.

Xiao looked very calm, but the bloody demon was extremely anxious.

Xiao has merged with the spiritual gate, and in Vivien's eyes, he has become a demigod.

Even if Blood Patriarch Vivien destroyed his field kingdom, even if he tore down the spiritual gate, it would only erase his power.

Can't really kill him.

After becoming a demigod, there is no such obvious weakness as a reincarnated person.

No matter how much damage is suffered, even if the most serious situation occurs, it is only a temporary loss of strength.

He will eventually be reborn on the other servants of the Lord of Radiance, and it will take some time to regain his strength.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, are you afraid of waiting a little longer?

It is extremely difficult to kill a god, far more difficult than killing mythical props like the villain in a bottle.

at least for now.

No one has yet known how to actually kill a wise demigod, and no wise demigod has ever fallen.


Vivien was extremely annoyed, and the bloody demon also let out a furious roar following her state of mind.

She can understand Asai's choice, but she can't accept Xiao becoming a demigod.

The bloody demon struck again, and the scepter directly penetrated Xiao's kingdom.

Xiao immediately opened the door of spirituality, preventing the scepter from continuing to descend.

Countless feathers flew out from the spiritual gate, and the whole world became sacred and dreamy.

Feathers fluttered in the air, gradually turning into shadows of sky angels one after another.

The bright holy light swept across the sea of ​​blood, and the whole world turned white for a short time.

"I made it."

"You can't kill me, Vivien."

Shaw called Vivien by her first name.

At the same time, he released all the big snakes and feathered snakes he had created.

As long as a feathered snake escapes, they will all become their tentacles on the Luhe Continent.

The densely packed snakes rushed around and were immediately swallowed by the sea of ​​blood.

"He wants to escape."

"Don't let them escape."

"These are the servants of the wisdom demigod, and can also be regarded as the carrier of the incarnation of the wisdom demigod."

The three-leaf symbionts appeared on the sea of ​​blood, killing Xiao's big snake, and puppets made of white feathers.

the other side.

Feathered snakes flew into the distance under the cover of light, rushing towards the sky and clouds.

These are the key points and also Xiao’s purpose.

The blood-colored demon opened its eyes, and blood light and shadows shot out from the eyes, directly annihilating the clouds in the sky.


A harsh sound like an alarm came from the sky, and feathered snakes were killed directly.

But at this time Xiao actually took the initiative to launch a counterattack, directly controlling the spiritual gate to hit the bloody god and demon.

The bloody demon reacted quickly.

He turned over his hand and directly pressed the flying mythical door on the ground, and waved the scepter with the other hand and knocked on the door.

The loud bang was heard dozens of miles away, and even a corner of the spiritual door was smashed into pieces.

Xiao watched the feathered snake that escaped last disappear into the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and he knew that his goal had been achieved.

At least.

He has left an incarnation carrier on the giant island of Ruhe.

It's just that Xiao didn't notice.

The originally pure white spiritual door behind him is gradually being dyed black from the lowest level.

Center on himself.

Seeing that gigantic god and demon swinging the scepter again, it was furious to tear itself apart.

Xiao calmly said to Vivien.


"This is the end of the matter, you should accept the outcome of failure."

"You should restrain your emotions and think about how to deal with the next step."

"If you want to kill me, you should prepare for the next step to really kill me."

"Instead of expressing your emotions with anger."

"That's just weakness."

Xiao stared at Vivien and talked about the past.


"You are the sage of truth, you are Lan En's student, and you are a three-leaf priest who represents the truth and the will of the saints."

"I also taught you the magic class, I told you once."

"Sense is something a priest must have."

Xiao spread his hands and shook his head.

"look at you."

"Totally dazzled by hatred, utterly utterly irrational."

The voice of the blood-red god and demon resounded between heaven and earth: "You madman, do you still dare to talk about the past?"

"You also know that you are the teacher of the Temple of Truth?"

"You also know that you used to be the priest of the Sanye people?"

The huge force of the bloody god and demon directly cracked the ground layer by layer, and squeezed the base of the spiritual door directly into the ground.

And the scepter waved down again, directly knocking a doorpost of the spiritual door open.

The sea of ​​blood eroded and slapped again, and Xiao's field kingdom shrank again.

The blow suffered by the spiritual gate also caused Xiao to suffer heavy injuries, and his figure looked much weaker.

In this face-to-face situation, he who has lost his flexibility and mobility is no match for the demigod of life power.

But Blood Patriarch Vivien couldn't completely kill him, and could only severely weaken him.


"You killed the teacher, have you never felt guilty?"

"You killed so many people, you destroyed the Temple of Truth."

"Those are your peers, your students, they've lived with you for decades."

"They regard you as a friend, as an elder, as the most trustworthy and reliable person."

these people.

Including Vivien herself.

The bloody demon made another attack, and Xiao poured his power into a big snake.

The big snake immediately swelled to hundreds of meters and wound towards the bloody demon, blocking the movement of the bloody demon.

But the bloody demon turned around and immediately grabbed the big snake, tearing it into two pieces.

Xiao Yuan kept making shots.

A large number of magical puppets were created to harass the blood-colored gods and demons, making Vivien the blood patriarch extremely annoyed.

When Xiao heard Vivien mention his teacher, his eyes that had been observing the sea of ​​blood and analyzing the power of the blood-colored god and demon also changed slightly.

For the first time, he explained to others why he did what he did in the first place, and for the first time told others about his psychological process.


"This is not an entanglement, let alone a love-hate relationship."

"It's a different path."

"We're looking for different things, we want to reach different destinations."

Xiao and Vivien talked while fighting, and their fighting styles were completely different.

One side opens and closes, and the other side complexly manipulates various puppets and performs ever-changing magic.

Although it seemed that Xiao was being beaten passively, he was extremely embarrassed at the moment.

But in Xiao's view, Vivien was just powerlessly venting her anger.

The moment he ascended to the god position, he won.

Winning or losing does not depend on the situation.

It depends on who can achieve the goals and plans.

He succeeded in ascending to the throne, but Vivien failed to kill him.

He is the winner at the moment.

He got what he wanted, and he is about to pursue the end point he once wanted.

"I killed the teacher not because I hated him, but because I respected him."

A nostalgic expression appeared on the face of someone like Xiao, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The figure in the sage's robe appeared in front of him.

The opponent's god puppet is a sugar crystal giant wearing a ointment hat, which looks a little funny, and he himself is as humorous as his own puppet.

That was a picture from a long time ago.

Lian Xiao himself is so young in the picture.

The teacher stood on the shoulders of the puppet of divine grace and set off towards the distance. Their purpose was to transform the ritual temple, so that the power of rituals and miracles could benefit more Sanye people.

The young Xiao curiously looked at the puppet of divine favor, and recorded the special features of the puppet of divine favor.

He seems to have always been full of planning when doing things, no matter what he does, everything is in order.

This also makes Xiao look like a dull stone, completely different from his teacher Lan En.

The teacher thought it was not good for him and wanted to make fun of him.

The teacher told him a joke when he was a child, but Xiao didn't have any smiley faces, and he didn't understand what was so funny about it.

The teacher was a little helpless: "Your name is Xiao, why can't you see a smile on your face?"

Xiao's name means laughter in the language of the Sanye people.

Xiao looked up and stared at his teacher.


"has no meaning?"

He felt that it was just a meaningless expression, a way to please others and gain favor.

The teacher told him: "Because of happiness."

Shaw feels that this behavior can be analyzed: "Happiness is just the satisfaction of getting what you want."

The teacher asked him, "Didn't you get what you wanted?"

Shaw's answer at the time was: "I don't want many things, but it's hard to get."

The memory was only a short moment, and he immediately returned to reality.

Xiao's words did not pause at all, he stared at Vivien and said.

"I respect him a lot."

"Even if it's now."

"But I have reasons to have to kill him. Only by killing him can I get what I want."

The bloody demon became even more angry.

There is nothing more disgusting than speaking out the evil deeds of killing one's teacher in such a high-sounding manner.

Xiao put everything behind him, ignored everything around him, and ignored Vivien's reaction.

Talk about everything about yourself.

He opened his arms and turned around to look at everything around him.

He looked at the earth, the sky, the sea of ​​clouds.

There are also stars far away in the sky, invisible at this moment but still there.


"Compared with this vast world, we are so small and ignorant."

"We don't know how big the sea is, we don't know how big the land is, and we don't know what lies beyond."

"We are just one of thousands of Sanye people. We are pretentious, but the fact is that it is so inconspicuous in this world."

"But we, who are so insignificant, shine with wisdom and have endless possibilities."

"Because we have wisdom, we can change our insignificance."

"Because we have wisdom, we can break our ignorance."

Xiao's voice became louder: "This is the meaning of our existence."

His eyes sparkled.

Only at this moment, only at the moment when he became a god, did he feel that his life had color.

He held the future, held the infinite possibilities.

He has a long life, and he can chase the endless unknown to his heart's content.

Xiao then said to Vivien, "Vivien, we are pursuing different things."

"All you want is the Sanye people, you can only see the feet."

"Emotion is just the drive to go after a goal."

"Race is but a pawn in advancing civilization."

"Civilization is a tool used to pursue higher things."

Xiao's voice was full of arrogance, as if he was despising everything in this world, and all the Sanye people who used to be.

"But you, take these as everything."

"Your vision is too narrow, and your heart cannot contain this world, nor can it hold the endless sea of ​​stars."

"But what we can do is far beyond our imagination."

"We can surpass our predecessors, we can break the boundaries of life, and we can even become immortal gods."

"We can do more incredible things."


"That's why the Creator created us. He gave King Ladricky the infinite possibilities he gave us."

"The Creator looks down upon us from beyond this world, and He expects us to create this infinite possibility."

"Why was the Creator disappointed? Why did he abandon us and choose this era to create a new intelligent species."

Xiao looked at Vivien as if looking at a fool.

"Because we ourselves have given up on that possibility."

"Because your vision is so narrow."

Vivien didn't want to listen to Xiao's words. The more she listened to them, the more bored she became. She didn't like such lunatics.

"Race has never been a pawn, and civilization is not a tool."

"This is not the will of the saints."

"This is not the reason why the Temple of Truth was established."

"We built the Temple of Truth just for the sake of civilization and for everyone to live a better life."

"And Xiao you."

"He is a person who only has his own eyes."

"Any high-sounding reason can't cover up your crime."

Xiao straightened his chest, and looked at the terrifying blood-colored demon from above: "I never hide my crimes, and I don't care about them."


"Just want what I want."

Vivien was furious: "Shut up."

The bloody god and demon then waved the scepter, this time bursting out with power beyond the previous one, directly hammering the spiritual door into the ground.

A huge deep pit appeared.


At the same time, successive crisp sounds came from the spiritual door.

A large number of cracks appeared on the spiritual door, even extending to the two doors, cracking along with the lines of the path of wisdom.


Strange things happened.

Cracks appeared on Xiao's mythical body, which is unusual.


Xiao immediately sensed something was wrong.

He immediately wanted to repair and transfer the injury on his body, but found that it could not be repaired at all.

He was not going to entangle with Vivien anymore, and his consciousness wanted to descend on the servant.

But he found that he couldn't do it.

He can neither transfer the damage to another place, nor can he escape the distant servant as an avatar to a distant place.

It seemed that Xiao had tried many times, but from Vivien's eyes, it seemed that Xiao was just in a daze.

Xiao thoroughly discovered the problem.

He turned his head to look at the spiritual door, and found the blackness spreading upwards from below.


The original spiritual light suddenly changed color, and the light of original sin appeared on the spiritual door.

The entire spiritual door changed from white to black, and the terrifying light of original sin shot out from the door and spread to the distance.

Even Vivien was stunned by this sudden change.

The blood-colored demon also stopped moving for an instant.

Vivien didn't understand: "What happened."

But at this moment, she suddenly remembered the words Asai said before.

"He's going to die."

"Either life is better than death."


dream world.

A brand new prop appeared on the God's Cup, and quickly crossed the leaderboard to the forefront.

The source of the power of the dream, and the light shines on the supreme artifact.

Lines of words flowed slowly by.

A passing fairy just happened to see this scene, and saw the rapid reorganization of the serial number ranking of the props.

The fairy was originally going to the land bestowed by the gods, but she stopped immediately when she saw this scene.


"A new prop is released?"

The fairy in the forest was very curious, but she didn't feel like she was looking at the leaderboard when she spoke.

More like shopping.

After reorganizing the chaotic text for a long time, it finally stopped.

[Divine Artifacts Original Sin God]

[serial number 5]

[Ability 1 Blood of the Evil God: The Evil God of Original Sin can create his own followers and endow them with powerful power. 】

[Ability 2 Incomplete Immortality: The Evil God of Original Sin possesses the ability of immortality, he cannot die naturally; Die instantly. 】

[Ability 3: The Gate of Original Sin: The door that fell from the mythical gate of wisdom and demigods. It lost its original strength, personality, and characteristics, and was polluted by original sin...]

[Ability 4 The Law of Original Sin: ………………]

The fairy in the forest carefully looked at the above text, but found that the other party did not fully reveal it to herself.

As the envoys of the gods, the fairies still have very high authority in the dream world. Generally, only mythical props and special props will refuse to show them all the information.

"Serial number 5?"

"Mythical props?"


Meiya City.

In the center of the sea of ​​blood, a huge mythical gate slowly turned black.

Standing under the door of mythology, Xiao also suddenly understood what happened.

There was a problem with his reincarnation.

He didn't reincarnate into any new life at all, he reincarnated into the inside of a prop.

This resulted in him not becoming a demigod at all, but a mythical prop.

"Who did it?"

"How did you do it?"

"How to deal with it?"

This was Xiao's first thought, instead of fear and panic like ordinary people.

He thought through the first two questions in just a moment.

The only ones who could deal with him and wanted to deal with him were Asai and Vivien.

And judging by Vivien's appearance, A Sai should have done this.

As for how the other party did it, A Sai was not surprised at all when he knew that his mother was in Xiao's hands. Xiao knew that he knew his plan a long time ago. He found his reincarnation carrier in advance, and then put The reincarnated body of oneself has become a magical prop; the reason why the conspiracy is called a conspiracy is that once exposed to the sun, it will fail.

The last question is the most troublesome, and it can even be said to be unsolvable.

How to deal with this situation?

There is no way to deal with it.

Becoming a prop in reincarnation is equivalent to polluting one's innate spirituality and wisdom. The difference between a wisdom seed and a prop is that a life will derive its own spirituality and wisdom at the beginning of its birth.

Even if mortals are not talented enough, they can reach the threshold with the help of the gift of power or the way given by the gods like Xiao, and then get rid of these impurities through reincarnation later, and ascend to the position of god.

But everything about props does not belong to me.

It doesn't even have a shred of intelligence and spirituality to roll in the first place, which is why they're called props.


There is a difference between mythical props and common props.

Mythological props have real wisdom, because they use the four-point secret technique of divine grace to create a body, and then let the wisdom and consciousness born by themselves not be affected by other chaotic blood, just like manipulating tools with consciousness, and Not all the power possessed by a demigod is an extension of one's own flesh and blood, and is intimately related to one's own origin.

But just like the little man in a bottle.

The bodies they created prevented their true consciousness and wisdom from being polluted by the huge plundered divine blood, but the consciousness of the mythical props really disappeared when the bottle was smashed.

"no solution anymore."

Xiao's high-speed running consciousness and wisdom suddenly gave such an answer.

This means that Xiao has disappeared.

And there is a new prop in the world.

In the middle of the sea of ​​blood and the huge waves, Xiao Jiujiu stood in front of the deep mythical gate.

What came after 250 million years was just the ending like a villain in a bottle.

The expression on his face was stagnant for a long time.

Count a thousand steps, prepare ten thousand steps, only one step short will succeed.

But just lost this last step.

Speaking of it, after all, it was because of insufficient strength and talent that he could only take this conspiracy path.

With things like conspiracy, there will always be various accidents.

"If I have enough strength, if I have unrivaled talent."

"If you can crush everything upright."

"Is it just..."

Xiao suddenly thought of this topic, and a strong unwillingness welled up in his heart.

But at this time, it is completely meaningless to say these things.

Xiao put an end to this conjecture like a defeated dog, held his head high, and looked in the direction A Sai was going away.

Although he lost, he didn't feel that he had lost to anyone.

In the encirclement and suppression of the sea of ​​blood and gods and demons.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, making a contemptuous sound.

"whispering sound!"

"It's really only a little bit close!"

His gaze still reveals the fanatical longing.

It was an indelible flame of dreams that had been burning for 250 million years, and it was the path he had pursued all his life.


"I really want to be a real god!"

Although Blood Patriarch Vivien took a while to react, she was also an existence who had fought against the villain in the bottle.

She also saw the problem with Xiao.

Xiao has become a mythical prop and another villain in a bottle.

Vivien looked at Xiao.

The expression was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.



"Is this what you're after?"

After chasing to the sky, A Sai, who finally caught the shooting star, also turned his head at this time and looked in the direction of Meiya City.

The phantom of the Gate of Truth stands in the sky, leading a meteor to land.

The boy with the cane took off his hat: "Xiao!"

"How would you choose?"

"Is it death? Or is life better than death?"

Xiao couldn't answer, but A Sai chose to answer by himself.

"I bet you choose to live rather than die."

Becoming a prop, can never be such a thing as a god again.

It is unbearable to sacrifice everything, kill the teacher and former companions, sacrifice the most loyal servant, and reincarnate for 250 million years just to pursue becoming a god Xiao.

Anyone but the truly lunatic and the perfectly sane faced such an ending.

I am afraid that I can be overwhelmed by this failure in an instant.

But A Sai felt that Xiao would not, he never cared what the process was like.

Just as he said.

I only want what I want.

A Sai withdrew his gaze, opened the door of truth to welcome the falling meteors in the sky, and then put on his hat again.

"If life is worse than death and you can't block what you want, then keep playing!"

Xiao, Asai, Vivien.

This is the grievances and entanglements of the three generations of students in the Temple of Truth, but no matter whether they win or fail, they cannot go back to the past.

This is a nightmare belonging to three people.

There are no winners.

But Vivien on the other side didn't want to play this never-ending game with Xiao, and didn't want to reincarnate in this never-ending nightmare.

She just wanted to kill Xiao.

Then wholeheartedly explore the Sanye people, their new era and new era.

Under her control, the Scarlet God Demon made another move.

The blood can gather into rays of light, turning the sky red.

The scepter pierced the sky and fell down.

"Fall into a nightmare!"

"Together with your sins, die forever!"

As long as the body of the evil god of original sin is broken, the body that holds Xiao Xiao's consciousness is broken.

He really died.

It's like a villain in a bottle who curses powerlessly after losing the bottle.

He doesn't have demigod attributes, he's just a consciousness imprisoned in a prop.

at this time.

Another of Shaw's least-wanted backhands emerged.

The power of darkness spread from under his feet, and the blackness instantly engulfed the ground, blocking the sea of ​​blood.

An entrance to the sinful land appeared below Meiya City.

The entrance to the abyss opened.

The boundless black mud poured out, and the will of the abyss manifested.

Together with the power of the mythical gate, it even withstood the fatal blow of the bloody god and demon.

Even a demigod of life power like Vivien would not want his original power to be contaminated with such filth, the curse of thousands of people.

The black mud abyss appeared under the feet.

The densely packed monsters look up to the sky from the abyss, their eyes are burning with the flames of greed and killing, but they cannot cross in because of the boundary of the abyss oath.

The temple of glory after corruption and pollution gradually rose from the black mud.

In the abyss.

An eight-winged fallen sky angel with half black and half white wings appeared.

The Fallen Sky Envoy gradually walks out of the darkness and embraces the light in the sky.

She knelt in front of the filthy temple and raised her head to pray to the "god" in the world.

There are emotions in the eyes that ordinary people cannot understand.


"I've been waiting for you for a long, long time, I really have been waiting for you for a long, long time."

"You are finally back."

The queen of the abyss, Melde, came to rescue him. She stretched out her hand and aimed at the door and Xiao standing in the world.


"This is your country, the country I prepared for you."

Xiao stood on the ground.

Above is death, below is the abyss.

No matter how he chooses, he is doomed to lose his future.

But as long as he falls into the abyss, no one can easily kill him with the help of the power and protection of the oath of the abyss; what's more, the origin of the abyss is his spirituality, which was formed by swallowing countless winged people and snake people.

He can obtain eternal life in the abyss, but this is not the future he pursues.

at last.

He watched the blood-colored demon explode with power again, and even all the three-leaf symbiotics rushed forward, and the sea of ​​blood set off a huge wave of tens of feet, trying to smash him into pieces and submerge him completely.

Facing the bloody surrounding the whole world, Xiao suddenly burst out laughing.


"It's ridiculous."

He played with everyone as props and pawns, with a lofty layout.

But he didn't expect that he would end up as a prop in the end.

Melde, a woman who almost dragged him into eternal darkness, a true believer in blasphemy, finally became his life-saving straw and the helping hand he had to choose.

Then Xiao sighed helplessly, turned around and strode towards the abyss.

His expression became indifferent little by little, as cold as a machine.

Failure is not terrible.

As long as you don't lose everything, even if there is only a sliver of obsession left, you must keep pursuing it.

Whether it is 250 million years or 2.5 billion years.

This is Shaw's credo.

"I'm Xiao!"

"The god who created the abyss."

As his voice echoed in the abyss, the gate of myth fell towards the abyss.

This time he was active and truly integrated with the other party.

All abyss monsters can hear Xiao's oath.

"I will bring the supreme law of mythology to all abyss species, which is the law of original sin of the abyss."

Xiao walked down step by step, and the abyss was undergoing drastic changes every step he took.

"I am above all evil!"

"I am the beginning of all sins!"

"It's the root of all evil!"

"I am the will of the abyss!"

"The God of Original Sin."


The will of the abyss turned into a mountain of flesh and emerged, devouring towards Xiao and the gate of original sin.

Endless filth entangled Xiao, and Roshan and the Gate of Original Sin merged into one.

And at this very moment.

The power of the bloody god and demon struck heavily on the abyss, and that power was transmitted to thousands of monsters.

A large number of monsters were instantly wiped out, but the abyss itself was not severely damaged.

More monsters were born from the black mud, roaring and roaring at the Blood Patriarch Vivien outside.

Under the slightly unwilling gaze of Blood Patriarch Vivien.

The gate of the abyss slowly closed.

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